Edge Of Seventeen (Jade West)

Von HanaDE238

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There's a new bad girl in town that makes Jade West look like kitten... Elizabeth Smith is a 17 year old girl... Mehr

Chapter 1 - Sugar We're Going Down
Chapter 2 - Kryptonite
Chapter 3 - Teenagers
Chapter 4 - Despacito
Chapter 5 - Juicy
Chapter 6 - I don't do boys
Chapter 7 - Fill Me In
Chapter 8 - Kings & Queens
Chapter 9 - Come See About Me (Part1)
Chapter 10 - Come See About Me (Part2)
Chapter 11 - Complicated
Chapter 12 - Freak the Freak Out
Chapter 13 - Take A Hint
Chapter 14 - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter 15 - I'm the Bad Guy
Chapter 16 - You Don't Know Me
Chapter 17 - How to Save A Life
Chapter 18 - So Many Miles
Chapter 19 - Complicated
Chapter 20 - IDGAF
Chapter 21 - Don't Break Me Too
Chapter 22 - Love You Like a Love Song
Chapter 24 - Earned It
Chapter 25 - Ride Wit Me
Chapter 26 - Stacey's Mom
Chapter 27 - Don't Start Now (Part 1)
Chapter 28 - Don't Start Now (Part 2)
Chapter 29 - Fourth of July
Chapter 30 - Edge of Seventeen
New Story
One Shots
New Story!

Chapter 23 - Party All The Time

2.6K 73 10
Von HanaDE238

Beth POV 

"I can't believe it, Lizzie, there was nothing, I made sure I remembered all of their birthday's and what do I get? Nothing. This is why you and Cat are my best friends, I mean even Beck. Beck!" I listened to Jade rant and rant on about the guys forgetting her birthday since I picked her up from school. 

I laid my head on the back of the sofa and turned to my left, where Bridget sat, listening as well. "I am not sure if you have noticed, but she is pissed." I said, stage whispering, which caused Jade to stop pacing in front of and and stormed over to me hitting my thigh. Bridget laughed loudly, pointing at my face. 

"Oh you should have seen how scared you were!" She wheezed out. 

Jade shook her head, taking a seat in the arm chair next to the fireplace, arms crossed. "I do not know why I bother with you two." 

"It's because you love them, unfortunately darling." Claire said, waltzing into the room with two mugs of tea. She hands one to Jade, I see Bridget sit up, almost ready to accept the other mug but the look of disappointment on her face when Claire just perched on the arm of the seat Jade was sat in and took a sip of it. Claire must have seen her face, "Oh I am sorry lovelies, did you want a drink?" She asked, smirk on her face. 

Bridget pointed at Claire, glaring, "You always said that you made a deal with the devil, which is why Jade is such the little witch with her attitude, when in reality it just comes from you. I see what you are doing woman." 

Luckily, before the adults could get into it, Jake came through the door, which made the huge dog of his, use me as a spring board and jumped and galloped over to him. 

"Hey mom," Jake said, walking into the room, dog trailing him. "What's wrong with Liz?" 

"Your damn massive dog used my vagina as a spring board and jumped off of me." I said groaning, holding my most prized possession and rolling on to my side, head in Bridget's lap. 

"Well, that's what happen when you let her lay on you, you never learn." Jake stated through his laughter. 

I sat up normally again, as this was like a weekly thing we always do, "Only joking, mate, though that dog is heavier than your sister." 

"Hey," Jade shouted, insulted, "That dog is fucking heavier than big Bertha from Jake's school cafeteria." 

"Alright kids, god you would think I have three 10 year olds." Claire said, rolling her eyes, "Lets all get ready, we have reservations for Jadey Poo's birthday dinner." 

Jade rolled her eyes hard, grabbing my hand and pulling me harshly up the stairs to get ready. I watch as she stands in front of her closet, trying to choose an outfit. I come behind her, arms going her waist, I move her hair to her left shoulder, my lips kissing the newly uncovered pale skin of her neck. 

