Be my last love.

By infiniteflames_99

865K 45.2K 11.5K

Book of Aarna and Dhruv(Arranged Marriage Series #2) She is an extrovert He is an introvert. she is full of w... More

Author's note
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
Theif of my heart(AMS#3)
The way I used to live(AMS#1)

chapter 14

13.4K 762 206
By infiniteflames_99

Dhruv's POV:

This girl.

How can she lock me outside? I know I overdid a little but it was she who started everything and I just turned the tables on her. I am an innocent party here but still why should I be the one to be at the receiving end.

"Girl..stop getting on my nerves and open the door," I asked in a high pitched tone while standing in front
of the window which she had closed a while ago on my face.

"Okay. Let's do it in your way only." Gritting my teeth, I said.

"I am going to make a call then," I shouted and I immediately get a response from her but not in my favor.

"Do it. Are you going to call Athayya.? Then let me tell you this, she won't help you even in your dreams." Came her annoying voice from inside the room.

What she had said was so true. So I never thought to call my maa in the first place.

"Who said that I am going to call my mom.? I am going to call my Dad or it will be good if I call my Grandma. Haa. Yes...Grandma is the better option. So she will get to know the devil behind your obedient granddaughter behavior." I told her in a taunting voice and made a call to my Grandma before putting it on speaker mode.

Hearing the ringing, she immediately opened the door and rushed outside.

"Hello.." Came her voice from the other end of the call.

"Grandma. Sorry to disturb you at this time. I called you to tell that-" Aarna immediately snatched the phone from my hand.

"Granny. It's me who asked him to make a call to you. I just want to know whether Gramps and you took your medicines or not." She said while laughing awkwardly after glaring at me.

I just rolled my eyes at her cover-up and marched inside with her tailing behind me hurriedly as if I would close the door on her face.

Little fool

Muttering this under my breath, I shook my head and settled myself on the bed.

"Silly girl. We already took the medicines. Don't worry about us and rest early." I heard grandma's voice that filled with joy because she was thinking that her granddaughter was so good and caring girl.

"If only you know grandma. Your dearest grandson is nearly got bullied by her. If it wasn't for his quick wits, he would have to spend his all night outside in that chilly weather." I thought in my mind and sighed before tucking myself with my duvet but it got snatched by that devil immediately.

"Dhruv. Are you a child.? How can you call her to complain about me like a little boy.?" She asked in an exaggerating tone while kneeling on the bed beside me and loomed over me by holding my phone in her hand.

I just snatched my phone from her and slept while turning my back to her. I can still hear her mumbling like an old woman before I felt her sleeping beside me. I ignored her rambles and drifted into my sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to see her sleeping with her limbs all over me. I huffed in annoyance. Truth to be told, I somewhat got used to her weird sleeping habits.

Seeing it was nearly time for my morning run, I poked her cheek a little but she simply squatted my hand away and snuggled more into me while releasing a satisfactory sigh.

"Idiot..leave me," I said while trying to pry her hold on me.

Seeing that she wasn't even budging a little, I sighed in irritation and took the alarm clock to set the timer. I placed it near her ears before it started ringing. Hearing the loud ringing, she immediately sat up on the bed with a startle.

She rubbed her bleary eyes and looked at her surroundings before settling her gaze on me. She gave me an accused look with her watery eyes and ignoring how adorable she was looking right now, I stood up from the bed.

I simply placed the alarm clock aside and marched into the washroom without feeling any ounce of guilt for spoiling her sleep.

After coming out of the washroom, I  saw her standing at the door with her droopy eyes while holding my black coffee. I bit back my smile and took the cup from her.

She instantly slumped on the bed like a log. I just shook my head and sipped onto my black coffee.

"Forget about your stupid deal or else you have to open a cafe to compensate me daily," I told her and she immediately looked at me with a glint.

"Really? So I don't need to prepare you coffee from now on..right." She asked in an excited tone. I just nodded at her briefly before heading out.

After returning from my morning run, I went to our room to freshen up and saw that Aarna was already awake and ready in her usual attire. After informing me that she was going to the kitchen, she headed out.

I went downstairs for the breakfast, after getting ready for my office and completed my breakfast amidst of ma's and Aarna's rambling and Grandpa's grumbling while eating the veggies.

I immediately started to my office to start my hectic day. My day passed by working on the tactics from stopping the deals of Rahul's company as per Arjun's request. (For those who don't know Rahul, he is the antagonist in the first book of the Arranged marriage series.)

