Who Knew | Albus Potter (COMP...

By rowanlennon

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After the continuous banter that I had with myself, I admit. I fancy my best friend, Albus Potter. You see... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Noticing
Chapter 2: Ache
Chapter 4: Moments
Chapter 5: A Bump in the Road
Chapter 6: Broken
Chapter 7: Conscience
Chapter 8: Frustrated
Chapter 9: Confrontation
Chapter 10: Dancing
Chapter 11: Preparations
Chapter 12: Jealousy
Chapter 13: Game
Chapter 14: Out
Chapter 15: Cry
Chapter 16: Flipped
Chapter 17: Counting
Chapter 18: Disappointment
Chapter 19: Tired
Chapter 20: Live
Chapter 21: Tease
Chapter 22: Flashbacks
Chapter 23: Inevitable
Chapter 24: Choices
Chapter 25: End

Chapter 3: Curse

590 17 8
By rowanlennon


I, Elizabeth Samantha Hart, am the biggest self-lying (aka denying) person ever.

So yes, I finally admit.

I fancy Albus Potter.


Merlin, I'm insane.

Curse his good looks, his annoyingly charming smile, that fluffy and soft brown hair, and those green eyes that just reminded you of food.

And I love food. A lot.

If I hadn't possessed another ounce of sanity, I think I would've confessed it all with a shout from the top of the astronomy tower. But luckily, I managed to contain that ounce of sanity.

The unlikely factor about this whole situation, which also made my heart drop, was the fact that Al and I were best mates. The key word being: Best mates. And you know what happens when you're just best mates. Meaning: I was in the friendzone, and when you're in the friend zone...It's almost impossible to get out without any drama happening.

You know how muggles have those cellular phones? With texting and all? Well, you know how one sends a text message, then suddenly regrets sending the message and wants to take it back but can't? Yeah, that's how it was.

Close to impossible.

I sat in my seat during Muggle Studies, pondering about the idea of Al and I together, when I should really be listening to the lecture about the internet. But since I grew up with many muggle items surrounding me, and living in a city filled with other muggles, you tend to almost be like one. Since I experienced all that, I knew quite a lot, giving me an advantage in class.

However, I really should be listening to our professor. But the fact that Al sat at my table, along with Dom, and this slag of a Gryffindor named Maci McLoughlin, it's sometimes hard to concentrate. Especially when he's sitting right in front of you.

But yes, we still do have slags. You'd think that generations later, people would start gaining in back some morals, and the whole 16 and pregnant trend would eventually die out. But alas, no. McLoughlin just had to set an example, and had led on another generation in her footsteps. But then again, no bloke can blame their attraction to her. She is very pretty, even though I'd hate to admit it out loud to others.

The girls and I have never been quite close with her, nor have we particularly liked her. Especially Roxanne.

Roxanne wanted to claw the life out of that girl.

Basically, and in the shortest possible way of explaining, what happened was that Maci seduced Roxy's ex Phil (Ravenclaw) and they had a full on snog session in the broom cupboard. Which conveniently, during that time, Roxy had detention and had to mop out the classroom that was coincidentally the classroom next to that particular cupboard where the two lards were sucking face in.

So when Roxy had to go grab the mop from the cupboard.

Roxy saw Phil and Maci.

Roxy saw Phil and Maci, shirtless (Slag still had her bra on, at least).

Roxy saw Phil and Maci, shirtless, and snogging.

Situation didn't end well basically. Rox gave Maci warts all over her face for a few days, and Phil was in the hospital wing for a week. Rox got double detention, but she claimed that it was all worth it. Fred got pissed with Phil, but seemed a bit more upset over the fact that Rox got to him first before he did. But even after Phil got out of the hospital, the boys gave him hell for a month before backing off. Dom and the rest of the girls gave Maci the cold shoulder as well.

And Al? Idiot didn't even know what was the bloody hell was going on until around the end. But he mostly blamed Phil rather than Maci.

So I suppose, this whole explanation wasn't exactly the shortest way of telling you lot all this.

But nonetheless, we still don't really like Maci. Slag.

"Mate." Scorpius cheerfully said as he slapped the back of his best friend, Al, as he caught up, joining in step with Al, Rose and I as we made our way to potions. Al grinned as he and Scorp exchanged their little 'man' handshake. See, this is what I love most about our generation.

There's hardly any prejudiced tension going around these years compared back to our parents time. Most people got along with everyone. Most of these sort of things usually just came off as some sort of joke. Scorp and Al became best mates during first year after I approached a lonely Scorpius who was sitting alone on a bench. I pretty much invited him to come sit with us on the other side of the court yard and when he declined...I just pulled him by the arm and dragged him over. So basically, I forced everyone in each other's lives.

