💙Henrles💚 FanFic's

By Lololoveslemons

3.3K 62 43

It's Henry x Charles Lemons UWU from Henry stickmin god I love this ship :) btw there humans in this like the... More

"Flower Angel" 💚Henrles story #2💙

"Scratching Dove" 💚Henrles story #1💙

2.3K 44 41
By Lololoveslemons

(Hey lemons! New book starting! Henrles from HENRYSTICKMIN, I hope you guys like the new book and my old cat as a refrance crystal :D This is after the valiant hero ending btw, also depressive Henry D,:
P.S.S They look like what the cover Henry and Charles look like.)


Seconds, turning into minutes. Minutes turning into hours. Hours... turning into days, months... a year.
It's been one whole year since Charles died due to the explosion of the Topats base.
No longer than a year... feeling like eternity.
Everything would just make it worse, everything seemed like Charles, everything reminded me of him... it just made me feel so sick...
Even the sound of the clock ticking in my room.
Continuously ticking clock telling the time, time...
Time I could've spent with Charles... time we could've been going out running through fields like kids on a warm autumn day...
Rolling over every mission as easy as cake like tumbleweeds scampering across the desert sand.
But... I guess I'll be the only tumbleweed... the only tumbleweed across the sand...
Even then... I couldn't scamper for long, alone.
After 2 months of doing missions alone the government discovered how badly my mental health had depleted due to the death of my comrade.
My... crush, maybe... I'm not certain.
I've always came off bisexual and it didn't really bother me, everyone was accepting... though I had barely anyone to tell anyways.
When they found out about my mental health they gave me a sign off, the told me I needed to go see a therapist and regain my health and wits.

Now here I lay, 99% of my day, locked in my hand-me-down room, staring up at the ceiling, refusing to take the therapy classes, with slow tears eternally drizzling down my face.
Until a knock came to my door my response not even being a flinch.

"Henry. It's me the general, could you open the door? I have something to show you." He called out making my head flinch a bit.

The tiniest flame of hope sparked in me but it was instantly drowned out with all of the darkness and coldness that surrounded it.
I slowly crawled out of my black covered bed and trotted across the dimly lit room.
I unlocked the door as it creaked open.

"Yes general...?" I croaked out as I blinked slowly with dark circles covering my eyes.

The general examined me looking up and down with his hands behind his back like normal, though his face seemed to faze into a distraught.

"Henry you still look awful... how long has it been since you even went outside...?" He worried.

"I don't know... I can't go now it's like 8." I replied

He looked at me with a more worried look.

"Henry... it's 8 in the morning..." he corrected.

My mouth drooped even more as I looked down at the floor not surprised but feeling even sorry for myself.

"Oh..." I mumbled.

"Well what did you come here for...?"

"Well Henry, you have been refusing to take the therapy sessions we scheduled... so I decided to get you her." He answered.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"Her...?" I asked again.

As soon as I spoke a small fully white cat walked from behind general as my eyes widened.
I slowly knelt down to her hight inching my hand towards her as to not fret the small, fuzzy, warm mammal that seemed like a angle in front of me. she was so bright.
I found out quickly she wasn't as skittish as aspected with her nuzzling into my hand.

"She's for you henry, it's your support animal. We thought it would at least help." The general explained.

"She does... thank you..." I rasped out as I picked her up.

The generals spirts rose, he tilted his hat as a farewell and walked off knowing I wasn't able to socialize much without breaking down into a nervous wreak.
I smiled and walked into my room slowly closing the door.
I walked over to my bed with the cat in my arms and set her down.
She quickly scampered across the bed becoming aware of her surroundings.
She turned back to me and sat prettily with her tail swaying, waiting.
I looked at her confusingly and sat next to her.

"Hi um... cat" I mumbled out slightly waving to her.

I know it may look crazy for me to talk at a cat that probably understands not a single thing I'm saying but, it's polite anyways.
Polite? Since when have I been polite? I haven't had anyone to be kind to, nor have I tried to be anyways.

"This is weird..." I sighed.

