Prince Darkness meets Balto

By PrinceDarkness_74

3.6K 35 3

After Prince Darkness goes back in time to the year 1925, he comes across a town in Nome, Alaska, that has be... More

The Message
The Test
Year 1: 1865
Year 2: 1895
Year 3: 1912
And now our story begins
New canines
Dogsled team
Odd malamute
Polar bear
Surprise meeting
Love and Attempt 1/3
Love and Attempt 2/3
Love and Attempt 3/3
A Twist and Apology
The starting
The Journey begins


159 3 0
By PrinceDarkness_74

After that I then parkour across some buildings to look for that Wolf and Goose. After jumping across some buildings without getting noticed I found them walking through an alleyway. 

The wolf's head is so low, it nearly touches the ground. The goose opened his mouth to say something comforting but can't think of anything. 

Dejected, the wolf started to look away but then we heard that little calling out for the husky and the wolf instantly jumps to attention, ears perked. With his famous hopeful smile, The wolf starts running, crossing a pile of barrels in his haste. I started following him.

Me: *What are you doing wolf?*

As the wolf Looked back making sure that the goose was right behind him, the wolf ran through a hole in a fence, and tries to skid to a stop, realizing he has exited the alley. The husky, who is talking by at that moment, turns. The wolf, still slowing down, looks up and their noses meet.

I saw that and I took a picture with my phone.

Me: *That's a keeper*

Husky: Ooohhhh. . .

The husky said in surprise. The wolf, realizing who he ran into and their very intimate position they had been in, finds his heart beating too fast to hold himself and sits heavily, smiling brightly at her with big, yellow eyes. 

Wolf: Heh, Jenna. . .I er. . .heh. 

The wolf trailed off, still grinning, unable to forget their kiss. He couldn't say that he was unhappy with how it had played out. Even with all the trouble he'd had getting to the race, seeing the husky had made it well worth it. 

Girl's father: Jenna! 

The girl's father called. 

Girl: Jen! Come on! 

Me and the husky's attention is drawn away from the wolf for a second to look at the girl, but when we looked back the wolf was gone.

Me: *Perfect! Where is he?*

The husky sniffed around, entering the alley but the girl's father calls her again and she ducks back out the fence and leaves. Just then I found the wolf, he was watching from his hiding place with a sad face. He then walked away and I followed him.

Goose: Balto, there are some things I can't do for you. I'm goose. . .not Cupid. 

The goose told the lupine figure sadly as they walked away. The wolf responded with a quiet 

Wolf: yeah 

"Didn't make the team, Bingo?" 

I heard a voice from somewhere, I looked over to my right and saw that malamute as he called tauntingly from behind them. 

Me: *Oh great, what now?*

Goose: Don't listen to him. . .don't look at him. Live a long life.

The goose tried to tell the wolf as he came to a dead stop and his face started to hardened with determination. Finally, he snapped his head back towards the offending Malamute. 

Wolf: My name's Balto. 

He growled, chest heaving in anger as he walked back over to Steele. It seemed obvious to me that they are familiar with each other.

Goose: But you can call him... idiot

Boris deadpanned straight forward.

Me: *Touche* 

Malamute: I'm sorry. . .Balto. Balto the half-breed.

The malamute told him, sauntering past. There was a collective hiss from me. Behind the malamute his gang joined him, laughing. They were those three dogs from earlier. 

Malamute: Frail Goose! You a half-breed too, huh? 

The malamute pressed, lowering himself so his snout was inches away from the goose's face. 

Goose: Oh no! 

Malamute: Part... turkey? 

Steele asked, using his snout to knock the goose into a roasting pan and the lid fell on him.

 Chow-chow: Good word play, dere boss

Cream husky: You are the wittiest, the quickest. You're the drollest, the cleverest. . . the sharpest. You're the most hilarious...

Purple husky: You crack me up! Ha ha ha ha! 

The purple one finished for him. The cream one whaps him on the head. 

Purple husky: Woo hoo hoo hoo! 

He laughed as he passed out. Is that seriously how they toy with that husky?

Wolf: Steele! Just leave him out of this! 

The wolf told him angrily, bounding over to them and crouching protectively over where the goose was. Next to each other, the size difference was painfully obvious. At this time, the wolf would stand little chance. 

Malamute: Oh, Balto. 

The malamute taunted, slapping him across the face with his tail.

Malamute: I've got a message for your mother. Awooooo! 

He howled and waited for his gang to stop laughing and join in. They soon did. 

The wolf's face contorted with rage, throughly done with the group, he angrily approached, yellow eyes narrowed and bright with fury.

Me: *Uh oh*

The purple husky called from the wolf's other side, inadvertently drawing the angry canine's attention. 

purple husky: What's wolf for, 'Go chase your tail'? 

The wolf growled and started to walk towards the malamute and his gang, hackles rising. The goose, throughly terrified at the sight of the large sled dogs, grabbed the wolf's tail and tried to hold him back. 

Goose: Balto stop! Woaaahhhh!

The goose yelled, his lighter weight not effecting his friend in the least. 

Cream husky: Whoa. . .uh oh! 

The cream husky sputtered in surprise as the furious wolf-dog approached. 

Malamute: Get him. 

The malamute said as he and the other stalked over to meet the wolf. His team started barking and the malamute's voice lowered to nasty growl. 

Malamute: Get out of here, wolf dog. You'd better get back to your pack.

The malamute's snout was so close to the wolf's, spittle from the malamute's jaws landed on the wolf's face, angering the lean dog even more. The goose didn't seem to like where the confrontation was going and intervened again, against all his survival instincts. 

Goose: Maybe it's the unrelenting fear talking, but I'm seeing wisdom in this advice. Maybe we go now, huh? NOW! 

The goose said frantically, pushing at the wolf's face. His angry friend barely seemed to notice. At this point, not only was it dangerous for the considerably more fragile goose who also happened to be food to most of the animals in the alleyway, it was dangerous for the wolf. The goose shoved his best friend away from the others, harder now. This time, the wolf relented and his face fell into one of defeat as they started to walk away. 

As the wolf and goose left, the four sled dogs kicked snow at the wolf. His face became somber, not surprised at their treatment of him as snow covered him and his friend. As the four were kicking up snow, the malamute hit him with a rock with enough force to knock him over, causing him to fall against trash cans and wooden planks. Panicky, the wolf scrambled up and ran out of the alley and around the corner, Boris at his heels. I was shocked at how that wolf and that goose were being treated by those dogs, there must be a reason why he's getting bullied other than just being a wolf. I know he's wild animal, but shouldn't they be treated nicely as well maybe? I need to rethink this whole thing.

Chow-chow: Half wolf in the side pocket, dere!

Cream husky: That was the most dead center, the most on target, the most down the middle... 

Purple husky: Ya hit him! Heh heh heh heh!" 

The purple husky laughed. The cream husky punched him on the jaw, making the malamute bark a laugh before leaving.

Chow-chow: Dat son of a...

Cream husky: He is the most malicious, the most disgusting, the most obnoxious, the most revolting, the most repulsive, the...

Purple husky: He's no lap dog! A heh heh!" 

The purple husky laughed, whacking himself on the head for the other husky and passing out.

I looked at the malamute as he was walking away and felt a tiny bit of anger in myself. I then grabbed a rock that was next to me and threw it at him. It hit him straight on the head.

Malamute: OW! who did that?

Chow-chow: Oh jeez, what happened?

The three dogs then went to see what was the matter. I hide behind a box and quietly laugh for a bit before going to find that wolf again.

To Be Continued...

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