Blood Moon (Paul Lahote)

By lilab1517

101K 2K 176

Cailyn Peters is the long lost daughter of Charlie Swan. She's trying to focus on Basketball at Forks High Sc... More

One: Charles Peter Swan
Two: The Test
Three: The Results
Four: First Day
Five: Damn Good
Six: Rez Ball
Seven: Thief
Eight: Homecoming
Nine: The Beach
Eleven: No Embry
Twelve: You weren't there.
Thirteen: Wolves
Fourteen: Frybread
Fifteen: Alice
Sixteen: Bella left
Seventeen: Green?
Eighteen: Nothing
Nineteen: Never Again
Twenty: So...
Twenty One: The Punch
Twenty Two: I'm Fine
Twenty Three: Leeches
Twenty Four: Animal Attack
Twenty Five: Treaty
Twenty Six: Birthday

Ten: Bikes?

3.6K 64 5
By lilab1517

"What do you want Jessica?" I groan as I answer her on the phone.

"When Bella and I went out earlier." She starts. "She jumped on the back of some rando's motorcycle and was gone for like 5 minutes and talked about how she felt such a "rush". I think she needs some like, professional help."

"Well that's not your call to make Jessica." I say as I hang up the phone. I walk up the stairs to Bella's room. She's sitting at her computer emailing "Alice".

"So what happened at town earlier ?" I ask as I lean on her doorway.

"I just saw a movie." She mumbles. I stare at her and she gives me a side glance.

"So what about the part where you could have gotten kidnapped?" I question. She closes her computer and turns her chair to face me.

"Don't tell Charlie." She says.

"Going was supposed to help you." I start. "You were supposed to go out and hang with friends instead of being stuck her moping around about your boyfriend who dumped you."

"I'm not moping!" She yells. Then Dad comes up behind me.

"What's going on." He asks.

"Nothing." I state and walk to my room and shut the door. I'm not sleeping beside her tonight if she's gonna snap at me because I'm stating facts.

I get ready for bed and put my nightclothes on and get comfortable. I call Cam and I lay there and talk to him before I hear my bedroom door open. I look up and see Bella.

"I'll call you back." I say and hang up.

"I'm sorry." Bella says as she sits at the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. You just don't understand." She turns her head to look at the ground. "You don't understand how much I love him. How much he loved me."

"If he loved you he wouldn't have left." I say scooting over to her.

"He left because he loves me." She explains. I lay my head on her shoulder.

"You're right." I say. "I guess I don't understand." She sniffles as a tear drops from her face. "But hey. You need to start getting better. Dad is seriously getting worried about you." She nods her head. "And I need a ride to Jacob Black's tomorrow to pick up my car." She giggles.

"Okay." She says. "What do you need to pick up your car for?"

"Earlier on the way to La Push it broke down." I say. "Jacob is fixing it tonight and it should be ready in the morning."

"So Jacob's good at fixing cars?" She asks.

"Yeah." I smile. "He's even building one." She looks deep in thought. "You okay?"

"Yeah." She says standing up. "Just tired. I'm gonna head to bed." I nod my head and turn off my lamp after she walks out.

"Cailyn wake up." Bella says as she nudges me awake. I open my eyes.

"I'm up." I say, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "I'm up."

"Good." She says. "You're gonna help me move these bikes."

"Bikes?" I ask. She nods her head. I slip on a pair of sweats and a t shirt and she leads me outside. She's talked more these past couple hours than she has in the past four months.

"Joe said we can take them." She says as we stand next to her truck beside the old bikes. I know Bella will be no help in getting these bikes up so I call Jamie.

She only lives a couple blocks away so she runs over here and it takes up a couple tries before we get one of the bikes onto the bed of the truck while Bella warms it up.

"What's going on?" Jamie whispers as we lift the other bike onto the truck bed. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know." I whisper. "But it's making her talk so I'm going with it."

"Good luck." She says and gives me a side hug before jogging home. I hop into her truck and she starts driving.

I ignore the ripped out stereo and stare out the window as we drive to Jake's. I almost fall asleep listening to the sound of Bella tapping the rubber steering wheel.

I snap my head up as we get down the road from Jake's house. I rub my eyes and stretch my hands to the ceiling and put my hoodie back on.

Bella and I get out of her truck and Jake jogs towards us, his hair blowing wildly around his face with his stupid grin on. He looks even taller since last night. His shirt showing off his muscles.

