"Flower Angel" 💚Henrles story #2💙

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(At first I didn't think this book would blow up as much as it did compared to my other books, but oh my gosh! This book has more likes, saves, and probably messages than any of my other books!! I realized now how active and kind this fandom really is and I hope to be apart of it and contribute to it! Sorry for the long message but thank you so much for the support!!

Warnings: Lonely Henry, depressed Henry- Again But not as much, Mentions of death, Mentions of murder, Bounty work, and murder. It's not as bad as it sounds I promise XD)


If it wasn't for the amount of cash I get at this retched job I would've been walking out the door as soon as I walked through it, but reasons meet reasons.
This job isn't the safest to say the least, who am I kidding it's pretty much like working for the mafia, but like- slightly legally, it's no fun at all if you can't break the law just a little.
Just a little.

You catch the criminal, you give them in, you get money.
It's as simple as that.
Such is the work of a bounty hunter, and to be honest, I actually like the job.
It's fun catching criminals with the thrill of the chase coursing through your veins; the adrenaline.
The problem is... the risk, the pain.
Already I've knocked on deaths door 3 times.
A shot to the chest, a nailed covered bat to the head, and the fall from 5 stories wasn't much fun.
Definitely not for my health it wasn't, but I'm still kicking.

As I walk down the streets of Stickville (I'm so original, JUST LOOK AT THAT NAMING) heading towards the towns builtin-board to check out the new bounty's placed today.
They're usually posted here, my dad actually taught me that.
He's the one who opened up the bounty hunter job to my view actually.
I hope he rests well now...

I stood in front of the board of notes and scribbles that most meant nothing to me.
The numbers '10,000' and '$' were printed out on the bottom of a certain page which's top half was covered by the other papers clustering the old board.
I moved the other papers with my worn out fingers seeing the bounty page.
ANDERSON CLOVER : it read, than showed a picture of the males face; Green hair swept to the side, and a small amount of facial hair.
Below the picture read information about the criminal, but something that really intrigued me was what was written just above the original bounty cash number:

Now before you ask what's so weird about that I'll explain.
Even though you often see this in movies, bounties don't actually often say 'Dead or alive' they usually just say 'alive'.
I predict the reason for the use of drastic measures from the police is that this guy has been causing too much of a rucks for far too long.
Not only that but it also might be because of what this guy actually did, or does, that's something I probably shouldn't get into.

I shrug and pull the specific paper off the strip of papers making some of the other meaningless ones fall to the ground, I didn't care, it's no point to care.
Look it's not that I'm mega depressed or anything it's just that, I've really lost the want to care, every time I care for something it just gets taken away from me, causing me unwanted pain.
My family, my girlfriend, even my dog Ellie, all taken away or left.
(I'm so sorry I made Ellie into a dog and killed her :,) I'm silently slapping myself)
So I just decided on the concept 'don't care, don't fret loss' it's as simple as that.

I walked away from the bulletin-board and down the dark streets of the quiet town, the street lamps blared brightly hiding the stars, at least most of the time they did.
I paused after noticing this, pondering for a moment.
I then didn't think to much of it and continued slouching while slowly dragging myself down the cracked side walks once more.

It was then when everything went slightly blank, and I just kept walking mindlessly.
I wasn't frightened but mostly surprised, it's liked I couldn't even control myself as I kept moving forwards away from my home where I was wanting to go.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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