Shift! The Side-Character Her...

By Eyzie_ph

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for offline purposes only, i do not own the story. Credit to the owner and translator Author: Drunk for Her... More



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By Eyzie_ph

Chapter 527: Sincerity

Zhao Youyue had never thought that none of her roommates would back down from a small dispute on their very first day…

Luckily she had been assigned to a four-person dormitory. If it was a six-person dormitory, wouldn’t the situation have been more complicated?

Zhao Youyue could only smooth things over now. She used her excellent communication skills to ease the awkward atmosphere in the dormitory.

Zhou Cai, who was a chubby girl and the most average in appearance among the four of them was a gamer. After settling down, she took out her gaming laptop in a hurry and started gaming on her own.

Unexpectedly, it was ‘Tale of Wuxia 3: Swords of the Future’. She played using a keyboard and a mouse, which was harder than using a controller on a game console. However, it became evident that she was having no troubles whatsoever. Add on the fact that she was actually playing as a swordsman – a class that required great skill, you could deduce that she was an expert. She was nothing like what average female gamers were known for – their butterfingers.

Few girls could play such a difficult indie game. Zhou Chai was one of them. Apparently, she was not so average, after all.

Yu Xuefei gave up using the ‘collection of essays’ book as a buffer for her image. She sauntered up her bed and took out her brand new iPhone X, while secretly observing her roommates’ reactions, hoping to see some envious looks on their faces…

Yu Xuefei was bound to be disappointed. Zhou Cai was completely indulged in gaming, He Weiwei was chatting silently with Zhao Youyue. Everyone did not even spare her a second glance. This left her dejected. She was not getting the attention she wanted. Her mind fled back to the past when she was the star of her county key high school. [1]

She had been the queen bee, the teacher’s pet, the centerpiece. Her results brought honor to her school. She did not expect that her roommates to actually view her poorly on just the first day of entering university. Only Zhao Youyue was treating her somewhat positively.

Yu Xuefei decided to get closer to Zhao Youyue as she did not want to be alone in the dorm. She did not feel too good about the other two roommates. It would be better for her to distance herself from the fashionable golden-haired, wealthy-looking girl. If she let her guard down, that woman would turn her into her ‘golden leaf’ [2] …

As Yu Xuefei was lost in thought, He Weiwei was already moving just as expected. Zhao Youyue struck her as a simple errand girl. She made her move on her, “Zhao Youyue, I think you are just too gentle a girl for your own good. This is not right. Girls must know how to protect themselves. When facing unreasonable requests from other people, you must learn to reject them.”

Zhao Youyue’s disguise had been a massive success. In reality, she was nothing close to gentle. However, if she could label herself as “gentle and kind,” then no matter what she did, she would be standing on a moral high ground. Anyone who wanted to go against her would be the bad person.

“I only did such a trivial thing. It was nothing like what you exaggerated.” Zhao Youyue said that kindly. She had given other people a feeling that she would never live with herself – if she ever stepped on another’s shoes.

Anger and her seemed to be an impossible mix.

He Weiwei sighed helplessly and patted the other girl’s shoulder in a big-sister manner, “A girl like you would really cause others to worry about you. People would really take advantage of you. Who knows, some boy might actually count on your inability to refuse others. He might organize some grand event and invite a group of people to clamor around you as he confesses his love for you, and you would have no choice but to accept. Boys in the university are nothing like those brats in high school. Anyway, I’ve got your back. Come look for me if you’re in trouble.”

Zhao Youyue smiled and said, “Thanks Sister Weiwei. Sister Weiwei, you are really kind!”

Zhao Youyue’s words were pleasing to her ears. Furthermore, those words meant that she has agreed to be her friend. Not bad.

He Weiwei then told Zhao Youyue about her high school life. When she was in high school, she was the school’s central figure and always had guys and girls gathered around her. First, they had to be attractive in their appearance, and secondly, they had to be talented in a way. Their academics did not matter. Anyone who could join her clique would live life to the fullest.

Now that He Weiwei is in university, she would behave according to how she did during her high school days. First, she would form a clique in her class. Walking together on the road, through the hallways, they would be badass and cool. They could even go on trips during the holidays. She would not have to worry about being alone.

To He Weiwei, those who were always alone were rather pitiful. They existed in a state of abandonment and solitude. This was why they could only spend the entire day being addicted to virtual worlds. Otakus were disgusting.

Zhou Cai, who continued hacking and slashing at pixels, was already put into such a classification. As for Yu Xuefei, she could not even stand her. She was an overly selfish person, and stank of schemes and mischief.

