The Cheerleader and The Bad B...

By Mira49_94

23.5M 448K 240K

"You're afraid of temptation." He said pinning me to the wall. "No, I'm not." I snapped at him. Who am I kid... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Sorry, another authors note.
Aaron's POV chapter seven
Chapter one Aarons POV
It's been a while.

chapter nineteen

418K 8.8K 4.7K
By Mira49_94

Hey guys sense you are all just so awesome here's another chapter! Please vote or comment to let me know how you like it! The more votes or comments I get will determine if I upload this weekend too! Enjoy!! :)

Also dedicated to callitaylor111 for all her help and support.

Chapter nineteen

“So where are we going?” I asked after I was in Nate’s car.

“Well we could go bowling or we could catch a late night movie or…my friend Drew is having a party tonight.”

“Ohh a city boy party?” I laughed. “That could be fun.”

“I can’t tell if you’re sarcastic or not.”

“I don’t care what we do.” I said leaning my head back on the seat and gazing out at the slowly setting sun.

“Well because we’re dressed so nice let’s stop by for the party and if it sucks we’ll leave and go late night bowling or something.”

“Alright.” I said as he took a right turn so we could heads toward the city. After a while I spoke up. “Am I going to be judged because I’m not a rich city kid?”

“Sage, you are just as rich as the rest of us.”

“I’ll admit that my family has quite a bit of money but definitely not as much as Mr. lives-in-a-penthouse-does-whatever-he-wants.” I said sticking my tongue out at him.

It took us about half an hour to get to a house that I’d rather call a mansion, and even that didn’t do it justice.

It was one of those houses with a gate you have to drive through and it had a voice box which Nate had to give his name to before they opened the gate for us. The house was a huge grey house with dark blue shutters and it was two stories tall and about two normal houses wide. Nate pulled onto the grass and parked beside a silver Ferrari.

I got out and my heels almost sunk into the grass.

I could hear pounding music and kids were out in the yard dancing with drinks in their hands.

More alcohol. Maybe I’ll just stay away from that.

We walked in and there were flashing lights and Christmas lights hanging everywhere they could have possibly been hung. Kids were sitting on any available surface, they were dancing on the coffee table and all around the room, and kids were making out against walls and on the stairs.

Food was scattered throughout the house anywhere it could be set down some of it even littered the floor.

“Parties are all the same.” Nate muttered beside me. “Have you ever been to any?”

“One this year…it was interesting.”

He grinned at me. “How so?”

“Alcohol and I aren’t the best of friends.”

“Ohhh.” He nodded with a slight smirk. “You’re a light weight.” I gave him a playful glare before lightly shoving him. “Or you’re just an extremely good time while you’re drunk.”

“Well we’re not going to find out.” I said before walking into the kitchen.

“Hey bro!” Someone said from behind us.

I spun around to see a cute boy with dark brown hair and eyes as blue as the ocean, and another boy with bright blonde hair and grey eyes.

“Oh hey guys.” Nate said giving both of them one of those weird bro hugs.

“Hey Nate.” Said the blonde.

“And who is this precious creature?” The dark haired one asked smiling so much it seemed to light up his eyes.

“Sage.” I said introducing myself. I was about to shake their hands but then remembered we’re at a party and nobody normal ever does that.

“I’m Drew.” The dark haired one said.

“And I’m Ben.” The blonde one said while nodding.

“Nate!” A shrill voice said from the doorway before a barely dressed red head jumped into his arms as she continued to shriek.

“Oh…hey, Sam.” He said with a less than pleased expression on his face.

“While Nate’s entertaining why don’t I show you around?” Drew offered.

“Uhhh.” I said looking back over at Nate. He nodded approval while trying to hold a conversation with the squealing red head. “Ok.” I said as I let Drew grab my arm and lead me through the back door.

There was a pool and more dancing and drinking people loitering around on sun bathing chairs.

“So what are you?” He asked as we started walking around the side of the house.

“Excuse me?” I snapped thinking it was an insult which made him laugh.

“Soccer player? Tennis player? Runner? Cheerleader? Soft ball player?”

“Cheerleader and dancer.” I said as I came to the realization that we were talking hobbies.

He nodded. “You look like a dancer.”

