
By amorawrites18

85.6K 3.4K 1.4K

If you had a second chance at life, what would you do differently? - Second Book in the Shea Butter Baby Seri... More

Face Claims
Back to Reality
Straight Forward
Wishful Thinking
Take It And Run
A Leap of Faith
Down Bad
Pretty & Afraid
The Night Is Still Young
A Fresh Start
Worth The Weight
Stone Cold
Mind Games
Don't Throw It Away
Quality Time
Physical Touch
You're the Reason
In Your Corner
Believe Me
Just Cause You Waited
Meet Me Halfway
Home For Now
The Inevitable
The Big Q
Tunnel Vision
Family Values
Her Apprentance
Pray You Catch Me
Wide Awake

Don't Be Scared

1.2K 57 20
By amorawrites18

When Adonis returned back to bed, Bria was still awake watching the Simpsons but her eyes were low, he knew she'd be fast asleep soon. After climbing into bed, he watched her reposition herself so that she could be in his comforting hold. Adonis wrapped her arms around her, pulling her in closer as he gently caressed her back and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I love you baby." Bria mumbled into his chest.

"I love you too." He reassured her.

Content with the way things were, Adonis and Bria slowly drifted off into sleep knowing that she would be okay.

The following morning, Bria was the first to wake up so she decided to get herself dressed and ready for the day before Yara would wake up needing her. As she wrapped up her morning routine, she took out her meds from her travel case and held up an antidepressant pill hesitant to take it. She decided not to take it, to see how things would go today if she acted on her own without the help of western medicine. She packed up her things and placed her small pill bottle in the medicine cabinet before leaving to tend to her baby.

Adonis was still asleep and snoring loudly, when she walked back into their bedroom which was odd because he was usually the first one up but she figured he needed the rest so she let him be. When she reached Yara's room, she was up and teething on her hand on her crib.

"Hey baby," Bria smiled, bending over into the crib to pick her up.

The smell of Yara's diaper greeted her before Yara did.

"Woo, oh you need to be changed Mrs thang." Bria chuckles. talking to her infant child as if she could respond.

Yara cooed in her arms as she was being placed on the changing table so she could be cleaned. After cleaning her, Bria drew Yara a bath in the sink and got her ready for the day.


When Adonis finally woke up, he first patted Bria's side of the bed with his eyes closed and opened his eyes when he felt that her side of the bed was cold. She wasn't there. He pinched the bridge of his nose, rubbing away the sleep from his eyes. Once his eyes were open, he reached on the nightstand to grab his phone to check the time, it was 10:25am.

"Shit." He hissed , he overslept.

He sighed, scrolling through his social media feed on Instagram. The first post that he saw was a post from Bria of a picture of him , Bria and Yara standing in the living room smiling. In the caption she wrote, "Home for the next month, with my champion @AdonisCreed and our babygirl. Thanks for the look out @LukeBrian "

Adonis smiled, captioning underneath before reposting the photo on his Instagram story : Probably gonna be a mom of two at the end of vacation @BriaStevens

He chuckled to himself, shutting his phone off to get ready for his day ahead.

When Adonis had walked into the kitchen, Bria smiled as she stood over the stove making French Toast while Yara sat in her high chair, playing with her sippy cup. He walked over to Yara who was in her own little world, and smothered her with kisses. The baby smiled widely revealing her dimples and toothless smile.

"How's daddy's two favorite girls?" He smiled, picking up her bib to dab a couple of droplets of drool dry from her mouth.

"Ba ba ba ba," Yara responded as if she could talk back to her dad.

Bria smiled, chuckling at her baby girl.

She then turns around with the spatula in her hand to watch the two interact with each other with a smile on her face before returning her attention back to the food on the stove.

"Hey baby." Bria said in a low sultry tone.

Adonis looked up from what he was doing and smirked to himself before getting up, telling Yara he'd be right back.

"Hel-lo mammas." He flirted.

He pressed his hard body against her small frame, feeling her ass against his pelvic region and enclosed her in by placing his hands on the counter. He then grazes his lips against her cheek, pecking her repeatedly causing her to melt into his mold. She tried to stay focused, eyeing the food and flipping the pieces of toast over and onto the empty tray nearby, while Adonis placed butterfly kisses along the nape of her neck.

