Who Knew | Albus Potter (COMP...

Por rowanlennon

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After the continuous banter that I had with myself, I admit. I fancy my best friend, Albus Potter. You see... Mais

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Noticing
Chapter 2: Ache
Chapter 3: Curse
Chapter 4: Moments
Chapter 5: A Bump in the Road
Chapter 6: Broken
Chapter 7: Conscience
Chapter 8: Frustrated
Chapter 9: Confrontation
Chapter 10: Dancing
Chapter 11: Preparations
Chapter 12: Jealousy
Chapter 13: Game
Chapter 14: Out
Chapter 15: Cry
Chapter 16: Flipped
Chapter 18: Disappointment
Chapter 19: Tired
Chapter 20: Live
Chapter 21: Tease
Chapter 22: Flashbacks
Chapter 23: Inevitable
Chapter 24: Choices
Chapter 25: End

Chapter 17: Counting

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Por rowanlennon

Lizzie's POV

Dear Elizabeth,

It's you're father. If you even still remember. Where have you been lately? Well obviously you're at Hogwarts, studying well, I hope. But what I meant was that why haven't you been writing these days? Last time I heard from you was during late February. You're Nana's been worried about you as well (She's your grandmother if you had forgotten her). She's a bit upset that you haven't been writing.

We do like to keep up with your life, if you must know.

So how is everything? Hows life? How are your friends? How is Al by the way? And Rosie? I hope Rosie's keeping you in line, and helping you up with your schoolwork. You may be a smart child, but you do get quite distracted easily.

Hows Katie, by the way? I hope she's been giving you the draught. I'm so thankful that she's there for you. She was such a great friend to your mother and I.

That does remind me, by the way. How has your condition been coming along? I really do hope you've been taking draught every month, or when your pains start to act up at least. Please don't go dying on me, darling.

But anyways,

I heard about the Spring Ball. Why didn't you tell me? I had to hear from Katie in a letter. I heard you and Al had been chosen to lead the traditional dance. I'm so proud of you my dear. I hope you took pictures that night. I would like to see how you looked like. Of course, I'm betting that you looked beautiful. Just like how your mother looked like.

I miss you a lot, my dear Elizabeth. I've been missing your mum as well. I remember when she was so excited for you to go to Hogwarts. She'd always talk about it. I wish she could see you and how you turned out. But I suppose she'd watching you from heaven. She'll always be in our hearts, dear.

Well, if you were wondering how I was (I hope you were), I haven't been at home lately. I've been over in Washington for a few weeks, actually. The Ministry over here has been having a bit of trouble with the Ministry over in Asia, and they needed a few hands to help sort out the mess. Apparently, there's been a few misunderstandings, due to the language barrier. But I'll be able to go home in about a week.

Reply soon, alright?



P.S. I'd send a letter to your grandmother if I were you. She's absolutely worried, and can't stop pestering me about it. Plus, she's been quite crabby these days, and I'm hoping that a letter from you will ease her up.

I read the letter silently in the Great Hall as I munched down on my breakfast. I mentally rolled my eyes as I read the letter. My dad was such a worrier. But I did feel bad. I haven't told him about anything that I've been through these days. I didn't tell him about Maci, about Al, how Scorpius and Roe were together, and how practically everyone knew about my condition. I didn't even tell him the day I was going to die. I just didn't want him to worry.

It's been five days, and I have about 25 days left of my life left to live.

To be honest, it hasn't been that bad, really. I mean, sure people are talking, but not as bad as I thought they would. I've been getting special treatment a lot, but I've been rejecting most of it. By now, everyone got the full and correct story about what happened between me and Maci, and my Genetic Curse.

Plus, all my friends are threatening to hex off people's hands if they didn't shut their gobs my condition and how they talked about me behind their backs.

Rose was actually serious.

Ah, gotta love my friends.

They've been trying to get use to the idea, and cope with it. But they still get a bit uneasy every time something about my condition comes up. Even Wood's having issues. He's been acting like a pansy, making me do less laps. Giving me special treatment and all.