“Then why did you ask?” I smirked before walking back in the front door to the main dance area.

“I like to let girls do their fair share of talking.”

“Oh is that like part of a master plan type of thing?” I laughed while maneuvering around a couple that had absolutely no space in between them.

“Show me how you can dance.” He said grabbing my arms.

I tried to laugh it off and pull away but he held my arms tighter.

“I don’t dance at parties.” I said pushing at his chest.

“Oh come on just one dance, gorgeous.” He said grabbing my hips and pulling me closer.

“No, seriously stop.” I said getting annoyed and nervous.

“Just go with it.” He leaned in and I thought he was going to kiss me until someone yanked us apart.

“Hey Drew!” Nate snapped while looking extremely pissed off. I gravitated towards him feeling safer now that he had come back. “What are you doing?”

“I was just having a little fun.” He said giving us a lazy grin.

“Well go have fun with someone else’s girlfriend.” Nate said putting a protective arm around me.

I glanced up at him, slightly shocked at his words.

“You guys sure don’t act like it.” He accused us. At this point I was pretty sure he had at least a slight buzz going on if not more.

“Ya we do.” Nate scoffed. “Right…babe?”

“Ya. Sure.” I laughed nervously.

Nate leaned closer and I wanted to lean away or maybe even slap him but I didn’t want to be harassed by Drew all night.

Both of his hands went up to my face one rested on my cheek closest to Drew and the other covered my lips although I doubt Drew could see. Nate pressed his lips to his hand and his eyes closed. My own fluttered closed and our noses touched.

I heard someone groan and we pulled away. “Alright, whatever.” Drew said shoving his hands in his pockets. “Go do that somewhere else.”

“Gladly.” I said before grabbing Nate’s hand and dragging him out the front door and back towards his car.

I had a small feeling of disappointment in the pit of my stomach.

Part of me wished Nate had actually kissed me, but the other part knew how much I loved Aaron.

It was a situation of love and lust. At least that’s what I told myself.

I love Aaron, but I’m lusting after Nate.

I remember how kissing him when Aaron and I weren’t together had felt. It wasn’t amazing but it wasn’t horrible. That left me wondering why I wanted a repeat. It wasn’t making sense.

Maybe it’s a case of wanting to please my dad in some way so he wouldn’t be so mad all the time.

I don’t know. I can’t explain it. I’ll have to get to the bottom of it later when he wasn’t around so I could have a clear head.

I was glad for one thing though; I was glad I hadn’t touched any alcohol.

“Sorry about that. I didn’t know he’d try something like that so fast…I guess he just couldn’t help himself. I mean after all, you are a ‘precious creature’.” He said cracking up at the last part.

“Whatever.” I said laughing along with him as we hopped in the car.

“Do you want me to take you back to your car now?” He asked as he started the engine.

“No…late night bowling sounds really appealing now.” I said giving him a grin I hoped he couldn’t say no to.

He sighed before dragging a hand through his hair. “Alright let’s find a bowling alley.”


After driving around for almost an hour we finally found a deserted bowling alley that was still open. We walked in and paid to rent a lane for an hour and rented our shoes.

“Those shoes look so sexy with your dress Sage.” Nate said attempting not to laugh.

“Oh, ha. Ha.” I said sarcastically before picking up a bowling ball. “You better hope I don’t ‘accidentally’ drop this on your head.” I said before sticking my tongue out at him.

“You wouldn’t.” He said faking an astonished look.

“Oh, but I would.” I said before tossing the bowling ball down the lane. I didn’t knock them all down but I got a decent amount.

“You failed.” He pointed out as the only worker went in a back room not caring that two teenagers were in here and could possibly cause chaos while he was gone.

“You are such a gentleman.” I said with heavy sarcasm.

“I know.” He said before taking his own turn which wasn’t any better than mine.

“Wow…hypocrite.” I said before laughing at him.

“Take that back.”

“I don’t think so.” I laughed at him again. He lunged at me before throwing me over his shoulder. I screamed in surprise. “Stop! Stop!”

“Take it back.”

I might have been scared that he would drop me but I was more stubborn then anything.

“I can’t!” I said as I clutched his jacket in my fists.

“Then I’m not letting you down.” He said before starting to spin in fast circles.

