The Daily Life of TC Island

By TopCrashFan17

437 36 22

This will be my SMG4 like story book. I'll be making funny, cute, and adventures story book with me and My ca... More

Crash's quest for Instant Noodles
A day with TC and Lustivora
Smesh Vs Fake Crash: The Eat-Off
Its time...

Spooky Party(Halloween special)

108 8 7
By TopCrashFan17

Halloween is just around the corner, and the entire was very excited to throw their very own Halloween party. TC and the gang have been planning everything for their huge halloween party. This would be TC and Lusty's kids first celebration, so this was also special for them as well.

Bridgett: I cant wait to celebrate Halloween! All the scary things, the costumes, the candy, the games, the food!!! This is gonna be great!!

TC: I know! Its the best night of the year!! I cant wait for the kids to experience this.

Lusty smiles, while Aliza is coloring a picture of a Pumpkin. Lokken is crawling with a mask on, chasing Ace, who is crawling away. She picks the two up, and puts on 'Spookly the Square Pumpkin'(who remembers that halloween special? If you do, I love you lmao).

TC: I think I know what we can do. We can all get our Costumes. Me and Stone are gonna be Banjo & Kazooie

Lusty: Im being Ballura~. Stone will be joining us when she gets back~.

Bridgett: Aww. I wonder what Crash is gonna be.

Crash hears her from the other room, and snickers. Coco then comes in the room, with pumpkin carving tools.

Coco: I cant wait to decorate the entire place! I got the perfect equipment to spook up everything.

TC: Perfect! I wonder where Fake Crash and Mindy are.

Bridgett: Their out getting their costumes ready for the contest. We should get started on that.

Lusty: You guys can go~. I'll make the our costumes~. TC, you get the candy~

TC: Okie Dokie.

The triplets give TC the puppy eyes, and has their hands up. TC chuckles, and puts a of them in his backpack saftly, where they all fit perfectly.

Bridgett: Cmon Crash, lets go!!!

Bridgett takes Crash's hand, and bolts out the door, with Coco following behind them. TC kisses Lusty, and left to get candy and decorations. Lusty begins using her magic to create the costumes for TC, herself, and the kids.

*with Crash, Bridgett, and Coco*
The three have made their way to the inkopolis costume store. Its was very busy, but not too packed, so they could get their stuff.

Coco: Look at all this spooky stuff. They really love halloween, dont they Bridgett?

Bridgett: Mhm. Now that Splatoween is around the corner, its gonna be a blast! Im going on Team Treat!

Crash: *shakes head: Mhm!!

Coco: Its a tough choice... I might gp on Team Trick. But who knows. Its around the corner after all.

The gang giggled, and walk in the shop. The store had decorations, candy, and costumes.

Bridgett: I wanna see you two in matching Costumes! I got some ideas.

Crash: Oh!!!

Crash runs over to a bunch of mens costumes, took a couple of suits, and ran into the dressing Room. The girls looked at each other, and laughed. They also decided to get their Costumes. 16 minutes later, the girls got their costumes. Crash comes out wearing a Mad Science costume

Bridgett: Oooh! So cute!!!

Coco: Nice, but I thought we were matching?

Crash facepalmed, as he frogot. The girls chuckled.

Coco: Luckly, I got 2 sets. Cmon, lets change.

The siblings went to change, as Bridgett sit and waited, until 2 familiar voices ame buy.

Bridgett: Cherri? Emily? Is that you guys?

Out of the corner, Emily pokes her head out, and gasps.

Emily: OMG, Bridgett!

Bridgett runs over, and the two give each other a giant hug. Cherri then comes over with sone stuff in her hands.

Cherri: Long Time no see, Bridgett. Hows life?

Bridgett: Good! Just getting ready for Halloween, with Crash and Coco. You two getting ready for Splatoween im guessing?

Emily: You know it! I love this Holiday! Even if its not a real one:)

Cherri: Mhm. We plan on being a  sanatized freak, like back in the Deep-Sea metrk

Emily: And Im being thats dof wuth the bells on her head! Whatvwas her name again?

Bridgett: Isabel?

Emily: Yeah, her.

Bridgett: That sound very cool. I hope you to can make it to our Halloween party. There will be fopd, a huge candy bar to eat your face off, games, and at the end, there will be a costume party!

The two agents beamed at the idea!

Emily: Hell yeah!

Cherri: Sure, you'll see us there.

Bridgett: Yay!! This will be so much fun! Any, gotta go back to getting my costume ready. See ya there!

The 3 agents hugged, and Emily and Cherri left the store with their stuff. The siblings finally come out with their selected costumes.

Coco: Were done. Sorry for the long wait.

Crash chuckled, and scratched his head.

Bridgett: Great! Dont show us yet, leys wait till the party.

Coco: Perfect! You got your Costume Bridgett?

Bridgett: Yup! You'll love it.

Crash shook his head in excitment. The 3 paid for their stuff, and lwft the store, and are on their way home. Fake Crash and Mindy then make their way into the costume store.