What did I do, since I don't like special treatment? Trapped him in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom stall.

Trust me, it's hell. I've seen how she is towards the male population. She's the most mental ghost I've ever seen. I swear, she still thinks that James is actually Harry! I think we should all blow her up at the end of our 7th year. I've heard that's how you get rid of ghosts...Is it true? Muggles say the way to get rid of 'em is to do some sort of ceremony or to pray or do something religious of some sort. In the wizarding world, I dunno if casting a damn spell will keep myrtle off our backs. So I suppose blowing them up will do 'em good. Maybe we'll do the same to Peeves as well. I fear for the upcoming generation.

So that's it then. Let's all blow up Moaning Myrtle and Peeves at the end of our 7th year. Fun.


I'll be dead by then. If anything, they'll be blowing me up.

Well bloody-freakin-fantastic!

Eh, at least I'll be replacing ol' Peeves. Instead of calling me Lizzie, they'll be calling The Lizard. Since I'll be practically invisible when I do all my pranks. Yep, my future's definately looking bright.

Then 15 years later, everyone comes back for a reunion and I see Rose and Scorp married. Awwww!

And then I'll see Al...

With a wife...

and kids...

That good for nothing slag!


I'm suppose to be his slag!

Wait..That didn't come out right. I mean that I'm suppose to be his girl. You know? 'Cuz- OH WHATEVER!

Yup, my life officially sucks. Just staple 'FAD' Across my head.

Hi, I'm Elizabeth Samantha Hart, and I'm a ghost that'll act like a student, walking around the school forever.

Greeeaat. Isn't my afterlife gonna be just exciting. No wonder Peeves' a lunatic. I reckon I won't be sane.

Anyways...You're all wondering about Maci, I bet.

No? Eh, can't blame you there.

Well, Maci's not exactly been having the best time ever. Most guys don't really like her as much anymore. Only the desperate ones were the ones who actually agreed to hooking up with her. She didn't have much friends either. She only hung out with that 6th year Hufflepuff, Lena Lambert.

Lena Lambert's probably the most nicest, and most loyal Hufflepuff I know. Yet she's the most idiotic, oblivious one ever. Because she's so damn nice, and oblivious, she doesn't care who she's friends with.

Everyone's already convinced that she should be related to the Scamander twins.

But every time someone says that, they get offended. Mostly because they think their intelligence is being compared to an idiotic girl. A nice idiotic girl.

But anyways, practically all my friends are giving Maci the cold shoulder. I'm sort of surprised she hasn't tried anything on me yet. I'm even more surprised that she hasn't even spoken to me yet.

She's still vile as ever though. She gives me these...looks. Can't blame her really. I did ruin her social life.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice greet me from behind. I turned around and was greeted with his bright emerald eyes. eyes started getting back the color and the shine that he lacked awhile ago. But then again, it was still lacking. He was still sad. I hated to have reminded him that I had a death sentence hanging above my head every time he looked at me. "What's that?" He hand, motioning towards my dad's letter as he sat in the seat next to me.

"Letter from Dad. He's been complaining on how I haven't written him in a bit."

"How long since it's been?"

"Since February." I muttered.

"February!" He looked at me incredulously. I wasn't usually the type who wouldn't write to her father, or to her gran. I always wrote at least 3 times a month. But lately, I haven't been doing so. "Don't you think it's time you wrote to your Dad and to your gran?"

I sighed. "With everything that's been happening, I don't want them to worry or anything."

"Do they even know about...what's been happening lately?" I shook my head as he asked. Then he asked in a soft voice, "Iz, did you even tell them the day your suppose to...you know?" He couldn't even say it.

"Die? No, I didn't tell them. And you shouldn't treat me like I'm so damn fragile, Al. I'm not gonna burst into tears any moment, you know." I snapped. I know shouldn't have snapped at him like that, but I was irritated. I was fed up with people treating me differently. I've just been the same for the past years they've all known me. Only now they treat me differently. My friends has been supportive so far, but I know...That in their eyes, I'm a different Liz.

