Who Knew | Albus Potter (COMP...

By rowanlennon

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After the continuous banter that I had with myself, I admit. I fancy my best friend, Albus Potter. You see... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Noticing
Chapter 3: Curse
Chapter 4: Moments
Chapter 5: A Bump in the Road
Chapter 6: Broken
Chapter 7: Conscience
Chapter 8: Frustrated
Chapter 9: Confrontation
Chapter 10: Dancing
Chapter 11: Preparations
Chapter 12: Jealousy
Chapter 13: Game
Chapter 14: Out
Chapter 15: Cry
Chapter 16: Flipped
Chapter 17: Counting
Chapter 18: Disappointment
Chapter 19: Tired
Chapter 20: Live
Chapter 21: Tease
Chapter 22: Flashbacks
Chapter 23: Inevitable
Chapter 24: Choices
Chapter 25: End

Chapter 2: Ache

708 18 4
By rowanlennon

2 months had already passed, and I'm starting to experience things are just a big bowl filled with one big NO.

It's like puberty, especially for girls. Once you've hit it, next thing you know you're surfing the crimson wave.

Now that, is definitely a pure on bloody hell.

I've made you uncomfortable, haven't I? Well that's me! Good ol' Elizabeth Hart, making others uncomfortable since birth. But I'm being serious here though people! Get with the program!

But basically what's been a big bowl full of no, has been the fact that I've been extremely observant and cautious around Al lately.

And by extremely observant, I do not mean I'm stalking him. Puh-lease. I am no repeat of that one girl who had that major obsession with him back in 2nd year. Complete nutter I tell you.

Flashback - Second Year - Stairwell to the Divination Tower

"Hello Elizabeth." A voice oddly said behind me as I was walking up to Divination. I was late for class, as per usual. I often liked skipping or getting late for class. Mostly because Professor Trelawney is an old hag that creeps up on people during class without notice. Plus, she didn't take attendance, so she didn't really notice who attended her class. I mean, come on. She's 60 years old, she thinks she's talking to four people when there's actually only two.

"Oh hello- Eyah!" I half screamed in fright when I turned around, to only find Creepy Joy's face a few inches away from mine. "Merlin's beard, Cre- I mean, Joy! You can't go around sneaking up on people like that! Besides, what are you doing out here? Aren't you always in class? First time I've ever seen you late."

"Actually, I was in the hospital wing. I have asthma, so I needed a refill for my inhaler." Creepy Joy informed.

"Oh. Great. Well anywho...I think we should be heading to class, don't you think?" I said, not really wanting to stay around her. Creepy Joy was really off her rocker, as normal as she might've looked. Her fair skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. When you glanced at the girl, she was seemingly normal. But when that girl opened her mouth...Oh boy. Though the girl was enthusiastic, everything about her contradicted her name.

'Joy' Who the hell gave her that name? Now the name 'Zora' would've suited her much better.

I'm not trying to be mean, I swear it. But it's true.

"Not so fast." Creepy Joy said quickly, taking hold of my wrist which I tried to take back.

Which I failed at..Unfortunately.

"What?" I asked, not wanting to be here. Alone. In the empty stairwell. With Creepy Joy.

"I want to talk to you about Albus Severus." I looked at the girl weirdly. Albus Severus? Really? She's actually calling him by his full first and middle name?

"Al?" I asked, "What about him?"

"He's a mate of yours?" She asked. I nodded slowly, as if I was saying, 'duh!'.


"Is dating anyone?" I looked at her even more weirdly. Dating? Why does she want to know about that!? We're 12 for crying out loud! Al's only ever had a few crushes. But dating? Heck no. Not his current forte.

"No..." I replied.



"I like him."

"Uhh..Um...Why? It's just Al."

"Well we're all in the same divination class right?"


Creepy Joy rolled her eyes. "We're like...Aura mates."

"Aura mates." I repeated.

