Return Of A Soul.. Highschool...

By ZBX6779

34.5K 441 248

This was originally going to be a sequel to my first story called The fallen Dragon king but I decided that t... More

chapter 2. hit a nerve.
chapter 3. dreams and nightmares.
part 4. nostalgia.
part 5. family & a message.
part 6. frame by frame.
part 7: breaking point.
part 8. state of emergency
part 9: new apocalypse.
part 10: STOP.
part 11. farewell.
part 12: funeral
part 13: new beast.
part 14. alliance vs new beast.
part 16. freedom
part 17. epilogue

part 15: the talk.

1.2K 18 27
By ZBX6779

Kiba sent all his forces to help with repairs to the underworld, the damages from the clones and the shockwaves from the beast bombs certainly left their mark. Euclid's well planned attack went down in history as one of the worst incidents of supernatural history and in a way one of the best, yes there was a lot of death and destruction but everyone was united including the dragons of legends. Grayfia was completely apathetic after the battle which they would have lost if it wasn't for Loki. Seeing her brother go from kind and caring to being a monster inside and out left her so overwhelmed. She did want him dead at first but then realized what she was thinking, killing her brother. Any sister would be emotionally wrecked after that but seeing everyone else whom she calls family be there for her snapped her out of her depression in time. She once had no one but now she has everything. As for Loki...

Odin: Loki.....

Loki: yes?

Odin: why did you save us?

Loki: hmph... To tell you the truth, ever sense I lost to them years ago I started to plan revenge and I tried to get everything I could on the red dragon emperor.

Odin: grrrr

Loki: but I found something truly enlightening. I....grew up.

Odin: what?

Loki then tells Odin and Thor about how Euclid snuck into Asgard only to speak to him but he refused, he was done with death and destruction, he wasn't the god of that. He never was, he was a prankster who happens to be god. Odin saw no deception in Loki for once and he was happy.

Odin: Loki.....I'm.....proud of you.

Loki: Thank you.....father.

Thor: it's good to have the Loki I grew up with back. Mother will be truly overjoyed.

Loki: yes....I..hope so.

Thor: with your efforts that saved us, you'll be welcomed back home.

Loki: that sounds nice.

Loki certainly changed.

The angels used their amplified power to repair heaven and earth as much as their could. They allowed the grief stricken people to talk to their loved ones whom had died in the attack, all their newfound power was well spent.
The fallen and devils all mourned their loved ones. Irina had taken Issei, Kuroka and Evelyn straight to heaven. After a while they saw the ones they needed to see.

Irina: Issei your parents and kids are over their under that massive tree. Are you ready to see them?

Issei: I'm not sure.....seeing me again after finding out that I was gone for good on top of everything else..... And the kids....... I'm scared.

Evelyn: we're right here by your side.

Issei: thanks Eve....alright let's go see your grandparents.

Irina: I'll give you guys your space, call out for me when you need me.

She flys away and the 3 go to see the kids and Issei's parents. The parents are sitting under a beautiful cherry blossom tree still mourning their son. The 5 kids are playing, each trying to catch as many of the falling petals as they can, they notice 3 people walk towards them, they recognize 1 of them right away.

5: MAMA!!

Kuroka was ecstatic that they remember her. She couldn't help but cry at the reunion. It's been years since they were murdered yet they never forget about her.

Kuroka: hey kids..sniff.. mommy's here.

They hug her so tightly, Issei looked at the children, they looked just like him and his mother, no doubt that they are their kids. Issei was happy but his guilt was far greater, he still blamed himself for not knowing that they existed, that they were tortured and killed right before their mother, the woman he mourned for 15 years. All this weighed heavily on him, Evelyn also about what they went through since no one continued to hide anything, she walked towards the 5.
They instantly jumped on her, they recognized her as family right away however when they looked at Issei....they don't recognize him. Not in the least.

Kuroka: they don't recognize you it seems.

Issei: they never met me before. You can't blame them.

If Ddraig was with him right now, he would have immediately figured out that Issei was a bit relieved that they didn't recognize him. He felt like he didn't deserve to be called their father. However Ddraig wasn't the only one who knows how he thinks when he's depressed.

Kuroka: Evelyn.. go meet your grandparents. Your father and I will be along shortly.

Evelyn: okay mom.

As Evelyn leaves, Kuroka looks at Issei slight anger in her eyes and sadness.

Kuroka: I know what you're thinking so stop it. You are their father. Your blood flows through them.


Kuroka: what doubts do you carry?

Issei: how can I call myself their father when I failed every last one of them and you......

Kuroka: you didn't fail anyone.

Issei: then why does it feel like I did?

Kuroka: don't hold yourself responsible for the actions of others Issei. We got our kids here, your parents got to see Evelyn and these 5 whom we still have to pick names for.

Issei: I thought you would have done that long ago.

Kuroka: I want both of us to decide.

Issei: I ......

Despite what she said, he still has doubts whether he should.

Kuroka: Issei, why don't you want to name our kids? We did want to have a couple of kids and now we have them so why? Do you hate our kids?

Issei: of course not! I could never hate them.

