ENMITY , five hargreeves


814K 18.6K 38.9K

❛ it was always you. ❜ book one. ❪ number five x fem.reader ❫ More

I. | ONE
X. | TEN


25.8K 669 2.1K

☆ no warnings !

- authors note : the ring mentioned isn't meant to be any type of engagement ring. that's why it's not specified what finger it goes on:)


The humid air clung to Y/n's skin as the sun set. Hues of orange and red painted the city brightly and basked the two in the heat. The streets weren't too busy, just the cars passing by with the breezes every few minutes.

"Where are we going?" She questioned. They had both thrown out the restaurant idea once noticing the time and costs.

"You'll see." Was all Five told her.

"I'm not really one for surprises, you know."

He didn't respond to her, he just shrugged and smirked slightly. They eventually arrived at a park. Not one for kids, just one where you can sit and enjoy the scenery. There was flowers bloomed and blooming in, a big tree in the middle with lights hung in them to illuminate the area when dark out. They took a seat on one of the benches and talked for a while, watching the sun set and the moon rise with stars complimenting it.

"I was gonna give this to you today anyways. Even if you hadn't suggested the idea of a date." He spoke up, messing around with something in his hand. "Because when I went to the future, I never found... your body."

"Well, the apocalypse is over and I'm right here. So, It's okay."

"Still, incase something happens. I don't know if you survived or what. I'm just giving you this so..." He trailed his sentence off, not knowing how to word it.

"So, you can show your undying love for me?" She guessed jokingly, placing a hand on her chest.

"Yeah, sure." He played along and handed her a ring.

It was a silver color and on the inside of the band had 'thirteen' engraved into it in a fine print.

"Why the number thirteen?" She asked, sliding the ring onto her finger.

"Well, five plus eight is thirteen."

"That's smart." She nodded, staring at the ring for a moment more before reaching into her pocket to grab a lollipop. "Consider it as my gift."

"Someone outdid their self." He laughed and took the piece of candy.

"Seriously, I'll have to make this up to you sometime."

She looked over at him and took noticed of how close they were. His pupils flared and she saw the reflection of the sky in his eyes, the moon and stars glinting. He pulled her into a kiss and his lips tasted like something heavenly, like blessed rain after a drought, and hers tasted like ancient fire. He cupped her face and traced her jawline slightly, the soft curve under his fingertips.

Something not too far off in the distance came crashing down - presumably a building of some sort.

"You don't think that was the academy, right?" She asked, but a part of her knew the answer based on what direction the sound had come from.

"We should go check. Just incase." He shrugged and took her hand.

He teleported them to the sidewalk opposite of the academy and saw the building had fallen down, wrecked and in shambles. The others stood in the ruins out of breath. Y/n ran forward, climbing over rocks as she did so. She noticed her backpack under one of the rocks and picked it up, dusting the dust and debris off before swinging it over her shoulders.

"Guys!" Five called out with a newspaper in his hand. "This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today."

"I thought you said it was over." Luther stepped forward.

"I was wrong, okay? This newspaper - I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed." He explained, holding the item up for them to see.

"No, that doesn't mean anything." Diego shook his head in denial. "The time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning."

"You're not listening to me. When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else, but here we are. The moon's still shining, the earth is in one piece, but not the academy." He stressed as Klaus snatched the newspaper from his hands.

"I'm confused."

Y/n sighed, "Okay, Vanya destroys the academy before the apocalypse. We thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse and Vanya is the bomb. Therefore, Vanya causes the apocalypse." She explained slowly.

Helicopters soared over them and sirens cried, lights shined down on the six and the fallen building.

"We have to find her." Luther stated.

"Regroup at the Super Star! Go!" Diego yelled.


"Look, I hate to be the one to say this but, everyone needs to prepare." Luther spoke up once they were all there.

"For what?"

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya." He answered and Allison hit him with her notepad.

"We may not have a choice, Allison!"

"Bullshit. There's always options." Diego argued.

"Yeah, like what?"

He thought for a moment. "I don't know."

"Look, whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya and fast, okay? She could be anywhere."

"Or here." Klaus shook the newspaper he was looking through, "Look at this."

"That's right. Her concert is tonight." Diego recalled, remembering seeing a flyer about it somewhere.

"Hello," An employee interrupted. "I hate to intrude but my manager said if you're not gonna bowl, you have to leave." She stated and walked away.

"Whose turn is it?"

Y/n looked at the screen to see, "Mine. I'll go." She answered and picked up a pink bowling ball.

"Oh, for the love of god." Luther muttered and stole the bowling ball from her hands. He threw it at one of the lanes and got a strike.

