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LEAGUE OF GAYS | VKOOK In a world where superpowers exist; Seoul Hero Academy harvests the next generation of... More



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"You've never taken a train?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook gazed around the train, slotted beside Taehyung. His eyes fell onto the large window by the seat, looking out into the trees and stretches of land as they passed by.

"No. I've never really traveled much," Jungkook said, and then looked at Taehyung. "Can't really travel alone,"

Taehyung was quiet for a few seconds, but then pinched Jungkook's arm. "Great. Then I'll make this trip amazing for you." Taehyung said, and Jungkook giggled at his response.

Halfway through the journey, Jungkook laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder, listening to music through his earphones. Taehyung turned a little to look at him, taking his eyes away from his book that he was reading. He could hear the soft hum of some The 1975 playing from how close Jungkook was.

Taehyung smiled a little to himself, and then went back to reading his book. Jungkook was falling asleep. Their train ride continued for another hour or so until they reached their stop. Taehyung shook Jungkook lightly.

"We're here, Kook," Taehyung said, and Jungkook hummed, stirring awake a bit. Jungkook blinked his big eyes at Taehyung, who gave him a small smile. Jungkook shook his head like a puppy and then sat up properly.

"Right. Forgot where I was for a second." Jungkook said. He got up from the train seat, Taehyung following.

One their way out of the train station, Taehyung felt... nervous? You could say so. Especially while they took the small bus towards his town. Jungkook was looking around in interest, but Taehyung felt anxious. Jungkook grew up in the big city, lived in a huge mansion, had butlers, and wore fancy clothes. He was holding his fancy branded suitcase and wearing his expensive sweater.

"How pretty," Jungkook commented at the numerous lakes they passed by. Taehyung hummed, picking on his trousers. Jungkook looked at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Nothing. Just that... I don't know. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable here."

"I won't, Tae." Jungkook giggled. "I love countryside!" Jungkook said excitedly, and some passengers on the bus gave him annoyed glances at his loudness. Jungkook lowered his volume, shoulders hunching.

The bus reached a small station, where Jungkook and Taehyung got off. Jungkook looked around. There were no shops or buildings or anything nearby. He looked at Taehyung with a little confusion. Taehyung gave him a sheepish smile. "We'll have to walk a bit."

"Nice. Do you want to ride me."

".... What." Taehyung panned.

"I mean, do you wanna ride my back? I will turn into a horse and we can go faster."

"No don't." Taehyung patted his lower back. "You should've be transforming into anything, remember? Doctor's orders." Taehyung reminded.

"Oh right... okay." Jungkook said softly. "It's weird not using my trait for a long time. It's like a part of me is missing."

"I get what you mean." The two began walking down the open road. "But um- I try not to use my trait much. Only when absolutely necessary."

"I have literally never seen you take icecubes you always freeze your drink to cool it," Jungkook said.

"Having a cold drink is an absolutely necessity," Taehyung mumbled, and they both giggled. They walked for at least a good half kilometer or so before Jungkook saw some small shops here and there.

"Do you have any malls here?" Jungkook asked, looking around.

"Um, one. There's a town a few miles away and that has some nice bars and malls and stuff." Taehyung explained. Jungkook hummed. As they walked, a loud shout came.

"Taehyung!!" A girl's squeal came. "Oh my gosh, I didn't know you were coming home?" The girl said excitedly, running over to Taehyung. She looked about 10 or 11 years old. She rushed forward and hugged Taehyung. Taehyung chuckled and hugged her back.

"How are you, Mira?" Taehyung asked. The girl grinned. "I'm good! Hey! Everyone!" She said, catching the attention of some shopkeepers. "Taehyung's back!"

Taehyung smiled shyly at them, waving. Jungkook looked with big eyes. Everyone was asking him how the school was, how the big city was, how everything was. Taehyung just gave short, quick, demure responses and then quickly went away.

"Everyone knows everyone here," Taehyung explained to the rather puzzled Jungkook. "So naturally, the whole town knows about the one kid who got into the fancy school in Seoul,"

"Makes sense," Jungkook said. "It's nice, y'know. So jovial."