I stood, grabbing all my stuff, deciding to make my way to the Room of Requirement (Since I had a free period). I've spent a few good amount of time in that place. I did a lot of hiding in there, and that was where me, Al and his family would play quidditch during the winter. I also did some studying in there as well.

I didn't bother to look at Al as I left. He could apologize later.

Once I got to the ROR, I had the place morph into some sort lounging place. Needless to say, it was looking hella comfortable. On the plus side, on one side of the wall, was this mini kitchen type of thing. There were built in cabinets, a fridge that should be stocked up with food, while the counters had loads of food on it.

I was in heaven. To make things ever better the ceiling was enchanted, so it looked like the blue sky mimicking the one outside.

I sat down happily in one of the seats after I took a bowl of grapes from the kitchen. As, I sunk into the seat, I took out a piece of parchment and got to writing my letters to both my Dad and gran.

Dear Nana,

I'm utterly, and completely sorry! I know, worst granddaughter ever. But you can't hate me forever, since I am your only granddaughter. Dad says you've been worrying about me. Don't.

I'm alright. I suppose...

I stopped writing and stared ahead. I couldn't continue on writing to my nana. I didn't have the guts to tell her about what's been happening. What if she freaks out? What if she has some sort of heart attack and dies? There were tons of ways on how nana would react. None of them positive, of course.

I balled up the paper in my hands and threw it against the wall in frustration. I grabbed another grape and tossed it into my mouth as I readjusted myself in my seat. After I found another piece of parchment, I picked up my pen again and began writing.

Dear Dad,

I'm preparing for my death on May 15th. Please bring flowers. Tell Nana that I'm sorry that I took a couple cookies form her cookie jar when I was 9. Also, everyone knows I'm dying soon, so it'll be a big funeral.

Love You Daughter,


Well isn't that just cheerful.

Well no duh I'm not gonna send that letter. That's just cruel. I wish life was easy enough for me to say it like that. But I couldn't. I didn't have the guts to even tell Dad, or Nana. I didn't know how to break the news to them.

"Liz, come on. I'm sorry." Al said as the lunch bell rang, while we finished cleaning up the ingredients from our usage in potions class. Al and I were partners in potions now. But we didn't speak the entire class today since of what happened earlier this morning. But I couldn't help but notice for the fact that he kept on looking at me, giving me hopeful, concerned, and pleading looks. I wasn't really mad at him really. I just didn't like how he had to point out that I was fragile, when I wasn't. "I really am. I didn't mean to say that you were weak or anything. I just didn't want to remind you. I didn't want to cause you anymore pain. Liz, come on. Lizzie." He spoke my name sternly when I wasn't listening. He grabbed my shoulders and made me face him, then he tilted my chin up (Giving me the chills as he did so), making me look at him. "Look at me."

"Fine." I muttered as I looked at him. "What?"

"I'm sorry, alright. I don't want you mad at me. I really didn't mean it in that way. Forgive me, please?" He pleaded. Of course I gave in. I didn't want anymore problem arising between us again. 'Sides, I like the bloke. It's hard to not forgive him. Plus with those Green eyes staring in my purple ones were just...ugh, making me al jelloid.

"Give me all your Chocoballs that I know you have hidden in your trunk, and your forgiven." I said with a straight face. Oh yeah. Badass-Little-Business-Woman right here. I should totally be working in a store, at Gringotts, or at the Ministry one day.

But nahhh, I wanna do something with potions.

"Deal." He replied with a grin, then engulfed me in a hug. Mmmm, I missed his hugs. It was always comfortable being in his arms. So safe. I remember back before this year started, I was always cuddled in his arms. I was either sleeping, he was comforting me, or we were just hanging. After we pulled apart, he spoke "You drive a hard bargain, Miss Hart."

I shrugged with a smile on my face. "What can I say? I've got a sweet tooth."

"More like an obsession." He spoke with a scoff as I tried to shove my books in my bag. "So how did you know I had those Chocoballs in my trunk?"