"I am going to need you to dress like you are 21." I whisper, taking her lobe in between my teeth and lightly bite down. I feel her shudder in my arms. 

"Why exactly?" She asked, breathlessly. 

I start, lightly biting her neck to her exposed shoulder, "I am taking you out, after dinner." I feel her nod and I let go of her moving quickly to her bedroom door. "Amazing, I will see you in half an hour." I all but fly down the stairs, laughing as I hear Jade slight scream in frustration. 


I stand in front of the West front door, about to knock while I look at myself in the glass reflection. "Thank the lord it is Friday." 

(The shirt is fully done up, it will be this style when Beth and Jade are one their way to Beth's surprise.)

I knock the door and smile when I see that Jake was the one who answered. I walk forward and ruffle his hair, "Hey, Champ, everyone ready?" 

Jake groaned, leading me to the living room, "No, only me and Bridget and you are ready. Liz, why is it that stems and studs are always first to get dressed and the fems always take ages?" 

I see Bridget's eyes widen as she spits out the water she was drinking. I could help but laugh at the whole situation. 

"Where the hell did you learn that, Champ?" I asked, laughing hard, leaning against the back of the sofa for support, my hand grasping at my stomach. 

"What? It's what Jack told me. I was asking about lesbians." Jake answered, truly not understanding why I was nearly wetting myself. 

"What on earth is going on here?" Claire asked as she entered the room. She looked around to see her son looking confused, Bridget cleaning the floor and sofa and me still laughing. 

"I think we should just all forget what happened and go to dinner." Bridget said, standing by Claire, I see her arm disappear the dark haired woman, I raise an eyebrow, knowing exactly where it went. 

Claire called for Jade to hurry, I told them to get into the car and I will get Jade and meet them at the restaurant, I turned around when I saw her at the top of the stairs. My eyes went wide and my mouth very dry. 

I clear my throat, when she finally got down the stairs and stood in front of me, smirk on her face. 

"Let's get going, before I devour you." I groan slightly, taking her hand and pulling her to my car. 


After a fun and loud dinner in the restaurant, me and Jade were stood by the car, waving goodbye to Claire, Bridget and Jake. Though I did tell Bridget when we were alone not to let Claire get to loud as they still had a child in the house which she responded with 'Same to you as well.' 

I take Jade's hand and open the passenger seat door open for her, once she got in, I closed the door and went to the drivers side. Luckily I had no qualms in getting into another car and riving it, the only thing that killed me was the fact I could not keep or restore my baby, that I built with my dad. She was too bashed up from the crash. My mom and dad persuaded me to get another car but it had to be a four by four so here I am with a BMW X5.

"So where are you taking me? Has to be somewhere that will be illegal as you told me to dress like I am 21." Jade asked, placing her hand on my thigh, tracing my tattoo that is visible through the rips in my jeans. 

"I am taking you, baby girl, clubbing. My friend has a club downtown, pretty big place and even though he knows me, I always like to look the part so she doesn't get done for serving under aged people." I answer and see her nod her head from the corner of my eye. 

I finally park up at the club and redo my lipstick. I notice Jade just watching me, love in her eyes. I undo my shirt and just tie it up on my ribs. 

"I never did ask you, how the hell did you get tattoos?" Jade asked, forcing me to turn around and lifting my shirt up to see my back tattoo, she than turned me to look at her, undoing the shirt and looking at the two rib tattoos, though the flowers she had to see by undoing my bra. When she realised what she was about to do, she blushed madly and moved away from me. I smirk and sort my shirt out again. See me and Jade still haven't had sex but it was coming. 

"I visited London, just before we moved here. Only have to be 16 over there with adult consent." I answered, making sure I still had the desired look I wanted. 

"Well I know it wasn't your mom or dad who let you do it, so who signed the consent?" She asked. 

