Let the Rope Take Me (boyxboy)

By Reincarnation3217

230 10 15


Let the Rope Take Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

17 1 0
By Reincarnation3217

I have no idea why i'm posting this yet, but whatever, it's been staring at me all week. Also good news; I’ve found an editor. She hasn’t yet edited this chapter, so there will be mistakes, but hopefully soon it will be fault free, and flawless (: Also I tried to make this longer, but I’m on a tight schedule, I fixed a few mistakes, but I’m betting that there are plenty more. Anyways on with the chapter…


Chad’s POV

Kyle lowered down on his bed slowly dragging me along with him. I lay on top of him in shock. I wanted to move, but this moment was just too perfect, and I used it to my advantage, I lowered my lips to his and kissed him.

He let out a small groan, and I took that as a sign to deepen the kiss. I don’t know what made me do it, but I lowered my hand until it reached his penis, and I grabbed it hard; as he let out another deep groan. He licked my lips asking for entrance, I easily gave it to him.

Or tongues fought for dominance, but I gave up, knowing that he’d win in the end anyways. My shaky hands traveled back up to his belt, and I almost had it undone when there was a knock at the door. I groan out loud showing my frustration, and roll off of Kyle’s body.

He stretches off the bed and quickly fixes his hair, while looking in the mirror, before opening his door. I was wondering if maybe he had regretted what he’d done…but then why would he have kissed me back…nope no way he doesn’t regret it at all.

He swings open the door, his foster mother standing by the now open doorframe, with a boy around or age standing next to her. Despite my attraction to Kyle I couldn’t help but stare at the hotness that was him.

“Hey boys,” She says greeting us, and then continuing, “As you must know, just about everyone here is an adult, so make Troy feel at home.” She tells us, all but shoving him into Kyle’s room.

I could definitely make Troy ‘feel at home’…my dirty mind trailed off into naughtiness.

“Is he okay?” I hear a distant voice ask, but before I can comprehend who has spoken, I’m suddenly slapped in the face.

“Jackass.” I mutter to Kyle, loud enough for Troy to hear.

“Your welcome.” He say, and I glare at him, sticking my tongue out like the child I am.

Kyle’s POV

I did not just make- out with my best friend, I did not just make-out with my best friend, I did not just make-out with my best friend, I did not no way in hell make out with my best friend. Yeah this is my thought process as I walk to the door fixing my hair, worried that someone may tell that hey: I just made out with my best friend…oh crap, I just admitted I made out with my best friend! F*ck.

I don’t even know what made me do it. Was it the passion of the moment? His soft sweet lips having connected with mine, when I had lost control. And they way he…I shake my head, out of the daze, and proceed with opening the door. I know that whoever’s there isn’t as important as what has just happened, but it’s like a get out of jail free card. I know that me, and Chad, will have to have a discussion later, but at the moment I don’t feel like it.

I swing open the door, and my foster mother is on the other side.

“Hey boys,” She says greeting us, and then continuing, “As you must know, just about everyone here is and adult, so make Troy feel at home.” She tells us, all but shoving him into my room.

I look over at Chad, who is somehow- magically by my side- and see him practically eye- f*cking Troy. Really?! I mean we just made-out and now he’s moved on. Wait did I just admit –again- that I kissed my friend? No, no, no, no, no this couldn’t be real it was all a dream. I pinched myself. Nothing happened- unfortunately- and Chad was still staring the guy down…It’s not like I had the right to be jealous…right? An right now I probably looked like I was crazy, but how was a supposed to react?

I had my hand raised about to slap him when Troy broke the comfortingly- annoying- yet growing silence.

“Is he okay?”

I don’t answer and just resume trying to slap Chad, as I make contact with his face.

He rubs his jaw, and I simultaneously start to feel guilty, he couldn’t help that he was a man whore.

“Jackass.” He said, continuously rubbing his jaw.

“You’re welcome I say sarcastically.

I stare at him until finally- yet again- I have to remind myself that we have company.

I offer the play Halo and the both nod their heads at the same time. I go grab some snacks from downstairs leaving them alone in my room, leaving them to do who knows what, which is one of the many reasons that I trip up the stairs, the food tumbling off of the tray, and scattering all over the place. I hear a chuckle from behind me, and turn my head to glare at Mandy.

“Hey lovely, you didn’t say you were coming.”

“Oh Chad just invited me.”

