Green Satin Bedsheets

By hogwartsbae29

106K 1.7K 3.1K

It's Nina Robinson's sixth year at Hogwarts, and her life is finally seeming to have settled down. That is of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 3/4
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19

Chapter 3

6.2K 115 87
By hogwartsbae29

Draco's POV

She looks so different from the last time I saw her. I wish I had known that earlier today when I was with Blaise. 

He and I had been sitting in the common room, waiting till it was time to leave for class. God my father would kill me if I messed up even once this school year. There was no room for mistakes. That wanker Blaise wouldn't ever be on time for class if it wasn't for me dragging his sorry arse out of bed everyday. 

We had time to kill and were just talking about random things when he brought up Robinson.

I hadn't seen her since the last school year, and to be honest, hadn't really thought about her. She was a gryffindor, odd, and worst of all, a mudblood. We weren't friends. Not even close to it. Crabbe told me that she used to like me way back when we were in first and second year. I could see that being true, the pathetic girl followed me all around school. I ignored her, obviously. She wouldn't give up though, no matter how many insults I threw at her. One day when she was trailing behind me as usual, my friends told me to trip her, just to see her fall. So of course I did. She fell right into a bench and turned bright red and started crying. When she ran away I couldn't help but feel a little bad, she was a nice girl and I hadn't meant to hurt her. It was just a stupid dare, much like the one I just took up.

Zabini spoke, interupting my thoughts once again, "I bet that half-breed is a virgin." 

"Obviously," I replied with a laugh, "Who would want to get with her of all people!"

"She's not completely disgusting looking, she's probably gotten a few offers. Probably wants to stay 'pure' or whatever."

I paused at this, "I bet I coud get her to give in."

Zabini laughed and I glared at him. I could get any girl to give it up, just for me. 

"Fine Malfoy, I bet that you won't be able to fuck Nina Robinson by the end of this week."

"I bet I could do it by tomorrow if I wanted to" 

"Whatever you say Malfoy" Blaise said laughing, while getting up to leave. 

I followed after him trying to figure out what the hell I just got myself into. I didn't even want to hook up with the girl, but now I had to do it in one day?

I wandered into Potions and took a seat towards the back, and waited for class to start. I talked to a few Slytherins who were sitting near me, until the classroom door loudly opened. I glanced up to see a girl rushing into the classroom.

She had long brown hair, big green eyes, and little freckles sprinkled around her face, like fairy dust. And to top it off, no shirt to be seen, just her v-neck sweater. She was hot. 

I straightened up in my seat a little bit to get a better look at her. She looked so familiar but I just couldn't figure out who she was. Was she new? Have I just never seen her before? She's-

"Late to class on the first day Miss. Robinson. That will be detention on the first day as well." 

Nina. She's fucking Nina Robinson. 

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