She nodded. "Yes. Aura mates. Remember how Professor Trelawney taught us about auras? And Al was my partner for that lesson?" She asked. I nodded, it was also the worst class Al endured.

Hey, his words. Not mine.


"Well you know how two good auras are compatible?"

"Sure." I replied flatly, wanting her to get to the point.

"Well I have a good aura." Good aura? This girl is mental...Or maybe she's dyslexic and misunderstood the lesson. Yeah, maybe that's it.

Replying sarcastically I said, "Great for you."

"Al has good aura as well. I could tell. Professor Trelawney says I'm a natural in sensing other's auras. It's just that with Al, just being near him, I can feel his aura streaming through his pores. It's just luring me into the luscious trap that is his affection." She said, letting her eyes drift close as she inhaled through her nose. By now, I practically resembled a codfish with the way I was reacting to this. "That's some nice aura." She stated.

Now I know what know what Al meant after what he told me after that one class.

End of Flashback

See what I mean? Creepy.

To Al's relief, Creepy Joy transferred to another school. Which school exactly? I don't know. Nor do I care.

It's a bit of a shame though. She did get good grades in divination.

Plus, she was quite easy to copy off from.

But never mind Creepy Joy. As I was saying, I have been noticing him a bit more than usual. Which is creepy, considering that fact that is my best mate. Best mates don't do that sort of thing. They have sleepovers, insult each other, protect one anotehr other, and make them float by shoving down a fizzing whizbee down their throat.

But no, I had to be stuck with Al. One of Hogwart's most handsome hunk.

Oh god, I can't believe I actually referred Al as a hunk.

Kill me now.

The thought of even fancying Al was a shock to me. Basically, I just don't want our close friendship going down Moaning Myrtle's toilet. And trust me, that's not the most sanitary thing around this school.

Ugh, where the hell is the dessert already? Bring in the jello, losers!

I'm kidding, I'm not really that mean.

Though I do have my moments...

I was sitting in the Great Hall with everyone, eating dinner. I was sitting in front of Rose, Al, and Hugo while I sat between my dear James and my 'who-I-like-to-think-as-my-little-sister, Lily.

As I ate, I couldn't help but keep on secretly glancing at Al, hoping to get a look at those green eyes of his, which was like an abyss that you could just sink into.

Wait. Are abyss' green, or blue? Good Merlin, I'm making his eyes sound like the Black Lake. Which, by the way, isn't really black. You know, just FYI and all.

But maybe his eyes were like emeralds...Or- ooh! His eyes could be like a bowl of bright lime green jello! Ugh. What the bloody hell is wrong with me? First I'm starting to creep on Al, and now I'm comparing him to green jello? Ugh. I think Dad should've taken me to the doctors during the summer.

"Try not to look, Liz. But Aiden Wood's staring at you again." Lily whispered to me, nudging my side as she tried to get my attention.

I set down my fork, propped my elbow on the table, placed my forehead against my hand, and groaned. Aiden Wood is both our keeper and Gryffindor quidditch captain this year. He's in his 6th year (A year older than I am) and apparently he has some kind of crush or infatuation with me. A weird one.

He wasn't completely obsessed, which was good. The last thing I needed as someone to stalk me around school just like how Creepy Joy was to Al back in our second year.

In the beginning, when I first found out, it was oddly and somewhat flattering. I mean, it's Aiden Wood. He's one of the most handsomest blokes at our school, he's not a player or a git, and he's quite smart. You'd think he would be almost perfect.

But for some reason, I wasn't like the other girls who fawned over him. So I left the thought alone. The only thing good that came out of the whole situation was that Aiden played favorites with me, and allowed me to skip some practices every now and then when I wasn't up to it.

But then after a while, you would think that he would get bored and would forget about the whole crush thing and drop it.