Taehyung finally stopped in front of a house. It looked moderately sized from the outside, dark wooden paneling on the outer walls, a front yard with many flowers growing on it. The windows had flower pots on the sills. Taehyung took a deep breath, and before he could move forward, the door burst open.

"Taehyung!" An older woman with greying brown hair gasped and then ran out of the house, running towards Taehyung. She hugged him, wrapping her arms oh so tightly around him. "Oh my honey cub you're home!!"

"Mom," Taehyung hugged her back, chuckling. "At least let me enter the house."

"I missed you so much, my angel. You- what the hell have you done with your hair?!" She cried. Taehyung pursed his lips. "Oh gosh, this is the first time I'm seeing it in person. You look like a city boy!"

"I-I like it, mon. I'll dye it back to brown when it fades away." Taehyung said, and his mum hummed disapprovingly, and then looked at Jungkook, who was standing by them awkwardly.

"Oh! Jungkook, yes? Why, you're such a handsome boy. Come inside!" She said with a smile. Jungkook nodded hurriedly. Taehyung's mom's cheeks were rosy and plump, her eyes bright. She looked very happy to see her eldest son.

His mother went back inside. Taehyung cleared his throat at Jungkook. "Sorry about that. My mom's very... affectionate."

"It's okay! She's lovely. I don't mind, honestly. My mom's the complete opposite." Jungkook said dryly. Taehyung put his hand on his lower back and they both walked inside the house.

"Look, I made lunch! And your favorite for dessert, strawberry pie." Taehyung's mom exclaimed. Taehyung smiled at her. Taehyung's mom looked at Jungkook. "Taehyung loves strawberries. When he was younger, all he ate was strawberries! We had to mix them in every meal for him to eat it," She chuckled.

Taehyung gulped. "Shush, mom. Kook, let me take your bags and put them upstairs."

"I'll do it, Tae," Jungkook offered, but Taehyung put his hand on Jungkook's.

"It's okay, Kookie. You can go freshen up in the bathroom." Taehyung said gently, and Jungkook nodded.

While Taehyung went up to keep the suitcase, Jungkook was in the washroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. Oh god, he looked terrible because he'd been up since 6 am. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. Jungkook matted his wonky hair down with his sweater paws and then huffed to himself when it stayed wonky.

Jungkook washed his face gently with water and patted his swollen cheeks down with a towel. Whenever Jungkook was exhausted or a little sick, his cheeks became all round. Jungkook frowned at his reflection and then walked out of the bathroom.

Taehyung was downstairs, and Jungkook went up to him, but just as he did, the siblings came barrelling downstairs.

"Tae! Taehyung! Taetae!" They all cheered in different voices, all rushing to hug him tightly. Taehyung grunted a little but tried hugging them all back the best that he could. Jungkook laughed from the side, seeing Taehyung got bombarded.

"Ew your hair's red!"

"You changed your glasses!"

"Have you gotten more muscular??"

His siblings were annoyingly pestering him with questions, so their mom tsked. "Kids! Leave him alone, he just came back. Ask him questions while we're eating. I have many too." She giggled.

"This- this is Jungkook," Taehyung said, trying not to make Jungkook feel left out. "My friend from college." Taehyung grabbed his wrist, pulling him to introduce him to his siblings. Jungkook waved his hand at them.

"I saw your suitcase upstairs! Wah, are you rich or something?" The 12-year-old asked, and Taehyung already cringed.

"Your sweater is sooo cute." The 15-year-old girl said, clapping her hands together.

Jungkook thanked her shyly, not knowing how to respond to the youngest. He glanced over at Taehyung's younger 17-year-old brother, who had his eyes glazed. "Wow... you're really hot."

"Beomgyu, shut up!" Taehyung snapped at his brother.

"What? I'm not wrong."

Jungkook was blushing a little. "Um, thank you..." Jungkook said lightly. Taehyung gave Jungkook an apologetic look, but Jungkook didn't look that bothered.

"Hi, I'm Taehyung's sister, Chaewon." The 15-year-old won said, short for her age. "And this is Yerim, she's 12."