"Thanks for the points." She sighed and took her seat next to Five.

Allison wrote something down on her note book and showed it to the group, tapping on it. She wrote 'she's our sister', referring to Vanya.

"We're the only ones capable of stopping this," Luther reminded her. "We have a responsibility to Dad."

"Again with Dad? He's dead, we don't own him shit." Y/n exclaimed, narrowing her eyes at Luther.

"Thank you." Diego agreed, pointing to Y/n. "I've heard enough about-"

"He sacrificed everything to bring us back together!" Luther reminded the two.

"I'm with Luther on this one." Five spoke up. "We can't give Vanya a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at stake. We're past trying to save just one."

"You know, maybe I could help." Klaus spoke up.

"Now is not the time."

"No, let him finish," Diego interjected, "He saved my life today."

"Is that true?"

"Yeah, I did... take credit for it. In fact the real hero was Ben." Klaus admitted. "Today, he punched me in the face and earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego's life not me."

"You are unbelievable, Klaus."

"You want proof, is that it?" He questioned, picking up a bowling ball and getting ready to throw it.

"This doesn't seem like a good idea." Y/n spoke up as he threw the bowling ball where Ben supposedly was and no one caught it.

"Is there any way to silence that voice in your head that screams out to be the center of attention?" Luther snapped, glaring at Klaus.

"You act like he can't speak to the dead." Y/n scoffed.

"You're both ridiculous." Luther mumbled.

"You know, I liked you a lot better before you got laid." Klaus blurted out.

Everyones eyes widened with shock and their mouths fell open.

"Which was a complete... It wasn't his fault, cause he was ridiculously high, right?" He tried explaining.

Allison backed out of the room, "Allison, wait." Luther went after her. Y/n sighed and leaned back in her seat.

"Excuse me!" A woman called out in a high pitched voice. She had her son with her who was carrying a green bowling ball.

"It's my son Kenny's birthday today, and wouldn't your kids be happier playing with kids their own age? Assuming it's okay with your two dads." She smiled brightly at the four of them.

"I would rather chew off my foot." Five hissed. Her smile disappeared as she looked over to the girl and smiled awkwardly.

"And you?"

"I'd rather lick a cheese grater." Y/n retorted, just to get a reaction out of her.

"Let's go." She whispered and ushered her son away from the group of four as quick as she could.

"If I was going to date a man, you'd be the last man I would date." Diego commented once the woman walked away.

"You'd be lucky to get me." Klaus shot back.


"All right, where's Five?" Luther questioned once him and Allison returned.

"He left." Diego answered angrily.

"For the love of- Y/n, where'd he go?"

"Don't look at me. I thought he was going to find you two." She gestured between Luther and Allison.

"Well, we can't wait around for him. The concert starts in 30 minutes."

"Okay, so what's the plan?"

"I think that... we go to the Icarus theater."

"That's a location, not a plan." Diego sighed. "What? Is that all you got?"

Y/n scoffed in disbelief as she put her backpack on.

"Look, you wanna be number one, fine. But you're gonna have to get us in the same page because right now, we're all over the place." Diego seethed.

"You're right. We need a plan." Luther stated.

People with masks on kicked the doors open and Y/n immediately ducked down behind a counter once she saw the guns. She dragged Allison down with her and Klaus joined them.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Diego yelled over the gun fire as he hid behind another counter.

"Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!" Klaus yelled back as he covered his ears.

"No, I'm pretty sure they're here for us!" Luther shouted back over the gun shots.

Diego chucked some knifes at them and Luther knocked a few out with the heavier bowling balls. Y/n froze some of them and Klaus threw a birthday cake at one. Yet no matter what they did the gunfire didn't cease. They all silently agreed there were too many for them to take out. They also needed to save some energy for when they had to stop Vanya.

"They're blocking the exit!" Klaus yelled.

"You got a plan for us, Luther?" Y/n yelled as she stood up and threw a block of ice she had made at one of the intruders before sitting back down.

"The lanes!" He yelled back over the gun shots.

The group ran towards the bowling lanes without looking back, dodging the bullets as they went.

"Come on, let's go!" Luther yelled at the last three.

The group exited the building through the back door and ran into the parking lot.

"Go to the Icarus theater! And run!"

They all nodded and began to run away to the theater, where the concert had already started.

the next chapter is the last one omg

also atm this book is blowing up- it's gained nearly 4k reads in the past six days which is crazy. i cannot put into words how much thats encouraged me to keep writing this and how grateful i am for that, so thank you for reading :)

that was a little sappy but whatever lol <33

edit ; it's currently almost at 270k which is like mind boggling, thank you all sm<33

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