I jumped a bit as she nuzzled into me making me feel warm and happy.
I've always liked animals and always wanted one but my old home never aloud them.
This cat was the sweetest one I've ever met even at that.
I chuckled a bit and set her down in my lap.
I scratched her behind her ears and pet her for a while.
She kept pawing at my leggings giving me a slight sting but it didn't bother me.
She purred softly nuzzling into me, comfortingly.
It's why I loved animals, they would love and accept you no matter what.
They just want love, food, and affection and they'll give you comfort, affection, and safety.

"Dove... I think I'll name you dove" I spoke out of the blue.

She meowed happily making me smile, she liked the name.

"Your very sweet." I mumbled petting her softly.

She meowed again and looked up at me.
She tilted her head a bit as she looked at my face.
She stood up and carefully batted her paw on my face.
I looked at her confused as well.
She continued to stare at my face and eyes meowing in distress.

"My face...? What about my face?" I asked quietly.

She meowed again and patted my face looking at me with some sort of worried look, since animals usually can tell when somethings wrong.
I quickly realized what she was trying to get through.

"Are you asking me what's wrong cause of my face...?" I asked again.

She meowed in a different tone than the last, it wasn't as distressed and it seemed like a answer.

"Oh... well, a good friend of mine named Charles died due to a explosion..." I complied.

"Sometimes I wish it was me that was sacrificed..." I morned tears swelling in my eyes.

She paused and nuzzled into my chest again giving me a long pitiful meow licking my tears away.
She hopped off the bed looking around more, looking for anything that would make me feel better.
She stopped at the door and looked back at me meowing.

She wanted to go outside.

I sighed and got up putting on some warmer clothes such as; A light blue T-Shirt, A white hoodie with sewn on small sunflowers, and dark grey jogging pants as it was brisk and frigid in the mornings.
I picked her up and opened the door climbing out of my room for once in the week.
I'd go out once a week to grab food and water to supply me for the week.
Now I'm actually going, OUT-side.
I walked leisurely through one of the many government bases and passed a few other employees swiftly changing pase to walk past them faster.
I reached the door out and entered outside.
It was cold, as I predicted, with a overcast as well making it easier for my eyes to adjust to the light of day.
I stepped out into the dewy grass hearing it crumple under my vans.
(Yes Henry wears vans in this)
I walked away from the governments bases, Wandering mindlessly into the forest surrounding the bases with my cat in hand.

Suddenly Dove squirmed from my arms and dashed off into the forest.
A sense of anxiety hit me like a truck as I saw the puff of white run out of view, my reaction went quicker than I had ever expected.
I booked it down the direction that dove went not wanting to lose the only thing I had now, not so soon, not so quickly, not now...
I pushed through the trees getting twigs in my hair and bugs in my face, I continued dashing forwards.
I broke into a clearing near a cliff tripping over a branch on the way.
I fell face first into the grassy floor coughing grass up while sitting myself up.
I looked all around in distress and stared at the edge of the cliff thinking the worst.
I looked over to the left and finally knew where I was.
Cause for there at the end of the cliff on the left side...
Was Charles grave.
Not only that, but Dove was sitting right beside the tombstone, sniffing Charles headphones.
I sighed in relief and stress slowly getting up to walk over to the only thing left that represents the sweet pilot.
It also reminds me of everything.
Everything that happened.
Everything that was my fault.
I dragged myself over to her sitting down beside her.

"Did you really have to do that?" I groaned petting Dove to aware her of my presence.

She turned to me and stared at me for a moment with her ears twitching.
She looked down at the ground with her head tilting side to side like she was trying to hear something.
I looked at her with a even more confused face.
She looked up again and started sniffing around.
She walked past me sniffing around.
I turned to her again in utter disbelief.

"What is she doing???" I asked myself.

I hesitantly got up again and followed her feeling sore from running way too fast after not even moving a inch a day.
She crawled across the forest grass entering the forest again.
She scampered through nooks and crannies, over creaks and small fields and before I knew it noon approached.
Everything was sore and she was still walking through the forest, everything seemed identical now, I realized I'd had to pick her up forcefully and take her back.
I bend down to grab her but she darted away from my grasp and turned to me once more.
She stared at me backing up, trying to peruse on whatever she was after.
I groaned again.