"My sister." I replied, smiling and then getting out of the car. I walked over to the passenger side, opening the door and holding a hand out for Jade to take and get out of the car with dignity. "Come on, no need to wait in the line, we are VIP's tonight." 

We walked up to the security guard, when he realised who I was, hugged my hard and let me in. The music was thumping through the room, floor and our bodies. I made sure I had a tight grip on Jade's hand, leading her to the bar. (Play the video)

Once I pushed my way through to the bar, I flagged down my girl Jessica, who hugged me over the bar. I asked for two bottles of beer and a bottle of water. She nodded and left to get it sorted for me. I felt Jade start to sway behind me, her hands on my waist, squeezing every so often. Jessica handed me the drinks, not before indicating that she will be tending the upstairs bar from now on, I nod to her and turn around. 

I hand Jade the bottle of beer, and quickly neck mine back, slamming the empty bottle on the bar and take a sip of the water. I look to Jade and see that she's done the same as me. I get a tap on the shoulder and a bartender is placing four shots in front of me with a message saying they are from Jessica. I make room at the bar for Jade and we both do two shots each. 

I grab the pale girls hand, moving towards the dance floor, winding my hips to the music, I look behind me and see Jade's gaze is just on my ass. I smirk and stop in my place, I lift my arms, my right hand caressing my left arm, I slowly drop to the floor, my hips still moving sensually side to side. My hands then go down my sides and back up grabbing my hair. I turn around, facing Jade, who's gaze is fixed on my hips. I grip her top and pull her closer to me, my leg going between both of hers. 

Jade seemed to snap out of her trance, grabbing my back, pulling me even closer, her face going into my neck, biting it. It made my head fling back and moan deeply in her ear. The song changes and I feel Jade's hips start to go. (play the video)

She turns around, starting to winding her hips onto my crouch, I grab her hips hard, pushing her into me more. I throw my head back, not believing I am living to experience this. She stands up straight, her hands coming back and hold my head into her neck, as we both move sensually, my hands move from her hips, going lower to her uncovered legs. I drop lower, and slowly come back up, making sure my skin is touching. 

When I get to Jade's face, I can feel her panting against my cheek, she turns, our chest press hard against each others, I feel my breath catch. I learn forward and press my lips against hers, moving slowly, I open my mouth, slowly moving my tongue across her top lip asking for permission to enter. Before Jade could accept I was pushed away, I look to my left and see a group of college boys, smiling and looking us both up and down. 

"What the fuck was that about?" I shout at them, pushing the one closest to me back. 

"Ooh, this one is a feisty girl, just how I like them." The guy I pushed, said, he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, my back to his front, I try to elbow him but he had me trapped. 

"Get off of her!" Jade shouted, trying to get to me but was pushed back by another guy. I look her straight in the eyes and motion with them up, hopefully she gets the hint. 

Jade looked at me, she sighed and threw a hand forward, is resignation, "You know what have her." And she left. 

I sigh, thankfully, I don't have to worry about her. "Okay, now you got me, what you going to do?" I ask, still struggling in the guys arms. 

"Oh we are going to have some fun." He whispered in my ear, then started kissing on my neck. I close my eyes, wishing upon hope that someone comes quickly. What seems like forever, I decided I need to do something because this dude is giving me hickies that my girlfriend should be giving me.  

Finally I feel the guy get pull off me and I get pulled into a hold that I definitely know. I looked up and saw Jade, who was glaring at the boys, she watched as they got pulled out the club by the security. I smile, move from Jade and kiss Jessica on the cheek, thanking her. 

I turn back to Jade, pulling her to me and planting a big kiss on her lips. "Let's get out of here." 

Jade smirked, grabbing my hand and pulling out towards the main door. Once we got into the car I turn towards her, "So I hope you enjoy that, before the dickheads ruined it." 

"Lizzie, it was," She paused and shivered. 

I smirk, placing my hand on her thigh, "Trust me baby girl, it's only getting started." 


Thank you again guys. Hope you enjoy the two chapters! 


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