Kuroka: then do you hate me?

Issei: NO.... I'm just wondering why you don't hate me. For 15 years you went through pure hell and I...wasn't there. When I saw those visions that Evelyn saw, there was one you meant for me to see and I saw it, for a split second I saw the fear, the trauma, the anger, so much. If I was by your side I could have prevented that but... Sniff.

Issei started to cry, Kuroka saw that she wasn't the only one suffering, he was in his own hell.

Issei: I thought you were dead, I started to drink and train, I...had the occasional 1 night stands. I went to therapy, I was unstable so I asked Vali to look after Evelyn, he was the only one I could trust since he knows how to stay hidden. Evelyn got a good education, friends. I would check up on her every night. She would call out to you and each time was a reminder that you weren't there anymore. Evelyn was forced to grow up without her mother.

The kids started to pay attention to him, they couldn't really understand why Issei was so emotional but they just knew that he was miserable.

Issei: we all looked everywhere for you, I interrogated every chaos brigade member I could find, none knew where you were. Then suddenly I find clues that your alive, you sent those clues and next thing we know there you were in the adjacent room with our daughter, then the fight at the stadium, he bragged about how he brainwashed you, violated you, tortured you and our kids whom he killed right before your eyes.

He paused for a while.

Issei: then you turned into that giant cat, your power was insane, some of the others restrained me after I went berserk and beat Euclid to a pulp. Everyone else was trying to stop you but I knew that you were getting hurt.
I thought I was about to lose you all over again. I begged them to stop, when they did you turned back to normal but your skin was ice cold, I...I can't even remember if you were even breathing or not. I thought you were dead for sure.... But thankfully lady Yasaka and Kouno helped save you. All those clones attacking and killing so many especially on earth. After finally beating that MONSTER....I actually had the nerve to come into heaven... someone like me going to heaven even for a short time is.....a horrible joke.

Kuroka puts the kids down.

Kuroka: Issei...listen to me. I love you. What happened to me and the kids was his doing, not yours. I meant what I said in that vision I wanted you to see, that was the job, we both take such risks every time we go out there and besides, these kids don't have the trauma of going through what they did, they are in heaven and spending time with their grand parents. Look at Evelyn.

Issei looks at Evelyn, she in her grandparents arms. She's happy.

Kuroka: we won the war, we are together again and have the family we always wanted. Nothing is ever perfect love.


Kuroka: you always were the one who tried to carry so many burdens all at once, please don't do that. You saved me, our kids are safe now. You helped achieve the all faction alliance.

Issei: but I couldn't save you, the kids, my parents and all those we lost.

Kuroka: you can't save everyone no matter how hard you try. I was right there when....... Sigh...when these 5 came into our lives and taken away from me.

Issei: If I had just known, I would have rushed over to help.

Kuroka: if you did then Euclid would have killed you after he killed me right in front of you. You would have charged in all alone and used the juggernaut drive. You didn't yet recover much of the life force you used up. You would have died and Evelyn wouldn't have any of us.

Issei: *sniff...sigh*

Kuroka: a part of me did want you to save me but a bigger part of me didn't because then Evelyn would have been alone. But now she has so many people who love her and there's another thing I'm proud of.

Issei: yeah?

Kuroka: you asked everyone for help, you didn't bare all this burden alone. I know that you were probably the one who asked everyone to help you save me, save us.

Issei: yeah... I did ask for help. I needed it. We all did. It was like the old days again.

Kuroka: yes it was but better. Even Loki helped and that was a major twist.

Issei: yeah it was haha.

Kuroka: not to mention you, Ddraig and the past hosts all came back with new bodies made by both great red and Ophis.

Issei: they tried to save all the past hosts but....some of them couldn't be given new bodies. They simply passed on to the after life.

Kuroka: at least no one got killed by the poison......

Issei saw that the mere mention of Samael's blood upset her.

Issei: do you blame yourself for what happened to me?

Kuroka: hmm....

Issei: you do.... We both know that it was him. Not you.

Kuroka: I guess we both need to accept that.

Some of the kids attached themselves to Issei.

Kid 2: up.

One of the kids want Issei to hold him. Issei hesitates because he feels unworthy of being their father.

Kuroka: Issei, don't hesitate. They don't have the trauma anymore, they want to know their father.

Issei doesn't say anything but slowly picks up the child. The little boy looks at him.

Kid 2:

Issei couldn't help himself. He hugged his son and then the remaining 4. Kuroka was tearing up at the scene.

Kuroka: your very being is completely different, from every cell to your aura and yet..

Issei: they know I'm their father despite never seeing me. Our kids truly are amazing.

The kids hugged him, they all called him papa. He had finally come to accept that events that had transpired.

Issei: come on, let's go see mom and dad.

Kuroka: I finally get to meet my in laws.

Issei: well about that, you and I were both presumed dead so our no longer secret marriage is nullified which only leaves one thing, will you marry me?

Kuroka smirked.

Kuroka: ask me again tomorrow.

Issei: I always will.

They laughed, Issei held 3 kids and Kuroka then held 2 of them. As they walked over to them, Evelyn called out to them.