"Bella!" He yells. He grabs her by the waist and twirls her around in a circle in the air before setting her down. "Where have you been loca?" I can't help but smile at Jake's reaction to her. "Sup dork." I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Um, I brought you something." Bella states, taking down her hood. She folds the tarp back to reveal the two bikes. "I know they'll be more to fix than there worth, but if I had a mechanic friend to make it happen..."

"Me being the mechanic friend." Jacob says. "Parts are gonna be expensive."

"I have a college fund to dip into." Bella states. I shoot her a look. She's seriously spending money she should be using for college on bikes? I would kill to have a college fund and she's wasting it on something she probably won't ever use. "I know it's stupid and reckless." The exact words Charlie uses to describe motorcycles.

"It's completely stupid and reckless." Jacob says. Thank you. "When do we start?" Jake flashes a smile.

"Right now." She says. Jacob lifts one of the motorcycles straight off the bed and as I stand there befuddled.

"Fuck you." I say. "That took me like fifteen minutes to get both of them up there." He smirks and starts walking the motorcycle to his garage. "Jake." He looks back at me as he walks with Bella. I wave him over. Bella continues to walk the bike.

"What are you doing?" I whisper. "You're letting her use money from her college fund?" Bella said the words "college fund" like she didn't even car for them.

"At least she's out of the house." He argues. "She's getting better. I have that affect on people." He brags. I roll my eyes because he does have a point. His bright smile is contagious despite his enormous size. We walk back into the garage where Bella is checking out his Rabbit.

"Jake won't shut up about that car." I say.

"Maybe because I'm almost done with her." He brags while patting the car. He always talk about working on his 1986 Volkswagen Rabbit. How he just needs one more part to get it finished.

Charlie would bust a vein in his forehead if he knew that we were working on bikes while over here. Bella's seeming a little manipulative. Jacob is a teenage boy who has a crush on her, doing this for free.

Bella was sitting in the Rabbit with the door open while I sat the same in my car across from her watching her as they talked while Jake worked on the red bike, tearing it to pieces.

Jake could keep a conversation rolling without the need for the other person talking, which was perfect for Bella. I glance over to her and see a wide smirk across her face. It's been forever—no— I've never seen Bella smile before. I've lived with Bella for 5 months now and haven't seen the slightest smirk from her mouth. Maybe this was a good idea. Then the conversation got to Ateara and Embry.

"Good friends." Bella says.

"No they are." Jake says. "Just don't mess with their names." Then I hear a distant call that could only belong to Ateara.

"Is that Billy?" Bella asks and I laugh.

"No." Jake says. He smiles wide and looks as if he's blushing. "Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear."

"We're back here!" I yell. Ateara and Embry walk around the corner into the garage. They both stopped at the entrance, Ateara didn't take his eyes off of Bella while Embry was glancing between her and Jacob. I couldn't help but laugh. "Hey losers."

"Hey dork." Em greets. "Hey Bella."

"Hey Cail." Ateara says without looking away from Bella. Bella smiles awkwardly at him and he winks in response while I mentally cringe at look at Em. "Hi there."

"Bella." I say. "This is Ateara, and Embry."

"Quil." Ateara corrects and shoots me a look. "So what are you guys doing?"

"Bella and I are going to fix up these bikes." Jake explains. Ateara goes to examine the bikes and talks with Jake about them while Embry joins into the conversation while leaning on my car.

They used terms that I didn't understand and droned on about mechanics and whatever else they were talking about. Bella steps out of the car and shut the door with a small sigh.

"Are we boring you?" Jake asks.

"Yes." I groan.

"No." Bella says at the same time. "I just have to get home to cook diner."

"Save some for me." I say as she walks out. "I'm gonna stay awhile longer." She nods her head and walks away. Ateara and Em teased Jacob about his crush on Bella and I hear her giggle from outside of the shed.

A laugh and a smile both in one day. I couldn't do that for her in 5 months.

Jake made a list of all the parts he needed and I put it in my back pocket to give to Bella when I got home. Em and I made plans for tomorrow to train for Districts that's next week.

Em talked about how they had a stacked team and Jake told me to ask Bella if they could go shopping for parts tomorrow. Ateara and Em never stopped teasing him about his crush on her.

I waved bye to the guys and hopped into my car to drive off. When I got home Bella was doing her homework in the living room while Dad was watching a hockey game. I made a plate from the leftovers in the kitchen and sat down on the couch next to her to watch the game.

After I finished and the game was over I threw away my plate and changed my clothes in the bathroom. I walked into Bella's room as she was curled into her usual ball and climbed in bed next to her, preparing to wake up in the middle of the night to her screaming.

But she didn't make a single noise.

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