Mindy: This will be my first halloween. What do we do?

FC: *gibbrish* Oh, its easy. I can help you if you want.

Mindy blushed bright blue, and nodded. She began looking throught the accessories, and found a grey cap, and instantly put it on. The first this that came to her mind was another fellow sanatized octoling.

Mindy: Dedf1sh. Yeah, I'll be her.

She began looking for the rest of the things she needs, like black leging, a loose black shirt, a pair of grey headphones, black boots, and red shadea. Fake Crash has been planning is costume ever sence October started, so he was prepared with everything he needs.

FC: *laughs* This will be a good one. Hehehehe

Mindy: Im done Trashy! You got what you need?

Fake Crash nodes, pays for their stuff, and head back to the Tree House. We now cut to TC and the triplets hetting all the Halloween candy for their Candy and food buffet. And whered a better to go then to the Wumpa Mart. TC has all his kids sitting neatly in the cart, as he drives them around getting what they want and need.

TC: *whistling to himself* Oh, right! You three can pick the candy, huh?

The triplets giggle, and all get happy. Aliza was already holding a bag of Laffy Taffy.

TC: Uh, Oh... we dont eat laffy taffy sweety.

TC takes the taffy from her. Aliza whines and begins tearing up. Ace and Lokken look away, like nothing happened.

TC: Oh no baby im sorry!! Here, we can have it.

He hands her the bag, and she smiles again. Ace holds out a bag of Snickers, while trying to open the bag.

TC: No no no Ace! You cant open it now, but we will definetly get these.

And finally, Lokken has 2 bags of 2 candies. Reeses and Candy Corn.

TC: Oh, Lokken. I love both, but we each get one. Were getting more, but others will bring it.

Lokken dozzes off, but drops both bags in the cart.

TC: *sighs* Kids... Ok, we can get both. But no more candy untill the others get more. You little rugrats;)

The kids all laugh. TC chuckles, and pats all of their heads. He continues shopping for everything.

???: Oi! TC, hold up!!

TC: Huh? Who the hel-I mean, heck is that?

TC looks around, and sees Dingodile running towards them.

TC: Oh, its looks different.

Dingo: *panting* Yeah, I know. How've you been?

TC: Good. You?

Dingo: Pretty good mate, got me a diner now. I've desided to retire from my life of villany.

TC: Well thats nice to hear. Oh, Meet my kids. Aliza, Ace, and Lokken.

Dingo: Aww. Little cuties I see. You've busy for a while. Hahaha!!

TC: Mhm. Hehe... I guess you could say that.

Aliza and Lokken look at Dingo in aw, Ace? Not so much. He tries to reach for TC, while crying a little. TC camly picks him up, and rubs his back to calm him down.

TC: Oh Ace, its ok. He wont hurt you, he good.

Dingo: Oh, sorry mate. Didnt mean to scare ya kids.

TC: Oh no, its fine. Hey, wanna come to our Halloween party? We could use a cheff.

Dingo: Me? Cooking at your party? Why not? I love Halloween!

TC: Great! Here, let me give you our address.

TC puts Ace down, who is now calm, and rights down the address.

TC: Here you go. The party starts around that time. We'll welcone you with open arms!

Dingo: Why thx buddy. In return, lemme pay for your stuff.

Dingo takes them to the cashier, and pays for everything.

TC: You didnt have to do that.

Dingo: A good deed for a good deed TC. Anyway, I shall get ready for the party. Cya there mate!

TC: Cya Dingo!

The triplets all wave goodbye as Dingo heads off to his home. TC takes the kids back home, so they can start the party. Back at home, decarations were all over the place. Crash, Bridgett, Fake Crash, and Mindy were also stunned by all the stuff.

Crash: WOAH!!!!

Bridgett: Oh my god! Its so perfect!

TC: My my Honey. You went all out.

Lusty giggled, and put up the finishing touches on the place. TC put the kids down, and placed the stuff he bought in the kitchen.

Bridgett: Should we put our Costumes on now? Before the guest arrive?

Lusty: That sounds like a smart idea~. Yes we should~.

TC: Ok. I got my stuff ready, and Stone is on her way right now.

Lusty: Mhm~. I made the kids little tutus, you'll love it~.

The rest of the gang all left to begin putting their costumes on to look their best. With Crash, Coco, and Bridgett, the trio has their stuff ready to go. Baby T even looked like Buddy from the Dinasaur Train. King Chicken was in a little astronaut suit. The Bandicoots had desided to pick out Futuristic Robot suits, and Bridgett was a Enchanted Witch.

Coco: Oh were so winning that contest Crash! I can feel it!

Crash: Wohoo! *flex*

Bridgett poked her head from their room, looking worried.

Bridgett: Crash, can you come here for a sec?

Crash looked at her, nodded, and left to see what was up, and Coco continued finishing up. Bridgett led Crash to the bathroom. She closed the door, and took her witch costume out.

Bridgett: I chose to be a witch this year. Do you like it?

Crash: Mhm!

Bridgett: Im really happy you agree. But, Theres a problem...