Evelyn: mom! Dad!

Both of Issei's parents looked at Evelyn.

Gorou: sweetie.....we were told that your father is.....

Issei: alive and better than ever dad.

Both parents jumped up at the sound of his voice.

Miki and Gorou saw Issei standing right in front of them alive and well, he was taller, buff, had 4 wings and a tail. Right beside him is a woman with cat ears and 2 tails. She was gorgeous and they were holding the 5 kids in their arms.

Miki: Issei? Is that you?

Issei: hi mom, I see you met Evelyn. Our first born.

He looks at Kuroka with pride while she blushed and swayed her tails.

Gorou: my boy is alive.

They immediately embraced him, Issei spread his 4 dragon wings and hugged back since he was holding 3 kids in his arms.

Miki: you're here, you're back but we were told that you....your soul was...*sniff*.

Issei: I almost was wiped from existence. I'll tell you everything but first I want you to meet Kuroka. She's the mother of our children.

Gorou: you continue to make us happy even in the afterlife Issei. You gave us everything we ever wanted.

Issei: I'm sorry that I couldn't do it when you were alive.

Miki: Michael told us a little bit. We understand Issei.

Gorou: so you're the special lady that captured our son's heart. Welcome to the family.

Kuroka: thank you father in law.

Gorou: we don't care for formalities, just call me pops.

Miki: you can call me anything you're comfortable with honey.

Kuroka: thank you..mother.

This was a wholesome moment for everyone. Irina was secretly watching from above the tree branches.

Irina: you finally found peace Issei. I'm truly happy for you. You deserve this and so do they.

Issei then gestures to Irina to come down using his wing. Her cover in blown. She had to come down now.

Issei: looks like you need practice in stealth Irina.

Miki and Gorou heard the sound of wings and look up.

Miki: Irina? You're an angel?

Irina: hey Mrs. Hyoudo. Sorry for keeping it a secret but yes I am. I was reincarnated as one.

Miki: and how is this possible and.....Issei when did you have wings?

Issei: you might want to sit down, we have a lot to talk about. Irina care to join us?

Irina: I'll help explain as well.

Evelyn: this is gonna take a while.

Gorou: we have all eternity. Haha.

Issei, Kuroka, Evelyn and Irina all tell them everything from scratch. From all supernatural beings, factions, wars including the latest one and the one behind it all. His actions which led to war and the deaths of millions. The alliance and also why Issei kept his wife and daughter a secret. He was special ops and she was as assassin. Being forced to fight Kuroka and then getting new bodies just before going to war. This was a lot to take in.

Issei: because of all the danger out there as you now know, I hope you understand why I couldn't tell you about everything before.

Gorou: of course we understand Issei, if I was in your place I might have done the same if I had the strength.

Miki: you're still hurting aren't you?

Issei: not as much as before. I'm happy that everyone is safe now.

Irina: it's quite amazing really, you went from being a.

Issei: don't you dare say that word. There are kids here.

Irina: lol right. You went from being a you know what to being a lot of things really quickly. A hero, one of the best red dragon emperors in history, helped defeat the 1st and even 2nd beast, lead the all faction alliance and saved those you care about, those you couldn't save at least you made sure that they were in heaven. After all you have done for everyone Michael and Gabriel promised to send your parents to heaven, a total free pass and they never did that for anyone. Also how rare that you found your soul mate. Very and I mean very few connect the way you and Kuroka do.

Kuroka: even though we were apart for so long, I was told that you missed me every day.

Issei: how could I not? When others tried to help me, they told me to move on but I couldn't, I wouldn't. I refused.
It was already too painful when you were presumed dead, how could I live with myself? You are the one whom I love dead or alive.

Kuroka: still the romantic.

Issei: still the tease I fell in love with.

Everyone smiled at the interaction, they truly are in love even after so long. They were happy together at last. This was long overdue. As time flew by, Irina remembered something.

Irina: everyone there is a slight problem.

Evelyn: yes aunt Irina?

Irina: I asked Lord Michael if it was possible to bring all 7 of you back to life.

Issei: but it's not possible, no soul can be brought back to life once they entered heaven.

Irina: you knew?

Kuroka: we already asked him before, the power boost they had needed to be used to bring peace to all those who died during the attack, their trauma had to be erased. He's just doing the best for everyone.

Gorou: to be honest, your mother and I don't want to be brought back.

Issei: how come?

Miki: we were reunited with our family who passed away before us. We were getting old and my health was getting weak anyway. But here none of that matters, no pain, no health problems, just eternal bliss and thanks to you we have that Issei.

Gorou: and during the attack, our death was instant, it honestly felt like we teleported straight here, no sickness. The after life feels no different than back in earth other than the complete lack of problems that everyone has on earth being mortal and all.

Issei: well when you put it that way, makes sense.

Irina: hmm..

Kuroka: what are you thinking about?

Irina: huh? Oh it's nothing.

Issei: you're up to something. I can tell.

Irina: you're over thinking it.

The atmosphere was light and humourous once again. All is well for the Hyoudo family once again.

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