I decided to leave for home early as my head was pounding like hell. When I reached home, I directly headed to my room but greeted with the sight of a closed door. When I tried to open it, I noticed that it was locked from inside. I knocked on the door but still, no response came from inside.

So I panicked a little and went to the study room to grab the spare keys hurriedly. After taking the keys, I made a quick run to my room and opened the door. My jaw hit the floor after seeing what she was doing inside.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The whole room was resounding with the loud music. As for Aarna, she was singing like a banshee while dancing weirdly on the bed like a monkey.

Completely forgetting about my headache and the little panic that I had felt earlier, I leaned on to the door frame and started watching her with amusement dancing in my eyes.

She still hasn't noticed my presence and started shrieking..ahem..I mean singing even more loudly in her style and waved the duvet in her hands while jumping on the bed. I bit my lips to stop the smile that was threatening to erupt on my face.

Suddenly she stumbled on her feet because of the duvet and landed on the bed with a soft thud. She seemed to be coiled by the duvet as she took some time to stand on her feet and again started her dancing session as if nothing had happened.

This was my last straw, I couldn't control myself anymore. So I started laughing loudly which made her aware of my presence and seeing the comical look on her after she noticed my presence, I laughed even harder.

"Youuuu! When did you return from the office?? I am sure I locked the door. How dare you to enter it without knocking on the door.?" She accused me while her face had turned red in embarrassment. I just scoffed at her words before grabbing a fresh towel.

"If you don't remember clearly, it is my room in the first place. About knocking on the door, I did it but you failed to hear as you were so busy performing the circus. Moreover, If I hadn't used the spare keys, I would have missed this free entertainment." I said to rile her up and headed inside the washroom while laughing on the way.

"DHRUVVV.I HATE YOUUU." I heard her shouting from outside.

"Feelings are mutual," I shouted back before turning on the shower.

After freshening up, I went downstairs to see what those crazy people in my family are doing.

I saw that mom was in the kitchen. Aadhya, Aarna, and Grandma were talking among themselves while laughing occasionally and Grandpa was sulking in the corner. Dad was nowhere to be seen.

"Must be chilling with his friends." I thought.

He was enjoying his life after handing over all the responsibilities of the company to me. With these thoughts, I went to my Grandpa and sat beside him.

Noticing my presence, he glanced at me and made a pitiful face for me to look at.

"What happened.?" Deciding to play along with him, I asked.

"Your wife happened." He said while sighing helplessly.

"What did she do again.?" I asked him.

"To my surprise, she didn't do anything today but the problem is, I can't stand that diet buddy. She is gloating over my misfortune. Do something to stop these diet and exercise things. Talk to your grandma, she will listen to you." He asked me and I shook my head firmly.

"No. I can't help you with this. Though she was doing playfully, what she did was correct. You have to maintain a healthy diet. I'll support her in this decision. It's for your good." I said without looking at him.

"Already became a henpecked husband. I see. After you got married, you completely forgot about our old kinship. I hold you in my arms when you were so little even though you were so fond of peeing on me. I helped you in making your parents agreed to your field trip. I shared my chocolates with you when your mom restricted you to eat them because of your toothache. I changed your diapers whe-" I cut him off in the middle unable to hear his silly deeds.

"Stop it, Grandpa. I can help you with anything except for this and I am not a henpecked husband. Ask me anything other than this...okay." I told him, already regretting, sitting beside him.

After hearing my words, his eyes lit up like a child who got candy.

"Really.? You will do anything without saying a 'No'..right." He asked and after getting the assurance from me, he nodded at me gleefully.

"You haven't changed then. You are still my grandson. I can be assured now. Listen to me carefully. Help me in getting even with your wife. Since I am will take revenge on her on my behalf. What say!" He asked, making me tongue-tied.

"Don't want to do it?? I know, I became a burden on everyone. Even that old woman started to ignore me. Now you also not agreeing with my small request." He said while slumping his shoulders in disappointment.

"Why the hell did I come downstairs in the first place.?" I scolded myself before nodding at him slowly.

"I will do it. Tell me what to do." I told him and he nodded at me excitedly before ushering me to bend a little.

"I heard her asking that old woman to teach her how to play chess. So let's challenge her in playing chess with you and place a condition that..the one who lost in the game has to do whatever the winner asked them to do for a day..okay." He said in a low tone and I don't know what to say because it surely is not a fair game. Even before playing it, I am sure I will be the winner because I am playing it for years.