"I hope you're ready for baby number two cause I sure am." Adonis teased.

Bria's eyes widened feeling his duck twitch against her ass as she walked away from him and cut the stove off because the eggs, bacon and French toast were finally done.

"Yeah, someone's really ready." Bria mumbled. "And I saw that shit you posted on Instagram now everyone's going to think I'm pregnant after I leave or suspect. Also you know my dad follows my Instagram and you right? He sees everything." Bria pointed out, watching Adonis get the plates out of the dishwasher to set them on the island nearby.

"So? You're a grown ass woman who can make her own decisions besides I love showing my woman PDA. They're just gonna have to get over it." Adonis shrugged nonchalantly.

"You really want to get me pregnant hu?" Bria asked him with a straight face, crossing her arms.

"Yeah," He responded quickly.

"You don't understand what my body goes through when I'm pregnant hu? The mood swings, stretch marks, the temporary alopécica, the excess saggy skin around my midsection you get after carrying a human being around in your body for nine fucking months! Then it's the saggy breasts, boobs leaking everywhere and on top of that I'm not even secure in my relationship with you because you just want me around as a baby momma , when I've told you time and time again...that I'm not down to go through that again unless you want to marry me." Bria said quietly.

"I forgave you a long time ago for what happened during my first pregnancy with Yara. But I just don't want to go through that again until I have a ring on my finger and that you want me to be your wife. I don't want to pressure you into marriage, but you shouldn't pressure me into having another kid with you. I'm just not ready to be a mom again, I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water with Yara , work , and managing my depression. You have to understand that."

Adonis nodded his head quietly. Scratching the side of his cheek. "I won't bring it up again, I'm sorry." He apologized, knowing she felt insecure about her body and the way that it's changed since she had their baby.

"I just don't want you to look at me differently and feel like you've fallen out of love with me because of the way that I look. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I feel like I can barely recognize myself anymore. I could only imagine what you'd think with my changes and all."

Adonis walked up to her, placing his hands in hers looking at her saturated eyes and wiped away a stray tear as it fell on her cheek. He tilted her head up, causing her to look at him.

"You don't think you're beautiful?" Adonis questioned her.

Bria quietly shook her head, and sniffled.

"You're the most beautiful woman in the world to me, and I mean that shit. You wanna know why I was a fucking coward earlier in our relationship? I was a fucking coward because I didn't think I deserved to be with you. I was a scared coward because I wasn't ready to be a father and I chickened out and went to something that I was familiar with even when they've hurt me to...hurting you in the process, you've shown me that I had nothing to be afraid handled that shit on your own while dealing with your own personal problems too while I was trying to get my shit together. To this day I still don't think that I deserve you, but I'm fucking blessed and grateful that you gave me another chance to get my shit together. You hold your head up high even with the weight of the world on your shoulders and you wake up everyday like a fucking badass to conquer it. I'm in awe of you woman. When I tell you that I love you, I mean that shit. I don't say things that I don't mean. I hate that you feel this way, like you don't think you're beautiful or undesirable to me? The world is lucky to have you in it, it's better with you in it. My life, is better with you in it and you've blessed me with the most beautiful babygirl because she came from you." Adonis proudly expressed, cupping her cheeks and wiping her stray tears away with his thumbs.

Bria bashfully smiled, feeling as confident as ever jumping into his arms wrapping her arms around his neck, showering him with love as Adonis held onto her legs.

As Bria pulled away, and peered into Adonis eyes she placed her free hand on his cheek and pecked his lips. "I love you, Adonis mother fucking Creed."

Adonis smiled.

"I love you too, now wipe those tears away baby it's time to eat. I'm as hungry as a motherfucker-" he said, carefully placing her down.


Later that evening Bria sat in the theater room, pumping excess breast milk making bottles for Yara while watching a movie. Adonis rejoined her with a bottle of wine and two glasses with her favorite bag of kettle cooked chips.

"Hey, is Yara asleep?" Bria asked looking at him.