"Come on Dove we've been walking for 4 hours now!! Let's just go back..." I pleaded.

She backed up more as I moved forwards more.
A large gust of wind ran through the leaves just as I tried to grab her again.
I almost caught her until this mediocre branch hit the back of my neck.

"OW!! What the actual frick!?" I barked rubbing the back of my neck and looking up.

My eyes enlarged as I looked above me.
The trees above me were mangled and seemed to be in impact of some sort of large item that crashed down here.
My mind raced with so many thoughts but one would always stay with me.

'Could it be Charles...?'

I looked at the mangled mess above me and turned to Dove again.
She looked at me with a unimpressed look on her fuzzy face.
I smiled nervously and slowly nudged her to continue.
She growled slightly and continued walking in a sassy way.
I chuckled and shrugged, following her more intently this time.
We pushed through a few more branches and leaves until we hit another small field in the forest.
My heart that was racing.
I saw it.
A same type of escape pod that was found that the top hat space base.
Hope sparked in me bigger than it ever had over the past.
Finally the flame of hope.
That could withstand the wave of darkness that would crash over it.
I breathed heavily finally getting to catch my breath but at the same time it was taken away.
I paused, not sure if this was a dream or not.
I examined the misplaced scattered grass and dirt that was everywhere and the large indent in the field that leaded to the pod.
The wind rushed through my hair making the long silence feel even longer.
I looked down at Dove for a moment to see her looking back up at me.
She seemed to even be smiling at me.
My lip quivered and my eyes watered all over again when she nodded her head towards the pod.
It couldn't be...
How could she have known...
She couldn't have really understood me...
Her face showed a different story.
She was proud.
She was doing the job she was brought to me to do.
To make me happy again.

I held back a sob as to not be completely let down if it actually wasn't Charles.
I took another deep breath in and stepped forwards.
One step at a time.
I grew closer and closer to the pod.
As confronted the pod, I gasped.
There was definitely someone inside.
Not only that, the pod was set on long distance mode for some reason.
Meaning the person inside would be frozen so time would go by quicker still keeping them alive in the process.
I looked over at the control panel on the outside of the pod nervously.
It seemed it had been hit, probably by some meteor or... explosion.
I started to slightly hyperventilate.

"Charles..." I cried to myself with tears hitting the pod.

I carefully opened the pods panel with a creak, searching around for the door wires.
Once I located them I took my tool knife and the pliers to snip the wires.
The door opened with another creak as a cloud of frost emerged from the pod.
My eyes glued to the entrance of the pod as I slowly walked towards it once again.
I shivered slightly at the cold and blindly reached into the pod for the person still asleep inside.
I grabbed their hand looking away cause the frigid wind the pod created was too strong.
I slowly and carefully pulled the body out and laid them in my arms.
I ran away from the pod sitting down on the grass and wiping my tearful eyes so I could see again.
I blinked a couple of times and looked beside me first to see Dove walking up to me once more.
She stopped in-front of me and then...

sniffed the old broken headphones on the person I was holding.

I trembled finally looking down at the somehow warm, scratched, heart-beating, body below me.

"C-Charles..." I cried stuttering tears flowing down my face.

Happy tears flowing down my face.

I cried out loudly in joy as I cradled him in my arms hugging him tightly.

"Your alive! Your alive, Your alive, Your alive!!!" I cried out more clenching his torn government jacket.

Dove meowed happily climbing into the hugging session.
I slowly started to slow down the tears still being overjoyed.
I then hugged Dove too, being grateful more than ever.

"T-Thank you... T-Thank you do much!" I Thanked still trembling.

She meowed again softly and licked my face purring.
My smile widened as I turned back to Charles.
He made a small noise as his eyes squinted.
I stared at him intently watching him wake up from a 1 year slumber.

"No longer do I have to feel it's my fault" I thought to myself

"Cause your here now."

