Through the lens

By rightnow_larry

24.4K 617 728

*on pause* No moment is ever as perfect as the photo that captured it. Harry was living the summer of dreams... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

3K 84 57
By rightnow_larry

The rising sun created turned the midnight sky into mixtures light blues, yellows, and pretty pinks while the moon still hung brightly in the sky ye the stars had already faded away. The chirping of birds ran gout loudly as they went on their morning hunt for breakfast. Rays of morning sunshine began to beat down on the sleeping souls resting on the outdoor furniture. the excesses heat and glowing light soon shined brightly in their faces and one by one they all stirred awake.

Blinded by the sun Harry carefully removed his hand from around Louis' toned torso and began fumbling for his phone on the glass table  next to him. 7:46 am flashed brightly across the screen and Harry's body instantly flooded with  a mixture of anxiety and excitement propelling himself forward despite the weight of Louis pressing him into the sofa.

"Haz wh-"
"Shit, sorry Lou but we have to get up it's almost eight and we have to leave tonight"


Slowly Louis sat up and swung his legs over the edge of sofa letting his feet hit the hot summer concrete beneath. Finally opening his eyes wide enough to glance around he took in the moments of the night before. Remembering the I love you his chest exploded with butterflies and his thin lips fought against breaking out into a large grin instead settling for a half smile he tried to keep a secret.

Louis said those three words plenty of times. He always knew saying it to your family and friends were different from saying it your girlfriend or boyfriend. He thought he knew what the words meant when he said them to Ronnie and he never understood why so many people just wanted to fall in love, but now he knew why. It's was blissful, fun, perfect, like living in movie. Falling in love with the right person was like nothing else you could ever imagine.

Shifting his gaze back up his eyes landed on Niall and Cassie still intertwined in the chair adjacent to them. It was sickening cute but he really didn't mind because he knew him and Harry looked the exact same way just minuets prior. And when you are in love things like that just happen, you didn't try to be obnoxious with the hand holding, gentle kisses and adoring looks but love overpowered everything else including the part of your brain that knew better than to display it to everyone.

Crumbles of graham crackers still littered the table so Louis picked up a couple broken pieces and threw them towards the sleeping couple. A few crumbs landed on Niall's shirt, a few on Cassies arm, and a few on the floor. Half asleep Niall's nose began to twitch and his chin slowly leaned down closer to the honey coated cracker and Louis giggled.

"Even in his sleep he's like a dog"

"At least well known he'll never starve to death"

The commotion of laughter broke through the calm morning air and soon the others where awake with confusion covering their eyes.

"What are you laughing about"

"Just your boyfriend"

"And his apparent love if graham crackers"

All pairs of eyes snapped back down to the couple, the chair, and the floor around them. Niall grabbed a piece of food and plopped it in his mouth only causing more laughter to ensue between Harry and Louis while Cassie collapsed into laughter on his chest.

"Wait did we sleep out here?"

"No dipshit we teleported here"

Louis soon regretted tossing so much food at Niall as now he was on the receiving end of flying crumbs.

"Wait what time is it?"

"Almost eight why?"

"Oh no, we still have to pack our things and pick up the rental truck and sign into our dorm assignments."

Niall and Cassie flew up from their seat and began furiously gathering their things in a panicked state.

"Wait how much packing do you still have?"

"Uh all of it?"

"Why did I leave you both in charge of things yourself, you guys go Lou and I will clean up this. I'll have my mum drop my things off here and after we get Louis packed we'll help you both finish packing and load everything into the truck so we can leave on time."

"Thank you Harry, you're a lifesaver!"

The two where already half way to Niall's car when Cassie responded running across the slippery dew covered grass. Every few feet on of them would nearly lose their balance and grip on the other to keep from face planting.

"Louis how much packing do you have left?"



"Everything just has to be out into bags and do a few more loads of wash."

"Somehow I have trouble believing that."


"A few loads of wash may be the world's largest understatement."


"Normally I would make you separate these by colors and material density but at this point just grab whatever you can and let's throw it in the washers."

Harry and Louis stood at the entrance of Louis' room unable go any farther inside. If it wasn't for the few boxes that you could see at the end of the hallway you would think he just lived like a total pig. Clothes were sprawled out everywhere, bags filled with toiletries sat on the nightstands, every single drawer and cabinet was wide open, and rubbish bags were certainly not shy.

Each boy  threw a pile of clothes into a empty box and carried them down the hallway into the washroom where two washers and two dryers sat on opposite sides of the little room. Shoving as much articles of clothing as possible without overloading it Harry and Louis poured in the soap, softener, and scent beads into the machine before pressing the start button and heading out the room and back down the large hallway.

"I've never understood why you have two sets of washing machines but today i'm not gonna question it."

"The universe was looking out for me."

"Oh yes the universe compelled your parents to buy to sets because they knew you would wait until the day you move out to do your wash."


"Shush it and grab a bin!"