I'm that outgoing.

So it's pretty much, it's all because of me Al and Scorp are like...BFFs.

Scorp had been quiet in the beginning when we first met him, which would come across as a shock to people since after years passed, Scorp's pretty much a talker. And by talker, he's quite the outgoing lad, and sometimes to the point where he just gets annoying.

In some ways, I blame myself for that.

"Hey Scorp." I greeted.

"Ah, my dear little Lizard. How's my dear almost-like-a-sister?" He asked, grinning widely as he hung an arm around my shoulders.


He rolled his eyes, along with both Al and Rose. "You're always hungry." The three of them said simultaneously.

"Ah, you lot know me well." I said.

"Well of course!" Al said ruffling my hair, which I vaguely scowled at in response. He laughed.

"Weasley." Scorp greeted Rose, leaning slightly forward to get a look at her.

"Malfoy." She said monotonously, keeping her view straight ahead as she nodded curtly. Scorp raised an eyebrow as he pulled back, then averted his eyes away from Rose, keeping his view ahead.

"Always a sassy arse." He mumbled. "Still hate her."

"You keep telling yourself that, Scorp." I stated with a knowing look on my face, whilst rolling my eyes. I had a good friendship with Scorpius, unlike him and Rose...Who pretty much had it bumpy ever since. See, the thing is, no matter how many times those two may argue, fight, annoy, tease, and taunter the living daylights out of each other, I'm pretty convinced the two fancy the socks off each other. I'm serious. They might not know it, or may be in denial, but that feeling is there somewhere. I'm sure of it.

All I can picture right now is one day, when they're arguing for no reason whatsoever, they're gonna end up declaring their undying love for each other...and then snog the living daylights out of one another.

Yup, it's destined. And to anyone who objects. You're opinion is invalid.

I ship Scorose, but they don't know that so SHUSH. I can still remember the look Scorp gave Rose when he first saw her after summer on the train back to Hogwarts. Rose had started to mature a bit more, she grew taller, and her hair was much more tamer than the usual. She basically...Blossomed. I, on the other hand who was witnessing the whole thing, wanted to laugh and cheer on Scorp's reaction when he saw her.

Basically, it was the typical jaws-on-the-ground reaction.

And I practically died of his reaction. Total entertainment for me. It's like I'm watching some sort of bloody soap opera here.

"Well good afternoon everyone, I'm Professor Lupin." Teddy Lupin said. Teddy was no stranger to me, considering my close relationship to everyone in Al's family. He was like a big brother, someone who looked out for me. He was also, by far, one of the coolest young adults ever. Not to mention, quite handsome as well. Though he didn't faze me, along with Rose and the rest of his family, many girls ogled Teddy. Much to Victoire's dismay. "-and I'll be subbing for Professor Bell today." Teddy said. I frowned at the news, and tilted my head to the side. I hadn't known that Aunt Katie was gone. She hadn't mentioned it to me. But I'm not completely complaining since it's Teddy who's subbing us, but still. I raised my hand, wanting to ask a question. "Yes, what is it, Liz?"

"Where's Kat- Uhm, I mean Professor Bell?"

"Professor Bell is dealing with some business over at the ministry today. But she'll be back tomorrow." He replied, giving me an assuring smile. "Anyway, since your professor didn't leave any lessons today, why don't we do an easy potion just to keep the workload light for you lot today?" Everyone in our class cheered, all talking at once. "So just talk amongst yourselves while I pick one out."

As Teddy flipped through the textbook, furrowing his eyebrows every now and then, I took the time to take a look at my best mate once again. But this time, I wasn't the only person who gazed towards Al.

My other best mate, Rose, followed my gaze, which settled on her cousin. After looking to Al, she looked back at me, and kept switching her views from Al and I. For some odd reason, she didn't look at least surprised. It was almost as if she had already expected it.

She shook her head, a small smug smirk playing up on her lips. Of course this didn't go unnoticed by me. "What?" I asked, raising my head from my palm. She shook her head, not saying a word. But instead, she kept that small grin on her face as she looked back between Al and I once again. "What the bloody hell, Roe. Just tell me." I hissed impatiently.

She tsked. "No need to be so sensitive. I swear, Liz. I'm one of your best mates and up until now, you couldn't even tell me that you fancied my cousin." Rose said with a scoff before she held a hand to her chest. "I'm wounded, really!" I whacked her on the arm. "Ow! What was that for?"

"We really need to stop hanging around James and Fred. You're starting to quote them." I retorted as Rose made a face, sticking her tongue out. And she's suppose to be the mature one out of us all.