Yerim waved at Jungkook. Jungkook smiled at both of them. Taehyung's mother cleared her throat. "Alright kids, sit down for lunch." She said, and all the kids including Taehyung and Jungkook sat down on the cute little dining table with a white cloth atop it. Jungkook looked around the table. It was full of authentic Korean food.

"This looks very nice, thank you. And I'm sorry for staying so abruptly, I hope it's not a burden." Jungkook said politely to Taehyung's mother.

"Oh please! Don't worry at all, it's not a burden! I'm glad to finally meet you! Such a sweetheart." The mother cooed, and Jungkook smiled.

"Taehyung talks about you all the time on the phone," Yerim said, poling rice onto her plate. "He said you were really good-looking and prettier than anyone he'd ever seen-"

"Shut up Chaewon!" Taehyung widened his eyes, gritting his teeth. "I never s-said that!"

"Yes you did. Multiple times. Don't you remember? You showed us the picture of him you had on your phone. But Jungkook, you're much prettier in real life." Chaewon smiled at Jungkook.

"I don't- Jungkook, I d-didn't say that." Taehyung was blushing wildly, voice small. Jungkook nodded, looking amused. Taehyung looked down, eyes wide. Jungkook pinched his hand.

"It's okay. All the girls in our school rave about how handsome Taehyung is." Jungkook said truthfully.

".....Okay you don't gotta lie like that." Beomgyu said, and Taehyung scoffed. Jungkook shook his head.

"No I'm serious. Taehyung has a-a girlfriend too." Jungkook said. The kids all gasped. Taehyung looked at Jungkook quickly.

"I-I- um- I broke up with her." Taehyung whispered. "Yesterday."

"Oh." Jungkook widened his eyes. "I- sorry." Jungkook said quickly. Taehyung gave him a quick nod, and then looked at his siblings, who were glaring.

"You. Had. A. Girlfriend????" Chaewon growled.

"For, like, 4 weeks," Taehyung said.

"That's a long time!"

"Taehyungie, sweetie, how come you didn't tell them?" Taehyung's mom asked him.

"Oh god you're such a momma's boy. Of course you'd tell her but not us. Mom! Why didn't you tell us???!!!!!" Beomgyu growled.

"You don't need to know everything that happens in my life." Taehyung's mom responded with a humph, and Taehyung sighed and looked at Jungkook, who was giggling, smiling widely.

It was such a cute family interaction between all of them, Jungkook hadn't seen anything like this. He'd been around Jimin's family, but they weren't comfortable, talkative, and close like this. Jungkook was almost envious of Taehyung.

After lunch, Taehyung and Jungkook ate a piece of pie with a lot of whipped cream on top of it. Jungkook nudged Taehyung. "Your parents are okay with you being bisexual, hm?"

"Yeah. Overly supportive sometimes." Taehyung chuckled. "I told them I was when I was 15 but there weren't many, um... guys my type around here." Taehyung said. "My mom was very happy and my dad walked out of the house and came back with rainbow cotton candy."

"That is so cute." Jungkook said faintly. "They seem really great. I told my mom I was gay and she said she didn't care."

"What?" Taehyung frowned.

"Not in a mean way, she just said she genuinely didn't have the time and left."

"Oh... I'm sorry, Kook. I'm so proud of you for coming out." Taehyung said, hugging him tightly. Jungkook giggled, kissing Taehyung's cheek very quickly.

"Stop making out." Beomgyu said, and Taehyung rolled his eyes. "So, Jungkook. You're gay, right? Lemme put this out there. You're cute, pretty, powerful, smart. I'm a boy. We're totally compatible." Beomgyu winked, propping his foot onto the chair and leaning to assert dominance.

Jungkook burst out giggling, while Taehyung just sighed. "Beomgyu, you're 17 years old. Go away." Taehyung muttered. Jungkook looked to Taehyung, who was frowning just a bit, looking annoyed.

"Taehyung, why don't you go set up the bedroom for Jungkook? Jungkook, you can sleep in Taehyung's room. He'll room with Beomgyu." Taehyung's mother said sweetly.

"Oh." Taehyung said, flat. "Um. I can- um- I can room with Jungkook. That's alright. I'll put a mattress on the floor."

"Yeah, that's fine," Jungkook added softly. Taehyung's mother looked weary for a few seconds but then nodded. "Sure, whatever you want."