“As in her just invited you two minutes ago and you stalk my house, knowing this party was planned a week ago?” I ask giving her an all but suspicious look.

This time it’s her turn to glare at me.

“Yes, which was quite rude of you considering I’m one of your best- and only- friends.” She growls, and I can tell that she’s joking because trust me, I have tons of friends.

“So the point of this discussion is that you stalk my house.”

“Yes, and I watch you masturbate in bed every night, yelling out a certain someone’s name.” She says, winking at me, and I blush remembering my moment with Chad.

“…I don’t even know what to say to that, you creep. Here make yourself useful and go fill this tray up with snacks. Chad wanted cheese and cracker, but considering how half of those crackers landed on the floor, I’m going to have to say get him triscuits instead. He’ll be moody, but once he sees that you’re here he’ll get over it.” I tell her handing the tray over.

I lean over the stairs to start picking up the food, but she pushes me out of the way, quite roughly I might add.

“Here I’ll clean this up, you go back upstairs, and I bet Chad’s lonely. And besides I have to catch up with your mom.”

It truly creeped me out how Mandy was such good friends with my foster mother, but it’s not that statement that made me roll my eyes. Chad, and the word lonely, just doesn’t mix, especially when there’s a new boy named Troy in the mix. Mandy also notices my eye roll and for sure as she breathes, she has got to comment on it.

“Why the snootiness? I’m doing you a favor.”

“Well there’s a new guy in my room, his name is Troy, and I’m pretty sure Troy is gay, and Chad was practically eye- f*cking him, so it’s not like it matters anyway.” I tell her knowing I sound selfish, and like I want all of Chad’s attention.

“Aww, well suck it up, grow some, and go back up stairs.” She tells me, I always lover her speeches, they were so motivating…and yet she always had a way to comment/ or insult my manhood, so yes, it could definitely get a bit awkward.  

Before I could respond she pushed me up the stairs, and I was heading to my room, where I found something. Something I didn’t need to see, ever in my life time.

Chad’s POV

After Kyle left to go get snacks, it was just me and Troy; and it was a little…quiet? Yes that’s the word, at first we didn’t know what to say. But then we started talking about me, and I’m really interesting… no not really, but it was like he hung onto every word I said, and I kind of liked the undivided attention, trust me I never got that from anyone, unless they were to tell me something about myself, and most of the times they were just rude comments that even my grandma could come up with if she tried.

My phone buzzed in my pocket with a new text, and I looked at it to see who it was.

Mandy: Hey hot stuff, how’s it going?

Me: Same old same old, you know hanging out at Kyle’s, making out with Kyle, getting slapped in the face by Kyle, me insulting Kyle. It’s my life, and it’s pathetic!

Mandy: *squeals* totally not true.

I play dumb.

Me: Don’t lie; we ALL know that my life is pathetic.

Mandy *evilly glaring at you* I mean the making out with Kyle part!

Me: Oh, I suppose.

Mandy: So what’s happening now?

Me: Being bored stuck in a room with a really hot guy named Troy… And Mans I think I want to rape him.

Mandy: -_- not 2day after everything, and the progress oh, the progress!

Me: Fine then show how true of a friend you are, and come over here now b4 I do more dumb things that I’ll regret late.

Mandy: Fine you man whore, I’m right outside.

I smile, knowing that she isn’t joking.

Me: Creeper.

Mandy: You know u love it ;)

Me: Yeah.

Soon later- to be precise two seconds later- I hear the doorbell ring. A shake my head, letting out a small chuckle at Mandy’s willingness to get me and Kyle together, she seriously needed a hobby, but I wasn’t complaining.

“So who were you texting?” Troy asks from beside me on the bed.

“Oh, just a friend.” I smile at him seductively, oh man, maybe I was a man whore.

“Well it seemed like much more than that.”

“Well it wasn’t.”

“Are you sure?”

“…I don’t know how to say this to a complete stranger, but I’m gay, and I was just talking to my best friend Mandy, so no, she’s not my girlfriend!” I explode, and a coy smile spreads across his face.

“Well if it makes you feel any better I’m bi.”

“…oh um…” I had no idea what to say after his confession, I mean what are you supposed to say to that confession? Sure I had admitted I was gay, but at less he could form words that weren’t choppy. “…that’s nice.” I say, sounding more like a dumbfound idiot then usual.

“Thanks, and you know what?” He came closer to me, and I gulped.