The bloke just continued on. I mean, he's liked me since I was a 4th year! I first met him in the hall when I accidentally bumped into him on my way to Herbology. All I did was just bump into him and he helped me pick up my stuff. We both apologized and I we left. That was it. But when he realized that I was on the same quidditch team as him, which he failed to realize the year before when I made the team during 3rd year, apparently that won points with him.

And just like that, he was hooked.

He's seriously got an odd way in taking a fancy to a woman, I tell you.

Aiden has always shamelessly flirted with me, even if I've never made the effort to return the favor. I just treated him normally as any other person would. He's even asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him loads of times, but I told him I wasn't interested from the start.

Now, most normal people would back back off and leave the issue alone when I would tell them that I wasn't interested.

But no. Not Aiden.

He still continued on to keep asking me every Hogsmeade trip. Apparently, he thinks I'm playing 'hard to get'.

Well babe, if I've shot you down more than 37 times, then there's a massive hint on the fact that I don't want to date you.

I swear, the bloke's smart, but incredibly and stupidly oblivious and blind. So every time he asks me to go on a date with him, even if it's just for a walk around the school, I always make excuses like:

"Not allowed to date before a quidditch match."

"I got a huge test on Monday, Aiden. Rose is gonna help me study. Only us, no one else."

"Going with Al and Fred."

"I've already got a date." (Massive lie)

"I'm sick."


And when I got really desperate and couldn't think of an excuse, I resorted to this excuse:

"I- uh..I'm going Nargle Hunting! You know, with the Scamander twins. We're all looking for Crumple-Horned Snorkacks and Jilly..uh, Jophorskins!"

Yeah, and those were some of my famous excuses. Simple and stupid, yet very effective. It keeps him at bay. But I swear, the lad can't take a hint even if it would hit him on the head! I think he was dropped at birth. Unfortunately, since I'm close to the Potters and the Weasleys, they were somewhat close to the Wood family as well. Though they didn't come around often, that still meant that I was to see him around at Al's or Rose's place. But since Al and Rose's family knew my current and yet very, very unfortunate situation, they helped me avoid Aiden 80% of the time.

So when I've down the boys some wrong, and Aiden was fortunately (to them) around, they'd stick me to him.

And you know who's getting a kick out of this? Al. He thinks it's hilarious that the lad fancies me. Well you know what, Al? You're a tosspot.

Eugh, that was so lame. I can't even properly insult my own best friend.

Rose groaned, "When will that boy take a hint?" She said, shaking her head.

"And to think that he's one of the most intelligent ones in your year, James. I swear, brilliance has really downgraded around here. As each generation passes by, everyone just gets dumber." Hugo spoke up after swallowing a piece of shrimp.

"He's been hit in the head with too many bludgers, that one." Al laughed out. "He can't tell the difference between a yes, a no, and a can't you not see that I don't want to date you?"

We all laughed, "You know how he was late for practice that one day last year?" James said, grinning widely like a cat. We all nodded, looking at him with skeptical looks. "And I had to go get him from his room?"

"Oh yeah, I remember that bit." Fred said. "You got that funny look on your face."

"Oh no, Fred. That's wasn't a funny look." I said, trying to stifle a laugh, "That's just how he really looks like." And right then, I couldn't hold my laughter back any longer. At that moment, I started laughing, only to be joined by everyone except for James who had his eyes narrowed at me.

"Oi, shut up." He pouted, nudging me. "At least I don't got some creeper, Liz."

"He's not that bad...At times." I tell him.

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? Well to me, Wood's got it pretty bad for you." He grinned smugly. "But I mean, sure, if you count having a bloke who has pictures of you on his bedside table 'not-that-bad." My face dropped at his response.


"Are you serious?" Al asked as I groaned, burying my face in my hands.

James sniggered along with Fred, "I'm not even joking. He's got about 3 photos of you. Ones taken of you here at the Great Hall, the other one is of you by the lake alone, and the last one seems to be up close. As if you were talking to him."

