The Unholy Reunion

Por Mashkook7

38.7K 967 333

??: I don't know why destiny would even let us meet knowing that we could never be together,not in this life... Más

PART 1: Intro
part 2 : Intro 2
Part 3: Beginning
Part 4: Unexpected Encounters
PART 5: unburinug the buried secret
jeon jungkook's first appearance - Part 7 : Destinies have started to join
Part 8 : sweet and beautiful memories
Part 9
part 10:Bad times have started!
part 11, Beast has awaken.
Thank you everyone
part 12
Ayoo buds!
part 13 ( yuie's fucked up)
part 14
part 15 : stars crosssed
Part 16 : first touch.
My apologies
part 17 (new beginning)
y'all hate me right? 😭💀
part 18 : Repetition of past
part 19: The half revealation of the unknown.

Part 6

1.2K 35 11
Por Mashkook7

💜Taehyung: Does it means that our destinies were joined from the start?

His eyes were wide open!

Taehyung: how am I gonna tell this to yuie,she would be shocked but I also can't keep it a secret from her, I will tell her this in coming time but not now ,I should wait for the right time to tell this to her


💜Suga: Wendy ?

Wendy: yeah!

Suga: did you enjoyed your time with me,? ( He said with a smile)

Wendy: of course yeah ,I enjoyed it

Suga: wow great, so it means that you enjoy spending time with me , right?

Wendy: ummm yeah ,,well kind of,but why are you asking this from me?

Suga; umm bcz if you enjoy spending time with me so I think we should often go for lunch together ,what you say? Hehehe

Wendy: ummm yeah ok good idea (she said with an awkward smile)

Wendy; thinking ( wow what happened to him all of a sudden today? Why's he so friendly with me today?? He's usually serious but today he's different 🤔 what's going on inside his mind)


💜 Military officer: so today you are gonna go on your first flight ,all by yourself !

Student: what,but what if something happens wrong?

Military officer; well you don't need to worry about that MISTER PARK JIMIN will accompany you,,, so MISS RACHEL?

RACHEL: thinking(oh my God, please don't tell me that I'm the first bcz UNLUCKLY my roll number is 1 ).
Yes sir?

Military officer: so yeah miss Rachel it's your turn first and you are gonna go on your first flight with park jimin ,!

Jimin smirked while looking at her

Rachel: what !!!! Nooooo ,I can't do this!!
She said with a worried expressions

Park jimin: miss Rachel!!! You will do whatever military will ask you ,!!!! Did you get it!!!!

Rachel : yes sir ( she said with a sad face)

Park jimin: so let's go now Rachel

They both went towards the jet ( fighter aircraft)

Rachel: wow it looks really.......

JIMIN: dangerous?

Rachel: huh? Well yeah I was gonna say that ( she said with an awkward smile)

Jimin:now get in Rachel!!

After a while they both sat in that aircraft ,Rachel was quite nervous bcz obviously it was her first time

Jimin: so you remember your lesson about this right?

Rachel: yeah

Jimin; so now apply it here!

Rachel pushed a button and after a while ,that air craft was in mid air

Jimin : wow Rachel ,I wasn't expecting this from you

Rachel: in mind ( What the - )


Rachel: oh my God ,what's happening!!!!!!!!
It's out of my control ,jiminnnnnnn do something !!!!!!!!;!!

Jimin: first of all relax and secondly I'm your sir not your JIMIN -_-

Rachel: OKK OKK sir do something!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

The craft was out of control and it was going downward ,,, Rachel was so scared and now jimin was trying his best to control this aircraft,,,,,after a while a blast happened and this was the sound of its engine and as Rachel was already scared so with the sound of blast she HUGGED jimin !

Jimin: in Mind ( oh my God ,this girl !!) Rachel get off me !!!!


Jimin: wait what are you saying get back to your senses Aaaaaaaaaaa go up go up go UPPPPP ( he said while pulling the controller of the aircraft in upward direction)

And after a while they landed safely,,,this whole time Rachel was tightly hugging jimin and her eyes were. Shut

Jimin:hey Rachel ,now get away from me ,we are now safe

Rachel: are we dead??

Jimin: you idiotttttttttttttttttttttt get back to your senses .

She slowly opened her eyes and after a second when she noticed that she was hugging Jimin like an idiot this whole time so she was so embarrassed and quickly broke the hug ,,,,her cheeks were red and burning with embarrassment.