He slowly opened his Heterochromia eyes blinking a bit.
He looked at me breathlessly as did I.
He looked like he was in disbelief with his mouth slightly open in shock.
My tears hit his face making him tense up slightly until he relaxed and let my tears intertwine with his.
Our eyes lit up, sparkling with excitement and exhilaration.
He shakily and slowly reached his hand up to my face caressing it softly.
I leaned into his touch grabbing his same hand with mine.
We were both tremblingly, with each touch feeling like clouds, after not being touched for a year.
I was so overwhelmed and overjoyed it seemed impossible.
I bet he too felt the same.
Though he was probably using a lot of adrenaline trying to keep himself in a normal sate since he'd usually be slow and cold after coming out of a long distance pod like that.

"H-Henry...?" He softly spoke, with the sound of his now quiet, weak voice echoing through my ears.

"Y-Yeah! I-It's me H-Henry! Y-Your back!!!" I cried even more making him flinch slightly at the large noise.

"S-Sorry, Sorry!" I apologized speaking softer than before.

"I-It's ok Henry!" He accepted forging the loudest voice he could muster at the moment.

"I... really thought I died though..." he explained rubbing the back of his head.

"S-Same here buddy... I'm just so happy your back..." I smiled more.

"I'm happy to be back!" He chirped.

We both giggled and chuckled and continued to observe at each other.
Though Slowly... I could see his facial expression deteriorate.
My face started to gradually match his fearing what was wrong.
Was he mad at me?
Did he think I looked weird??
What if he doesn't like me anymore!?

"Henry...?" Charles asked.

I responded quickly.

He looked up at me looking even more upset than continuing.
"Well first of all..."

"Who's that???" He pointed to Dove who had watched the entire festival of emotions happen right infront of her.

"O-Oh well that's Dove my support an- I-I mean... my pet! Yeah..." I lied horribly looking away.

He blinked a few more times as his pupils grew smaller and so did his joy.

"Support animal...?" He repeated.

"W-Why would you need that...?"

I continued to look away from him, hesitantly ignoring his question.
Waves of distressed tears came washing back.
Due to memories of pain...
And loss.

"Henry...?" He asked again.

I paused and hesitantly mumbled.
"You don't wanna know..."

He gasped softly finally getting the click, Of why.
Of what happened to me.
His pupils grew smaller and tears grew larger taking up almost all of the volume on his beautiful, petit, face.
He shook his head no facing the other direction and cupping his hands over his mouth sobbing more.
Like he had just seen some sort of monster he had created.
Something horrible he had done.
Something that was his fault.

"Y-Your depressed... aren't you..." He mumbled making me jolt a bit at the word.

I paused once more slowly opening and closing my mouth not knowing what to say.

"And it's my fault... isn't it... because I left..." Charles cried.

My eyes widened.
He really did feel like he was looking at something that was his fault.

"C-Charles n-no!! If you h-hadn't saved me for the sacrifice of your l-life I would've been d-dead right now!!" I stammered out quickly wanting to get one thing clear.
None of this was his fault.
He did all he could.

Stubborn as he is...
He wouldn't believe me.
I sighed and did the only other thing I had to offer.
I embraced him tightly in my arms sitting him up so my hands were around his back instead of under his legs and back.
I could feel him tense up again as his trembling cold fingers crawled up my back.
He clenched my Hoodie and finally gave in crying on my shoulder.

"Your loved so much Charles... and especially by me... And it'll always stay that way. That's why I was affected so much when you 'left'. It's not your fault. I promise..." I explained.

He gasped more with his chest enlarging and shrinking in a uncoordinated pattern like everyone does when they have a crying attack.
Dove and I tried my best to direct his tears into happy and relief tears again.

As everything started to simmer down;
The wind,
The emotions,
It became peaceful again.
Charles slowly started to slip into slumber once more softly snoring on my shoulder.
I cracked up a smile feeling him relax in my arms.
Me and Dove Exchanged glances and both nodded.
I stood up carefully as to not wake Charles and started off towards the government base with Dove on my heels.

"Come on soldier. Let's go home." I whispered moving away from the pod, and moving away from the fears, the pain, I felt in what seemed to be such a      long time ago.