As for Zhao Youyue, she looked like ‘dumb blonde’ [3] and was a girl who she could nurture. As long as she could be friends with this kind of girl, she would not have to worry about any schemes or whatnot. It would give her a peace of mind.

Zhao Youyue was modest, simple, sincere. They could be friends forever.

At that time, the Department of Chinese Language and Literature’s dean arrived. Her name was Xing Na. She looked confident and decisive, clad in a flowing long coat, surveying the new students with a studied gaze, through her curtains of long hair. She was most certainly not bad-looking.

Time passed unknowingly, and it was already evening. Basically, students who were supposed to register have all done so. Those who did not had unforeseeable reasons and could only postpone their registration.

When Xing Na saw Zhao Youyue, she became less stern. Undoubtedly, she knew of Zhao Youyue’s real identity. Of course, she did not reveal it and only told Lady Zhao to see her immediately if she faced any problems in school. She gave out her contact information to everyone in the dorm. Of course, she only cared about Zhao Youyue.

This was natural. After all, Zhao Youyue did not hail from an ordinary background. Her mother Wang Hua was a professor in this university, and a high-ranking official in the Jiangnan Chinese Writers Association. It was completely worth getting on the good side of Wang Hua through her daughter.

Perhaps, ‘getting on the good side’ was too much. Let’s call it, acquiring affinity.

Translation note:

[1] “key high school” (重点高中) is a type of school in China. Secondary schools in China are divided into “key” and “ordinary” schools. Designated key schools are schools distinguished from ordinary schools by their academic reputation and are generally allocated more resources by the state. This stratified structure has given key schools numerous privileges. They can select the best students through city-wide or region-wide examination and transfer the best teachers in the area to teach in their school. They receive much more funding from the government, and in getting funds for upgrading equipment or the purchase of expensive items such as computers, they always have priority. Because of these advantages, key schools often boast 90 to 99 percent admission rates to universities

[2] “green leaf” (绿叶) is a metaphor for an actor playing a supporting role.

[3] “dumb blonde” (傻白甜) is a China slang. It could be used as a good word to describe people who are so sweet and cute, a little silly. It could also be a negative word to express someone who is really dumb. These people may usually put themselves or others in the bad situation or cause trouble. Mostly it is used to describe a girl’s character.

Chapter 528: Convergence

Zhao Youyue’s roommates did not notice Xing Na’s special treatment towards her. They were too naive to figure out the truth behind their relationship and simply thought that it was Zhao Youyue’s charm and looks that earned Xing Na’s favor at that moment.

If Zhao Youyue was to activate her Goddess Aura when in the dorm, she would never receive such favorable impressions from her roommates.

It would not be illogical – as goddesses were simply beyond approach. You could only envy them from afar, or spite them. Keeping a low profile and maintaining a positive, straightforward attitude made her far more approachable.

After all, you would never have to worry about being a side character when friends with such a simple woman.

He Weiwei was the complete opposite of Zhao Youyue. She had gone out of her way to apply exquisite makeup, don expensive clothes that she seldom wore, and got her hair done up just for this day.

Her actions had only created the opposite effect, she became relatively difficult to approach.

Very few students dressed up like that in their freshmen years. The same could not be said about upperclassmen, which was why people often did timelapse compilations that showed the transformation processes of “Evolution of Goddesses.”

In this age, ugly females could “beautify” themselves with the power of makeup, giving birth to the saying, “There are no ugly girls, only lazy girls.”

Lady Zhao’s makeup skills were maxed out. But she had been a passerby for too long, and the refraction of light through the dust, paired with the image of her diligently mopping the floor had created a different level of charm.

There was no helping it, as Zhao Youyue was an extremely hypocritical person. She was used to wearing several different masks, adding to her socializing skills, allowing her to be a “flankey.” Her sleek, suave social skills would eliminate chances of her making any enemies.

Everyone once ignored her. Now they all liked her?! Could this be the evolution of a side character into a main character?!

Under the guidance of counselor Xing Na, students of the Chinese Linguist Stream would first gather at the specialized “College of Literature.” The form teacher carried out a brief class meeting, and later brought to tour the school grounds by the assistant teacher. Free time would come after that, and they could finally go enjoy dinner.

Zhao Youyue finally got to meet the other girls in her class. She tried to look out for more bishoujos, but was disappointed. No matter how she looked, Weiwei was still the most beautiful one she had encountered thus far. As expected, makeup was king.

Still, Zhao Youyue could spot some who had potential. After all, these were “gods of studying.”

Female gods of studying were highly common, but beautiful study goddesses were as scarce as finding an oasis in a desert. As for Goddess study Goddesses, they took the internet by storm.

