Crusin' On Vacation

By percyswhore

965 237 65

After hearing the heartbreaking news of her parents thinking of a getting a divorce, Ava Lynn decides the bes... More

Cruisin' On Vacation - Synopsis.
Prologue| I'm Not Ready.
00| Settling In.
01| The Wonderful Blue Sea.
02| Twenty Questions.
03| Baking Isn't Really My Thing.
05| I'll Break Their Elbows.
06| Do Not Take My Advice To Heart.
07| It's a Game Of Precise Teamwork.
08| I Would Be Long Gone.
09| The Thief On Cruise.
10| Flattery Does Not Work On Me.
11| Never Got a Response.
12| My Favourite Grandchild.
13| Let Me Be.
14| I Also Look Like I Just Rose Up From The Dead.
15| Trouble In Paradise.
16| The Little Airhead Duo.
17| Not If You Try.
18| It'll Always Be Me and You.
Epilogue| The Two So-called Angels.
Bonus Chapter| The Three-Day Old Sandwich.

04| Swimming With The Hotties.

34 11 3
By percyswhore

I found out that only four people in my school know CORPSE. How is that even possible-

* * *

Day 3: Swimming With The Hotties.

TODAY WAS THE DAY SCHEDULED FOR A POOL PARTY. I didn't get the use. But, I'd somehow manage to use this to my benefit. I didn't have any swim suits, though. But since it was by five PM, I had time to figure that out.

After carrying the giraffe on my shoulders to his room, I made my way here and collapsed on my bed. The boy weighed a ton, and he didn't even know it.

I was still in bed. I hadn't gotten up from here since I woke up, except to take a bath. I didn't plan on moving either. I honestly just don't feel like doing anything, which was incredibly weird to me, because I couldn't rest until I did something.

My hand reached out to look for my phone on my bed. I searched everywhere without looking for it. I eventually gave up on my dream to stay in bed forever.

I got out of bed. I searched the whole room but still couldn't find my phone. I needed that phone to be able to communicate with Tom. If I didn't have it, and he somehow needed to tell me something urgently, he'd send me a text and I wouldn't see it.

He could also come see me, but since Tom appeared to be the lazy type, his hangover would stop him.

I soon heard a shrill ping! At the far corner, I spotted something pop up. It was like light; like phone light.


I hurried over to the source, and picked the phone up in my arms. It was an iMessage. I smiled, putting in my password, but then I heard the familiar buzz telling me it was incorrect. What?

I nearly fainted. If I'd forgotten my password, then I would he doomed. I vaguely remembered changing it to applepie not so long ago.

I held my hand up, ready to throw the phone on the floor in frustration, but then I saw the phone case. It was black, with sprinkles of glitter on it. Mine was black too, just not glitter. I hated glitter. It always went everywhere and never came off.

This wasn't my phone. I thought, as I examined the phone. I put it on once more. The lock screen too was different. It was a picture of a quote, never give up. My lock screen was a picture of my best friend, Lillian's dog. Cody. This definitely wasn't my phone.

I groaned, realising where my phone was. It was probably in Thomas' room. Once I'd dumped him on his bed last night, I dropped my phone on the nightstand to catch my breath. Then I picked it up, ran out of the room, and dumped myself on my bed.

Our cases were similar after all.

I headed towards my door. I reached out to turn the knob of the door. When I did, it didn't budge. Why wouldn't this open?

Oh right, it was locked.

I walked out of my room, heading to Thomas'. I didn't care if I was in short shorts and a tank top. I didn't care about me being bare feet. I just walked straight up to his room.

Once I got there, I expected the door to be locked, but it wasn't. Not everyone is a security freak like you, Ava. I reminded myself. I wanted to knock, but then I felt like I'd be intruding on his sleep. He would probably be hungover.

I opened the door, slowly and got in. He wasn't on his bed. And there was no one in his room either. Where had the boy gone? It was past time for breakfast. Surely, he couldn't be that hungry.

I spotted my phone where I'd dropped it last night. I mentally sighed I relief, as I rushed over to it. I did a quick switch, and held the phone close to me. It was then I noticed how messy his room was. This was only the third day and he had managed to get pizza crust on the floor. They didn't even serve pizza here.

My fingers twitched. I resisted the urge to leave everything and arrange his room. I eventually gave in, because heaven knows I wouldn't be able to live if I didn't.

Once I was done, I smiled in accomplishment. Then I heard a groan.

"Well, this is a wonderful sight to see. But, Ava? Did you go walking around the halls in those sexy shorts?" Thomas teased.

I jumped in fright, my phone falling on the hard floor in the process. I turned around, ready to scold Thomas, but I stopped in my tracks.