"James."I simply stated.

I heard him scoff, "Figures." Shaking his head. "But can I at least have a few of 'em? I got those last week, and barely touched them. At least give me a handful since I do have about 50 of them."

"Tell you what." I said, turning around. "I'll split you the Chocoballs, as long as you give me a handful of Droobles and a couple Fizzing Whizbee balls that you got hidden in your trunk under your quidditch gloves."


"Come on, AL. I'm your best mate. I know you well enough to know where you hide things. I know where you hide the Map, the cloak, and your fantasies of Chlow Fox." I sighed. "Seriously? I mean, ew."

He pointed at me as he had that joking-hilarious panicked guilty look on his face. "You weren't suppose to know about that!" He exclaimed hysterically. I laughed. "That's not funny! How'd you know about that? Can you suddenly read minds now?" He asks as he raises an eyebrow. "Because I think you'll be reading about yourself for quite a bit."

I rolled my eyes, but yet still felt that excited feeling in the pit of my stomach. "No, silly. You talk in your sleep. Frankly, quite a lot."

"And you failed to mention this because?..."

I shrugged. "Thought I'd be able to hear something useful to use against you one day."

"What! Why! Evil child!" He said. I chuckled at his hilarious expression. He's always trying to make me feel better. "So, uh...What else did I, uh...Mumble in my sleep?"

"Not much." I lied. Ha, ALOT actually. I could still recall the memories of him laughing out of nowhere because spiders were tickling him. Then there was that time he was enjoying his time with Chloe Fox. Saying all sorts of things. He kept on talking about how nice her hair was and how soft it was. That was the first time I heard of his Chloe Moments. It was during the summer before 4th year. I left the room after he became even more of a sap and started making kissing sounds. "Anyways, back to the how I how you have candy hidden under your gloves in your trunk. You're terrible at hiding things, Al. Even at a game of hide and seek you failed at. You think you were the only one who was looking when you were packing your trunk? I was there, you idiot."

"Still! No Whizbees! Last time you had some, you almost flew away! All of us had to fly up to get you before my mum and dad saw."

"That was first year, Mr. Forgetful. It was my first time trying it. Plus, no one told me that I had to eat 'em inside. And, I was only 30 feet in the sky. I really like the sherbert flavor, and that levitating feeling you get!"

Alright then, I sounded just about high or drunk as I said that last part. Great. But no seriously though, Fizzing Whizbees are amazingly good. I love the sherbert flavor. Plus, when you levitate in the sky, it feels like your flying. Although I can fly on a broomstick, it does feel nice for a change that I get to fly on my own without the broomstick. It really gives you that magical feeling.

"The Whizbees were for pranks. Hence why I brought them, and didn't tell anyone. Not for any of us to eat. You can have all my Drooble's if you want, but no Whizbees." He finalized, giving me the 'don't push it' look.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

As we were almost out the door, Professor Bell called me. "Lizzie? Can I speak to you for a moment?"

Al and I exchanged confused looks. What did she want? She normally didn't call me in unless she had some draught for me. But she usually gave me draught after dinner. "You go on ahead and get me my candy. I'll meet you for lunch." I told him, motioning him to the door. After Al left, I strode over to the professor, who sorting through the books stacked up on her desk.

"Hey, Katie." I said nonchalantly, as I dropped my bags to the ground as I sat on the stool in front of her desk.

"How's everything going?" She asked, setting a book down and looking towards me. That's what she wanted? To see how I was. Don't get me wrong, I love Katie and all, but couldn't this wait! I mean, come on! I was about to get candy here, people! "I haven't been asking you what's going on lately, and I'm starting to get a bit more curious since I keep hearing of you in my classes. The teachers gossips as much as you lot, you know. Especially with Patil around. She's been our year's gossip back before, and she's still even more of a gossip until now. So what's been up lately?" Then she added, "And don't tell me, it's your broom that's been up."

I chuckled. I really was a smart-mouth at times.

I scratched the back of my head, "Well, about that...Well, this girl that I hate, knew about my condition."