I sighed, "I was telling him to bug off." I said, "You know what he did? Nothing. The bloke pretended I hadn't said anything. So I sarcastically told him to take a picture so it would last longer. You know what he did? He actually did take a picture! I mean, where the sodding hell did that boy get a camera! I would've thought he's hanging out with the Creevy sisters too much." The Creevy sisters were fraternal twins in James and Aiden's year. Obviously, they had taken to the same hobby a their deceased uncle, Collin Creevy.

Everyone shook their head and began to talk about another topic. Each having their own conversation. It's been about a few minutes and we were at dessert. Finally.

Pain. Pressure. Queasiness.

Suddenly, I dropped my fork onto the small plate after I've scooped up a piece of my pie. It was back.

I raised my hand up to my head, while the other set on the table, hoping to support myself. I shut my eyes, tight. Hoping it wouldn't come so soon.

"Liz?" It was Al, giving me a concerned look. We were all still eating dessert at the table. Al had stopped eating and stared at me with concern. "Are you alright?" I nodded. I didn't want him to know, nor did I want him to worry. I opened my eyes and found all my friends looking at me with a concerned look on my face.

I perked up in my seat, trying to ignore the pressured pain in me. "I'm perfectly fine. I think I ate too much. You know, stomach ache." I lied. The pain wasn't even at my stomach. It was my chest. The pressure came even more now as it pounded and cringed. It almost stung.

"That's what you get for hogging all the food!" James boomed with laughter.

I shut my eyes again.

James. Just please. Shut. Up. I can't take any of the noise.

I stood abruptly, with all the strength I could muster, surprising them in some manner, but stumbled as I did so. Al instantly stood up, and leaned forward over the table to steady me a bit. I shot him a small but quick smile in thanks. I felt slightly fazed when he held me, but I shrugged off the feeling. "I-I uh, need to go."I muttered. "I need to go to bed." I kept my words short. Breathing was too hard.

Rose shook her head, "This' been happening every month, Liz." -Please shut up. The noise. "You need to talk to Madame Pomfrey about this. Do you need someone to walk you?"

I shook my head, and gave her a small smile. "No. Leave it. Just eat." And with that, I hurried out the Great Hall and headed for the dungeons, straight to Professor Bell's office.

When I finally got to her office, I knocked before entering. "Aunt Katie." I greeted with a flinch.

Sitting at a desk, examining vile's of student's work, was Katie Bell. My Mum and Dad's best mate, but also commonly known as my Potions Professor. She and my parents were close mates back then when they were in school and I've known her since up when I was a baby. Aside from Hermione and Ginny, and all the other Potter and Weasley women, Katie was someone who knew me very well. She was the closest thing I had to a mother aside from Nana.

She knew my secrets and- well, you get the point.

"Lizzie." She looked at me with concern as she set down the vile that was in her hands. "It's hurting again, isn't it?" I nodded, which she frowned at. "I'll get the potion. I've managed to brew one up before this month started." She mumbled as she hurried to her cupboards.

I stumbled into a seat next to her desk and gripped on the table for support. I shook my head. "By now, I would think I'm use to it all. But it just hurts even more. I-I can't believe Mum h-h"

"Dear, try not to speak. It might help." I nodded as she informed me as she gathered the phelmacious potion. A calming potion for the specific pain that I have.

And Merlin no it's not for those womanly menstruation things that we girls go through.

And no. I'm not pregnant if that's what you're thinking.

And no, I don't have breast cancer.

Aunt Katie gathered the potion from the cauldron and transfered it into a cup before handing the cup to me. "You'll eventually get use to them. Drink up."

"Thank Merlin you're a potions professor." I mumbled as I sipped the bitter yet warm liquid. After drowning the whole cup, moments later, the potion had instantly relieved my chest. "How did Mum ever deal with them?" I asked as I handed her back the cup which she set down in a sink.

