Soulmates |LustBerry|

By __Yami_

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LustBerry. That's it. Lust Sans and his universe Underlust terrify the others in the multiverse, even the Bad... More



883 34 15
By __Yami_

When Blue returned to the Stars base he saw the other three asleep cuddled close to each other on the couch with the credits to a movie playing on the TV. Lust was on the outside of the pile and when Blue entered the room he sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly, "BB? Is that you?" Blue smiled as he approached Lust then kissed his forehead. "It is. Did you have fun Lulu?" Lust smiled and hugged Blue, who picked him up and sat down with Lust in his lap in Blues recliner. "I did. They were really kind to me, I enjoyed it."

Blue smiled though he started to doze. "I'm happy. You need more people you can trust." Lust cuddled as close to Blue as he could, happy to be near the one he loved. His face flushed a light pink color but Blues eyes were closed so he didn't notice, laying the recliner down. "I hope you find more people like Dream, Ink, and I. People you can trust." Lust smiled and allowed his face to flush, knowing Blues eyes were closed so he wouldn't catch onto the fact Lust liked him. "Me too BB."

Time skip brought by school and me forgetting that I'm now a writer, oops

Lust has been a Star for about a week being known as L, though he's lived with the Stars, or more spacifically Blue, for about a month. Blue goes back to his AU during the day to keep up appearences and most times Lust goes with him. L also met Error and Cross, the boyfriends to Dream and Ink. L makes sure not to get too close to them after learning that they share information and Dream and Ink now tell them false information. It has been proven that Error and Cross really do love their partner but they also value their lives so they have to tell Nightmare information.

"L watch out!" Ink shouted to Lust, an attack coming towards him from behind as he fight one of the Bad Guys. He turned around to dodge but was instead hit with it, a large wound across his chest being made, much like Genos, causing him to pass out. Before Lusts enemy could hit him again Blue had teleported Lust into Dreams arms. "You two go back to base. I have something to do here." Blue spoke in a darker tone, Dream and Ink knew this as a sign to run the fuck away. They did as they were told and teleported to Blues room in the Stars base to heal Lust.

They patched him up and healed him as best as they could with their magic before laying him in Blues bed, tucked comfortably in, before leaving the room. When they entered the living room Error and Cross were standing in the center of it, "Hey guys. Um, Blue let us go because we're dating you guys I guess?" Cross explained. Dream hugged Cross while Ink kissed Error gently, "Good. I'd hate for him to hurt you." Ink smiled. "Hurt us? Isn't that what happenes every fight?" Error questioned.

They all sat on the couch, each pair cuddling together though apart from each other. "Yeah but this time is different." Dream started. "Blue used his serious voice, meaning he will basically beat you unconsious and then spare you. He's like a mom with a chankla, terriffying." Blue was extreamly powerfull but they all knew he was too kind to dust anyone. They knew that Blue would always spare no matter who they are or what they did.

Or so they thought. Due to the fact it was Lust who was hurt Blue had actually refused to spare a couple of the not important Bad Guys, dusting them without even blinking and staring right at Nightmare. The King of darkness, or Queen in Blues mind, shook at how quickly and without restraint Blue dusted the lesser members. "Leave my AU. I would hate to have to explain what happened to somone here." Blue spoke in a calmer, darker voice, scaring the Bad Guys. "You don't care we were going to destroy it!?" Nightmare questioned. Blue shrugged, "Their all fake to me. I wouldn't care, but I have good memories here so I won't let you destroy this one. Besides Chara can reset can't she? Everything would go back to normal then."

The Bad Guys shook as Blue approached again, dusting two more lesser Bad Guys. He now stood in front of Nightmare. "I heard you have a lover. Congradulations, your "family" has a father. Could you hurry and leave now? Alphys is probably looking for me by now and she found out I spend most my time in the forest." Nightmare took a step back out of fear, no one has ever had this much confidence against him other then his own crew but even they held fear against Nightmare. Blue didn't have a trace of fear in his eyes or his voice, his normal star shaped eyelights were small circles and his voice still sounded dark and calm.

Nightmare teleported the entire group away, leaving Blue alone in the forest. Well somewhat, Alphys ran out from behind a tree and grabbed Blue, making him face her, "Blue what the hell was that!?" Alphys had many questions and was asking them all untill she passed out, letting go of Blue and falling face first into the snow. Blue sighed, he hated erasing memories from people as he could only do it fully of someones memory, no matter how many memories he does, as the more someones memories are erased the less effective it becomes. It also takes a lot of magic power, like Blue would have to wait 2 days before he could even teleport. Good thing that once resets every reset.

Alphys awoke and sat up, rubbing her head, "Agh. What happened?" Blue offered a hand to Alphys who took it and stood, "You were hit in the head with some falling snow from a branch. It must have had some ice in it as you passed right out! You said you needed me for something, can you remember what?" Blue now spoke in his normal nieve tone and his eyelights were once again stars. Alphys smiles, "Yeah! You missed todays training, I was worried so I came to check on ya. You weren't home so I came here, knowing you spend most of ya time here."

She was right. Blue spent a lot of his time in this forest of his AU. They were standing under the treehouse Blue would always hide in, Alphys not knowing it sat there in the trees. "Sorry Alphys! I've just been really busy showing Lulu around! He gets lost a lot so I have to find him and guide him. I'm sorry I should have told you about that." Blue responds to Al's question, chuckling nervously after. Alphys waved her hand, "It's fine! I just hadn't seen you in a while so I wondering if you were alright!" It was now Alphys' turn to chuckle nervously after she spoke. Blue smiled, "I'm fine! I am the Magnificent Sans after all! Nothing can best me!"

