Book 3: Leopard's Mate

By Blackcatlover_87

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Cole is a leopard shifter, one that holds the old bloodline. That also marks him as a threat by hunters. Cole... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

266 24 2
By Blackcatlover_87

Kasni rolled about the snow and licking at her muzzle. She had caught prey and had a decent meal. She always felt really good after that, free and the adrenaline from the chase. After all the terrain was rocky and steep. Hard to maneuver but for her kind it was easy.

She found an out cropping and laid on it. Just overlooking the area and let out a sigh. She was a bit frustrated with the fact that she knew this other shifter was present somewhere. However none of them could ever track him. His scent just disappeared like he was there one second and then gone the next. Perhaps he was able to hide his scent, whatever it was he was darn good.

Her brother was an extremely good tracker, and she wasn't bad herself. Either way her reasons were more benign than her brother. She was interested in this new being. After all they lived up here and were cut off from the rest of the world really. She remembered the couple others, and a bit of the city but most her life had been lived in remote areas. She liked it that way, she didn't really need to socialize.

Plus she was jealous of her brother and Lee. It was growing worse and she was alone even with her family there. It wasn't just the males of the species that couldn't help themselves to a female in heat. After a while she just couldn't say no. so it was better to find someone than just give in right?

Kasni's tail twitched and she was just looking about when a movement to her right caught her attention. It was a good distance away. Though not as far as she first thought, and it was another leopard that jumped down the steep cliff like face with ease and to the ground. She started forward quickly. She liked to follow native species, her wild cousins around. There were those humans that studied her species and others. Sometimes she would let them see a glimpse of her to follow so that they could help preserve her wild brethren and their home.

This was a very large snow leopard, and she figured that it had to be a male. He was up wind and a moment later she got the scent. It caused her to pause and it was potent male, along with the scent of rain. She felt a sudden excitement, this was that other shifter. It was him, and she had stumbled on him after all the times of just getting a hint of him. Well here was her chance to see who this shifter was. Just how much she'd have to look out for or forward too depending.

She didn't want to make herself known right away, she'd have to test him first. She was moving fast to catch up to him from above and then went down. She slowed knowing that he'd picked up on her, but didn't seem to know where she was. Well, she'd give him a little test, see how easily riled he was or willing to lash out at another. That would tell her a lot as well.


Cole sat on his haunches staring down at the animals that were moving down there. He wasn't really all that hungry yet. He'd just eaten yesterday and it had been a good meal for him. He'd gone back into town to get some of his items and happy to not run into the other shifters. He didn't know where they were staying and he didn't look. Then he'd really be pacing the area looking for that woman who was constantly on his mind.

He moved taking several well placed jumps and down he went. He landed and started to lope off just really bored with nothing to do at the moment. Which was nice so he let his cat free reign, after a moment however he paused. Something felt off, he felt watched all of a sudden and the hair on the back of his neck stood up.

He gave a slight hiss and raised his nose sniffing, but nothing came to him. He continued on and kept a sharp eye out. They couldn't have found him right? The magic should still conceal him, did he need to go back and have it checked? Because the feeling was getting worse, he was going to just disappear and go to Kyra when a fast moving streak came at him.

At first he wasn't sure what he was seeing and that was what cost him. The other figure hit his side and plowed him into the ground. It moved fast and then sprang away from him and he was up turning and giving a very angry and deadly sound.

Ha, found you. You are one hard person to track. For a second he didn't recognize the mental voice. He did not know this other person, but then the scent came to him and his heart just about dropped out of his chest. It definitely hit his stomach. A couple other body parts also wanted to react, which annoyed him further. 

There is a reason for that. Do you normally attack strangers? He asked dryly still crouched low looking at the other leopard. He was only slightly surprised at the other snow leopard before him. Her blue grey eyes should have given it away, hence why he was only slightly surprised. What he was more surprised was that she had found him. He didn't think that she was even aware of his presence before.

Just seeing how quick to anger you were. I know you've been watching me. She said prancing about in the snow, what was she doing? Prancing about like she hadn't just plowed into him. I was out hunting actually and spotted you. I knew it was you right away, you have the scent of rain. Was starting to wonder if you were a phantom.

Yeah well, it's best that way. Now if you'll excuse me, there was a reason I didn't approach you or your family. He couldn't believe that out of the entire area she happened to be right here. Her scent was strong and had the scent of cinnamon to her. If her scent was right, she was in the midst of starting her heat. Damn it, she was already appealing to him, he didn't want the worry of a mate. So she better get lost before their basic nature decided for them.

Why's that? Where are you off too? She asked following him. She sounded young but she looked full grown. There was an innocence about her that he picked up on, it was appealing. Someone that wasn't completely touched by the horrors of the world, she sprang after him when he moved faster. Clearly choosing to ignore his comment.

Personal reasons. Where are the other two? He asked suspiciously. He glanced around scenting the air and she just looked at him bounding forward after a small hare that was there. He could feel her joy, it was just kind of floating about her.