"It is not the time to think about fairness..okay. I still couldn't get over the fact that she made everyone believe that I am suffering from some unknown disease. You have to do it for me." He said when I voiced out my thoughts and I just nodded at him with a sigh.

Dhruv. What have you landed yourself into?.

My conscience pitied me and I saw that Grandpa was calling out to everyone.

"Hey! Boring people. Put your boring talks aside for a while and come here." Soon they stood in front of us with a confused expression on their faces.

"Well. I am feeling so bored. So let's play a duel. Dhruv and this little brat will play chess. You can choose who you want to support. I'll support Dhruv. She has to play the game without denying it and I don't want anyone's opinion on this. So choose the sides." Everyone looked at him as if he had gone crazy. Aarna was looking at grandpa with her eyes wide open.

"It's okay that you asked for the competition but why Aarna should be the one to play.? I'll play with him instead of her," Grandma said.

"You old woman. Don't come in between us. Why do you want to play instead of her?? Didn't Great Aarna don't know how to play chess.? If it is true, then accept the defeat. The loser has to do whatever the winner asked them to do for a day. Do you dare to play with us.?" He provoked Aarna and Aarna being a little fool fell into his trap.

"What are you talking about.? Who said that I don't know how to play chess.? I'll play with him and ready to be my slave for a day." She challenged us. Hearing her last line, I glared at her. It is such a waste to pity this little idiot.

"Game on then," I told her in a challenging tone.

"Okay but give me some time to read the chess manuals. It's been so long since I played it. So let me catch up with the game." She said while putting a brave front.

"Sure. Take your time." I told her sarcastically.

After a while, we both sat in front of each other in the living room over a game of chess.

The rosewood chessboard was covered with black and white chess pieces. The game was started. I was amazed by her talent in the game.

She merely read through a few chess manuals and seemed to be able to figure out a few strategies on her own. When mom and grandma gave her some tips, she was able to understand them quickly and even devised advanced techniques.

"Have you decided?" I looked at her, who was deep in thought, with a black chess piece between her fingers.

The chess game had reached a difficult stage. As a beginner, it was already quite impressive for her to arrive at this stage.

"Here?" She placed it on the chessboard without releasing it. She looked up to see my reaction.

I laughed with amusement. Does this little fool know the rules of chess? It was an unspoken rule that once the chess piece hit the chessboard, it was considered a move and could not be undone. She still had a lot to learn about the etiquette of chess. However, I was amazed by her child-like nature and playfulness.

"Hmm. This is a good move. As long as I don’t interfere with the pieces in this area, you will be able to conquer it." I told her.

Hearing my words, she happily retracted her hand. It’s considered a move and cannot be undone. Then she asked as if she suddenly thinking of something.

"What if you choose to interfere?"

"If I were to interfere…" I looked at her smilingly and then pointed to the position right beside her chess piece.

She glanced towards the position I was pointing at. She immediately withdrew the black chess piece she placed earlier, realizing the possibility of losing all of her other black chess pieces with that move. "How can you cheat!"

I laughed harder at her furious expression. After that, I took a white chess piece and placed it in another position.

She happily removed a few soldiers from the chessboard and counted them. She then took another chess piece and asked grandma. "So, what should be my next move?"

"Dare you to help her now..she already retracted her move once," Grandpa warned Grandma to which she just huffed in annoyance.

I looked at Aarna but remained silent.

She then placed the piece in her hand on the chessboard and peeped at me to see me frowning slightly. She retracted her hand, content that she had made a good move.

I was well aware of everything she did, though she thought she was discreet. I was just playing along. It was a bad move that caused a great downfall to her chess pieces.

"Checkmate," I said after taking the king from the chessboard with my fingers.

She looked at the defeated pieces and it became clear to her that she was being misled. "You did it on purpose," she said angrily.

I responded with a smile, "This strategy is known as 'luring the opponent with an illusion'. The concept of chess strategies is similar to deploying troops on a battlefield. Deceiving the enemy is a tactic commonly used."

"You are so cunning." She shouted at me and I smiled smugly at her.

After glaring at me, she slumped her shoulders in defeat as she became a loser with a single move from me.

"Be ready to be my slave for a day." I used the same words that she had used on me earlier.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Well..the thing is, I don't know anything about chess and never tried to learn even upon the insistence of my grandpa. So kindly
ignore the mistakes if you find any.

Thanks for reading.

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