In one of the many hallway closets four large plastic bins and a basket of cleaning supplies, Louis grabbed 2 of the bins and harry placed the cleaning basket inside before he grabbed the other two bins himself.

With a little less clothing blocking the entrance of the extravagant bedroom both of the boys pushed their ways through until they stood at the foot of the blue eyes boys bed. Before getting to work Harry scanned the monstrosity in front of him until he spotted a wireless speaker sitting on the open window sill across the room. A few hops, jumps, and skips later the speaker was blasting music and Harry was already dancing and signing at the top of his lungs.

"Let's get this party started!"

"I don't think this count's as a party Harold!"

"It sure does, and you can only call me Harold if i can call you Lewis!"

"Nope, never gonna happen."

"Okay so were in agreement, Harold and Lewis do not exist."


"Good now pack your things and dance!"

While Harry was dancing he was holding blankets an dtossing pillows into one of the bins, for a second Louis just stood there admiring how his boyfriend could be so, just, perfect. Letting go he smiled and joined in on the packing dance party.

Every hour or so the boys would stop and change out the laundry then fold the freshly dried clothes placing them in boxes when they were done. Soon the only things left was picture frames and awards sitting on otherwise empty shelf's. The bathroom and closet bathroom were virtually empty besides a couple pairs of clothes and backup toothbrushes for whenever he visited home.

"Three hours, I didn't think it would be that fast."

"Not gonna lie when I first saw your room I think I had a heart attack but we did it."

"Not to self, keep things clean to not kill you."

"Yes please don't kill me by messiness"

Harry and Louis talked and joked as they made their way downstairs, the farther down the stair case they got the more rukus they heard the more the scent of pancakes filled the air. Stumbling into the kitchen Phoebe and Daisy sat at the dinning table with a stack of chocolate chip pancakes dusted with powdered sugar and glass of orange juice while Jay was busy at the stove cooking.

The girls both lit up like lightbulbs when they saw Harry and their brother enter the kitchen, walking closer Louis Picked off a little piece of Phoebe's pancake and tossed it in the air catching it in his mouth.

"Heyyyy those are mine!"

"Don't worry i won't be able to steal your food for much longer"

The siblings stuck their tongues out at each other and giggled. Jay came over to the table with another large plate piled with pancakes and placed it in the center for everyone to grab some.

"Did you already finish your packing?"

"Yup but he have to move H's stuff here then help Niall and Cassie out."

"Don't ask."

The confusion entangled in his mothers eyebrow diminished as she went to make her own plate of breakfast. Just as everyone was beginning to eat the doorbell rang and the twins jumped up from their seats and ran down the hallway to see whoever was on the other side meanwhile the boys where busy shoveling food into their mouth.

Little footsteps and giggles came ushering back and Harry's ears perked at the familiar sound of his mothers voice echoing off of the light gray walls.

"Mum! I thought you had a double shift today?"

"Like i would miss my little baby going off to college!"

Ann still dressed in her scrubs pulled out one of the pleated seats and sat down. Everyone began talking, mums sharing stories of the boys when they were younger and the boys trying to defend some of their not so great actions but it was all lighthearted and fun. Even the twins where telling stories, mostly of their adventures with Harry but also some of Louis but they had to be careful because they couldn't let their little secret slip out.

You see The girls had seen they two kiss that day at the art show but neither Harry or Louis knew that they saw and they have been keeping their relationship from them a total secret, or at least they tried. They didn't hold hands or kiss or flirt outrageously around the girls because they thought it would be awkward for them to see their babysitter and brother kissing in the hall but Niall and Cassie had told the twins that they were officially dating and that was yet another secret kept between the four of them since they promised they wouldn't tell either of the boys of any of their involvement in the relationship.

But the girls where smart, afterall they where now five, and still had their ways.

"Do you think we can have another princess ball before everyone leaves?"

"I'm sorry Dais but they boys still have a lot of work to do before they leave."

"How about we through one during winter break when we all get back? We can do a photoshoot and it could be your christmas gift."

Daisy who was sitting on Harry's lap excitedly wrapped her tiny arms around his broad shoulders with a wide smile.

"If you want you could join us in helping Niall and Cassie pack."

"Mummy can we?"


"Only if you listen to everyone and no running off."

"Alright then get your shoes on and we can get going!"

While the girls ran out of the kitchen and up to their room to grab their shoes Jay and Ann put their carseats in the boys cars, one in Louis's and one in Harry's. Standing in the garage the twins made their way through the door to find everyone waiting for them, just like any other time they had to slip rides with the boys Daisy went with Harry and Phoebe went with Louis.

Buckled up and ready to go Harry noticed that Daisy had a little bag with her that was bulky in the center, normally he wouldn't question it but something was telling him it was important.

"What'cha got in their Dais?"

"Nothing important!"


Pulling out into the driveway the twins smiles at each other through the windows of the cars so excited to see Cassie.


Were only in the seconds chapter and the twins are already scheming something, you better get ready!

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