As I felt myself being carried for a while I then could hear a door opening and a bunch of muffled gasps and cheers.
I tried so hard to open my eyes... but they just wouldn't work...
All I could see was blurry movement and a good looking male carrying me-
Oh wait that's Henry.
He continued moving forwards through the crowd barking at the other blurry people for some reason.
Everything simmered down as the pitter patter is his feet continued.
I closed my eyes feeling so tired and so weak after being frozen for a while.

"How long was I even frozen in that pod for?" I mumbled out as quiet as a mouse thinking I had said it inside my head.

"A year..." Henry responded making me jolt a bit.

A year had it really been a year!?
I kept my eyes closed now as to not let anymore tears escape.
It just upset me how I missed a year of my life...
What upset me more was that Henry had to deal with feeling awful for a year cause of me...
He's right.
It's not technically my fault,
I did all I could.

We walked into another room hearing the door open and close.
The texture of the floor changed from a wooden to carpet, hearing the sound difference.
He carefully unraveled me from his arms and placed me down on a soft surface probably being a bed.
I tried opening my eyes again but now the room was too dark for me to see anything.
I wasn't in fear though.
I trusted Henry with all my heart.
He had just saved me after all.
I should thank him for that...
Speaking of saving I saved him before so that makes us even now!
That sucks I was gunna force him cuddle me as a 'thank you' present.
Oh well...
I have a crush on Henry if that wasn't obvious by now...
I don't know what it is about him he just so...
Smart; most of the time,
Not to mention down right hot-
Warm I mean-
I meant warm-
(Me- Sure you did)
(Charles- Shut up)

I realized I had gotten colder, meaning Henry was no longer holding me.
I trembled slightly at the cold curling up into the fetal position.
I tried opened my eyes one more time to see 2 figures of light in the somewhat dark blue room.
Must be Henry's room.
One of the figures was small and laid on the bed as well probably being his support animal, while the other; probably being him, was stepping out of the room.
I acted quickly feeling uncomfortable and cold.

"H-Henry!" I cried out trying to get his attention.

My eye-site was becoming better meaning the affects of the frozen pod were wearing off but, it didn't fix my freezing body temperature in the slightest bit.
He turned to look at me as I sighed in relief.

"I-I'm cold..." I explained stuttering.

He paused looking at me, his facial expression showed me he was thinking something.
He looked me dead in the eyes and walked back over to me.

"I don't have any blankets sorry... except for the one your laying on..." Henry replied scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Finally everything had cleared up from the pods freezing temperatures except for me still being cold!
I looked up at him intently and reached my slightly shaky arms up to him.
He looked at me puzzled for a moment then he finally got what I was trying to communicate.

"O-Oh! Y-You want me! Ok! Ok!" He quickly complied and slid his arms under mine forming us into a cuddle pile.

I nuzzled into him shivering in now relief instead of cold.
I laid my head on his chest feeling his heart quicken.
I giggled a bit.
He silently removed my broken old headphones flinging them to the side.
He laid his own head on mine fluttering his eyes closed.
A hot pink crept over my face as I felt his lips in my bushy hair.

"Is that all you wanted...? Cuddles??" Henry joked chuckling a bit.

I blushed more pouting a bit, annoyed and embarrassed.

"Awww... did I embarrass you Charlie???" He teased more making me huff in annoyance.

"N-No shut up... and d-don't call me that!" I grumbled

"What? Charlie??" He pushed smirking onto my hair.

This god damn tease.

I pushed him away, crossed my arms, and fumed in anger and embarrassment.
He laughed a lot and kept trying to apologize as I just ignored him.

"Well alright. Suit yourself." He taunted grabbing his phone from the bedside table and playing on it ignoring me playfully.

I knew what he was trying to do and I turned away as well pouting like a little kid getting told no.
Are you kidding me?
This already?!
He always used to tease me like this and I haven't even been back for a entire day and he's already tested me.
Why did I fall for that.
I mean no ones perfect I guess.
Though I don't mind the teasing to much...
Makes me feel a bit happy with all the attention he gives me while doing so.
Everyone likes attention introvert or extrovert.

My face softened as I glanced over at Henry a few times.
I already missed his warm touch which is pathetic but I don't care.
I haven't had a single interaction in a year so to speak, so don't judge me.
I finally turned all the way around looking at Henry.
I formed the best puppy-dog-Eyes I could create and made a small sound trying to get his attention.