Jungkook walked up to the bedroom, and Beomgyu looked at him walking up (staring at his ass), to which Taehyung smacked his head.

"Hey! Don't get too weird with Jungkook. All of you. You're embarrassing me." Taehyung huffed, folding his arms.

"Ooh, he goes to the city for like 4 months and suddenly we're embarrassing him. Calm down, Tae. You're embarrassing yourself. Your crush on Jungkook is showing." Chaewon said with a snicker.

"You don't know anything," Taehyung mumbled, looking away. "We're just close..."

"Awww, stop bullying your brother. It's okay, cub. We know you like him a lot. He seems like a very nice boy. Now go help him," The mother said, and Taehyung nodded before rushing off upstairs.

Taehyung walked into his bedroom, and then instantly shouted. Jungkook was inside, gaping. "Oh god. Oh fuck." Taehyung swore. "I forgot."

Taehyung's walls were covered with posters of Miss Muscle. Not just, like, a little bit. Every wall had a big poster of her. Her in her suit, her raising her arm in triumph. His table had small figurines of her. On his bedside, he just had a picture of her smiling.

"Okay...." Jungkook trailed. "Okay."

"I'm so sorry." Taehyung squeaked. "I was l-like obsessed with her when I was small."

"Hey Taehyung," Yerim said while walking past his bedroom. "Your Miss Muscle t-shirt which you ordered last month came in the mail this morning-"

"Shut up!" Taehyung snapped and then shut the door really hard. Jungkook looked at Taehyung with wide eyes. Taehyung gulped. "I-I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Jungkook said. "I was just taken aback but... I see her face everywhere so I don't know why I was so shocked."

"Jungkook." Taehyung walked up to him. "Don't be upset. Are you? You seem somber." Taehyung poked his cheek. "Your cheeks are very round."

Jungkook blushed, turning away. Taehyung smiled at that, stepping closer to him. "Are you- are you embarrassed by your cheeks?"

"I get bloated when I'm sick!" Jungkook squeaked.

"It's okay, you look really cute." Taehyung promised, and Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes. Jungkook smiled softly. He then hit Taehyung on the chest lightly and rushed away from him to look at the room.

His room was small, with a single bed on the side and a study table with way too many books on it. He had pictures of him and his family on frames. One of him holding his little sister when she was born. Jungkook looked at those fondly.

"You'll be fine on this bed right? I'll get a mattress for myself for the floor." Taehyung said. Jungkook glanced at him.

"Yeah." Jungkook said. "Or you could sleep with me-" Jungkook said, but then cleared his throat. "O-or not. Do what you want. Um." Jungkook stammered awkwardly.

They were at a weird place in their relationship, right? What were they? There was noticeable tension which neither of them wanted to discuss. Maybe spending time together would fix this issue on its own.

Jungkook sat on the bed. "Tae? Can I ask you something?" Jungkook asked softly. Taehyung looked at him from where he was unpacking his suitcase, tensed. "Just be honest with me, please," Jungkook added.

"Uh, yeah. What is it, Kooks?"

Jungkook took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and then breathed out. "Did you ever jack off to my mom."

Taehyung went beet red. "W-what???? No! No. No I didn't! It was only one time it doesn't count. One time! I was 13. 14. I was 14. Two times. I've done it twice. Maybe more than that. Fuck." Taehyung rambled, covering his face with his hands.

Jungkook looked out the window. Taehyung brought his hands down. "Jungkook. I just found out she's your mom. I was- a-a weird hormonal teenage boy!! Every boy jacks off to Miss Musc-"

"Stop talking!"

"Sorry." Taehyung squeaked, sitting on the floor, bringing his knees to his chest. "If it's a-any help I think you're prettier-"

"It isn't. God damnnit I can't believe I'm feeling undermined sexually by my own mother!" Jungkook snapped. He grabbed the picture of her on Taehyung's bedside. "This picture was taken on my 10th birthday! She wasn't even home!"

"Kook, I'm sorry!"

"No!" Jungkook got up. Taehyung had his face hidden in his knees. Suddenly, he got his knees pulled down so his legs were splayed on the floor, his back against the wall. Taehyung watched with wide eyes as Jungkook straddled him, gripping his jaw.