Everyone may think that beautiful study goddesses were practically impossible. Beautiful girls would be get chased around by suitors during high school, and the distraction would send them tumbling down the abyss of love.

Beautiful girls would be distracted as often as rich men got corrupted.

As Zhao Youyue expected, He Weiwei easily stood out, catching the eyes of all female classmates in no time. Multiple types of looks converged into one, ranging from looks of jealousy, disdain and outright scorn. They did not think that He Weiwei belonged there.

In reality, He Weiwei had gained entry with her brainpower alone, and this was already worth respect.

He Weiwei seemed to be no stranger to these glares. She completely ignored the gazes. As long as her friends liked her, that would be enough.

20 minutes of walking later, they arrived at Daven College building. The building looked antique from the outside, but was relatively modernized inside. The only downside was the lack of lifts, with the highest floor being the fourth floor.

The venue for the class meeting was located on the second floor. When Zhao Youyue and gang entered the classroom, they noticed that the boys of the Chinese Linguist Stream were already there, but they were very low in number. There were only 7 of them, whereas there were over 20 girls, about 3 times the amount of males.

Without question, Han Leng stood out among them. Compared to his high school days, he was now lean and fit, he looked far better, but one might be unsure whether to call him handsome or beautiful, as he had that feminine sort of beauty that made his cross-dressing such a success. He was perfection.

Han Leng was mingling with the males very well indeed. [1] Contrary to rumors, they had found him very fun to interact with. It might be too much to refer to their actions as bootlicking, let’s just call them good friends.

However, one guy never showed a slither of interest in Han Leng. He sat alone in a corner, holding his chin in a hand while looking outside.

His eyes were devoid of any emotions, giving the impression that nothing would excite him. Even when the girls entered the classroom, he did not turn around.

On the other hand, the boys around Han Leng grew excited. They were already university students. Why can’t they get involved in romance now?

Girls of the same age may not be suitable for romance because of the height difference. Their love would be an extremely awkward one, but these 3 years did not include first love experiences. Now that they were in university, they could finally create love stories.

“WTF?! Look at that golden-haired chick! That body and face! Who would have thought that such a chick exists in the Chinese Linguist Stream?!”

“You are right!!! But her BMI [2] does not seem favorable… Wasn’t there that rumor about Jiangnan University having the most bishoujos? Did that turn out to be a lie?”

“Maybe we drew the short straw in the Chinese Linguist Stream? Would the bishoujos all be at the Foreign Language Stream?”

“No, that is not right… They must be in the Science and Engineering Stream… The power of foils…”

“Young Master Han, do any of them catch your eyes? Compared to your female fans, how is that person?” Zhang Xiang, one of Han Leng’s new friends asked.

Han Leng almost immediately spotted the passerby mode Lady Zhao and blinked in surprise.

This blasted Lady Zhao was a bloody chameleon. She may not have succeeded in concealing her pretty face, but she was covered in cheap clothes, and had that deadly, flowing hair of silk hidden in a ponytail. She looked just like a typical freshman.

Han Leng was looking forward to Lady Zhao’s upgrades, as one would expect when stepping into a university. He wanted her to step into a crowd and bedazzle the satellites of alien planets. That’s what Han Leng had hoped for.

Translation Note:

[1] A pun regarding Han Leng: In the name “Han Leng” – “韩冷,” Han is the last name while Leng is the first name. Leng (冷) means cold.

[2] BMI: Body Mass Index, used to determine whether a person was growing healthily, based on their height and mass.

Chapter 529: Belief in Loneliness

The university form teacher was a walking loudspeaker. However, he avoided putting students into awkward spots, unless the student was already attracting negative attention to him or herself.

Even so, such extreme cases would be handled by a superior, while the teacher who had called in the cavalry only needed to remain silently by the sidelines.

Rumors had it that form teachers were actually there solely to maintain the balance, without having any true power. They would be adept at turning a blind eye to just about anything. If they ever tried to take matters into their own hands, their attempts would end up backfiring, and they would suffer unnecessarily.

Just about any teacher could get picked at random for this role, even against their desires, leading to many unenthusiastic form teachers. If they ever took their roles seriously, they would only get unneeded hate piled on them.

Students always preferred fun, productive teachers who got them engaged into class activities, while providing all the main points that were hot topics for examinations. They did everything in their power to prevent their students from failing, even going so far as to evaluate their papers with leniency when the need called for it.

If such leniency still failed to prevent failures, the students only had themselves to blame

Of course, such teachers needed to keep up appearances, especially during rollcalls. A word of advice for teachers – do your rollcalls at the start of class, not in the middle or at the end, forcing your students to attend your lessons. Nobody likes that.