Bridgett begins putting the robe on. It looked snug, and a little tight. She put the hat and Boots on, and posed.

Bridgett: Like it?

Crash studied her from head to toe. He even got a peak under her dress.

Bridgett: Hey~! You pervert~!

Crash chuckled, and grinned. He did notice that her stomach was slightly bulged out. He poked it, and she squeeled.

Bridgett: Crash... am... am I fat? I knew it! This is not ok!

She began crying from embarresment. Crash quickly gave her a hug from behind.

Crash: *clean voice* No no no sweetie!! Your not fat, not at all. Its ok to be a little chubby, it cant change you. Your still my beautiful Wife. Your gonna look great tonight!

He winks, and kisses her in the lips. She blushes, and kisses him back.

Bridgett: Thanks Crashy. I feel better now. Lets go back the treehouse and have fun!

Crash thumbs up, and takes Bridget, Coco, and the pets back to the main event. Fake Crash and Mindy were helping each other get their costumes ready. She helped apply all his make-up on, and he helped with her tentacle colors. After the two were done, they headed back to the tree house. TC was in his room putting his costume on, and practiced his voice acting for Banjo.

TC: Hmm... Guh-Huh! Eh, too goofyish. GUH-HUH! No no no, too loud. Ugh, this is harder then I thought...

Stone: *giggling* Aww, your so cute~. You'll get there eventually.

TC turned around to see his second wife, Bloodstone, dress in her Kazooie  Costume.

TC: *blushes* Ah!! Dont scare me like that babe. Anyway, you look great!

Stone: Thx. I hope I can fit in your bookbag.

TC opens his blue bookbag, and she climbs in perfectly, all snuggled up.

TC: Wow! You can fit! Guh-Huh.

Stone: Mhm. And you got it now! This is gonna be fun!

TC and Stone head downstairs to finish up. TC then sees Lusty in her costume. She notices, and twirls around seducivly.

TC: *blushes* Oh my. You look great Lusty~.

Lusty: *giggles* Really? Thank you~. I hope you dont mind I that dont have my bra or panties on~.

TC: W-W-Wha?!?!

TC then saw the Triplets at his feet in their little costumes. He softly laughs, and brushes it off. Crash, Coco, Bridgett, and their 2 pets all find their way in.

Coco: Were ready!

Crash: Uhuh!

Bridgett: *Grunitlda laugh* Hehehe

Fake Crash and Mindy also walk in, ready to go. Mindy has a portible DJ set with her.

Mindy: Ready

FC: *creepy giggle*

TC: Alright everyone. The guest is coming soon, so lets get these last things out of the way to make it feel scary!

The gang all started spookying up the yard, and The inside. 30 minutes later, our first 2 guest show up, being Smesh and Cristine.

Cristina: Woah! They really went all out. Looks fun.

Smesh: Mhm.

The two make it to the doorbell, and ring it. Suddenly, a clown came out of nowhere, scared Smesh, and quickly slapped Cristina in the Tush. The two freaked out, and panic all over the place. The clown begins laughing like crazy.

Smesh: Wait.... I know that laugh...

The clown looked at them, and winked. It was Fake Crash, dressed as Pennywise, The Dancing Clown.

Smesh and Cristina: FAKE CRASH?!?!

FC: *gibbrish* Mhm... Did I scare ya'll? Here, have a balloon.

Smesh: You got my Joker costume dirty, you ass.

Cristina: You slapped me... you do realise Im Terry Bogard, right? I OUTTA BUSTER WOLF YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW!!

FC: *gibbrish* Go ahead. I already did it for you. Hehehehahaha!!!

Cristina's eyea flared up. Fake Crash laughed more, and ran away. She cracked her knuckles, and ran after him. Smesh rolled his eyes.

Smesh: He gets what he fucking deserves.

Infinite then showed up after them. He was dressed as the Hunter from Left For Dead.

Infinite: Sup bro.

Smesh: Hey Infinite. Nice costume.

Infinite: Thanks. You too. And, wheres Cristina?

Smesh: Two words.... Fake Crash.

Infinite: Why am not supprised... oh well, should we enter?

Smesh: Not yet. Maybe we should wait for a signal. And maybe more guest might show up.

Dingodile: Like me mate?

The two turn around to see Dingodile, dressed in a Firefighter outfit.

Infinite and Smesh: DINGODILE?! GET HIM!!!

Dingodile: Nonono! Im not bad anymore. I retired! Im with you guys now, I swear.

Smesh: Hmm....
Infinite: Hmm....

TC: Hes right guys. Hes with us now, your ok.

TC came from behind, in his Banjo costume. Stone sat out of the bookbag, and gave a peace sign.

Smesh: Oh, hey TC!

Infinite: Banjo & Kazooie huh? Impressive.

TC: Mhm. We go together like bread and butter.

Stone: Mhm. I love being in this bookbag. Especially with this hot dummy~.

She softly punched TC on the back of his head. He blushed, and rubbed the spot she punched. Cristina finally came back.

