A Drug from the Past

By dxnnalovestowrite

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-ON HOLD- Clyde Petrov has always had mental health issues, he's been balancing his mental health and his edu... More

Chapter 1: Void of Drugs
Chapter 3: Memories of Midnight
Chapter 4: Leather and Cigarettes
Chapter 5: Weak at Heart
Chapter 6: Toxins and Tension

Chapter 2: A Plan to Remember

260 18 3
By dxnnalovestowrite



Before I left out of my office, I stood in front of my big mirror that reflected on coats and leather jackets in my closet. I have a walk-in closet in my office just in case I stay here doing work for the night; "night time shift".

I was attractive looking, I won't deny that. And certainly, everyone would endorse me. I stood at 6'4 and I wore a black suit on for the day. My hair slick back and gelled, it's pitch black and my eyes match with it. I have a stumbled face with some facial hair but I no doubt look young. I'm 24, well I just turned. I took a few deep breaths and closed the door.

Time to struggle.

My office is only open during the daytime but since I run an underground business, I remain in my other office during the night. I evaluate this place as my additional lodging. It's an illegal drug organization- sort of like a gang, but it's established on drugs and all sorts of poisonous toxins; shipments. All my workers (don't want to refer to them as gang members) carried guns too, I contemplate it a necessary accessory.

I got out of my nighttime office and headed to my daytime one. I'm going to stay in that one all day because I'm having a conference that's going to be aggravating.

In common sense, my daytime office is on the top floor, and my nighttime office is on the bottom floor.

*Knock Knock*

"Hey, baby it's me, Veronica." She flirted from the opposite side of the door.

She tapped her finger hastily against my tinted glass door, I can't catch a glimpse of her and she can't see me, and thank the universe for that. Wait, what if I drug her? - A few benzodiazepines will do (It's a spontaneous drug that will make you bypass and collapse in a matter of minutes). And I haven't drugged anyone in a while, so I'll merrily fulfill it.

I contently get up, not to face her but to drug her, and walk towards my glass tinted doors. I opened the door for her and she gawks right at me in lust and craving.

Fucking disgusting.

In controversy and fatigue, I have to play along so she'll abide by the toast. She knew my games and my rules because we've been playing around for almost 3 years, right after I lost someone. I simply manipulated her to make me neglect someone I didn't want to ignore, but I had to for his sake, to save him.

"Sit next to me, baby," I smirked mischievously, I took her hand and settled it against me. How do you unsay words without actually unsaying them?

I take a seat on me organize white leather couch in my office. She followed me like a lost puppy, she took advantage of my rules. I don't know how I dealt with her for a few years ago, but I'm proud of my ego for accomplishing it.

She stooped next to me, let me add close next to me. She had her arm wrapped around my neck and tries to loosen my tie. As I would like to throw up just now, I wanted her to suffer at the same time.

Play along

"What do you want to do, baby?" She seduces me and now my tie is completely off, the plan has to move fast because there is no way I am sleeping with her.

"How about a few drinks on me, then we could get to the fun stuff..." I whispered in her ear as I leaned over and snatch the whiskey bottle and pour her a cup, to insert the drugs I usually need specialized gloves but it's just me and her tonight although I need to distract her so I could dump them in her drink.

"Before we toast to a new relationship forming, can you grab another cup, I only grabbed one for you. And a toast involves at least 2 or more people, right?" I rub her arm in actual disgust but I can't show that.

"Okay, baby" She giggled as she gets up rocking her hips in seduction back and forth as she grabs another cup from the cabinet.

While holding eye contact, I was able to grab the sleeping pills, specifically benzodiazepines, and quickly dump them in her cup with a tissue as swiftly and calmly as possible; I move quietly without suspicion. Even if I didn't use the tissue, I would still walk out hands-free. No one can outsmart a drug lord gangster.

As she walked back to the couch, again insanely close to me, she wrapped one of her legs onto mine and leans into me.

"A toast?" I asked.

"A toast." She agreed.

I hand her the drink I set up and dump drugs in, and she gave me mine. Even though I watched her the whole time as she set up my drink, I'm not drinking it. She's beautiful but don't let her beauty fool you.

I pretended to take a sip but when she wasn't looking, I dumped it out a few times into the small handbags next to me. So right now she was the only one tipsy here.

"Babe, I don't feel so good. I need to rest-" Before she could finish her sentence, she was out like a light. Good. I made sure the sleeping pills were strong enough to make her forget this moment, hopefully, me for awhile. A man could dream.