She sighed, "Barely. To be honest. She was a strong woman, you're mother. Every month, she'd be in pain. The pains got worst for her. But every time, I was always there for her. It was hard being there for her though. Being in separate houses and all. But luckily, you're father was there. I'm sorry you have to go through this as well, Lizzie." She told me sympathetically.

"It's not you're fault." I replied sadly before she handed me a vile, which I accepted.

"Here, this is for whenever your pains start acting up again next month. Save you a trip down here." She said with a smile.

"I don't mind. I like visiting you." I replied with a smile.

After a small chat on recent updates in my life, I headed back for the common room. Hopefully, no one would be missing me.

"Password?" The Fat Lady asked.

"Quid Agis." I replied. Quid Agis meant, 'How are you?' in Latin.

"Quite well." She replied as she swung open.

When I entered through the portrait, about to head towards the stairwell leading to the dorms, I found Rose, James, Fred, Al, Lily, and Dom, sitting by the fire with impatient looks on their face.

Well bless my soul. Here it goes...

"Elizabeth Samantha Hart!" Rose exclaimed as she saw me. Great, she used the full namer. I cringed as her voice pitched. "Where in Merlin's name where you? I thought you were in our room? But no. You weren't!"

When Rose gets agitated and worried, she tends to blow up like a volcano. One day, she's gonna burst into flames with all that emotion in her.

Story of Rose Weasley's life.

"We were worried!" Dom implied. Great, so my dearest blondie here joins in the scolding. As if Rose is enough.

"I went to check up on you, but you weren't in your bed like you said so! You weren't anywhere around the Gryffindor tower!" Lily joined in.

I sighed. This is the last thing I needed. People yelling just after I've relieved myself from pain. But no, they didn't know. Nor did I wanted them to.

"I was out. I needed air." I said as I turned on my heel to make my way to my room. But no, I was pulled back by none other than Rose.

"You're not going anywhere without an explanation, Hart!" Rose said with a frustrated temper. "We looked almost everywhere for you."

"Have you even bothered to check the map?" I asked in retort. "Maybe if you looked at that, you would've known."

They looked taken aback, as if they had forgotten something. "Damn." Lily muttered. "I knew there was something I wasn't checking."

"Map, or no map..." Al jumped in.

"...We were still worried and wanted to know where you are. Hogwarts isn't always safe, Liz." James finished Al's sentence.

"Liz, just tell us where you were." Fred spoke up in a calm voice. I internally groaned.

Great. Now the guys are siding with the girls.

I sighed, "I was down at the dungeons, okay?"

They looked taken aback with the confused looks on their faces. "Dungeons? What were you doing down there?" Al asked.

"I was at Professor Bell's office. She gave me some sort of draught to help out the quessiness." I explained. "I'm fine. Alright? Now, I'm tired and I want to go to sleep. So if you'll excuse me, I'll be going to my natural habitation lair, which is my bed." And with that, I waltzed up in my room, got ready for bed, closed my curtains and fell asleep.



That's what I felt when she suddenly stormed off during dinner. I didn't know what was wrong. Sometimes I wondered if it was just those...womanly problems that she had.

But it couldn't be. Lily had them as well, and I perfectly knew how it was like with her. Rose, and all the other females in my family had them. But it was different Liz. Completely different.

When she told us earlier that she was just fine. I definitely she that she wasn't. It wasn't the fact that she stumbled when she got up. It was the fact that I knew her so well that I could tell if she was lying through her teeth or not. And that somewhat of an assuring smile she gave?

Fake. So fake.

We're practically attached at the hip. So how couldn't I know if she was lying or not?

Lizzie's important to me, no doubt.

Maybe even a little bit more important and close as I would like to admit and let on to others.

And let's be honest here and let me admit this. For some reason, starting around the beginning of our third year, I started finding Liz very...Pretty.

Quite gorgeous, actually.

And around the middle of 4th year, BAM! She's fit as well. Yes, I check out my best mate every now and then. Not a big deal I suppose. I know it's odd thinking of your best mate this way, but I can't help but notice things! Aside from her being her, there was something that I saw in her that drew past our friendship.