"Wait, how'd she find out?" She interrupted.

"Apparently, she was looking for her book on the ground in Professor Patil's classroom during the time the professor was telling me the date of my death. She used it against me by blackmailing me, saying that I gotta stay away from Al. Hence why he and I barely talked for months, if you hadn't noticed."

"Oh, I noticed alright. You two would be sitting at opposite ends of the room. He looked so sad. You as well." She added.

"I stayed away from him, even if I did really fancy him. But I didn't want anyone to know. I don't like disappointment. 'Sides, it was all for the better that I stayed away, I suppose."

"Why's that?"

"Well, I fancied by best mate, for Merlin's sake! That's not suppose to happen. It was hard for me to be around him, knowing I'd be dying and he wouldn't have known." I shook my head, "I don't know. It was just all too complicated."

"Then what happened?"

"We just didn't talk. In the beginning, when I started to avoid him, he tried to talk to me. But when he always got me alone, I'd run away, or made up some pathetic excuse to leave. Before all this, Rose found out. She was the one who persuaded me to go to Patil. James found out afterwards after my accident. The one of me falling off my broomstick."

"Yeah, I visited."

"Well, he overheard Madame Bones' and Rose's conversation about my condition, then confronted Roe about it. Al eventually found out my secret."

Katie's eyes widened. "Oh, god. When?"

"Night of the Spring Ball." I muttered. "I went to go for a walk, then he followed me out to the qudditich pitch. We talked, a lot. Then he went on how he fancied me. Then one thing led to another an-"

"You kissed!" Katie exclaimed excitedly.

I gave her a weird look, then shook my head, causing her shoulders to slump in disappointment. "No. I accidentally told him about my Hexheartonia." I spoke sadly. "He wanted to be together, but we couldn't. I only had a month left. So the next day, this girl that hates me, started yelling at me after Al dumped her. She thought it was my fault, when it wasn't. Then the crazy bint told everyone. Announced, actually. Half of Al's family was there, and so were a few 6th and 7th years. And you know how news spreads in this school. Everyone knew after about an hour or two."

"She had no right to just go out and blurt to everyone your dying! Bint." Ah, reasons why I love Katie Bell. (In a non-homo way. And before you jump to any conclusions, I have nothing against gay people.) "What did you do when she told everyone?"

"Slapped her across the face...hard." I said like it was nothing. I wasn't even ashamed that I was telling a teacher this. Any type of assault usually results in immediate detention, but who the fudge cares. The nosey parker deserved it.

Kati thought for a moment, then gave that 'oh well' look, then shrugged. "Yeah, guess she deserved it." I always loved talking to Katie. Even though she was a teacher, I could always use vulgar words in front of her, and she wouldn't care. She was always like an older sister to me. I swear, it's like she's not even a teacher at all. She's almost like teddy when she's not in teaching mode. "Then what happened?"

"Stormed away, ate something, went to the lake, Al's family followed me, we talked, cried. Then Al came later, and everyone left us both to talk. Awkward it was in the beginning. Then we both talked, and then we made up. We're not an item or anything, but we're friends at least. That's all that matters, I suppose."

"Does your father know about all this?"

I shook my head. "He doesn't even know the date of my death. I haven't written in about forever."

Katie gave me a serious look, "Liz, you have to tell him. You have to. He's your father."

"But I can't! It's so hard to just go on and say, 'Oh Hi Dad, I'm gonna die on May 15th. In about 25 days to be exact. Sorry I haven't told you or Nana. Yeah, bye! bring flowers!' Oh, that'll be just dandy!"

Katie rolled her eyes at my hysterical sarcasm. "When do you plan on telling him?"

"Tried writing back today, but then...I just froze. I just crumpled it up and threw it at the wall. I don't even know where to start."

"If you want...I can tell him. He'd understand."

I looked up to her face in hope, "Really? You'd do that?" She nodded. I suddenly then threw my arms around her in thanks, then sighed in relief. "Thank you."