"That was fast." He smirked knowing even before he looked up from his phone what I wanted his attention for.

I grumbled more hating losing another one of these, 'teasing' battles as I would call them but I bared with it for now.

"Come here you big baby." He chuckled grabbing me in a blink of a eye and sitting me between his legs making my back face him while his chin laid on my head.

I blinked in utter shock.
Charles ExE. Can not operate in this position.
Now I turned as red as a beet with the butterflies in my stomach flying wild like a leaf on a windy day.
(Double metaphor time.)

"H-Henry...?" I stammered steaming from both ears in just pure embarrassment.

"Mhm...?" He responded sounding relaxed and happy while he grabbed my shoulders gripping them softly with his black hands.

"Um... why do y-you tease me like t-this...? And um, treat m-me this way...?" I asked wondering and hoping that all of this was created; The 'teasing
Battles, because our feelings were mutual.

"Well... for one because it's fun. Your reactions impossibly cute and your feisty spirt attracts me." He replied, no pauses, no stutters. Just straight up Henry.

"A-A-Attracts you!?!?" I exclaimed with my body quivering in shock.

"Mhm... I like you ok! So what are you gunna do about it?~" he slurred tilting his head down so his lips could reach my hair again.

At loss for words I stuttered contemplating what I should say or could say.
I though for a moment, and smirked.
I saw Henry raise his eyebrow out of the corner of my eye knowing I was up to something.
He moved his head away from mine so I could turn to look at him.

"Hmmm... not sure... guess you'll just have to wait and see~" I grinned sticking my tongue out at him.
Who has the impossibly cute reactions now!
Hot reactions-
But still.
His eyes were smaller than normal and his mouth was slightly open with his teeth shut together.
I couldn't forget his eyebrows ether, they were so risen they looked like they were heading for the sky.

"Wh- I- since when did you act like this baby cakes?" He questioned with a hint of a purr to it, and I don't mean a cats purr.

"Hm... I don't know. A few years ago, I learn from the best!" I chirped giving him a back handed compliment.

He scoffed and grabbed my chin pulling me towards him.
"Come here you smart aleck~"

He pressed his lips up against mine making me almost jump like a grasshopper.
I slowly gave in letting our lips intertwine and eyes close.
He slightly twirled some of my hair in his fingers keeping his other hand on my chin as I latched onto his shoulders with my own free hands.
I drooped my head slightly to the side letting the kiss deepen as it wasn't going to last much longer due to my need for fricken air.
We pulled away and stared at each other for a bit savouring the moment.
We both laughed a bit as I rubbed the back of head.
Henry chuckled again ruffling up my hair.

"Your a pretty good kisser Charlie." Henry complimented smirking down at me.
I hated being the smaller one in this relationship.
I like that...

"Thanks! Not to bad yourself flirt master." I replied nudging him a bit giggling.

He sighed and looked at me with seriousness in his eyes.
"Charles... I'm so happy your back I really am!! I didn't know how much longer I could've went on without you... you were the first person to ever see me as someone other than a thief. Instead you've opened up the real me... thank you Charles and thank you for stealing my heart." He joyously exclaimed holding my hands firmly, never wanting to let go.

"So Charles. Would you like to be my boyfriend...?" He asked making me tear up slightly and bite my lip as a nervous habit.

"Y-Yes!! Y-Yes I do!!" I cried out Tackle hugging him into the bed making him laugh out playfully and happily.
I followed along and laughed with him.

"Now that's a happily ever after I like to see." Henry joked.

I groaned at the corny joke and backed away from the hug throwing a pillow at him just making him laugh even more.

"You dweed! You have to just go and ruin every moment with your corny jokes don't you." I barked in a joking manner while rolling my eyes.

With him laughing more I sighed and looked over a Henry's Small feline friend wondering what she had been doing in the time being.

I froze.

"Henry.......?" I asked concerned.

He stopped laughing after a bit and looked at me confused.

"Well um..."

"Why is your cat holding a camera?!?!"

Henry froze as well sharply shifting to look at the white cat.


She snickered.

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