"Don't. Think. Of. My. Mom. Sexually." Jungkook muttered. "Look at me." Jungkook said, which was weird because Taehyung was literally staring at him, mouth falling open. "Good."

Taehyung blinked his eyes a few times. Jungkook looked at him closely, on his lap, for a few seconds, and then smiled. "I'm gonna go downstairs for a bit. I think you're gonna be a little busy." Jungkook whispered knowingly into his ear. He then got up and walked out of the room.

Taehyung had a boner.

Taehyung gulped dryly, blushing. Taehyung walked to his bathroom and locked the door. (He spent 10 minutes in there).


Taehyung's father came back from work later in the evening and gave Taehyung a big hug. Jungkook noticed how the whole family looked rather similar. On the shorter side, eyes had a similar shape. They looked like a family. Taehyung looked different, vastily with his red hair. But the way they treated him, you would think he's their own.

Taehyung's dad smiled at Jungkook. "Ah, you're Taehyung's boyfriend."

A whole explanation and stuttering and blushing by Taehyung later, the situation was back to normal. Taehyung then said he was going on a walk with Jungkook and they both walked out of the house.

There was something peaceful about this place. The small shops, the genuine smiles, the laughter of children in playgrounds, the stretches of fields behind the houses, the noises from the animals. Taehyung showed Jungkook their own farmland. Their family grew all sorts of vegetables and had a little patch for strawberries.

"I thought I was gonna become a strawberry farmer when I was little. But when I was 16 I told my parents I wanted to become a superhero." Taehyung said as Jungkook and he walked down the small walking path down the farmland.

"Makes sense. A trait like yours shouldn't be wasted." Jungkook said.

"Yours neither. Say, sorry if this is insensitive, but how come you don't have a trait similar to your mom's?"

"My dad was traitless," Jungkook said, stopping to look at the ripe big strawberries growing. "That's partly the reason he left my mother. They had other goals. My mother was only 18, she wanted to become a superhero her entire life. My father was 20 and wanted to start a family. So he left. Died, I think."

"I'm sorry," Taehyung said, holding his hand. Jungkook looked at him and shook his head with a smile as if saying don't apologize.

Jungkook and he trotted down the farmland. Though Taehyung's house wasn't big, the farm sure was. Jungkook gasped when he saw a fenced pent in the back with goats, sheep, and cows inside. Jungkook rushed to the fences and so did Taehyung.

"Max!" Taehyung said to the goat by the fence. "Hey little guy. What's up?" Taehyung pet his head.

Jungkook suddenly turned into a goat. Taehyung yelped in surprise. Jungkook made some goat noises and so did Max, and then Jungkook turned back into his natural form.

"Max says the winter is going to be harsh according to his sister," Jungkook said, and then stumbled. "Oh god, I feel lightheaded. I shouldn't have transformed."

"I told you not to, dummy." Taehyung said, grabbing onto him. Jungkook flopped forward, head on his shoulder. "By the way, you can talk to animals?"

"Mmm. Goats and dogs and cats and stuff are easier to talk to. Dogs especially." Jungkook muttered against Taehyung's neck, feeling Taehyung's arms wrap around his waist. "Cats are nice sometimes, kinda quiet though. Hmm. Bunnies chat a lot among themselves."

"That's so cute," Taehyung said. "You turn into bunnies?"

"S-sometimes. I didn't have many friends growing up and there were some bunnies by the playground by my house so I played with them." Jungkook said.

Taehyung hugged him tighter. "That's... heartwarming. Where the bunnies nice to you?"

"Yes. I played with the baby bunnies a lot. But then they grew up and tried having sex with me so I never went back."

"Oh jeez," Taehyung mumbled. "Well, seems like you've had this problem with your friends your whole life huh?" Taehyung laughed. Jungkook looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed. "Sorry that wasn't funny...."

Jungkook poked his ribs, and then moved away from his embrace. "You're cute, Tae." Jungkook said, and then walked past him, back towards the house.

Taehyung's heart skipped a few beats, stomach fluttering. Taehyung looked at the goat, who was staring. "Mind your own business, Max." Taehyung muttered, and then turned around and ran back to Jungkook.

