Picturing Us

By hernameisnanii

488 3 6

Best friends are everything. They're always there for you, no matter what. Hanson Carter has two best friends... More

Picturing Us (1)
Picturing Us (2)
Picturing Us (3)
Picturing Us (4)
Picturing Us (5)
Picturing Us (6)
Picturing Us (7)
Picturing Us (8)
Picturing Us (9)
Picturing Us (10)
Picturing Us (11)
Picturing Us (12)
Picturing Us (13)
Picturing Us (14)
Picturing Us (15)
Picturing Us (17) {Final Chapter}

Picturing Us (16)

18 0 0
By hernameisnanii


I sat there, silently eating my food. Rachel glanced at me a couple times, while I did the same. Our meals were totally different. Hers was a salad with olive oil and water and mine was a sloppy joe with sweet potato fries. I sat there, stuffing my face, wondering who'd talk first.

I wiped my face with the sleeve of my sweater, making a complete fool of myself. "I heard, you weren't hear yesterd-"

"Yeah, I wasn't." she interrupted quickly. "I was sick." she nodded her head, feeling just as awkward as I was.

"Oh, so was I."

"Yeah, I thought about coming, but I didn't wanna make anyone else sick."

"I just didn't want to get out of bed." I looked at her, not even paying attention to my food. She smelt like vanilla, the good kind. I like the good kind of vanilla.

"You got sloppy joe on your face." she smiled. "Here..." she grabbed one of her neatly folded napkins and wiped my face. Even the napkin smelt like vanilla! I heard her usual contagious laugh, that could make anyone (including the devil) smile.

"I like food." I blurted out, which was kid of an explanation for my face.

"I could tell." she smiled. She threw the napkin onto my tray. She stood up and took her tray, beginning to walk away.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"The theater, got some things to do." she ruffled my hair, smiling. "I'll see you later."

Even though she sort of rejected me, she still acted like we were friends. It's like nothing happened.

"Alright." I said.

Out of nowhere, my head drops onto my tray. My face was deep into the sloppy joe, but I honestly didn't care.

"Dude!" I heard Matt's voice from behind me. I picked up my head, presenting him with a face full of meat and sauce.


He sat down in front of me, "The meat is supposed to go in your mouth, not on it."

"I really don't care." I replied.

"I do, wasting perfectly good food." Matt grabbed the bun, wiped my face with it, then took a bite into it.

"Dude?" I yelled.


I gave a look of stupidity as he foolishly chopped on my face food.

"Okay.." he put the bun onto my tray, "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I like Rachel. But she rejected me." I cane out with it, wiping my face with Rachel's vanilla napkin. "Do you know that she smells like vanilla? The good kind! She even makes napkins smell like vanilla! Smell!" I put the napkin toward his face.

"No thank you." he replied, backing his head away. "Well, I like mmm..." he said silently, me not understanding him.

"What?" I asked.

"Hammm." he said, once again.



"Then who? Just say it!" I yelled.

I chugged my water, waiting. "Hanson." he said.

I did a full on spit take all over his face. "Come again?"

He shut his eyes tightly, disturbed by my spit infested water on his face. "Hanson."


"Wait? How?" I asked Levi.

He was so close to tears, but he held them in with all his might. I've never seen him this pissed off, until now. "Stupid drunk driver."

I hugged him. His face was in my shoulders and could feel his tears. "My dad and I were never close. All she ever really wanted was us to get along." he cried.

I broke the hug, "Hey, Lee. Look at me. Everything's gonna be fine." I held his cheeks, staring deep into his brown eyes.

I kissed him, comforting him, trying to get him to calm down.

It didn't work.

"Look, Hanson. I just need to go home. I need to just calm down." he kissed me goodbye, then left.

I haven't seen him since. The days passed, without him. Everything was practically the way it was before, but my heart really wasn't. I haven't seen or heard of him, but I did think about him. Everyday, I wish for him to come back, but still an empty seat in front of me in English.

I sat down in front of my locker, on the floor. It's been about three weeks, without Levi.

"Hey, Hannie." A shadow appeared in front of me. Finn sat next down, with an arm around me. "How's it going?"

My head was in his chest without an answer. Finn was always there, but was never Levi. Levi was different. He knew everything, he liked everyone. He never left my head.

Later at home, I took pictures, to try to get my mind off him. It worked for a while, but then he came back. I'd go to school, then I'd come home and take pictures until I ran of things to take pictures of. But I never did. Photography was my first love, but Levi is my last.


Why is this short and sad? When will it be happy? I hope soon! Ugh.

Okay, yeah... I usually have an author's note, but this time, I have nothing to say...blah.

Okay, then...


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