I phoned security to take her home to her roommate. She's a born natural alcoholic so this won't be any surprise to her roommate or anyone in that matter.

A few minutes later, security arrived and took her away from me, thank fuck.

"Make sure you double the security for the next few weeks, but when it comes to her, forever. Just make sure we don't cross paths again." I breathed out, I can't handle idiots and tramps like her.

As security exits the room with the tramp. I head back to my desk and finish up the work I have to do by tonight. I won't lie, I miss playing with drugs as my career. And no, I had to take over my father's business. I remember I use to drug numerous (bad) people every day. Now it's like once a week. It gets boring now with all this paperwork. Paperwork that I have to fill out, not my secretaries.

Thank the Universe I'm home tomorrow, Sunday, what a beautiful day to be off.

A notification from my computer popped up that caught my attention. It was from Jaxon saying someone wants to purchase drugs, I always accepted my purchases, but just in case of age or history I decline. But that's usually never—

Clyde Petrov
Request: Cocaine, the strongest batch.

Do you accept or decline?:

Just when I thought life couldn't get any worse. How did he find out about this?! There's no way he's touching a damn drug in his life. He doesn't belong in this drugged, messed-up world. I did my best to keep him out, and I'll continue that.

Once I pressed decline, I shook my hand to grab my phone and call her. She needed to tell me what's going on, she promised me she kept tabs on him while I couldn't.

I dial her number as soon as possible on my phone, she answered faster than expected which was very much appreciated. That's why I hired her to work for me in the first place, she was quick on feedback and can twist a mind with her words like no other.

"Hey, boss, what's up?" She sounded casual, she probably just got out of university too.

"There's something I have to tell you tonight, would you be able to come by. It's pretty urgent..." I told her as fast as possible.

Why would Clyde want to purchase drugs?

"Of course I can. I'll be there around Midnight tonight." She replied efficiently. She was always a hard worker which I appreciate around a job like this.

I closed the phone and begin to fucking panic. Why would he want drugs? He was always a smartass and I won't lie, he was unpredictable too but not this. No way. I never expected this shit from him. I run the damn EMPIRE, and I still don't do drugs. He was never this rebellious. Is it because of what I have caused?

I paced back and forth around my office and I called my closest friend. I will never say best friend though that sounds too feminine, not too sound stereotypical.

I dialed his number and tell him to come over as quickly as possible. I can't pretend that this is okay.


About an hour later, he finally arrived.

"Boss, what's up? Why were you panicking on the phone?! WELL SPEAK!" He anxiously questioned me. He walked towards me and puts a hand on my shoulder, and shakes me out of my thoughts. I shook my head, thanking him and he smiled.

"Clyde purchased drugs, specifically cocaine."

That's all I had to say to start a discussion, meanwhile, he shared my panicked expression.

"What? Did you decline?!" Jaxon nervously asked, what kind of dumbass boss does he take me for?! I huffed at his stupid question but answered regardless

"OF COURSE I DID." I was so mad and disappointed in myself, I should have been more careful with my website on the dark web, or the 'request letter website' in general. The website is called 'Drugs and Doses.'

I should have tried harder to hide him from this world, if anything I made it worse. He doesn't remember me, that I knew for sure.

I met him when he was a sophomore in high school, and I was a senior about to graduate. We've been "friends" for the whole year until I graduated and cut ties with him completely. The way I cut ties with him is inhuman and disgusting. I only wanted to protect him.

"Boss? BOSS!?" He yelled so closely to my ear it probably would have fallen off. Once he noticed what he did, he stepped back and his eyes were facing the floor.

I would never hurt him though, Jaxon was the only one there for me when I was going through my bad habits when I cut ties with Clyde.

"What happened?" I asked while I was still in a haze, my world was crumbling down in front of me and I just had a substantial blackout for a moment.

"You zoned out for a while." He replied with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry boss, if we follow the plan we scheduled, everything will be okay. I'm sure Clyde will understand." Jaxon gave me a quick hug and pats my back in confidence.

"You don't know him as I do, he's so smart, Jaxon. He memorized the whole periodic table in the first GRADE! His memory is like Einstein's. Even if he did remember, he wouldn't tell a soul." I added negativity to Jaxon's enthusiasm, as much as I appreciate it. I can't think confidently.