Someone save my ovaries.

Now I knew why girls craved a guys morning voice. I never understood it, before. When girls at school would always talk about their boyfriends.

But that wasn't even the point.

The guy in front of me was shirtless. Only in a towel, that hung low below his waist. His hair was dripping wet, and was now a deeper shade of dirty blonde. The way the water droplets trickled down his body. . . I was going to be honest with myself, he looked like someone straight out from a romance novel.

Wait, did he just say these shorts were sexy? I almost puked.

"Excuse me?" I finally spoke, after I'd regained my senses. I didn't pin Thomas to be the flirty type. But again, he was full of surprises so maybe I'd just have to get used to it.

He chuckled, walking over to his bed and plopping himself on it. He rested his hands behind his head so they could support it.

"You heard me." He gave me that boyish grin of his.

"Okay Mr. FlirtyPants. I came here to get my phone since appreciate it got switched with yours last night when I came to—"

"Ava, the fuck? You had sex with me?"

"No, you dimwit!" I yelled in frustration. "You were drunk. I came here to drop you on your bed, idiot. And then I left. Nothing else." I said, through gritted teeth. It was still morning, and he'd already managed to get on my last nerves.

"Oh yeah," he drawled out. "Would explain my head hurts like a bitch." He complained, his hand flying to his head to nurse it. "I am never drinking again. If I do, slap me."

"I can promise you you're going to get drunk once you've forgotten about this hangover." I told him, rolling my eyes.

Thomas sighed. "Do you get joy from calling me out like that?" He whined, but instantly groaned. I would snap at him, but his hangover was already an enough punishment. "Shit."

"Serves you right." I huffed, rolling my eyes at him. I picked my phone up, thankful for the fact that there was no noticeable crack. At least, I hadn't seen any.

"Don't leave me here!" Thomas shrieked, throwing his hands out as if asking for a hug. He pouted, and let me just say he looked like a child. A cute one.

Once I had realized what my thoughts were filled of, I instantly cringed. I shook them off.

"I think the hangover is messing with your brain." I scoffed, glaring at him. I watched his face fall in disappointment. It wasn't that I didn't want to hug him. It was that I didn't want to form any bond with him. After this, we wouldn't see each other anymore so I didn't see the point. It would only end up in me constantly thinking about him, when he would be busy with his girlfriend.

Wait, was he single?

A part of me wanted to know the answer to that question. A bigger part of me didn't. I didn't need my mind wondering of to places like that.

"I am wounded." Thomas sighed, sinking in his bed. I almost laughed in his face. He looked hurt but one could easily tell he was joking. If you wanted to understand what being wounded was, then he should try being constantly reminded of the fact that the family he always wished for falling apart.

"I would say something about how ridiculous that is, but I'm holding myself back." I snapped at him, rolling me eyes once more and walking out of the room.

His expression kept replaying itself in my mind. He looked genuinely confused and absolutely dumbstruck. He obviously was not expecting my sudden outburst. Neither was I. I didn't know what had gotten into me and I wasn't sure if I did want to know.

I was always met with the constant reminder that my parents were going to split up. Being on this cruise right now is a reminder. I tried to be optimistic about this, but there was always that little pessimist voice at the back of my head telling me it was no use.

I almost gave in to that voice.

Once I'd reached my room, I slammed my door in frustration. Why in hell was I thinking this way? I shouldn't. I couldn't. I couldn't afford to do that.

My phone buzzed. I relaxed, realizing that I'd gotten my phone back. I instantly put in my password and checked the notification. It was from Thomas.

Thomas: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Please come back, I'm lonely :(

Just the little gesture of his had me biting my cheek to prevent myself from smiling or chuckling. I shook my head, disappointed with myself. I really needed to get a grip of myself.

I sighed, realizing how irrational my actions were. I was completely random. He must be so confused as to why I'd snapped at him like that. He deserved none of the way I had treated him, especially since he's always trying to make me smile.

Me: I should be apologising, not you. I was completely over dramatic and insensible. I shouldn't have been so harsh to you. I apologise.

Thomas: first, you're SO formal. Try being a teenager for once, would you? Second, I feel like I offended you, so I need to apologise. Third, I did say I was lonely so........................

I rolled my eyes at the effect of suspense he had created. I finally gave in and let the smile find it's way to my face. I slid down against my door until I hit the ground. I wasn't really paying attention to anything around me.

Me: and you're so dumb. Meet me at the balcony I guess?

Thomas: we've only just met Ava. I can't be going on dates with you

I rolled my eyes again at his childishness. He was so playful and jolly that I sometimes wondered if he was human. Was there ever a time in his life where he wasn't so playful and just cut himself out from others?