Cristina: *throws her cap away* OK!!!

Fake Crash came out, with a busted face, and a missing tooth.

TC: Oh boy... what did he do this time?

Cristine puff her cheeks, and rubs the burned part near her tush.

FC: *gibbrish* It was an accident... Ok maybe not, but still...

Everyone sighed. Next came 3 octolings, Bridgett, Desti, and Mindy. Bridgett was an enchanted witch, Desti was an enamy octoling, and Mindy was Dedf1sh.

Bridgett: Hello and hi, to all of my close friends! Cant wait to have fun, until it all ends!

Mindy smiled, and played a cool tune from her DJ set.

The group all clap with joy.

Desti: *takes her goggles off* Sup my guys.

Dingo: Well well well. Helloooo ladies!

The girls: Were all taken.

Dingo: Oh... oops.

Everyone laughed, and the girls all gathered with the group.

TC: Hey. Wheres Crash and Coco?

Just as he said that, The two bandicoots bust in with there robotic suits.

Crash: *spins around and poses* Hehe!!!

Coco: Hello everyone! *does robot stance*

Crunch: Dont froget about me. Evil Crunch!

Crunch let out a thunderous roar. Everyone clapped joyfully. Bridgett blushed at her husband. The pets all jumped in, being Polar, as a Fisherman, Pura, in a Lion suit, Penta, as a Ninja, Baby T, as Buddy from Dinasaur, and lasty, King Chicken, in an astronaut suit. Everyone awwd at the cuteness.

TC: Oh, speaking of witch, Bobble is on her way to join us.

Bridgett: So will Cherri and Emily.

Meggy: I hope were not late. This Costume was hard to put on.

Meggy walked up, dressed as Selena, from Underworld. Mario can crashing down, as a Zombie with an axe on his head.

Mario: OoOoOh! Imma very scary!

Everyone rolled their eyes, and chuckles. Then, the last bit of guests show up, being Gabrial, Cape, with his gf and friend, And finally, Solarius and his 2 wifes.

Infinite: Looks like everyone is here! LETS GET THIS HALLOWEEN PART STARTED!!!

Everyone cheered with excitment at the giant party that was about to unfold.

TC: Now, let me give the signal.

TC took out a banjo, and strummed it into a clean tune. After the tune, a secret door opened, with red lights under it. Everyone gasped, and started chattering.

TC: Welp, this is it. Cmon guys, LETS GOOO!!!!

TC and Stone both jumped down the trap, and a loud hollow of their cheering followed all the way down. One by one, eveyone followed behind them, sliding down the slide, and landind in a giant room, that screamed Halloween. Everyone gasped at the decore. There were games set up, a food and candy buffet, and other things you can think of.

Infinite: HOLY SHIT!!!

TC: Mhm. We went all out this year, didnt we lusty?

Lusty: We sure did~

Lusty showed herself dressed in her Ballora costume. The triplets sat next to her as minireenas, while holding their mom's legs.

Lusty: Im glad everyone is here, and im very happy to be hosting this party for you all~. I dont have anything else to say, other then have fun~!

TC: Y'all heard her! Lets GO! GUH-HUH!!!

*The Party*
The Halloween party have finally begun. Everyone was enjoying themselves, playing games, and eating. Infinite and Smesh were both compeating in an apple bobbing showdown.

Smesh: *taking his head out* Hah! I won!

Infinite: Goddamnet! Thia game is rigged!

TC: Oh boy, the salt.

The three laugh, and ate their apples. They heads over to a bar table and sees Dingodile working.

Dingo: Hey mates. What would it be? We got Soda, juice, cocktails, and this special concoction. Idk what it is, but im sure its safe.

Smesh: Pepsi!
Infinite: Fanta!
TC: Mtn Dew!

Stone pops her head out the bookbag, and sees the bar.

Stone: Vodka Martini please.

Dingo: You got it! Lets whip these up.

Dingo sent out all the drinks at once, in all special cups, and each with a special twist.

The 4: Thx.

Desti sits at the bar with Crunch. The two are sharing a shirly temple(aka the best drink ever besides mtn dew or sprite).

Desti: Oh, this is tasty, isnt it?

Crunch: Mhm, its pretty good I guess.

Bridgett and Mindy both look at the alcoholic drinks, and take a bottle of it.

Dingo: Woah there! You two arent old enough to drink that.

Bridgett: Aww. Im a big girl thought...
Mindy: *frowns*

Desti: You heard him you two. Theres plenty of other drinks to get.

Bridgett: Mm, ok...

The two put the drink down, and each get Sprite with Red punch mixed in. They walk back over to their spot to see Crash and Mario fighting over the Pumpkin carving tools.

Mario: Gimme the stuff you meanie!

Crash: *mumble* Never!!

The girls both laugh a little, and sit next to Gabe, his sister, Solarious and his two wifes, and Cristina watching scary movies. Meggy came from getting a drink to watch it as well.

Gabe: This movie is hella cheesy. It could be better.

Cristina: Agreed.

Mindy: I-I hate scary movies! I wanna watch Monster House!

