Angel Unknown ~ Kuroshitsuji...

By animeandmusic

174K 6.7K 2.3K

A girl is sent to Earth. The first to find her in a forest should take care of her. Not aware of what love is... More

An Angel to Earth
To Play A Game
Is This Bad?
Nightmare to Reality
Lady Elizabeth
Jewel & Robin
Half of the Case Closed
Air, to Draw or Repel?
Tiger Loves Dogs
Ring of Hope
Ciel's P.O.V
Birthday Present
Ria's Betrothed
Gift and Conditions
Visiting Her Betrothed
Mother's Orders
Ria to Aria
Meeting the Parents
The Queen's Court
One Battle Won
Fight to the Death
Always Waking Alone
Trained to Fight
Dagger to Gun
Preview: Waking to a Different Prospective

Revenge Successful

5K 184 81
By animeandmusic

Aria's P.O.V

I grin as mother and I run to a manor. "Is this the one child?" She caresses my face and asks me. "Yes...she's the one..." I reply and force my animal side to submerge. "I can't wait, this puny human trying to hurt what I've created. Let's kill her slowly, okay?" Mother tilts her head to the side and smiles sweetly at me.

I smile sadistically, "can I make her suffer?" She laughs, "of course. That's why you're my child." We dress in lower class clothing and hold hands as we walk to the manor and knock on the door.

"Hello, we'd like to become Midford maids."

Ciel's P.O.V

After that angel disappearing, I noticed something. "Sebastian.... Where is Ria?" He looks at me and smirks, "it took you some time to notice my lord." I scowl at him, "just answer the question!" He nods and looks out the window, "with her mother. She is no longer the Lady Ria we once knew. Her name and appearance have changed."

I furrow my brow, "what? What do you mean?" Sebastian glances at me, "she has joined with Air. Now she is known as Aria." I blink, then it hits me. "What?! You let this happen?!" I growl at him and he sighs, "it was either Lady Ria or you Milord. Seeing as I am your butler, you are my priority." I glare at him but shut up, knowing this is true.

"Can it be undone?" I ask, referring to the drawing. "I'm afraid not. These types of angels are rare and there is not enough information in the records for them." I scowl again, "so you are about as ignorant as they are when it comes to information." Sebastian doesn't look happy that I insulted him but I don't care at the moment.

"This is a order Sebastian, find Ria and bri-." I stop as the carriage jolts. "Bocchan!" Sebastian catches me, making sure I don't get injured. "See what that was Sebastian." He nods and exits the carriage. "Milord...." I hear Sebastian's voice and get out the carriage, "what is it?"

I turn my gaze to what he's looking out and my eyes widen. There's a human torn to shreds lying in the road. Blonde hair is lying around the body and the person had seemed to be wearing a pink....dress.... "Elizabeth?!"

Aria's P.O.V

She's got a body like an hour glass, it's ticking like a clock.
When I thought he was mine, she caught him by the mouth.

I bow in front of Lady Elizabeth. "So your name is Aria? How cute~!" I smile sweetly at her, 'you won't be thinking that when you're screaming in pain.' She grabs my hand and drags me to her closet. "Come on we have to find you a dress!" I frown but let her have her fun.

I waited 8 long months she finally set him free.
I told him I couldn't lie, he was the only one for me.

"Milady?" I call almost shyly. "Hm? Oh yes Aria?" I look at her with shy eyes, "can we go for a walk? I know I'm not meant to ask you of this but I love na-." She cuts me of with a squeal, "of course! You're just too cute!" I blush, inwardly rolling my eyes at her excitement.

She got it out for me, but I wear the biggest smile....
Well I never meant to brag, but I got him where I want him now!

20 minutes later and we're deep in the forest. "Aria, I'm ready to go back." I smile at her nervous tone as we walk. "Milady, I know a pond not to far from here, follow me please?" Her eyes light up and she follows me. A few minutes later, she pauses. "How would you know this...? You've only just arrived from America a month ago..."

Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change.
Once a whore, you're nothing more, I'm sorry, that'll never change.

I tilt my head at her cautious voice. "My sincerest apologies Milady, I made a mistake. What awaits you is not a lake." I turn to her, my eyes becoming a emerald green mixed with red. A twisted smile forms on my face as Mother lands behind her. She gasps and turns to Mother, I flash behind her.

'Cause God it just feels so...

"Its Hell," I whisper in her ear and she let's out an ear piercing scream.

It just feels so good.

"She got blood on my hair, how revolting." I comment as we clean ourselves at a lake, after we had left the Lady somewhere she would be found. "She was disgusting, trying to fight us with swords?" My Mother laughs and I smile, combing through my hair with my nails. "Its about time we continued with our fun," she announces and stands up.

She holds her hand out to me and we get out of the water, dressing back into our original clothing. "Next, let's work our way up the ranks." Her eyes flash red and I nod, aware if what she has in mind.

Ciel's P.O.V

During the next few weeks, I've had no spare time to search for Ria. "Sebastian!" I call. He arrives and before he can say anything, I give him an order. "Find Ria- Aria, bring her to me as soon as possible. That's an order." I take of my eye patch and he gets on one knee, "yes my lord." A smirk is on his face as he leaves.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. 'Damn it to Hell... Ria disappearing, Elizabeth dying, Lau's attack, what's next...?' I shake my head and get back to my paperwork.

A while later, I begin to feel exhausted. I place a hand to my head, holding onto a letter of the most recent murders in my other hand. "Wh-What's going o-on....?" I mumble tiredly before my papers fall from my hand and my head falls to my desk. 'What....?' I think as my eyesight fades to black.


What happened to Ciel?! What's Aria and her mother's next move? Or rather, what have they been up to lately? Comment what you all think and the side chapter with Alo-

Alois- I heard my name.

-_- Really?

Alois- Yeah and I wanted to say that my chapter is gonna be most important because, well, I am me after all. *smirks*

Fangirls- *all die from that one smirk*

Ciel- *pokes Anime-Chan with a stick* Great Trancy, you've broken the author.

Alois- Well its not my fault she couldn't handle my sexiness.

Ciel- *face-palm* Hopefully, Anime-Chan will be okay. Anyway, Trancy will sign off for her.

Alois- When was this agreed?!

*drools* ..... Allie bae.....

Alois- o.O

Ciel- I told you you broke Anime-Chan. *glares*

Alois- Fine! I'll do the stupid sign off! Timber, Canterbury, Thompson!

Timber- *holds up his sign* VOTE

Canterbury- *holds up his sign* COMMENT

Thompson- *holds up his sign* FOLLOW!


Anyone who can tell me what January 19th is and the true birth date of this person gets a dedication~!

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