"But you could have at least told me tha-"

"That what, Rose?" I said, giving her a pointed look. "That I fancy my best mate. Your cousin? I don't think that would've been the greatest topic to have randomly brought up, Roe. I couldn't have just gone, 'Oh hey, Rose! I fancy Al. You remember that bloke right? You're cousin? My handsomely good-looking best friend? The same best friend with the most brilliant pair of green eyes? Yeah okay, bye!"

Rose sniggered and said, "Ha, you think my cousin's good looking, and has nice eyes." I shot her a look in response.

She sighed. "It's not like I would've beaten you about it, Liz. I wouldn't have been to shock or grossed- Well okay, maybe just a little grossed out that you fancy my cousin. But still. I'm one of you bestest mates, Lizzie!" She pouted, making me feel guilt.

I slumped in my seat. "Yeah...You're right. I'm sorry, Rose. I-I should've told you. But it would've been just so weird telling you that I fancy Al."

"Actually, not really."

I looked at her in surprise, "Why not?"

She shrugged, "Well everyone was expecting it anyway. For the both of you. We even betted on it."

My jaw slackened. "You lot did what?"

"We betted." She said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"So he knows about this too? So he knows I fancy him!?" I almost start to shreik.

"Whoa, whoa. No, no, no, no. The only person who didn't know, were you and Al...Well that is, up until I told you a moment ago. So pretty much, everyone in our family, and I literally do mean everyone, betted on your love life and relationship with Al and the only person who's still completely and dim-wittedly oblivious is Al."

I leaned back in my seat like a drop. "I don't know what to be more surprised at. The fact that everyone is in on this, or the fact that you're actually betting. I swear, Fred and your Uncle George are completely rubbing off on you!" I said, throwing my hands up.

She rolled her eyes, and before she could reply Teddy spoke up. "Ah, here's one. I remember doing this a while back ago. Not too hard and not too easy. It's calming potion for those who have rather rare and certain illness. It's called the Phelgmacious Draught potion." I froze, before choking on my saliva making me cough violently.

"You alright, Hart?" Teddy asked, looking at me with concern as Rose slapped my back a bit lightly. I gave out one small cough and cleared my throat but nodded. I gave him a thumbs up, signaling that I was alright.

"Well then, Phelgmacious is a potion for a very rare illness that is usually passed on through genes by a parent. So it is not a contagious illness. The draught, doesn't cure the illness, but does calm down the uneasy pain the patient experiences." He explained, I felt a slight pressure on my mind as I start to feel a little closed in. Clearly, I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Rose raised her hand, "Teddy, I-I mean, Professor. What is this illness exactly? And where do they experience this pain? And-"

"Rosie, I'll get on in details, chill." Rose blushed, but smiled at what he said, ignoring a couple Slytherin's sniggers. "Hexheartonia, is what this condition s called. The patient usually experiences the pain in the chest. Hexheartonia is believed by most to be a curse, but in most logical opinions, it's merely a stopper to the heart of a person. Hexheartonia is a wizard's disease. At....." As Teddy trailed on about said condition, Rose raised her hand once more.

"Is it possible for a person to be cured of this disease?"

Before her question was answered, someone interrupted Teddy. "Sorry, love, but I'd like to start the assignment rather than hear you ramble on." Scorpious Malfoy hollered from the other side of the classroom, causing some chuckles echoing around the room. In response, Rose simply huffed before rolling her eyes.

"Everyone, open your books to page 67. Begin!" Teddy announced. Then he turned to Rose. "Rosie, if you want anymore information, just go to the library and look it up in A Wizard's Curse and Illnesses. By Cathy Mockadriff.

As everyone began pulling out the necessary ingredients, Rose thanked Teddy while I merely pleaded and prayed to Merlin that somehow that book wouldn't be there.

"Teddy has a weird definition for easy." Al whined Fred and I as we walked back to the Gryffindor common room. After we had finished out last period of the day, potions, we immediately left for the common room to grab our brooms and some gear. Almost every week, the lads and I had some sort of tradition to head off to the pitch for a fly after classes had ended. I suppose you could call it our bonding time. Rose would usually come along and watch us from the stands. But almost every time, we'd try to force her up on a broom and teach her how to ride the blasted thing.

But today, Rose wanted to go to the lbrary. Which was something I wish she didn't have to do.

During the remaining time we had in potions, I stayed quiet and somewhat sullen or anxious. After that whole mention of certain things during class, it felt as if everything in my life just shifted an inch over.

"It was easy." I told him, trying to perk up a bit and hoping to hide any trace of sullen-like behavior.