She grabs the remote, and changes the channel. She felt more relaxed.

Meggy: Ok this is better, 100%.

The others agreed. The movie begins playing, and peoplw began muching on alot of candy.

Bridgett: *stomach growls* Hehehe... im gonna get some food.

She embarressingly walks to the food and candy buffet. There were all organized by how much was of it. Crash came over to get food himself after fighting with Mario.

Crash: *sniffs* Eugh... Meat.

Bridgett: Oh, dont worry. Theres a salad bar too. Make one.

Crash nods. Bridgett then gets a plate and gets a little bit of everything, but kinda takes all the chicken dip. Crash notices, but brushes it off, and makes his wumpa style fruit salad. The two get their stuff, and head back to watch the movie. All the pets snuggle up in a little corner.

TC: Man, this party is going pretty good, if I say so myself.

Infinite: Agreed!
Smesh: Agreed!

Stone had one too many Martinis.... and was drunk. Her face was flushed, while holding the cup in her hands.

Stone: I KnOw RiGhT? *hiccup*

TC: Oh boy...

Just then, the Doorbell rings, and down from the slide comes Bobble-Chan, Cherri, and Emily.


TC: Bobble!!

The two hug each other. Bobble gets settled with a Soda, and automatically goes for the candy bare. Cherri and Emily both head to the living room.

Cherri: Sup guys. Nice party so far.

Emily: YOO! How ya'll doin? Im doing great!!

Bridgett: Hi you two. Im.glad you could make it! Cmon and enjoy yourselves.

The two nod, and go to the bar to get a drink. Emily sees Dingodile making more drinks, and her jaw drops.

Emily: omg... ITS DINGODILE!!!!

Dingo notices Emily geeking out with stars in her eyes. Cherri just roles her eyes and laughs.

Dingo: Uh, yup, the one and only. Well, not really only one, but you get the point mate.

Emily: Im a big fan!! I love your diner so much!

Dingo: Oh, are you now? Pop quiz! Name 3 of my Specialtys, and you eat for free!

Cherri: I couldnt remember any of them, let alone eat any of them. The last time we went there, I had to go to the hospital from food poisoning!!

Emily: True... she had to get her stomach pumped...

TC, Infinite, and Smesh looked up, all drunk, with shocked faces.

The 3: Damn...

Dingo: Well uh... you gotta get uses to darling. Thats all.

Emily: But this is too easy! Roadkill Pie, Slug and Centipede Gumbo, and my personal favorite, Braised Bat Tacos with Guanamole!

Dingo: CRIKEY!! You truly are a big fan! Just for that...

Dingo picked up a mic, stood on the bar table, and said an announcement.

Dingo: Good evening folks! I hope you all enjoying yourselfs.

Everyone gave a thumbs up.

Dingo: I got something special for you all. Because of this young lady, I will be cooking up my Specialties for every one of you to try out!

The group all looked excited. Lusty came with the triplets to try some out too. Cherri looked at Dingo, pulled him toward her face, and scowled.

Cherri: I swear on my father's grave, if I get sent to the hostpital from this again... it will be more then an ass whoppen you'll get from me...

Dingo: D-Dont worry mate. I got everything all good now. Just let go of my ear!

Cherri nodded, and did so. He rubbed his ear nervesly.

Emily: Dont worry. *whispers* I'll always love your cooking.

Dingo: Hehe... thx. Alrighty now, Lets get this party truly started!

Dingo headed to the kitchen, and single handedly got all the food hot and ready to go. TC actually assisted him for a couple of things. Everyone sat at a giant table, all gathered in a circle.

Bridgett: I cant wait to try this out.

Crash: *nodded slowly*

Cristina: I hope its worth it. I aint getting sick on Halloween.

Everyone agreed. Lusty sat the triplets in a boster seat that was able to fit all of them. TC and Stone came back, and joined the table. It took awhile, but the food was finally ready to be served.

Dingo: Dinner is served everyone!! My specialties will knock you all of your feet.

Dingo passed everyone one of the specialties. Everyone examined the smelly delicacies that they were given.

Bridgett: Hmm... this looks like a new experience.

Crash: *sniff* Bleh...

Coco: Couldnt say it any better big brother... bleh.

TC: Yeah, Theres a bug with a shit ton of legs here. But, we cant judge a book by its cover, right?

Everyone agreed. Dingo looked proud of himself.

Emily: Yes!!!! Bat Tacos, my favorite<3

Cherri, with a shacky hand, picked her spoon of Slug Gumbo. She saw a fat slug bathing in the green liquid. Her face turned green.

Emily: Oh cmon Cherri! Its not that bad!

She takes a huge bite off the taco, and waved her hand.

Emily: Mmm! Delicious!

Everyone murmmerd, and all began eating their handed food. TC, Crash, Fake Crash, Gabrial, Desti, Lusty and The Triplets, and Cristina all received the Slug and centipede Gumbo. Bridgett, Mindy, Smesh, Infinite, Cape, his Gf, Exsilia, and Solarius all received Roadkill Pie. And Crunch, Agent lee, Meggy, Mario, Stone, Bobble, and Dingo himself had Braised Bat Tacos with Guanamole.