Later that night, there was a nice fire lit in the fireplace. Jungkook and Taehyung were playing scrabble with the rest of the siblings while the two parents prepared dinner together. Another thing Jungkook noticed was that Taehyung's parents were affectionate with each other as well, not much in front of the kids. But Jungkook saw how the dad hugged the mom tightly and now kissed her cheek in the kitchen, which made her blush a little. It was so different from what he'd heard and seen in real life.

"Sylvanite," Taehyung said firmly, placing down the letters on the board and forming the word. "And with that, I now have 370 points!"

"Fuck you." Beomgyu said, who had 60 points. "I hate this game."

"I'm not good at this either," Jungkook mumbled, with 80 points. "Sylvanite? Is that even a word?"

"Yes, it's a silver gold telluride," Yerim said factually. Taehyung high-fived her. "Yes, good. At least one of you is smart."

"Hey! I'm smart too. Look at this." Chaewon said proudly before spelling out butthole on the board. Jungkook burst out laughing.

"Chaewon..." Taehyung muttered, but then Jungkook's turn came and he spelled out penis on the board. "Jungkook!" Taehyung gasped. Jungkook and Chaewon giggled.

"Yerim's right here." Beomgyu said. "She's 12."

"I know more than you do, idiot. You don't even know what 3rd base is."

"And you do??? Yerim," Taehyung frowned. Yerim gave him a sheepish smile. Jungkook smiled fondly at Taehyung.

"Tae, stop policing them." Jungkook hit his shoulder lightly. "Taehyung's nothing like this with his friends." Jungkook told Taehyung's siblings.

"Yeah I bet he gets bullied," Beomgyu said.

"No I don't." Taehyung frowned, and then mouthed don't tell him to Jungkook, who pouted.

"Aww, no, Taehyungie doesn't get bullied. Everyone's scared of him because of how strong he is." Jungkook giggled. "But he's such a sweetie. Like a cute little puppy." Jungkook said brightly.

Taehyung tensed, looking at him. The siblings all giggled at Jungkook's words, but Taehyung's smile drifted. He turned back towards his board while Beomgyu was playing his turn.

He spelled out fat. Taehyung suddenly stood up. "I need to use the washroom," Taehyung said abruptly, and Jungkook looked up at him. Yerim was yelling at Beomgyu about how he could've made a longer word, so Jungkook got up.

Taehyung walked up the stairs. Jungkook could sense he was upset, so he followed him upstairs and into his bedroom. "Tae. What- what's wrong?"

"Cute little puppy?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jungkook with his big puppy-dog like eyes which made the whole situation a little contradictory. "I don't- Kook, I don't want you to call me what my mom calls me."

"It was a silly nickname, why're you upset? You call me nicknames too." Jungkook said, walking closer to him.

"I-I know. But," Taehyung gulped. "I- I don't know. You never called any of t-the guys you were with cute puppies..."

Jungkook frowned. He walked forward and brought Taehyung's chin up to look at him. "Hey." Jungkook cut, eyebrows furrowed. "I also didn't like any of the guys I was with. I actually like you. All those guys were useful for was their dicks. I don't care about any of that with you, Tae! I like that you're kinda cute but kinda assertive. I like that you're book smart but not that street smart sometimes. I like that you're bossy to your siblings but let your mom call you 'cub' all the time. I like that-"

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook by the waist, pulling him in close. "I like you," Taehyung said suddenly, and Jungkook's eyes grew big.

"I-" Jungkook licked his lips. "I like you too, Tae."

Taehyung looked down at his lips. Jungkook looked at Taehyung's lips as well. They both stirred for a second, inching closer, hands tightening on Jungkook's waist and on Taehyung's shirt. Their breaths mingled for a second, their eyes fluttered close, their lips almost brushed across each other for a slight millisecond when-

"Guy!" Chaewon's voice came, and Jungkook and Taehyung pulled away from each other. "Come down, dinner's ready."

"R-right." Taehyung nodded. Jungkook did as well, toying with his sweater. Chaewon turned and walked out. Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other for a moment but then walked out of the room, deciding not to comment on what just almost happened.


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