"For you! Not for me. I had issues cutting up the weeping pines! Those things can squeak and squirm, you know! Plus, you're brilliant at potions. I, on the other hand, have got the talent in potions as big as Uncle Ron's, which isn't really that good if you remembered what Aunt Hermione had told us before."

"I'm not that brilliant at potions, Al." I said, rolling my eyes. "Besides, I've made that potion far too many times before. I've literally made over at least a few thousand cauldrons filled of that potion. I've started making at it since I was 9."

"Wait, why?" Fred asked, looking over at me with an eyebrow raised. My eyes widened as I suddenly froze on the spot. I really shouldn't have said that. The boys stopped walking and looked at me for an explanation.

"I- uh..I-I use to- use to help my nana out! Yeah. Nana liked to volunteer over at St. Mungos before and I had to help her make some stock for a few patients." I lied.

"Really?" Fred asked. I nodded my head hastily in response.

When there was nothing else to say, I awkwardly spoke up and said, "So, we gonna fly or what?" I started heading back towards to the common room once again, leaving the boys behind. After a few steps being ahead of them, I looked back and saw the both of them shrug before trailing after me.

Once we arrived at the pitch, my spirits instantly lifted up. The feeling of being free, the feel of the wind blowing through my hair, and the fact that it distracted me so much that it felt as if I haven't got a care in the world. I simply loved it.

"I wish Rosie came with us. I wanted to teach her how to fly again." I told them before we kicked off the ground.

"Liz, just give up." Al said. "She's a hopeless case, and she refuses to stay upright on a broom." I gave a small chuckle, recalling Rosie's failed attempts at flying a broom. She must've inherited it from her mu- Actually wait no, she did. But she's actually worst than Hermione. Rose doesn't really have much of a fancy towards heights. It's amazing how she hasn't fainted every time she has to go up the astronomy tower.

Finally kicking off and cricling around the pitch, Fred did what he always did.

Show off.

"HEY GUYS! LOOK AT ME!" Fred yelled at Al and I. Al and I stopped halted next to each other as we watched Fred's head inflate. We both laughed at him as he attempted to do a trick. Fred managed to do the trick, but wobbled a bit after flipping from upside down, nearly falling off his broom. Fred use to suck at doing tricks and all sorts of stunts on the broom, but he progressed.

A bit.

As Fred kept on lopping through the hoops, I suddenly felt someone's eyes burn into me. I found that it was Al who was gawking at me, making me feel self conscious. But I looked right in his eyes and smiled casually, ignoring the fluttering feeling in my stomach. He did the same. But as we were gawking at each other, a small round red head of hair came into view.


I don't know for how long I've been staring. But I probably look liked like a right stalker, or a creeper, from the way I was looking at her. She and I were just floating above the quidditch pitch as we ignored Freddy, who was showing off for the umpteenth time. But I couldn't help but stare at my best friend.

As cliche as this might sound, but her hair was flowing around from the wind quite dramatically. Not to mention the way the sun made her skin glow was quite attracting. But don't even get me started on how much I liked her smile. As sappy I might've sounded, all of it was true. I did like her hair since I got to play with it a lot, and I did like her smile and her...uh, skin.

And Merlin, her eyes...That was one of my favorite things about her.

From what I know, she never really did like her eyes. Said it was too different and it made her stand out more than she had wanted to.

Rubbish, I had thought.

But I should be slapped at this point. I, Albus Potter, was staring at my best friend in a way that best mates aren't suppose to. I was staring at her as if I fancied her. Hell, I was staring as if I was a blind man in love..- But could I possibly be?

Well I have been observing her more than usual. Just like how earlier during potions she got all quiet..That's not normal. She's never quiet in potions. She's always either talking to someone or singing a muggle song. There weren't any shreiks or squeals. I simply didn't hear her voice at all. This concerned me because for crying out loud this is Lizzie we're talking about. She always had something to say, and when she didn't...Something was definitely wrong.

From what I saw earlier, I could tell something was bothering her. But I didn't know what. She looked rather tense..Or guilty. Frustrated or annoyed even.

But luckily when we got to the pitch, that whole facade eventually wore off. I smiled at the thought of it. I knew that Liz loves flying. I knew it made her happy, even on the saddest days.

She described it to be something that placed her in her own little world. A world that soothed her, feel carefree. It made her happy, and I was just glad to see that particular smile planted on her face when we soared into the air.


"Rose!" I called out before zooming towards her "Hey. You came." I told her as I landed clumsily, and almost tripping process.

"Yeah. I got that book of illnesses that Teddy recommended. I'm gonna read it here, while you lot fly around. Then we can all head down for dinner after."