"I'll owl him during lunch. Now, you go and on up to the Great Hall and get some of that candy." I slung my bag on my shoulder as I chuckled. But before I stepped out of the room, Katie called me out to me again. "Oh, and Lizzie? I forgot to mention, I'm going to be gone for a few weeks. The Professor's Cauldron Convention is coming around. Teddy's going to sub while I'm away."

I nodded, "Okay."

"Bye, dear." She said with a smile. After I gave a small wave, I left, heading on up from the dungeons.

"Liz! Liz!" Gryffindor's 6th year, Arleigh McKenna exclaimed as he emerged from under the table.

Yes, he came out from under the table, and no one was really concerned.

Although I pity the guy. He came out from under a table without having anyone being concerned with his sanity.


I sighed. "What is it Arleigh?" I asked the brown shaggy haired boy.

"You're just the person I wanted to see." He said, grabbing my wrist as he pulled me along to a seat at the table.


"I'm wondering. Is...Dominique Weasley...You know...er..How do I ask-"

"Just say it or I'll bloody hit you on the head."

"-Available." He said quickly. "Is Dom available? As in...Single?"

"Yeah...?" I asked skeptically. Ooh, look at me using big words. Dad should totally be proud at my intelligence. I should be in Ravenclaw! Well, actually no. I take that back. The Claws are nice, but some of them are annoying.

"Great! Help me win her over!" He said with a hopeful smile. Arleigh wasn't bad looking or anything, and could be the type for Dom. He had brown shaggy hair, light-skinned, toned body, green eyes. He was handsome. Not to mention smart, although a bit odd.

Although I couldn't help but give him that 'Are you serious' look.

"W-what! Me!" I exclaimed. "Why!"

"You know her. Plus, you're a girl."

I snorted. I know right? How attractive. "Well nice of you to notice, Arleigh."

"Just help me?"

Ii hung my head, "I'm shit at setting people up." I said flatly.

"It's alright! As long as you know her."

I shook my head, and gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Arleigh. I really would help, but I'm dealing with my own problems right now. I'm terrible when it comes to playing cupid. Why don't you ask Lily? Or even Roxy! They're more boy crazy than I am." I said.

He gave me a small smile. "Alright. Thanks though. And good luck with all your dealing with. It must be pretty hard with people reminding you that you're gonna die."

"It's annoying, but I cope." I placed my hand on his shoulder in thanks. "Thanks. You'll be good for Dom." and after giving him a small smile, I got up and walked over to James and Freddy who were both speaking intently at each other. I was surprised to find that Al wasn't here yet.

"Hey." I greeted lamely as I dropped my bag to the ground.

"Hey." They both said simultaneously.

"Freddy and I were talking about an upcoming prank that we want to do at the library. People are so serious now that Finals are just in about a couple weeks." James said. "They need to loosen up a bit."

Fred nodded in agreement. "Have you seen the library these day? It's packed!"

"Well it's finals. Last test taking of the year. Of course it'll be hard. What'd you expect?" I told him as I started gathering food on my plate.

"It's not just Ravenclaws in there. All the other houses are in there as well. 'Cept the Gryffindors. Only about a couple are there really. Rose being one of them lot. Most of us don't study weeks before finals. We usually stud-" Freddy replied.

"A week before finals starts. I know." I interrupted flatly.

"You seem bothered." Fred pointed out.

I shrugged. "What's that suppose to mean?" James asked, questioning my little shrug.

"I don't know." I sighed. "Just been thinking about everything. I hadn't even told my dad about what's been happening."

"You mean you haven't even told your dad about the date of your death?" Freddy asked incredulously. "Liz, you gotta tell him!"

"I know!" I whined. "But It's just so hard to go 'Hey Dad, I'm dying on May 15th! Yeah, you're only daughter is dying! Okay, bye! Bring flowers!'" I groaned.