Jimin: so miss Rachel are you back in your senses ( he said while tilting his head towards her,and smirking)

Rachel: I,,,,I'm so sorry jimin oh no I mean sir !!!!

Jimin: hummmm you are really different from what I thought about you

Jimin; so sweetie I'm a CRUEL MONSTER right??? ( He said while smirking and patting her head gently) am I right sweetie ????? Answer me I'm asking something from you!!!!!!

Rachel: I ....I really didn't meant to say that ,,it just slipped off from my mouth ,I'm really sorry

Jimin: okayyyyy so it was an accident,,so what about that sweet hug hug??? Do I feel that much good that you couldn't leave me ,I think you loved my perfume
( He said with a smirk and while rubby his nose)

Rachel: sir please forget about that ,it was ......

Jimin: also an accident right??

Rachel: yeah I..I think I should be going now

With that she left the aircraft and jimin chuckled on her cute reaction

Rachel: Aaaaaaaaaaaa God what have I done ,I was really out of my stupid mind ,how could I hugged him AAAAAAAAAAAA I wanna kill myself now.


The worker informed Kate that Mr. Kim Namjoon was here to see her. Kate responded, "Please let him in." She couldn't help but wonder why he was here.

As Namjoon entered, he greeted her with a smile, "Hello Miss Kate, it's nice to meet you."

Kate replied, "Hello Mr. Kim, how can I assist you?"

Namjoon responded, "Please, call me Namjoon. I came here to talk to you about something."

Before he could continue, Kate interrupted, "Excuse me, have we met before? I feel like I've seen you somewhere."

Namjoon replied, "Yes, we met at a restaurant that day with Jenny. You have a good memory."

Kate nodded in agreement, "Oh, yes! I remember now. But I'm sorry to say this, your wife was really rude."

Namjoon noticed Kate's confusion and tried to clear things up, "Oh, I apologize for any confusion. The woman you saw at the restaurant with me is not my wife. She's just a business associate."

Kate accepted the clarification, "Oh, I see. I misunderstood. Sorry about that. Now, let's get back to the topic. Mr. Kim Namjoon, why are you here and what kind of deal are you proposing?"

Namjoon replied, "I came to discuss a business deal."

Kate was still unsure, "What kind of deal are you talking about?"

Namjoon clarified, "I am proposing a partnership deal between our two companies."

Kate was still skeptical, "I'm sorry, but I don't understand. My father never had any contract or deal with your company, so why are you asking about this now?"

Namjoon (thinking) : I Had some serious loss in my company and only her dad company is the most powerful and famous company of Seoul and by signing this contract by Kate and by making this deal ,it would really help my company and this time I'm not thinking about giving any damage to their company ,I just want a simple deal but I don't want to show her that Im desperate ,I hope she'd agree,I was waiting for this moment for a long time because I know that her stubborn dad would never make this deal with me but I hope Kate will ,but if she won't agree then she'd face the concequences but anyway that would be good for me too....I'll have another reason to destroy their company.)

He thought to himself, "I need to convince Kate that this deal is beneficial for both of us, but I can't show her that I'm desperate for it."

He spoke confidently, "Miss Kate, I assure you that this partnership deal will be mutually beneficial for both of our companies."

Kate was not convinced, "Do you think I'm a fool or an idiot? I know you want to destroy our company, so why should I trust you? Just leave already.."

Namjoon tried to remain calm, "Miss Kate, I assure you that I have no intention of destroying your company. This deal is purely for the benefit of both our companies. Please don't misunderstand my intentions."

Kate replied, "I don't need your help ! We are powerful enough to help ourselves And Why should I trust you?I see no reason"

Namjoon's patience was wearing thin, but he knew he had to remain professional. "Miss Kate, I understand your skepticism, but I hope you'll reconsider. In a few days, you may come to my office, realizing the benefits of this partnership deal, and I'll be happy to discuss it further."

Namjoon left the room, concealing his anger with a smirk, knowing that his words would leave an impact on Kate.

He then took a deep breath and said before leaving..

Namjoon: After few days you'd come to my office all by yourself and you'd be begging me for this deal ,he said with a smirk ,anger could be seen in his eyes

Kate: well yeah of course,in your dreams

Namjoon: your rudeness and arrogance will fire back at you Kim Kate .

Kate: you can go now!

Namjoon: in mind ( you are gonna regret what you said to me)

Written by Mashkook 7 Julie 💜

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