I closed the most IMPORTANT meeting today. The meeting I canceled was with the girl I was on the phone with.but I made sure I stayed up here all-day, The daytime office, Jaxon, and I discussed the plan the whole day, in and out. We described every movement, conversation. It has to be exactly on top of perfect.

The main rules were:
— Don't touch Clyde, he's OFF LIMITS. "Work reasons only."
— Make an excuse if you notice suspicion
— Save the truth for Luther to explain.

"Okay so, don't talk, touch, or breathe the same air as Clyde. But, tonight is my only "exception"?" He asked as he used his fingers as air quotients and emphasized the word exception, I nod my head in agreement.

"Damn, possessive much?"

Jaxon laughed as if I'm joking. He's so lucky he's my friend or else he would've been in a ditch by now. I started to growl and mutter under my breathe thinking of someone else touching Clyde, that ISN'T me. I growled knowing this fucker wasn't taking me seriously.

"Calm down, buddy. He's all yours. He only has 1 friend, who is a girl.
She's realllllyyyyyy pretty and straight!" He reassured me, I guess that made me somewhat feel better. "Plus I like her and I'm planning on talking to her... if she answers my Instagram DM's." Jaxon explained nervously as I rolled my eyes at his stupid way of asking someone out.

"What time did you say you were meeting him tonight, Jaxon?" I nervously asked him, perfect time, perfect plan.

"Oh at 11:00 pm, why?" He questioned with a raise to his eyebrow and a sip of whiskey.

"JAXON, it's 11:15, YOU'RE ALREADY LATE! DAMNIT" I growled in frustration, we got a little too carried away with the drinks and missed the time.

I started to toss paper off my desk and whiskey bottles, they didn't shatter however because all the maids and butlers acknowledge I have a temper so they put it in plastic bottles. Probably this is the paranoia and drinks acting this animosity out, but this feels satisfying. No wonder why alcoholism is a problem.

"Dude, calm down. I'm heading there now. I promise everything will be okay. We're meeting in the alleyway in Mahattens 'Ghost Bar." He attempted to calm me down, but the only aspect I need right now prevails the plan heading to action?

"Don't talk now. JUST GET HIM. And don't forget to play along." I raged, this is a catastrophe already and the plan didn't even commence. I cant mess up this night, if someone messes it up I swear on the fucking devil I'll murder them.

"I will, I will. I'll let you know when he's coming." He patted my shoulder, jerks his keys, and bolted out the entrance. He has taken off before I could even reply.

There are whiskey bottles and papers everywhere. Whatever I'll deal with this later, I have to concentrate on right now.

We will reunite again, Clyde.


I finished all my forms and drug applications. I hired and fired new people to work. One mistake and you're out. As I'm filling the last "Hire or Fire" form, I hear knocking on my door.

Time to Play-Along, and stay natural.

"Come in" my voice came out as deep and rough as unexpected. You can hear my determination and a lure of mysteries. I adjusted my tie and glance back at my chronicles.

I didn't lift my head for a minute, I'm... well I can't believe I'm admitting this but terrified. Not of this little act, we're accommodating.

I'm terrified one day when Clyde finds out the truth of what I did, he will never look at me the same.

Jaxon started striding towards my desk, I can hear Clyde's smart ass remarks about my office about a mile away. He's always said what was on his mind, never afraid of putting me in my place. That's one of the many things I've always admired about him.

"So how you doing, buddy?" Jaxon laughed humorously, he lifted one leg onto the other and he leaned back into the chair. I know this bastard did not put his bottoms on my desk.

Breathe, Luther.

"Not so bad, a lot of work," I answered Jaxon's question with a laugh but I refuse to lift my head. I refuse to look Clyde in the eyes, not now.

I can feel Clyde's eyes on me, not judging me, just challenging me. I completely forgot to tidy the office but I don't care.

"Well, there someone you should meet, Lu—— I mean boss." Jaxon regulated himself, was he about to let my name slip out of his big mouth.

In reluctance, I raise my head without a second thought. Our eyes meet.

His beautiful smoke-grey shaded eyes imprinting into my pitch black-ebony ones. He looks so effortlessly beautiful. His hair was platinum brown, it became fainter over the years. He's not even trying to look this desirable, yet he still is. I know he endured the connection I'm feeling, the desire just to run up to him and keep him to myself forever; obsessively desirable. I've been gawking for too long.

'Snap the fuck out of it, Luther.'

