Kookie's Universe || BTS✨

By fullmoonjoon

725 16 5

We. Are The Bangtan Boys! We'll always save the day. And if you say we can't, Suga will punch you in the fac... More

Kookie's Universe || BTS✨
1. Kim Namjewel.
2. Kim Seokjem.
3. Sugilite
4. Alex & Opal
5. Park Jemin
6. Taezanite
7. Kookie
8. Awakening
9. One and The Same
10. Tag!
11. Wasnt It
12. Phoenix & Jade
lmaooo (not an update)
13. Training Day 1.1
14. Training Day 1.2
15. Pitiful
16. Secretive
17. Forgive Me
19. Jade Beom & Lisa 1.2
20. Hell To Pay 1.3

18. Aria & Millie 1.1

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By fullmoonjoon

(pretend her hair is long!💜)

Aria felt like she was gonna throw up.

Having to watch Jade-beom and Lisa suck each other's faces off for the last 50 years, you'd think it wouldn't disgust her as much now.

Oh but it did.

She could understand. Tomorrow, Jade-beom would be following herself and the rest of the team into war. Who wouldn't cling on to their love ones?

But jeez. This was borderline pornagraphic.

And why did Jade-beom like such a black hearted raging bitch anyway?

"It's worse if you just sit there and stare at them, Ari love."

The sound of Aria's favorite person's voice quickly caused the disgust simmering in her stomach to be overtaken by butterflies. A smile made the corners of her lips twitch. She did her best to keep the look of disgust so she didn't look totally whipped.

"You'd think we weren't technically asexual creatures the way they're always all over eachother."

The person chuckled and the smooth, velvety sound caused goosebumps to raise on Aria's entire body.

"Maybe that's the power of being in love rather than the power of sexual attraction."

Aria gulped but stood her ground.

"That's the power of obsession and unhealthy dependency. I could never-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the feeling of her long orange hair being gently swept behind her neck by cool smooth hands made the rest of her words choke up in her throat.

"Im sorry, please continue love."

The voice was several inches closer now, almost like a whisper in her ear. The heat of the other person's body was so close to Aria's skin, a slight beading of sweat began to gather on Aria's brow.

Her orange eyes searched frantically around to see if any potential witnesses were in the area.

Jade beom and Lisa were too caught up in their own moment to notice the two other gems behind them, and they were the only two around.

If Aria wasn't totally holding her breath from the clear tension between herself and the other person, she would've sighed from relief.

She didn't want any of the others on her team to see how completely weak and gay she was for her second in command, Millie.

Millie settled her hands on Aria's waist on top of her orange armor and rubbed her nose gently along the younger's  exposed throat. Aria was borderline shaking from the tension in her body being wound so tight.

She was totally in love with Millie and the slightest touches from her made Aria's brain freeze entirely over.

Millie didn't move an inch or utter another word. She just pulled Aria's back into her chest and continued to hold her and make small nips at her neck.

Every time the older's teeth connected to her skin, Aria squeaked like a damn mouse.

"Y-You're gonna get u-us caught." Aria ground out, trying to sound angry but only managing to sound breathless.

Millie hummed in response, right next to Aria's ear, almost making Aria's knees go completely weak, but never unwrapping herself from around her leader.

She knew Aria didn't really want her to.

"Please forgive me. I get carried away sometimes." Millie finally said in her same old flat monotone voice.

This was how Millie was now. Before, she was as a literal as a computer and totally devoted to her role as a respectful subordinate. Her voice was still the same but her personality had totally changed.

Millie was once the all work no play type before loving Aria. She didn't joke, she didn't laugh, she didn't smile and she definitely didn't engage or take interest in things that weren't strictly about work.

It was a result of a hard upbringing. Millie, like Aria, was a genetic phenomenon too. She was a born a rare mystic clouded diamond with the ability to teleport.

Unlike Aria though, her parents weren't ecstatic about having an anomaly as a child and considered her rarity a birth defect. Two diamonds producing a clouded diamond was unheard of and frowned upon by the Diamond community.

Millie was different and the diamonds didnt do different.

The community alienated Millie's family and in turn, Millie's family alienated her. They treated as an unwanted pet. Only giving her strict orders of what to and not to do and never interacting with her outside of that unless they were punishing her in the most severe way for a mistake. This especially became the case when they had Millie's younger sister, Lisa.

Lisa was born perfect in their eyes. The perfect diamond child that they had wished for in the first place. Once Lisa got there, it was like Millie didn't even exist. The elder daughter didn't feel any way about it because she'd never known love from her parents to begin with.

Millie over time turned into a robotic gem with no personality, no emotions and barely any sense of gemanity.

When Aria met Millie and Lisa, Aria refused to leave Millie to the evil family that had created her. She helped Millie run away and together they formed a team that would fight against discriminating gems like her parents, her sister and the Diamond District Board.

That's where Millie found escape.

It was difficult to get used to such a devoted, obedient but cold teammate on Aria's part. Millie was the complete opposite of her expressive, open , warm self but she appreciated Millie nonetheless and did her best to help her mentally, emotionally and socially where she was lacking.

It was a hard work to put it mildly. Helping Millie differentiate friend from foe was like teaching a new born to talk, but together they accomplished it and progressed to more complex topics as they went.

