I am Rogue [Book 1]

By MakiOnyx

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Aim, a twenty-four year old werewolf, is determined to be part of the revolution that will shake her species... More

Author's Legal Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 14

104 5 2
By MakiOnyx

Chapter 14:

            When I awoke for a second time in that horrible whitewashed cell, there was a dull throb behind my eyes and my body ached as though I had overworked it training. However I knew it was the aches and pains of my body healing from the intense hormonal purge that had run its course for the time being. How long I had slept, I didn’t know, and what awaited me when they realized I was back once more in the conscious world frightened me.

            I knew I had to be strong for what remained of my pack. I owed it to Nyx to be strong. The very thought of his name brought what the guard had said back to me, my eyes welling with tears, the hot little beads rolling down my now cool skin.

            “…killed the alpha.”

            Those three little words spun faster and faster in the back of my mind. I hadn’t been able to connect to Nyx when I had first awoken, and now I knew why. They had killed my best friend, a man who was like a brother more than a lover to me. He was what held my family together and kept us all strong and alive. Now he was just another dead wolf to those who had butchered him.

            The very idea they had killed Nyx brought a harsh growl vibrating through my chest, no doubt informing whoever was outside the door that I had awoken. Let them come in, I wasn’t afraid any longer about my fate. All I wanted was revenge for my fallen alpha, and I’d be damned if I didn’t get it. I would die, no doubt, but I’d take down as many of these bastards as possible before I took my final howl into the Goddess’ care.

            Crouching on the bed, I prepared myself, my claws sliding out from being sheathed beneath my human guise, my teeth shifting to flesh tearing fangs. I could feel myself slowly fading away as my inner animal began to look through my eyes as the predator she was. She was ready to taste blood once more in the name of those she loved, ready to kill and be killed to avenge her fallen leader, the only male she had close enough to that of a mate.

            As the door opened, I felt her throw my body onto the male who had entered without care, felt my teeth rip through the flesh of his shoulder and the taste of his blood pooling within my mouth. His scream of surprise soon turned into one of pain as I jerked my head as a wolf would jerk their muzzle, tearing more into the muscle of his shoulder until I heard the snap of the bone beneath my fangs.

            His screaming grew louder and hands began to grip at my limbs, pulling me from my prey. My wolf let out a fierce growl and turned her eyes on the owner of those hands, my lips lifting in a blood-dripping snarl, a warning that they were interfering. The male didn’t seem to know what to do, seeing my wolf in my eyes he backed up only to come to his pack-mate’s aid once more.

            Snarling, I swiped at him with my claws as he came close, my feet hitting the concrete floor and my back crouching over like the savage animal I had become as the male I had bitten collapsed, curling in on himself. Attention shifted to my new threat who was backing slowly away, his chest sporting red lines parallel to one another. Licking the blood on my lips, my head lifted as though I would howl before my back legs pushed the rest of me forward onto him.

            Clawing at his already wounded chest as I straddled his lap, I growled deep in my chest, my eyes catching how his blood gleamed along my hands. His screams soon became gasps and gurgles and blood filled his mouth, blocking his ability to take in oxygen. I only howled in victory as I watched the light leave his eyes, already the sounds of more wolves entering the room at my back, unsure as to what to do.

            I smirked down at my second victim, though his clouded over eyes told me he couldn’t see it. Those who surrounded me seemed confused, but I wasn’t confused. We weren’t confused at all. They would all die for what they have done. I would lick their blood off my paws and laugh as they screamed for mercy-

            Suddenly my body felt as though I had stuck a claw in an electric outlet, only the pain was radiating from my left shoulder and sent me sprawled out onto the corpse I straddled. My clothing, already soaked in sweat and articular spray of blood, was now soaking up the semi-drying pool that had once been a no doubt muscled chest. The metallic sent of blood only mixed with the taste of my own as my fanged teeth bit into my tongue while my body jerked.

            “Jesus… Look what she did to Marcus and Kendal.”

            “Fucking Christ, has the bitch completely lost her mind?”

            A snarl rolled out of my mouth at being called a bitch, my eyes blinking a moment before I rolled off the corpse I was laying on and crouched again, having felt the high voltage stun gun barbs rip out of my flesh. Shaking my head, I felt the tug of blood soaked hair against my skin and my head began to feel as though the room was spinning before I could get a grip.

            Blinking once more, I focused up on the men watching me, my head slightly cocked to the side. My inner animal who had been in the driver’s seat of my body for the slaughter slowly pulled back, my teeth shifting to normal and my claws sheathing back within my human form as I let out a whimper followed by another. Then, as if I couldn’t control myself, my head fell back and a painful mourning sound left my throat. It wasn’t a perfect howl, as my human form was not meant to make such a true sound, but it had been as close to it as I could have been capable. When it was over, I dragged my knees to my chest and cried.

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