Twilight/The Originals: Jessi...

By xoxo_natylie

34.4K 561 8

Jessica Black is the only daughter to Sarah and Billy Black. She is Jacob Black older sister. She is also a w... More

Twilight Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 6

1.9K 39 2
By xoxo_natylie

It has been almost a month since Jessica found out she was pregnant. When she told the pack they became extremely protective of her. Billy was finally getting a grandson or granddaughter. Jessica was now 1 month pregnant. She finally had a little bump. Whenever he would, Paul would talk to her stomach. Today Jessica was at home reading a book waiting for Paul to come home from Patrol. As she was reading Paul came home and smiled at Jessica. They have been together for a year. He looked at her little bump and listened to the little heartbeat. Jessica looked away from her book and saw Paul. "Hey how was patrol" She asked. "Good and tiring" Paul said. Jessica nodded. "Sam is giving less patrol so I can't come home to you and little Lahote" Paul said. Jessica smiled. They don't know the baby's gender yet so they are calling the baby little Lahote. "Well we have been doing just fine. Seems as if little Lahote here couldn't wait for their daddy to come home" Jessica said. Paul smiled and walked over and sat in the couch. "I hope it's a girl" Paul said. "Why" Jessica asked. "So I could spoil her" Paul said. "You just want her to become a daddy's girl" Jessica said with a raised eyebrow. Paul smiled and nodded. "I do" Paul said. "Only 8 months to go now" Paul said. "Yeah then little Lahote will be here" Jessica said. Paul smiled and put a hand on her stomach. He then kissed her stomach. Jessica smiled. She knew Paul was excited to be a dad. She couldn't wait for their little baby to get here.
~ 8 months later~
Over the past 8 months it has gotten better. Jessica was now 9 months pregnant. Her stomach isn't going to be as big as a normal human being pregnant would be. Also her baby was fully ready to be born. (just go with it) The doctor said Jessica should be ready to deliver in a couple days. So Paul being the over protective fiance he is... Oh that's right Paul proposed to Jessica and she said yes. But anyway Paul took her to the host and they kept her under watch. As Jessica was laying in her bed she felt a pain and Waer dripping down her leg. She realized her water broke. Did I mention she is in her sister mansion in LA push. Yeah her sister's in law Freya and Rebekah would deliver little Lahote. "Rebekah Freya it's time" Jessica screamed. Both girls came into the room. Paul was on patrol. "I will call Paul" Hayley said. Hayley was holding her hand as she called Paul. As Paul was at Sam and Emily house for his lunch break he got a call from Hayley. "Hayley what's up" Paul said. "You have to get here. It's time for your baby to be born. So Paul Lahote get your ass over here and come hold your fiance hand." Hayley screamed. Paul froze in his seat and ran out the door into his truck and drove to the Mikaelson Mansion. Elijah opened the door and smiled and let Paul in. Paul found the room and bursted through the door and ran to Jessica side. "You finally made it" Jessica said. "Like I would miss this" Paul said. Soon after an hour of pushing the cries of a baby were heard. "It's a girl" Rebekah squealed. Jessica smiled and laughed as happy tears went down he face. After they cleaned her up and Freya and Rebekah cleaned the little one they brought her back to the room and passed the baby to Jessica and left the couple in the room. "Look she is so precious" Jessica said. "She has your nose" Jessica said. Paul just stood by her smiling. "We need a name" Paul said. "How about Evie Rebekah Sarah Lahote" Jessica said. Paul smiled at the name. "Yeah our little Evie" Paul said smiling at the little bundle of joy in Jessica arms. Soon Evie started to cry but Jessica was too tired to do anything. "Here giver to me and you get sleep okay" Paul said. Jessica nodded and passed little Evie to Paul and fell asleep. Evie continued to cry. "Hey it's okay. No crying now princess" Paul cooed. Evie stopped crying and opened her little brown eyes. Paul smiled. "Well hey there" Paul said. Evie just looked at Paul and wondered who he was. "I'm your daddy" Paul said. Evie smiled. Paul sat down in the chair next to Jessica bed. "You have your mommy's eyes" Paul said. Evie soon grew tired. "Aww tired already little one" Paul said. Evie whimpered. "Oh no it's okay you can go to sleep princess. I will still be here when you wake up and so will mommy" Paul said. Evie soon closed he tiny eyes and fell asleep with a little yawn. Paul smiled and kissed he forehead. He had tears coming out of his eyes. He already knew that little Evie would be a daddy's girl. He put Evie in her little container that was next to Jessica and he fell asleep on the chair.
~ The next day~
Jessica woke up to a baby crying. Paul was still asleep. Jessica got Evie out of her container and held the little baby in her arms. Jessica was gently shushing her. "It okay" she cooed. Evie stopped crying and looked at Jessica. She recognized her. It was her mother. "You hungry" Jessica said. Jessica then breast feed Evie then burped her. Jessica continued to hold Evie then Paul woke up. "Well look who is awake." Jessica said. Paul looked and saw Evie and Jessica awake. Evie was just looking around. Paul smiled and gently ran his finger across Evie cheek. Evie smiled as she felt her fathers finger on her cheek. "Well good morning to you little princess" Paul said. Soon a knock was heard and it was the pack, the elders, and the Mikaelsons. Jessica smiled. "Aww she is so cute" Hayley said. Evie looked to see people looking at her but one person caught her eye. It was Embry. He felt his whole world stop. Then everyone realized Embry imprinted on Evie. Paul was shaking with anger. Evie began to whimper. Paul looked at Evie and calmed her down. He then looked at Embry and had a look that said 'we are talking later'. Embry nodded. "What's her name" Billy asked. "Her name is Evie Rebekah Sarah Lahote" Jessica said. "After mom" Jacob asked. Jessica nodded. "I figured out the godparents from both sides of the family. On the Mikaelson side Rebekah and Elijah." Jessica said. Rebekah squealed and Elijah smiled."on the pack Sam and Emily" Paul said. Sam and Emily smiled and nodded. Billy smiled. Jessica passed Evie to Paul. Paul passed Evie to Billy. "Well hello little one I'm your grandpa" Billy said. Evie smiled. Soon she was passed to everyone and was passed back to her dad's arms. Evie yawned and snuggled up into Paul's chest and fell asleep. "Aww yep she is a total daddys girl" Leah said. Everyone laughed. Soon they left to let little Evie sleep. Jessica soon fell asleep as well. Paul still had Evie in his arms. She had woken up from her nap. "I promise you little one I will protect you and your mommy." Paul said. Evie smiled and giggled at him. Paul felt his heart melt. He kissed Evie forehead and Evie grabbed his face in her hands. Paul smiled and snuggled his head against his daughters. "Go to sleep little one tomorrow we get to go home" Paul said. Evie yawned and fell asleep. Paul held he in his arms and pulled her close.

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