"Oh." I said as I shifted my weight to the left uncomfortably. "I heard it's a lame book."

She scoffed. "Liz, you don't like any sort of books that's educational. Every educational book is lame to you." Rose replied flatly.

Though she had a point, I couldn't help but defend myself. "Oi, I've read Hogwarts: A History before! Not to mention, that quidditch book your dad gave me two Christmases ago."

Rose raised an eyebrow. "You only read Hogwarts: A History because you were curious on how this whole place was like. You were 10 when you read it. As for the book my dad gave you, it's a book about sports. Not exactly educational in that sort of sense, don't you think." I hung my head, slightly miffed at my defeat.

But what I was more miffed at was the fact that she didn't hesitate to read the book. I had planned on grabbing it from her hands and throwing it somewhere far. But she'd just get suspicious and not to mention, really pissed. I'd just get her into trouble for losing a book. Merlin knows how long she'd get mad.

Scorpius threw her book across the room a while back ago.

It didn't end well.

I sighed heavily before rubbing the sore spot I felt in my chest. As smart as Rose was, I blatantly hoping that she'd be pretty thick right now. I really didn't want anyone putting two and two together. I had hoped her would listen to me. But knowing her, she wouldn't.

"Oh- oh alright." I said, giving in and silently praying to God and Merlin that Rose possessed an ounce of stupidity. I returned back to where the boys were.

"So what? She's not gonna try and fly, or at least come to the field?" Fred, who had stopped his one man show and had finally joined us, spoke.

I shook my head and flatly said, "She came here to read. I don't even think she's gonna watch the lot of us. I suppose she doesn't want to be stuck with James or maybe even Scorp."

Fred then stated, "Those two should just stop bickering and just start dating already." I agreed. The two did have a habit for constantly bickering.

"If those two don't sort it out, I'll have no choice but to lock them into a broom closet." Al said as he inwardly groaned.

"I think Malfoy's one of the only people that I truly do approve of for our Rosie." Fred replied thoughtfully. "Well actually, I don't quite mine anyone really. I just have some sort of favoritism towards Scorpius. But as long as she doesn't start taking a fancy to Collin Vervain, I'm alright with pretty much anyone."

I raised an eyebrow and said, "Anyone?"

Fred shrugged nonchalantly and said, "Yeah? Sure."

"Even Michael Summers? Even Jacob Corner? Even McLaggen? Now don't even get me started on that one Slytherin, Ringo Simm-"

"Okay! Okay!" Fred exclaimed. "I get what you mean. But what I meant were you know...The decent type."

"Exactly," Al stated, a slight look of disgust appearing on his face. "Simmons doesn't even cut close to the decent type. I nodded in agreement.

We spoke about another topic for awhile afterwards. One that I don't quite remember too well, in fact. Although it might've had to do with the Scamander twins and Rose, that was all I could remember.

"Oh look who seems like she wants to join now," Freddy said, nodding towards his female cousin. The three of us looked at Rose, who kept on darting her gaze back and forth between us and her book. Shaking her head, she suddenly stood up from her seat and ran off back to the castle. I furrowed my eyebrows, a frown appearing on my face. I exchanged confused glances with the boys, mine being a bit more anxious and concerned.

"Think she heard what we said about her and the Scamander twins? We were only joking..She doesn't have to marry them and get 5 eccentric book-worm babies" Al spoke after a minute of silence.

"Something tells me it wasn't us that made her upset." I muttered before spotting the book she had borrowed lying open and turned over on the ground. My throat suddenly went dry as I saw this. Rose never left a book like this, unless she was upset or too bothered to even care for anything she was doing at that moment.

"Liz?" Al's voice was filled with concern as he spoke. I looked to find him gazing at me intently, noticing my tense frame. I made my way to her previous spot, picking up the book to read where she had last been. I instantly paled upon reading the first few sentences.

Hexheartonia Symptoms

Note: (Most rare impacted patients do not have all of these symptoms or identifications.)

1. Rubs their chest ever so often, due to a slight cringing pain in their heart. Chest pain occurs every month. Varies for each person.

2. Inability to do anything physically intense, such as sports, etc.

3. Magical strength is weakened and is usually hard for the patient to perform magic.

4. Un-natural eye color.

Despite the continuing list, that was all I had to read to figure out. I slammed the book shut, hopped on my broom and took after Rose. Leaving Al and Fred behind with very, very confused looks.

As the amount of fear, guilt and anxiety built up within me, I started to become nervous. I wasn't sure how this was going to end.

But what I was sure of was that my secret was out.

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