My family thinks I fancy her, but I can't. Right? She's my best mate and I can't think these kinds of things. I mean sure, I may check her out quite a bit, which is something I already shouldn't be doing. But don't these things not end very well? Plus, just because we're always attached at the hip, it doesn't mean we're dating. But apparently half of the population in Hogwarts thinks so. Well, they never said it in both of our faces. Mostly we would hear it from other people separately, or from behind out backs when other's think I'm not listening. Apparently, even though we're just friends, we'd make a convincing couple any day.

But seriously, I sometimes hate Liz for being so damn great.

Moving on, it was odd though. On how she gets those pains. She gets them every month. Sometimes she'd leave during dinner/lunch/breakfast, like how she did earlier. Or maybe she'd skip a period or so.

And during the summer, when she stays over at my place, at night, I'd hear her cry out in pain. The room she stays in is right down the hall next to mine and we're the only two bedrooms in that hall. So I can always hear what happens to her. She'd always tell me to bring over this bottle or vile of medicine for her to take. Then I'd stay in her room and just hold her, so she would feel better. Though she never told me what was wrong. She never did.

It's been happening for years since I've first met her. We've only ever first caught her like this towards the end of our first year. We forced her up to the hospital wing that first time. We haven't made such a fuss since then...Until now, that is. We just wanted to know what's going on with her. But apparently, it was something she'd rather not discuss.

"...I'm fine. Alright? Now, I'm tired and I want to go to sleep. So if you'll excuse me, I'll be going to my natural habitation lair, which is my bed." She said. And with that, she went right back up to her room.

Before she came back to the tower, we'd been waiting for her until she came back half an hour later. Truthfully, we were all worried for her and how she just went missing. But what's stupid is that instead of wasting out time finding her, we could've just looked at the Marauder's Map that Dad had given me during Christmas back in my 1st year.

We didn't like it when she would just go off missing. It worried me. Though it did bother me. She had never even bothered trying to talk to us about the subject of her always being in pain. Every time we asked her about it, she'd brush it off and say that she's fine. I guess she is and is just uneasy about talking about her...womanly troubles.

"How many times is she going to do this to us?" Rose asked, exasperated.

I shrugged, "I dunno, Rose. I dunno."


I was sitting down in the Gryffindor Common room, reading the second book to the Twilight series. And might I say, this was sort of getting interesting. I was around the part where she finds Jacob transforming into a wolf, which was pretty badass, If I may say so. But I was also sort of frustrated. I mean, Edward just left! I mean, come on, you sodding idiot! It's not at all helping if he's going to leave her unprotected against the other vampires like Victoria and Laurant.

To think he's been living for more than 100 years, by now you would assume he picked up some sort of knowledge along the way. *Eye roll*

But the fact that Bella doesn't really do anything, and is basically almost a useless character.

I say BS with that! Erase that girl from the book!

But anyways, thank God Jacob was there. I guess I'm sort of rooting for Team Jacob. Probably because he's good looking. Ginny's got all five movies (Last book was put into 2 parts) back at their home but I haven't watched them yet. I've only ever looked at the covers of the movie.

Aside from that, I was saving the movies for last after I've read the books.

Moving on, I'd just finished my last class of the day, which was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Which wasn't all bad. So here I was, just sitting around the common room by the fire on a long sofa that could easily fit three to four people.

"Reading again love?" Al's voice rang by my ear as I found him sitting down next to me, only to have rested his head on my lap as he laid down on the sofa.

It's been days since my little so called 'MISSING' incident. They've dropped the subject since, which I was thankful for. But as the days passed, the feelings I've been denying for Al has somewhat blossomed even more. I became slightly more conscious when he was around, perked up a bit when he came into view, and I even got this funny tingling feeling every single damn time he and I touch.

We were always close and I never did feel anything when he would lean against me or placed an arm around me. But these days, everything just feels so...weird.