Bridgett takes her first bite of the pie. It had chopped up squirrel chunks, Gravy, and a bunch of slimy vegetables. Her ears went down for a bit from the sudden taste.

Bridgett: Umm... this is... interesting. Did you use Beef?

Infinite: No, this smells like... Dead Squirrel.... I mean, I am a jackal, but still.

Dingo: Thats because it is dead squirrel. We get ours freshly off the Expressway.

Smesh: *chokes* YOU WHAT?!?!?!

He spits the food out, and runs in the bathroom to wash his mouth out.

Dingo: Why do you think its called 'Roadkill Pie'?

Mindy: I-I thought it ment it looked like dead animal, not real. *stomach turns* Uuugh...I feel sick

She pushes the pie away, and ddinks her drink to wash the taste away.

Cape: You know? Its not that bad.

Gwen: Eh, Nothing to right home about.

Exsilia: Agreed. This taste like roadcrap. No offence.

Cristina: At least you dont have bugs in your food. Unlike me...

TC: *sips it* Hm... this bug soup, is actually pretty good.

TC eats a slug, and looks shocked. Everyone looked either blankly, or impressed.

TC: Huh... Slimy, yet satisfying.

Emily: See? TC likes it.

Gabriel: Thats because hes fat. He shouldnt be a picky eater.

Stone: *spits her taco out* What the hell did you just say about my man?!?!

Lusty: Our man~?

TC: Ow... my feelings.

Gabe: Sorry. Sheesh...

Mario looked at his food, not looking to impressed with it. Meggy was eating them with no problem.

Mario: Uh, Dingopile? Can a Mario get any spaghetti instead?

Dingo: ... Its Dingodile! And sorry mate, Idk how to.

Meggy: Red, just try them. Its fine. Leta just hope this bat doesnt have Covid...

Mario's mustache grew with dissapointment.

Mario: Oooh noooooo.... Okie dokie...

Crash didnt even touch his gumbo. Fake Crash didnt even care, and had already ate the entire thing like the slob he is.

Cherri: How can you even? This us giving PTSD.... Welp, here goes everything...

Cherri picks the spoon back up, with the same slug on it. Everyone looked at her way. 

Cherri: 'Cmon Cherri!! You cant back down like a punk! Your Agent 3, you can do this'.

She slowly brings the spoon to her slips. Emily even helps out by plugging her nose. She puts the spon in her mouth, ingesting the slug, and keeping it in her mouth, all the while she was sweating and trembling. It took her some time, but she swallowed the bit whole.

Cherri: *opens her eyes* ...

Emily and Dingo: Do you like it now?!

Cherri: ........................ This... is... the... BEST THING I HAVE EVER HAD!!

Everyone: Really?!

Cherri: Yes! I do.

She takes the whole bowl, and chugs it down fast. Dingo went from looking proud, to scared.


Too late.

Cherri: Ahh.. *burp* Why the no?

Dingo: Your never supposed to eat the Gumbo fast. It will swell up inside you, and your have explosive vomiting!

Emily: Oh! Thats why you got sick last time. Not from food poisening, but from not eating it right.

Cherri's eyes sank in, and her ears fall down.

Cherri: Not. Eating. Right?

Dingo: Uh, you might wanna close the entrance... now.

TC nodded, and Slowly closed the entrance.

Cherri: Wait! Why am I left put he-

She stoped as she felt her stomach swell up. Her entire face turned green, and stomach bulged out from her costume Nothing but the sound of gurgling and her goans could be heard from Her side. Everyone else on the otherside heard nothing from the soundproof walls.

Dingo: Ugh, shes gonna kill me after this.

Emily: I hope shes alright.

Bridgett: Well, while were at it, lets eat some candy!

Everyone: Hell yeah!


She pouted, as her stomach eventually stopped swelling.

Cherri: Uurp. Guh... this is really uncomfortable... how do I ware this off?!

Just then, a full sized twix came from the otherside.

Emily: *muffled* Eat that.

Cherri: Geeze, thanks...

She eats both pieces, and feels nothing.


Cherri was interupted by her letting out a huge burp.

Cherri: Oh... excuse me.... * blushes* That felt great. And hey, Im back to normal!

TC opened the door, and yup, shes was good as new.

TC: All clear guys. We can get out now.

Everyone  begins going back to chatting, playing games, and havimg fun.

Lusty: Hmm~. This party is going great~. The kids are happy. Our friends are happy. What could be even better then this~?

TC: Our costume contest?

Stone: Yeah, when will that start?

Lusty: Oh~! I almost frogot! Hey everyone~!

Everyone looked up and listened.

Lusty: I have one more big thing going to happen~. We will be having a special Halloween Costume Contest, and every one of you will be able to participate~

Everyone cheered with joy. Lusty smiled.

Lusty: I just need us all to clean up, and follow me outside~.