Their time they spent together caused Millie to at least have a grasp of the concept of feelings and Aria to accidentally develop feelings for Millie.

But Aria was scared for anyone, especially Millie to know because she didn't know how she would react.

As more and more people joined their team, including Jade-beom, Aria became more and more anxious about anyone finding out.

But she could only hide it for so long.

One day, Millie was acting so cold and distant to Aria during training that Aria just became an angry, crying, emotional mess from all the pent up emotions and stormed into their ship (a gift from Aria's parents) alone.

Of course Millie was entirely confused, but she'd learned that when people that are your friends seem to be hurting, you should try to help. So following Aria into the vessel, that's what she did.

"What's the matter, Aria?" she asked in her usual robotic voice, watching the girl plop to into her captain's chair and pull her knees up to her heaving chest as she cried heavily.

"You wouldn't understand. Just go away." the leader replied through sobs, rubbing furiously at the falling water droplets.

Millie's first instinct was to say 'ok, i trust your judgement.' but she had a subconscious feeling she wasn't supposed to give up on trying yet.

"Please, Ari. I want to help." she attempted again.

The leader's sniffles were loud and her tears were flowing like rivers. Millie used this evidence to piece together that something deep was troubling her leader. It wasn't going to be easy getting it out of her.

She tried it one last time.

"Please ,love."

Aria's head snapped up at her last attempt, and it gave Millie a small spark of hope that her final attempt had worked.

The spark however was doused aggressively when Aria only started sobbing harder in response.

This had Millie spluttering from surprise.

"Did I say something wrong? If so, I ask for your pardon and any punishment you see fit for misconduct and insubordination."

At this Aria shook her head, sobs still pouring from her mouth.

"Then if I haven't offended you Aria, what is it? Im trying to help."

Even though she was concerned her voice was totally flat and monotone and her face was blank. Aria wanted to believe she really cared, but she knew she didn't. Maybe not because Millie didn't want to but because she didn't know why she truly should. And this is what broke Aria's heart the most. Before she could stop it, this fact came spilling out of her mouth.

"Im crying because I love you and it hurts to do so only to be treated so coldly like a nuisance or like an insignificant fly! No, worse than a fly, like the grass beneath your feet that you dont even notice. Not because the grass isn't noticeable because its green as fuck and its every fucking where so of course you notice it. It's just so unimportant to what you have going on and thats why you barely notice its existence even though its a living thing too. I dont wanna be grassssssss!"

At this point, Aria was rambling and boohooing like a hurt child and all Millie knew to do was listen.

"I-I want to be that flower, and you know what flower Im talking about. That flower thats stark white in a field of green that you cant help but to notice and when you do notice it, it gives you a little rush of joy because you love those flowers. Then you rush over to the flower and pick it and make a wish and blow it so that all of its little leaf things surround you and you get a peaceful dream like feeling just from the experience. I want to be that flower to you but I can't because you dont even understand enough about love to even love me backkkkkkk. WAAAAAAA."

Millie was blinking frantically because she was honestly startled by how much she actually didn't understand Aria.

Aria wasn't a fly, she was a fire gem.

Millie herself never had been to a field and picked such a flower so that part of what she said especially went over her head.

Even though totally confused, the next thing she did was purely instinctual.

It was her only option left.

She rushed up to her leader's shaking body, dropped to her knees and engulfed her in a hug.

Aria's entire body froze as she felt Millie's arms surround her and pull her close.

The tears were still flowing and her mouth was still open but no sobs were coming out anymore.

"If it's that important to you Aria, I'll learn. I'll appreciate the grass and pick the flower and never kill a fly again and I'll learn so you never cry because of me again." Millie whispered into her hair.

And the words made the sobs come back full force. But not because Aria was sad. She was crying because she was happy.

She was happy because in her own weird way, somewhere in Millie's mind, she was beginning to really understand feelings.

That important moment they shared brought them to where they were now, in eachother's embrace, preparing to fight for the injustices both of them had experienced side by side.

"Please forgive me. I get carried away sometimes." Millie said in her same old flat monotone voice.

And Aria giggled.

"I think I'll allow it today, Lieutenant Millie." she replied, imitating the flatness of her lover's voice.

"The lack of the usual inflection in your voice makes me assume you're mocking me."

"Shut up and kiss me. Tomorrow's the apocalypse."

Millie ignored Aria and gently caressed the side of her head.

The mood slowly went from joking to somber the longer they stood there pressed into eachother.

"After tomorrow, everything's going to be different, Aria." the elder said softly.

Aria hummed in agreement.

"After we kick diamond ass, we're gonna find us a nursery and make a million little abomination babies that'll make the remaining diamonds sick to their stomachs every time they see them."

Millie only chuckled at her silliness and spun her around to face her properly.

"Whatever you desire, love, its yours."

Together they leaned in slow and connected their lips in a passionate kiss.

Millie couldn't have known then, but after that next day, everything would indeed be different. Just not in the way they had wished.



finally got my banner back working even though its still the old one lmaooo. anyway. hope you enjoyed. next chapter, we gon continue still in the past. see you then!💜💜💜

btw im not a multi lolll. but you have to admit it, EVERYONE is a little gay for hwasa and joo young. ijs lmao. ok bye fr.

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