Me: sometimes, I feel like ripping both your eye balls and your tongue out. Maybe the world would live in peace then.

Thomas: sometimes?

Me: everytime.

Thomas: now that's better. Anyways, I'd LOVE to go to the balcony with yoouuu. We could get alcohol and snacksssss. don't you want snacks??

Me: I see you have forgotten about your hangover. And if you're close to me, don't drink. You're underage.

Thomas: you are honestly no fun

Me: so I've been told.

It was then I realized I was against my door, grinning like an idiot as I texted Thomas. I normally wasn't even on my phone, and yet here I was. I frowned, not really liking the idea.

I stood up, and dusted myself up. This was definitely not like me. I didn't even know why I acted like this anymore. I wasn't in control. I had said it before, and I was saying it again. This boy would be the death of me.

* * *

It was finally time for the pool party thing. My parents didn't like swimming, but they liked absorbing the sun. My plan was to serve them. I'd be their personal waiter or waitress, and so would Thomas. Whether he liked the idea or not. I literally had nothing else to work with.

My suit case was on my bed. I needed to find something to work with. Something I could use to wear and go by freely as a waitress.

Please note that if anyone found out that I wasn't really a waitress for this cruise, I would be in huge trouble. According to the guidelines it was punishable (by that, they mean they would deny me of all activities to be performed) to pose as someone you weren't. My guess was the person who organized this cruise ship probably hated impersonation.

I opened my suit case, mostly because I couldn't find anything in the wardrobe provided by this cruise. I soon found out that I had nothing to use.

I sent Thomas a quick text asking him if he could perhaps help me find some clothes. I'd told him my plan, and he was surprisingly okay with it. He didn't even put up a fight. He told me he would be here in exactly twenty minutes.

Now that that was settled, I focused on the other problem at hand. Knowing my mother, she would probably tell me I was working too hard and tell me to get a break. Then she would suggest swimming. Which was why I needed to find a swim suit, or a bikini. And fast.

From what I had heard, the pool was at the very top of the ship. It was an indoor pool, thankfully. It wasn't so deep, so I had nothing to worry about. A part of me just knew one of my parents would suggest hooking up with someone. Yeah, I wasn't up for that.

I noticed a little bulge in one of the smaller bags in my suitcase. I didn't remember packing anything in there. I was incredibly confused. If Declan had put something in here when I told him to stay away from my suitcase, I would castrate him myself.

I slowly unzipped it. I found at least three bikinis in there. I sighed, connecting the dots. I should have known something was wrong when my mother offered to help me pack while I went to go water her flowers. She must've took the opportunity to fill my suitcase up with bikinis because she knew I wouldn't do that on my own.

I sighed. I could see a one piece, which I definitely planned on wearing. I guess I was a little thankful for the fact that she packed these for me. I needed a little break.

I could also see dozens of two pieces. I suddenly felt very insecure. My mother obviously expected me to wear the two piece. But I doubted I would. With the number of horny teenage boys on this cruise ship, I'd be insane to wear these. I didn't need the attention of boys on me right. I already have had enough of boys.

"You should wear the two piece. I think it looks good." I heard Thomas say. I jumped, slightly in fright. The boy needed to stop scaring me like that. He chuckled, walking in an dropping the clothes on my bed.

"This is what the waiters have to wear. Also, the waitresses. I had to sneak and hopped on one of waitress' carts to get these." He said. I thanked him. He had no idea how much of a big deal this was to me.

I picked up the one piece, and then Thomas picked it up at the same time. Unfortunately for us—actually, just me—the material wasn't strong enough and it tore. I had a feeling my mother put it in there on purpose.

I guess I was going with the two piece then.

Thomas shook his head. "This looks new, but it certainly isn't. Did you pack this yourself?" He asked me, a look of disbelief evident of his features.

"No. My mother did. She's always so persistent on me hooking up with some guy. That's why when I told her I was interested in Ashton, she basically bought me a whole new wardrobe. And when I told her I was interested in—" I stopped myself before I could completely embarrass myself in front of him. "—in this boy in fifth grade, she made sure she invited him over to our house for a little play date."

I wasn't lying though. My mother was borderline crazy when it came to me and my love life. She was obsessed with the idea of me having a boyfriend.

"Your mother sounds absolutely lovely," he said, as if that was meant to make me feel better. If only.

"She is, really. She just goes a little bit overboard at times," I told him.

He chuckled, taking out a bra that was way too little for me and holding it up. My eyes widened and my cheeks instantly turned a bright shade of pink. I don't remember ever packing that. I don't even remember buying it.

"A little?" He asked, smirking as he examined the bra.