She telaported herself and the triplets away, and everyone began cleaning up their messes, and candy wrappings. After they all cleaned up, they were greated by a floating entrance, that led them to the place. Everyone had their own changing room to prep up their costumes. They all spent the next couple of minutes getting extra ready for the main event.

*the contest*
The contest is taking place in the Wumpa acting theater. All wumpa islanders are gathered on this night of Halloween to see who has the overall best costume. The people who will be judging the contestants will be The Squid Sisters and Off the Hook, and the announcers are, of course. Chick N Stew.

Chick: Happy Halloween ladies and gentlemen. Chick N Stew here, gettimg our Spooky on

Stew: And along us, our special guest, and friends, The Squid Sisters, and Off The Hook!

The 4 celebrities wave at the audience behind them. They were going to be the judges of the costumes.

Chick: Now that were are all settled, lets get this show started.

Stew: Gather your Candy, and start munching, as we bring to you, The Costume contestants!!!

The crowed cheered loudly, and slowly calmed down. The first people to show up are TC and Stone, dressed as Banjo & Kazooie.


The crowd all cheered. The two whip out their instruments, and played the victory them for Smash, and sticked their final pose. The crowed clapped.

Callie: Hey! Its that Bear and Bird!
Marie: Hm.. impressive.

Pearl and Marina shared the same thought. The next pair were Crash and Coco, in their Serious Upgrade skins.

The crowd all looked amazed at the detailed costumes.

Marina: They look like mini terminaters, and its perfect!

Pearl: Now thats some fresh gear we need yo!

The two bowed down, and vanished in a smoke of dust. The next was Lusty, with the triplets.

She did a couple of hard, yet, hot poses. The triplets looking their cutest. The crowd all howled at her, and tried simpimg.

Callie: Ooooh, Boobs!!
Marie: Oh my!
Marina: *covers her mouth* So... HOT~!!!

Pearl rolled her eyes, and Lusty left with her kids. Now, onto the solo acts. Infinite showed up, pounching atage, looking like a Hunter.

Callie: Ooh! Blood. Very scary.
Pearl: Eh, not what I would call 'Scary'.

Infinite pounced away, and Cristina an in from the roof, dressed as Terry Bogard.

She dusted her cap of, and placed of her head, covering her eyes.

Marie: Hey... I have the same cap.

Marie put a similar looking cap on, and smirks.

Marie: "Are you okay?*

The other 3 were not amused. She she gave them a salty look, and hides the cap. The crowed cheers a little as Smesh shows up, renacting that iconic stairway scene in joker.

Pearl: Holy shit! I love that movie!

Callie: Eh, Dark Knight Joker is better.


Marie and Marina give Smesh a signal to move on quickly. Cape, Gwen, and Exailia come out of nowhere for their group photo.

Marina: Aww! Their all so cute together!

Callie: Where can I get that cape? I want one.

Cape: Thats a secret. Tee hee

The three moved on. Two familier faces came about, and Bridgett and Bobble shared a spot, because the two are dressed as Witches.

Bridgett: Two witches are better then one!

Bobble: *laughs* Hell yes!!

The 4 agreed with that bold statement. The two magicly flew away, and Cherri pounced in, as her omce sanatized self

The crowed all freaked out a little. Marie almost busted out her Charger, but other 3 quickly stopped that. Cherri laughed, and left. Emily flew in from a flying seesaw, and landed.

The gals all smirked. The crowd all clapped wholesomly. She waved, and leaped away. Gabe came out in an old link outfit.

The 4 just gave thumbs up for originality. And the last multiverse hero here was Solarius, in.a blanket of darkness.

Marina: EEK!! This made my skin crawl...

Marie: Very dark, indeed...

He nodded, and left. The last 2 couples were Mario, Meggy, Desti, and Crunch. Meggy was Seleana, Mario was a Zombie, Desti was an enemy octoling, and Crunch was an Evil zombie.

The crowd all cheered for the 4. The gals all aproved. Now it was down to the last two. Fake Crash came in from a fake sewer, as Pennywise.

Callie: CLOWN!!!
Marina: EEEACK!!

The audience laughed their asses off at the judges. Even Chick N Stew had a laugh.

Fake Crash: *gibbrish* Nailed it.

And last but not least, Mindy came in with her huge DJ set.

Marina: Huh?! OMG!!!
Marie: Sick beat 7.

The two others were to scared by FC to pay attention. Mindy giggled, and lined up with all the others. Dingodile showed up quickly in his firefighter outfit. They all had shown them their very best.

Chick: Well, that was quite the show. But now its time to get to the last event... the rewards.

Stew: Lets start giving them out! *clears throat* Our first reward goes to the person with the Cutest Costume. And that one goes to bot one, but two! And those two lucky ones are..... BRIDGETT AND BOBBLE!!!

Bridgett: YAAY!

Bobble: YES!! *squidparty*

The two claim their rewards, as everyone cheers them on.

Chick: Those Witch costumes were not only good, but just so adorable.