Alphys smiled at Blue before she frowned and walked past the skeleton. Blue turned around and realized she noticed the dust from the lesser monsters. "What's wrong Alphys?" She faced Blue with a concerned look, "Are you hurt at all? I know you're strong but if someone hurt you..." Blue was a bit taken back that Alphys actually does care for him, despite lying about him ever getting in the guard. Blue smiled genuinely this time, "I'm fine Alphys. I know self-defense." Alphys sighed of relief before standing and hugging Blue, surprising him a bit before he returned the hug.

"Alphys? What's wrong? You've never acted like this before." Blue grew concerned. Alphys let go of the skeleton that stood only a couple inches shorter than her and sat in the snow, patting beside her. Blue took the hint and sat next to Alphys, "I wanted to talk Blue. Nothing serious, I just have somethings to confess." Blue was surprised to say the least. Was Alphys going to tell him he couldn't be in the guard? Or had she figured him out? "What's the matter Alphys?" The yellow dino sighed and looked to her side, away from her skeleton companion.

"Papyrus told me somethings. I wanted to tell you as well as some secrets I hid from you." Carrot told Alphys somethings? "Ok? Like what?" This confused Blue. "I'll start with my secrets first, so I don't forget. I should start by saying I never intended to let you join the guard. I'm scared you'll dust out there, or that you'll change for the worse." Blue laid down his back. "I know Al. I heard your conversation with Chara. I don't hold it against you, don't worry."

Alphys let out a shaky breath, Blue could tell she was crying but trying to hide it. He wouldn't point it out and pretend he didn't notice. "Also, no offense, but I've taught you how to make some not so great tacos. I didn't realize till I ate some and then ate my own, sorry Blue." Alphys chuckled again as Blue laughed lightly, "I know! I didn't want to tell you!" They both shared a laugh. Once they both stopped laughing Blue sat up again, "What did Papy tell you?"

Alphys thought for a second. "I don't know how to word this other then, there are other yous, and mes, and Undynes, and everyone. There is even a group called the "Stars" that protect everyone and the initial group, the "Star Sans'" I think he said, lead them." Blue leaned on his hand, watching as his friend spoke. "Alphys I have a confession as well." She made a questioning face as Blue stood up in front of the lizard. "I am Blueberry Sans, or Blue for short, and I am the leader of the Star Sans' as well as the Stars." Blue put one hand over his sternum and the other away from his side.

"So you knew!?" Alphys was surprised. Blue nodded as he put his hands on his hips. "Yes, though we had all agreed only Sans' and Papyrus' would know so nothing would get chaotic too quickly." Alphys chuckled, "I understand! Too many AU's would intersect right? That's what Papyrus, or Carrot?, said at least." Blue smiled, "Yes! Carrot isn't part of the Stars directly but he helps us monitor some AUs, mostly the one his boyfriend is from. Anyways! You remember Lulu don't you?" Alphys nodded, cocking her head curiously. "Well, he is another Sans! That's why we look so similar hehe"

Alphys jumped up onto her feet excited, "Really!? That is so fucking cool! Ah-Sorry" She rubbed the back of her head, apologizing for cussing when Blue has said he dislikes it. "It's alright! I'll give you a pass for now." He winked at Alphys who smiled back "Thanks Blue!" The two continued talking before Blue jumped up, "Shit! I have to go! The Star Sans' are waiting for me and if I take too long they'll tie me up again! Sorry Alphys!" Blue teleported away before Alphys could question him. She did question why the "innocent cinnamon roll" cussed though.

Blue teleported into the living room, "I'm here! You don't have to tie me up again I swear!" He noticed that Error and Cross were on the couch while Ink and Dream were standing there waiting with ropes in their hands. They teleported the ropes aways and hugged Blue, "Thank goodness! Last time you nearly didn't spare!" Blue chuckled nervously, "I know I'm sorry. Is Lulu doing alright?" The other two Stars let go of Blue, "Yes! He's sleeping right now in your bed." Dream responded quickly as to not worry Blue. Ink continued, "We had to bandage him as we can't heal completely but his wound is more like a scratch now!"

Blue smiled, "Thanks guys! I'm going to go check on him and turn in for the night, I didn't realize how late it was." The four of them said good night to Blue as the star entered his room and shut the door behind him quietly. Blue noticed Lust asleep peacefully in his bed, making Blue smile. "I'm glad you're alright Lulu." Blue changed out of his battle body quietly and got into some PJs then crawled into bed next to the other skeleton, who grabbed him immediately, knowing who it was despite being out like a light. Blue smiled and held Lust tightly into his own chest, "Good night Lulu, sleep well." Blue drifted off to sleep as he felt Lust smile into his chest.

Oh my fuck I am so sorry guys. I forgot that I actually have people reading my works and school has been going on!  To make up for it I have made this chapter a bit longer than the last one or two with around 2150 words! Again sorry this so long, but I hope you continue to enjoy this story. Your kind comments are so heartwarming that I actually squeal when I see them, even though I should be asleep or my parents look at me like I'm crazy. I am crazy. Anyways thank you for waiting and for supporting me, I love you all!

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