I jumped, snatching the bra away from him. "Give me that!" I threw it away, getting extremely embarrassed. "Fine, a lot more than little. But she just wants me to find someone, okay? Now stop smirking like a damn idiot!" I scolded him.

He barked out in laughter. It was that kind of laugh that erupted from your stomach, my mind went blank. He was obviously getting a kick from my embarrassment.

"Okay, okay," he finally surrendered. "Since you're clearly so insecure, wear something that's doesn't expose you too much. I guess?" He instantly cringed. "I'm going to leave now, uh, you just, uh, wear whatever you want," he trailed off, taking steps backwards. When his back hit the door, he sighed in relief and saluted me. "Adios!"

He left immediately. I frowned. I really couldn't get a read on this boy. He was incredibly confusing at times.

Once I'd sorted everything out, I stepped out of my room in the waitress uniform. I only hoped Thomas had gotten my text was wearing his, too. I looked down at my flats, they were incredibly comfortable. My shirt, that wasn't too tight fitted, and then black jeans. The shirt had the logo of the cruise ship on it. A little dolphin on an island. And it said: Cruise in Paradise. Underneath everything, I had my bikini on.

I grabbed a free waiters' cart and walked along with it, heading to Thomas' room, when his door opened. His shirt wasn't really tight on him, but it was a little, kind of like the way my shirt was, but it was still comfortable. He wore black jeans, too. And his hair was jelled. He looked great in all, but I wouldn't tell him that. As it is, I didn't need an egotistic teenage boy walking by my side.

"Looking good miss Ava," he remarked, genuinely impressed.

"Wish I could say the same to you," I smirked, walking off. I knew Thomas wasn't following me, but I didn't have to worry about that. He would be in 3. . . 2. . . 1. . . 0. . .

Apparently, this didn't work like it did in books and movies. It was either that, or I couldn't predict what Thomas would do.

"Ava, you know I look smashing in these." He said, walking past me. I could feel the confidence radiating off him. I rolled my eyes at his—everything.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" He cheered, complaining and utterly oblivious to my glaring.

By the end of this, I was going to need a shovel.

* * *

"What can I get you, ma'am?" I asked the lovely woman that sat in front of me. She smiled up at me and my little writing booklet.

"I would like some wine, oh! And I'm craving some Pizza, and some water, I also want virgin Vodka, and normal Vodka. A bit of ice, do you have some sex on the beach? Why am I even asking? You have everything! I would also like a fine coke, if you get what I mean," she said, offering me a sweet smile.

I didn't get what she said, but I did get one thing: The woman in front of me was planning on getting wasted.

I nodded, pretending as if I understood what she said. "Okay, ma'am. I'll send someone else to bring it to you." I told her.

She nodded and went back to gazing at her magazine, quite lustfully. I shuddered, inwardly, and made my way to my mother casually.

Thomas was already attending to my father, right beside my mother. Why did I always get the tough one?

"What can I get you—" before I could even finish that sentence, my mother interrupted me.

"Ava? What are you doing?" She asked, adjusting herself on her seat. My father seemed to be doing just fine with my father. It was always so easy for him. I wondered how he got my father to laugh along with him like that.

"Uh, I signed up for this." I lied to her.

"You did? I didn't know you could sign up for this. I thought the ship already had everything figured out," she pondered.

"The ship does, but you could volunteer if you want. Thomas and I signed up for this."

"Oh, Thomas and you," she sent me a discrete wink. "Any good news for me?" She asked, quite hopefully.

"No, mother." I sighed. She pouted. "So, what can I get you?" I asked her once more.

"I would just like some water, thank you." She said, quite reluctantly. I shook my head, and walked away. Thomas soon joined me. We made it to the kitchen. Thankfully we were the only people there.

I was joyous. Not because my parents were really acting like a couple, but because we hadn't been cut just yet.

"Don't you think you need a swim?" Thomas asked.

"No, dear God no! At least, not now," I told him, shuddering.

"Come on, you'd be swimming with the hotties. Don't you want that?" No, I didn't. If I did, then I wouldn't be me.

I shook my head at him, placing hands on the counter.

"They're doing great so far. Your parents, I mean." Thomas commented. I nodded, grinning widely.

"I know," I agreed with him. "Absolutely nothing could ruin my day." I said, nibbling on my bottom lip in excitement.

Just then, the door swung open. A man looking around the age of twenty approached us. He looked intimidating. I had to admit, he good looking, but just not my type.

"I got complaints from other waiters saying that the so called waiters in the kitchen weren't actually waiters." He said, his eyes narrowing to slits at us.

Thomas stilled beside me. It was like he was frozen in place.

"Care to explain?" The man asked, looking extremely pissed off. It was then I knew what I had done.

I jinxed it. Damn it.

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