"Yeah and I just ordered a pizza because I don't feel like cooking and you cooked this morning too." Adonis said, walking over to where she was sitting in the two seater towards the center of the theater.

Bria nodded. "You got pepperoni right?"

"Yes ma'am pepperoni and a spinach pizza just like you wanted." Adonis reassured her.

"My faveee." Bria sang as she happily danced in her seat as she finished putting her breast pump away, pulling her shirt over her body.

Adonis chuckled, taking the bottles and putting them in the fridge nearby.

"Now we've finally got time to ourselves for the next hour or so till the pizza gets here." He smirked, looking at Bria seductively.

She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Oh I wonder what shall we do to fill in that time?" Bria asked him with a smile, climbing onto his lap.

He then pecks her lips, holding onto her hips.

"I was thinking Netflix and Chill or Disney+ and chill whichever one you prefer." He chuckled. "Big emphasis on the chill."

"I was thinking Disney+ and chill, but I know we won't even be paying attention to the movie." She flirted with him , pecking his lips.

"You want wine first? Or this loving first?" Adonis asked, raising his eyebrow. Watching her smile.

"Why not both?" Bria chuckled watching him pour the white wine into her glass before handing it to her.

"Here's to a full month of nothing but good vibes, rest and relaxation , and making love." Bria toasted with Adonis.


While Bria was asleep, Adonis sat on the edge of the bed and closely watched over her while she slept in case she had a night terror. He took out his phone , checking the time and saw that it was around 10:45pm and wondered if it were still too late to call his uncle but he knew he'd probably still be up. He desperately needed his advice.

He bends down, placing a kiss on her forehead and walked out with his phone in hand to make a private phone call.

After the first three rings, his uncle groggily picked up.

"Hello?" Rocky asked, picking up the phone without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hey, old man you still up?" Adonis teased.

"Well, I was half asleep when you called but you know you can call me at any time if somethings bothering you." He chuckled. "Why are you calling me this late?"

Adonis sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he walked into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water.

"I love Bria...and lately we've been talking about Marriage and having more babies and I don't want to rush it because we've only been together for six months but...she makes me happy... I can't imagine not being with her, and not waking up with her by my side...seeing her everyday and watching her with my-our daughter I feel like I'm in love with her but she doesn't believe me because of shit I've done in the past. She's said that she's forgiven me but I don't think that she has..."

"You're thinking about marrying her?" Rocky asked again to hear if he heard correctly.

"I am...and I know people might call me crazy for it but I really love this woman." He confirmed.

"Wow kid, you're really falling hard. You proposed to Bianca after a year and you're willing to do it again with Bria after what six months? I think you should maybe slow down a bit. Are you sure you're not just wanting to be married to her because she's the mother of your child or because you really love her? I think that the only reason why you're bringing this up is so that she won't leave you. You're scared nephew." Rocky read him.

"Me? The heavyweight champion of the world? I'm not fucking scared." Adonis nervously laughed as he poured himself a glass of water from the fridge.

"Adonis, mother fucking Creed doesn't get scared." He says in denial, drinking from the glass.

"You are, and the only person who could possibly scare you is Bria. You love her and you know what you did to her was wrong you're covering up your mistakes by marrying her. But deep down you know she's never going to forget what she's done to you even after she took you back."

"I just...I know I'm in love with her...I just don't see the point in waiting. Tomorrow's not promised." Adonis chimed in.

"Good things happen to those who wait. You two are young. Have the discussion with her, at least wait it out a year and if your feelings haven't changed for her then I say go for it. But don't project your fears onto Bria. She's not like the other women you've dated and you know that."

Adonis sighed, placing his now empty glass down in the sink.

"Yeah, I do. I just want to make her happy and show her how much I care about her. I really fucked things up you know? If I would've stayed with her then we would've been together for about a year now. But I fucking ran like a coward because I was scared of becoming a father. Meanwhile she's dealing with all this shit on top of battling her depression and I-"

"Wait, Bria's depressed?" Rocky asked.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you that...she'll kill me if anyone found out. But yeah...she takes daily medication for it and I didn't know at the time, I was being stupid only thinking about myself. She deserves to be treated like a Queen."

"Then treat her like one." Rocky says.

To Be Continued...

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