Stew: Agreed. Now, the reward for the most detailed costume was a tough one, so lets name a few. Crash, Coco, and Solarius. But from what we got, the winner is... SOLARIUS!!!

Solarius: Why thank you all!!

He claims his reward. Everyone pats him on the back.

Chick: For being a Shadow, it was very well made.

Stew: I couldnt say it better. Oh, this ome is good. Best Video Game costume. Cristina, TC and Stone, were both just so briliant, we could pick, so all three of you get this reward!!

Cristina: OKAY!!!
TC: Guh-huh!
Stone: *toots her Kazooie*

The three claim their prizzes. Both Banjo & Kazzoie, and Terry's victory themes played in the background.

Chick: We really had a tough there. You three all earned it.

Stew: We only got two rewards left. The scariest costume was an easy pick. FAKE CRASH!!

Fake Crash did a creepy smile, and happily claimed his prize. The crowd all shivered.

Chick: See? Now that was scary fun!

Stew: Mhm. Now... the last prize, goes to the best costume on Wumpa Island... Put on the suspenseful music!

Mindy put on a stressful tone, setting the mood.

Stew: Perfect. Now... the prize... fpr the best costume  in wumpa island, is........... SMESH!!!

The crowd cheered loudly, and everone all supported him. Smesh had a blank expression.

Smesh: I. I won?!

Chick: Of course you did! Never seen such close attention to detail.

Stew: Now come on down amd get your big prize!

Smesh puts on a smile, and everyone cheeres louder.

Chick: Your prize is ypu very own, Pumpkin Trophy, with your favorie candy bar!

Smesh talkes his prize, and TC and the gang all cheered for him. Chick N Stew bith signed off, and the 2 Inkopolis teams left back to inkopolise to start Splatoween. Everyone left back to the tree house.

Smesh: This is great!

Infinite: You earned it bud!

Cristina: I knew you would babe.

TC: Yeah, good job! Welp, I see that the party is over. So... whos down for Trick-Or-Treating?

FC: *gibbrish* Yes! Lets get going!!

He runs off, but quickly steels Cristina's cap.


She runs after him, have Smesh, Infinite, and Mindy running after them. Solarius, Cape, Gwn, and Exailia all desided to go back home. Cherri and Emily also go home.

Lusty: I wouldnt mind taking the kids Trick-Or-Treating~. Would you two join?

TC and Stone: OF COURSE!!

Stone lifts TC on her back, and the family walks off to a nearby Neighberhood to start. Gabe decides to to try and catch up with Mindy and them.

Dingo: Eh, gonna head back to my place to rest. Happy Halloween mates!

Dingo leaves, leaving just Crash, Bridgett, Coco, Mario, Meggy, Desti, and Crunch.

Meggy: Well, me and red are heading off to Inkopolis for Splatoween. Cmon honey.

Mario: Aw... I wanted a more candy.

Meggy: There will be candy there, you dummy.

Mario: *head shoots up* Hell yeah!

The two head there first.

Desti: Oh hell no! Cmon Crunch, we gotta get there first!

Crunch: W-Whatever you say!

Those two head off too.

Bridgett: Well. That was fast, wasnt it?

Crash: Mhm.

Coco: Totally.

Bobble: Welp, back to my friends. See ya!

Bobble heads back home as well. Just leaving only Crash, Bridgett, and Coco.

Coco: So...whats the plan you two love birds?

The two blush.

Bridgett: Well, it is Splatoween... lets all go together.

Crash: *nods*

Coco: Actually, I ment just you two. Im gonna go Trick-Or-Treating with the others. You two enjoy the night by yourselfs. See ya later guys!

Coco waves goodbye, and they wave back as she heads off with the others.

Bridgett: Well, now its just the two of us. Maybe we ca-

Agent lee comes out of the bushes, in his knight outfit.

Lee: *panting* Am I late?

Crash points down the street.

Lee: Oh man... well, thanks anyway. Hopefully I can catch up.

Lee bolts off to everyone else. Crash and Bridgett look at each other, and chuckle.

Bridgett: So, what do you say?

Crash nods, and takes her hand. The two head of to inkopolis for Splatoween.

At the plaze, everyone, and everthing became spookiefied. Decorations, The Music, all the people dancing in their costumes. Bridgett was munching on a Shwaffle, and Crash was slerping on a Tomato Smoothy.

Bridgett: Today was very fun! Im so happy I got a reward!

Crash looked at her, chuckled, and whiped her mouth and cheek.

Crash: *voice* It truly is. Especially with you.

Bridgett gives a wholesome smile. She cups Crash's cheek. Crash cups her cheek, and the two share a kiss under the spooky glow up sky. They continue to enjoy their.time together, on the night of Halloween.

(Words cant describe, how long, and how much look overs I had to do. But, Im proud of this special! And thank you to my goos buddies!
Im sorry if I didnt give you all enough screen time. But this was a blast making! If your going Trick-Or-Treating today, have fun, and be safe. Wirh all of this Covid, I you all are faving fun, but also keeping clean and caution. But that is all I have for you all)


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