At home, as you clearly saw Lee is very pregnant.

You know it's rather reckless of you to just come up to one you don't know. Especially with your family member so pregnant.

Why do you mean harm? Do you like harming your kind? She asked turning her gaze to meet his and he fully met her eyes. There was an odd tension, but not because of what was said. Because two predators didn't just stare at each other and not feel tense.

If I did, I doubt I'd have told you. It almost looked like the smaller leopard shrugged her shoulders.

You don't mean harm, if you did you've have done something long before now. I've felt you months ago. Cole sat down as the young woman turned about in the snow that was on the ground. Not concerned at all that he might attack her or harm her in some way.

You can't know that, are you an empath? He asked her. Can you sense lies?

Nope. She said. But I have very good instincts and let's not play coy either. Like you don't know I'm about to go into heat.

Who said that was the reason I'm here? He responded rather irritated that she'd just lump him in like the rest of the male populace. He could control himself, just because her scent was amazingly appealing didn't mean he'd act on it. Troy was a brave man having given in to Tatianya.  At least he didn't have a huge neon sign on his back that called hunters in. Troy was a male lion that Cole had helped not so long ago, him and his mates.

Well if it was the only reason I'm sure you'd have made your presence known long before now. She said looking at him and surprising him by suddenly leaping into the air at a passing bird which she almost caught. His ears went back a bit. She was kind of spastic in his opinion, it oddly brought him humor for no reason all of a sudden.

That I would have. I noticed the first time I came here and chanced upon you and your family.

Ah, my brother is of the opinion that you are not but trouble. I on the other hand was interested in meeting this elusive stranger that just seems to disappear into thin air. That wasn't far from the truth. you're intriguing to me.

Your hormones have nothing to do with that? He said in a sarcastic tone to her and she looked up at him from whatever she was sniffing on the ground.

If I was in full heat I'd probably have to go with a yes on that. But I'm not, but fair question as I assumed about you. He turned and walked away from her again. She moved quickly to catch up to him. He gave a low growl that she ignored.

What's your name? She asked him moving along side of him.

Cole. He said into her mind. Don't. He added to her when she lightly brushed his side and half sniffed at him.

Don't what? And I'm Kasni by the way, sister to Kadar and his mate Lee. Where are you from?

None of your business.

Aren't we mister testy.

Look, I was out here minding my own business when you decided to just plow into me. Why I have no idea. Let her go away before he did something stupid.

Because if you were quick to temper and attack I would have found you a lot less appealing and interesting. Now he wished he'd attacked, but at the same time he liked that she might find him interesting. Inwardly he cringed, he was clearly starved for attention from his own kind. That wasn't true, he was starved of any kind of contact with a female. Especially that of his own kind and potential mate. The older you got, the longer you went, the worse it would get for you.

Find interest in another, I have plenty of demons that would bring hell to your family if they came out. He stated, hoping that would turn her off and get away from him. Hence why I'm up here alone. He emphasized that word greatly.

Well no one wants to be alone forever, even if our kind tends to be solitary. aYou are the first snow leopard like me, that I have ever met.

Not really a common trait, kind of recessive for shifters. He commented to her, he found himself slowing to her pace and annoyed at that he moved back to his normal one. Why was he still talking to her? They were just strangers really.

Nope, and everyone has demons. Doesn't mean you should be a stranger, you know I think I like you even if you are standoffish. She said in a rather thoughtful way, and he was. Yeah she heard the tones he used and his none to subtle hint for her to get lost. Still it made her want to follow him more.

I'd like to get to know you more, you should let me. He stopped and looked at her. 

Let's not but say we did. He said rather dryly. I'm being nice by telling you the skeletons in my closest are best left there. With that he just decided to leave her or he wasn't going to get away from her. She had a determined air and never underestimate a leopard with a determined air. They got what they wanted or there was hell to pay.

Whoa. He heard her say into his mind and as he didn't go that far when he disappeared. He could still hear her. But most of them were very strong telepaths. 

Now that is a talent, where'd you go? He didn't answer her because you could get a lock on a person by their mental signatures sometimes.

Fine be difficult. She said, and he moved slightly sitting down on the rock ledge and watching her lope off to the east and slightly south. Before he realized what he was doing he started following her but making sure that he stayed up wind and unnoticed.

She didn't seem to be in any hurry at all, and really what was going to cause her problems? They were the real predators out here, even natural ones tended to give them space. He was quiet and swift moving higher up to follow her. He watched her and her antics, like she had no care in the world. No worries and he envied her greatly in that moment. What would it be like to not fear that others might show and strip you of everything?

He stopped and crouched down his grey green eyes narrowing as she sprang up some rocks and then walked along an edge. Just before she came to a large bolder she shifted to human. Her gaze swept the area and her long dark hair whipped about for a second. With a shrug she disappeared into an unseen entry point in the rock and he lay there. He swished his tail for a moment and then disappeared himself.

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