"Well, you gotta tell 'em soon. 'Specially your Nana. I don't think she'd appreciate it if she found out on the day of your death that your dying in just about any moment." James spoke. I sighed. Great, now I gotta deal with Nana as well. Poo. I looked around the Great Hall, in search for Al. Maybe he was already here. I finally spotted him after a minute, and found him sitting next to Scorpius, and both were talking. Here's another thing I have to deal with. Not having Al. I want Al, yet I can't. I don't want to ruin the friendship and I certainly didn't want my death to be harder for him if I were to be with him. After a few moments of looking at him, I stared back down at my food. When I looked up, I found James and Freddy both staring at me intently.


"Something else is bothering you." Fred anwered. Since when the hell has this boy been observant!

James nodded. I sighed then nodded my head towards Al's direction over at the Slytherin table. Both boys turned around to see who I was nodding towards at.

"What about Al?" James asked.

I slumped in my seat, then planted my elbow on the table, having the palm of my hand supporting my hanging head. "I just...Oh, I don't know. I just wish I didn't had a death sentence hanging over me. Everything would've been so much simpler. So easier. But I guess even without the death sentence, I still wouldn't be able to be with Al."

"How so?" Fred asked.

"He's myt bestest mate, Fred. I don't want to ruin in. Plus, he'd have a greater chance of hurting me if we'd ever break up. He just means so much to me, and he knows pretty much everything about me. Just like I know everything about him. Including his little dreams about Chloe Fox!"

At the mention of Al's dreams caused the boys to snicker. "He told you about that?"

I smirked. "Nah, I heard him in his sleep."

"So you're scared?" James asked after both boys were finished with their snickering.

"I guess. I mean, why couldn't everything be easier! Why couldn't I fancy someone else? Why couldn't I fancy you, James? Or Freddy? You boys are good looking enough. And nice. And good to be with!"

"If you're trying to say something here, Lizzie, you should just start confessing your love for me." Freddy spoke with a cheeky smile plastered on his face. I scoffed.

"As if." I told him. "James if my favorite of the two of you."

"Yes!" James cheered with a triumphed grin, as he fist pumped the air. Leaving Fred with a pout on his face. I chuckled at the sight of it. "And there we have it, Fred. I'm the favorite. I love you too, Lizzie. And I would date you, if I didn't see you as a sister and all."

Fred nodded along with James. "Same. You're a great girl, Liz. Even though Maci was even more fit, we still like you better. Because you're you!"

"Thanks." I replied flatly. Geez, he makes me sound as if I'm so un-interesting, and ugly!

I saw James nudge him in the gut. Causing Fred to look at my grim expression. "I didn't mean it like that! You're gorgeous, Lizzie! We love your personality, and it's hard for everyone to not like you! You're not hideous at all! Remember all those guys who fancied and still fancies you? See? Complete proof. If I didn't see you only as just a friend, I'd totally fall to your feet! I mean, you were my date to the Ball and all. And I only do take the best. You're like a goddes-"

"Fred!" James interrupted loudly, getting his cousin's attention.

"Yeah, what?"Acting as if he said nothing.

"Shut up. You're word vomiting."

"Oh, sorry." He apologized as his cheeks burned in embarrassment.

I shook my head with a smile. "It's alright, Fred. You were just trying to cheer me up. Thanks."

"Anytime." He replied with a grin.

"Hey!" Al greeted as he approached the three of us, plopping himself down on the open seat next to me. "Sorry for taking so long. Scorp wanted some ideas on what to do for him and Rosie's first date."

"Well why didn't he ask me!" I ask. "I'm a girl. I'm Rosie's best friend."

"Yeah, but he didn't want to trouble you." He answered.

I suddenly stood up, pointing my body in Scorpious' direction. And being the Gryffindor I am, and being lazy to walk over there as well, I shouted, "OI! MALFOY! GIVE HER LILLIES! ROSE THINKS IT'S UTTERLY CHEESY WHEN BOYS GIVES HER ROSES FOR A ROSE!" and with that I smiled back over at him and sat down in my seat, continuing to eat my lunch. Leaving Scorpius gaping like an idiot, making him think I'm an utter lunatic.

Well, I don't care. I'm dying soon.



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