I fucking told Jaxon to send Clyde alone, and he didn't listen. Seeing Clyde's little frame cling onto Jaxon sent me on the brim of a fucking rampage, my fists are clenched together like stones and my eyes darted back to Clyde.

"Jaxon, can I talk to you in private." I gritted my teeth at the sentiment of Clyde into someone else. I looked at him dead in the eyes and he already captured the message.

I got up from my comfy leather chair, strolled around my desk to get to Jaxon, and yanked him by his elbow. I dragged the annoying hulk that claims to be a badass to the corner of the office. I wanted to throw him off this floor.

"Didn't I say to send him alone, as in by himself?" I sarcastically questioned Jaxon, my jaws becoming sore and my fists are becoming weaker.

"Whatever do you mean?" Jaxon raised a brow and questioned my question. Oh how badly I wanted to murder this guy.

I stood up straight and posture myself, and not once has my eyes removed from Clyde. He's staring back at me with his innocent grin, acting like he accomplished something.

"I know and I'm sorry, boss. I've tried objecting to his amends but he was too persistent. He knew what he was doing, but acts completely clueless. You're right boss— he's fucking smart. He knew what game he was apart of." He defended his loyalty while putting his hands up in defeat. He stares at me with a 'don't blame the messenger' type of glimpse.

"Okay fine, whatever. Just leave now so we could chat in private. Make it look like I'm mad at you." I indulged, I knew Clyde was going to be like this because he always reckoned to have someone behind you, or in this case, in front of you, was a comforting way of getting through anything.

I glared my eyes towards the door so it looks like I'm kicking him out. Jaxon turned to Clyde sympathetically and hits him with an 'I'm sorry' type of look. While Jaxon is leaving the room I noticed Clyde starts to panic a little. I finally shut the door after Jaxon and lock it.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" Clyde asked cautiously as he stood back a little.  "Why did you kick Jaxon out? I hope you aren't mad at him. I told him to come with me." He tried to underwrite Jaxon's duty, he began to feel out of place as he played with the strings of his hoodie.

Whenever he was nervous about something. He would always play with a piece of his clothing and started to overthink in the process. Sometimes he would avoid eye contact but in a moment like this, we're both under a trace of tension.

"Look, I kicked Jaxon out because I warned him many times before, you were off-limits. Plus this is a discussion between a client and the boss, it doesn't involve him." I growled back, I shuffled past the pure Russian boy back to my desk as I sat down on my leather chair. I leaned posterior into the comfy chair and my eyes never removed from his stormy ones.

I offered him a chair and he quickly accepts out of intimidation. I had a minute to check him out longer. Did I mention he was admirable?

He looked so vague it's funny but then it stung me at the same time, he's depressed and I had a feeling it's because of what I did or more like what I caused.

"Off-limits?!" He began to question my words. Whenever Jasper is being told what to do, that's when his walls build up again. I have a feeling this won't go to plan.

"Sir, I don't understand where you're coming from! I don't know you and I certainly don't want to know you. You're an asshole. I just came here to ask you WHY my purchase was declined?!" He finished while he stood up from the chair that I offered before Jaxon left. He stared at me dead in the eye with a 'How dare he?' look.

"And stop checking me out, you're a fucking creep. I wouldn't want to touch you or for you to touch me." He mocked my look. There's the sassy little attitude I was hoping to see tonight. I smirked as I get up slowly, our eyes never losing sight of each other.

"You don't understand, doll. I'v touched you in many different ways." I uttered from behind him and my eyes trailed down his body.

You know what they say. You play with fire, you get burned, and unfortunately this time. I got burned even though I was pouring the gasoline into my actions. Clyde just played with the matches.

He grabbed Jaxon's keys because that dumbass left them in my office, and he started walking out the door. Before he could get any farther, I tug his arm gently but he refuses to turn around and acknowledge it. I slam the door behind him making him flinch back. He didn't realize I was right behind him so he hit my chest.

"Wait," I commanded. I could see he was hesitating before turning around, however, he still complied. The emotions in his eyes are real. He felt the connection furthermore, and I'm happy it's with me.

"I will tell you the truth, I promise. Just stay here, angel."



—— This Chapter covered Luther's POV of Chapter 1. That's why I'm posting all 3 chapters together, so nothing is confusing. Chapter 3 is already out!

—— This chapter was shorter because there was not a lot to cover.

—— 3,700 + words :)

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