Students hated teachers who crammed everything into their lessons, teachers who went by the book, providing no insight of their own, while marking their papers and assignments as standard. Such teachers practically left no escape options for students. Watching students suffer was their joy.

Such teachers might instill fear and respect, but even so, they could be categorized into those who truly wanted nothing but the best for their studnets, unlike certain lecturers who would slander other lecturers when attending their lectures. How did such people end up being lecturers, anyway?

Zhao Youyue’s form teacher was a mousey looking generic baldy, but he was well versed in sprouting nonsense. He could get hung up on a single point for over half an hour. He had a knack of inserting his past and flashbacks into unrelated matters. Apparently, his last batch of students had been garbage, and he had voiced out hopes that this batch would be better.

Next up was the self-introduction phrase. Good-looking students immediately gained high expectations. In this case, Han Leng’s celebrity aura and popularity also brought a great deal of pressure upon him.

Of course, his peers respected him – on the outside, at least, but more than one of them did not believe that he belonged in the same room as them. His results had not even been close to passing, and yet here he was.

If Han Leng was the golden egg of his batch, his female counterpart would most definitely be the golden-haired He Weiwei. She had gone through lengths to prepare her self-introduction materials, and hoped to deliver an impactful first impression. Among the points she voiced out was her hope to make many friends in this university.

As she was expressing such a desire, she had gazed straight into Han Leng’s eyes, as if she was implicitly marking him as a target for her social circle. With his help, she would experience a massive boost in reputation.

Of course, Han Leng remained unfazed, living up the rumors of not looking at girls straight in the eye. He turned back to his group of men and listened to their talk about the girls in class. Apparently, they had utterly forgotten about Zhao Youyue.

Han Leng took note of this. As expected of Lady Zhao? Every time when they got to a new environment, she could blend in with the commoners. MI6 would be proud.

Another girl stood out during the self-introductions. She was another of Zhao Youyue’s roommate, Yu Xuefei. She seemed to have self-appointed herself as class monitor. As she spoke, she kept mentioning her high school life, how she took pride in helping and serving the students, so if everyone trusted her, she would like to continue supporting and serving the students.

Listening to this, He Weiwei laughed out. “Clearly you are the kind who takes undue credit as your own, while pushing the blame to those around you if anything went wrong. If not so, why did I open the door to see her doing all the housework, this afternoon?!”

He Weiwei was clearly standing up for Zhao Youyue. She was voicing her disgust towards Yu Xuefei to Zhao Youyue.

Zhao Youyue couldn’t care less about that small incident, but she was annoyed at the prospect of facing these conflicts and arguments in the future. Two of her roommates had already made enemies of each other on the very day school started. It could only get worse from there.

Zhao Youyue had never expected this to be a common sight, but her travels in various worlds had given her great insight.

Most girls’ dorms should be quiet and harmonious. The next 4 years would be spent together, no matter what. Was there a need to create such a scene?

The only explanation for this epic banging of heads was that He Weiwei and Yu Xuefei were equally hard-headed. They both had bright and positive high school lives. They were both used to being the center of attention, they were both used to leading weaker minds. One would have to yield eventually, but for now, sparks would fly.

Of course Zhao Youyue was also such a person, but she took a more discreet and infinitely more deadly approach. Her victims would fall into her trap, unbeknownst to their steps. By the time they learn of the position they were in, they would have already tasted the enjoyment of being Lady Zhao’s underling, and would never escape ever.

The other girls seemed passive and indifferent to the power struggle. This did not mean that it would be the end of surprises, as others could be hiding in plain sight, like Zhao Youyue.

The headmaster’s position in this institute was unlike that of their high school counterparts. They held absolute power, and nothing could topple them. Ambitious, determined individuals no doubt eyes this position.

Not everyone was able to be as free and easy like Zhao Youyue, as her standing was already high enough, and there was no longer any reason for her to care and fight over such puny matters.

Other than Han Leng, another boy was grabbing attention in a different manner. The classroom was huge, and most guys sat in front, but this individual had remained huddle up in a corner, as if he had been there his entire life.

His name was Du Hang. It was a generic, regular name. Even his self-introduction had been brief and simple. His messy hairstyle, his aloof smile, his lopsided eyes were outstanding in their own way. His smile was not one of friendliness, it was cynical, and silently jeered those who were greeted by it.

Du Hang was one who had completely given in to loneliness—

A person who was truly strong did not need any aid. He was a lone rider, and the world was his backdrop.

This was Du Hang’s life. He carried with him the “Bible of Solitude.” As he remained self-entitled in his lone rider persona, sneering at himself, little did he realize that he was exhibiting the traits of a typical chuunibyou.

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