"It was going good till' you ruined it's mood." I smirked as I lifted my arms a bit as he laid his head on my lap.

"Me?" He gave a highly dramatic and sarcastic offended look.

"Yes you." I laughed. And as somewhat expected, Al grabbed my book from my hands then tossed it to the sofa next to us. Similar to what he had done a few months back during the summer. I sighed, shaking my head. "Your Aunt Hermione wouldn't approve your behavior towards books. We should have something like that SPEW act Hermione's got for the house elves. Only this time, there has to be an act where everyone has to reserve books for the minds of the future."

He laughed, "New Moon isn't educational, Liz. It's a young adult novel about a love triangle between a girl who doesn't do anything, a wolf, and a sparkly vampire." He said flatly.


"It is so educational!" I defended.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Do explain."

"I will!" I said firmly, "New Moon teaches about how to not leave your girlfriend unprotected against bad vampires. And also to not go cliff diving where people can assume your dead, making the sparkly vampire trying to get himself killed."

"Yeah, because I'm sure all of us get into that sort of situation all the time." He replied flatly, rolling his eyes.

I scowled as I leaned towards his face, glaring at him.

Ladies and Gentleman, may I present to you: Lizzie and Al's famous staring olympic moments.

I'm totally kidding, this isn't famous at all.

Al stared back and we continued on for a few more minutes. But my hard glare began to soften as I got caught up more into his eyes. I couldn't help but realize that Al's eyes were sometimes hard to read. He was sometimes predictable, but it was hard to read what he was thinking sometimes. But maybe I knew, but am just in a form of denial of some sort.

I dunno, I'm not an eye/mind reader.

We didn't cover reading other people's eyes in divination yet. That's next months lesson.

Apparently Professor Patil (Trelawney retired a year ago. Said she went on some kind of mission to gain the knowledge of an owl before she dies.) still thinks we're too immature to handle the lesson.



Woman, we're mature. Totally. We just choose not to be. It's inevitable to age, but it's optional to mature.

Aha! Wise words right there. But I'm serious, we don't act immature just to be cool. We do it because it's fun. Plus, if people did it to look cool, then they really aren't cool and would end up looking like a douche licker.

As we stared on, I couldn't help but get mesmerized by his eyes. They were just so...green. His wasn't weird enough compared to me though. I mean, I had purple eyes. Freaky purple eyes.

And sometimes I wonder why Al is friends with a freak like me.

As we continued our stare off, I suddenly felt myself pull back into reality, feeling that this situation was slightly awkward.

"You're terrible at glaring." I let out with a small and short laugh.

He pretended to flip his hair, "You're just jealous."

I laughed. "Of what? You're downgraded skills for glaring? Or your failed attempt to flip your so-called long hair?"

"You know you love me." He said in a high ego-istic way.

I snorted (Attractive, right?) "Yeah, and you love my gorgeous freak-like eyes." I say jokingly.

He didn't say anything for a moment. "Yeah..." He slowly said. I looked right back down at Al, who was staring straight into my eyes. Somehow, I could tell that Al was actually being sincere about it. He was serious.

I, however, couldn't help but stare back into his green ones. They sort of reminded me of...Green jello. My head snap back away as I tried to hide a blush that was pressuring to pull a show at my cheeks. "I do." At that, I looked back down at all. And the way he said it made it seem like he actually meant it.

And here we are once again, back to stage one. Where we're both staring at each other oddly for no apparent reason. I sat there in my seat as he brushes a small strand of hair out of my eyes. As his hand brushed pass my face, I couldn't help but feel a small tingle as his hand left a trail of tingling spots.

I bit my lip, "You want to go eat some jello down at the kitchens?" I asked out of nowhere, feeling the sudden urge to eat jello.

I blame Potter.

He looked at me weirdly for a moment, but broke out into that melting grin of his.

"Yeah. Let's go."

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