“What?” I asked my nerves jumbling about at his closeness, as he kept getting closer…and closer…to the point where I had to inch away a little bit.

“You’re kind of cute.”

His lips are hovering over mine, and I close my eyes in preparation for his kiss, but it doesn’t come. I open my eyes and look at the smirk on his face. I look at him a while longer, and before I know it I have him practically quivering under my gaze, that’s right fall for my seductive eyes.

He comes closer again, and I playfully drag my finger down his chest to that waist line at his jeans, now it’s his turn to gulp. His breathing increase; and I know I’ve got him hooked. I quickly take my finger away from his smoldering body and stuck it in my mouth. I have no idea why, but the last guy I dated said it was sexy, and apparently Troy was agreeing. WE were definitely playing cat and mouse….although I don’t know exactly who’s the mouse in this game.

I slipped off the bed like nothing in these last few moments had affected me, but take a look at the bulge in my pants and they will tell you otherwise, or that could still by from Kyle…oh cr@p Kyle I forgot all about him. Who wouldn’t though when they have a sex god sitting right next to them? I slowly pick up the game controller, fighting for control over my body, trying not to tremble or show that my fingers are shaking. It’s a sign of weakness.

He slips off the bed- following my procedure- and sits down next to me on the floor. I quickly look back to the TV screen, my guys about to get killed off, and it’s like everything is happening in slow motion. I feel his breath along my neck, and I shudder. He slowly lowers the wireless game controller from my hands, and I look up into his eyes…biggest mistake of my life.

(On pure impulse) I crash my lips to his, and it’s like his lips were perfectly molded to fit against mine. I lick his lip, but when he doesn’t open I result to a further step. I grab the bulge in his pants and he gasps, giving me the chance to slip my tongue into his mouth. They slither against each other, he instantly gives me control, and I find it sexy. I slip my hands under his shirt touching his abs, and then his nipples. He shudders against me, and I keep grinding against his withering body on the floor, my hands still playing with his nipples.

He breaks away to take deep shallow breaths, “Wow,” He murmurs.

“Wow is right…have you ever been with a guy…you know sexually?” I ask him, a blush forming on my cheeks from such a personal question.

“Yes...” He stutters, obviously lying, and a little embarrassed upon that fact. Although I still wonder how someone can determine that they’re truly bi-sexual, if they haven’t gone for all the options. I forget about it, and lift his head back up to mine to touch my lips to his.

I hear a distinct, thud although I can’t tell where it’s coming from.

I lose my self deeper/ and further into the kiss. Slowly I lift his shirt, and the sight underneath takes my breath away. This kid is ripped…of course not as ripped as Kyle, but fairly close, and that was enough for me. I slowly lowered down, and trailed my tongue up his abs, as he trembled against me. Oh yeah I could get used to this.

I smile at my dominance. I’ve never been in this position, you now top; it just never seemed possible. I was the guy that cried at the sight of a dead insect…okay maybe that’s an exaggeration.  But I was really sensitive. When senior year’s over there’s going to be a whole page dedicated to me in the yearbook. It will be titled: Most sensitive person in school’ and there will be tons of pictures of all my special moments. (Yeah sadly they’ve been captured -_- one word: Mandy.)

The door swings open and I break away from Troy.

 “What the f*ck?”  Are the only words said by Kyle as he quickly slams the door, just as fast as he opened it.

Shit, shit, shit, shit. I know this looks wrong, but it’s not, I mean it’s not like he’s my boyfriend.

“Boyfriend?” Troy asks me, and I look at his shirtless muscular body, no wonder Kyle was furious. It’s not everyday you walk in on your friend kissing another guy, when just a few minutes before he was kissing you. I could only imagine the long conversation we’d have. Would our friendship even survive?


Most admit it's weird writing in a boys POV when they're making out, but whatever, it's all good hopefully i'll get the hang of it so that it isn't so choppy. Seems that Chad is taking up the story, I don’t know why, but I really love writing in his POV. And he’s such a man whore, let’s review he’s with: Fawn, (well leading her on.) and Kyle who he just kissed, and now he just kissed Troy he needs some major, major help, but I still love him as a character. And I love Mandy, I wish she was real. Hopefully this is long enough, I feel like I put homework aside all day to write this so tell me what you think, so that I know it’s worth writing. Thanxs <3. Also it may be a while before I update. My grandma just passed away, and I may have to go to Florida so that we can pack up the house and everything.

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