“Nate!” I said in between laughs. “Stop!” I looked up and saw the blur of our bowling lane getting closer. “Nate watch out for the-“ I felt his foot slip out from underneath us and we both went tumbling to the ground. He landed on his side and I landed on top of him, knocking the air out of my lungs. I groaned. “Bowling lane.”

“Now you tell me?” He said moaning back to me before laughing.

I laughed too. I don’t know if it was because we had fallen or because we were bowling at midnight. Or maybe it was just because he was Nate, and Nate makes me smile.


“Guess who?” I whispered in Aaron’s ear at lunch.

“I’ll give you a hint, she’s blonde.” Kalina said before taking a bite of her ham sandwich.

“Aw you ruined the surprise.” I said pouting and sitting down beside Aaron.

“It’s ok, I thought you were Barbie.” He said grinning at me before giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

“Barbie’s not nearly as interesting as I am.” I pointed out while bumping him with my shoulder.

“That’s true, and she’s definitely not as attractive as you either.”

“Why thank you.”

“So I thought maybe you could come over for dinner today?” He asked stealing a sip of my Dr. Pepper.


“Your dad won’t mind?”

“He might but he’ll just have to deal with it.” I said shrugging.

“As long as you don’t mind getting in trouble.” Aaron said cautiously.

“I always get in trouble, I learned not to mind.”

“Alright.” He said before kissing the tip of my nose.

I was about to ask what I should wear to dinner before the speakers around the school crackled. “Will Sage Thompson and Brad Johnson please come to the principal’s office? Brad Johnson and Sage Thompson to the principal’s office.”

“What did you do?” Aaron asked while sending me his signature smirk.

“I guess the principal found my stash of alcohol in my locker.” I said snapping my fingers and shaking my head in disappointment.

“And you didn’t share?” Aaron asked appalled.

“I shared with Brad, why do you think we’re such good dancers?” I said before sending him a smirk of my own.

I got up and scooped up my bag before snatching my soda back from Aaron and slowly walking to the principal’s office.

I got there to see that Brad was already sitting in a chair in the office.

“Please sit down, Sage.” Mrs. Blake, the principle, said as she smiled at me.

“Did I do something?” I asked hesitantly before sitting down.

“Oh no, dear.” She said laughing and causing kind wrinkles to appear on her face. “I called you and Brad down here to ask you two for a favor.”

“Alright?” Brad said sounding just as uncertain as I did.

“Since you two won the duets competition I was hoping you could perform at the next spirit assembly?” She said with way too much excitement.

“Um, like perform our winning dance?” I asked shocked that out of all things that was the question.

“Or a new dance, whichever you two want.”

I looked at Brad trying to ask him with my eyes what we should do. “I don’t mind.” He said shrugging.

“Ok.” I said. “It sounds kinda fun.”

“I’m so happy! Thank you two so much. You can have the gym for practicing and the assembly is in two weeks.” She said beaming at us.

We walked out after getting an excused note for being late to class.

“That was weird.” I muttered.

“We’re famous.” He said giving me two thumbs up and a giant grin.

“Whatever.” I laughed shoving him into a locker.

“Hey don’t damage your partner.” He said rubbing his shoulder.

After school ended I drove back to my house and walked straight over to Aarons and was greeted by a happy Zoe.

“Hey Zoe!” I said taking in her blue scarf which covered her hairless head. It made her eyes more noticeable.

“Sage! I’m so happy you’re here!” She said jumping in my arms. “Will you sit by me this time?”

“I would love to.” I said carrying her to the kitchen.

“Hey.” Aaron said kissing my cheek as he continued stirring something in a pot.

I had a flash of how Aaron and I could be in the future. Me coming home after picking our kid or kids up from day care to Aaron making dinner. He’d kiss me on the cheek and ask me how my day was. My wedding ring would dig into my finger as I held our son or daughter in my arms. Our kids would be adorable just like their father. We’d visit Zoe and Aaron’s mom during holidays and have a huge family get together and even my dad would be invited. I would let my kids dress how they wanted and do what made them happy.

We would all be happy.

I set Zoe down on a chair before sitting next to her.

Aaron’s mom walked into the room smiling at me immediately. “Hi Sage, how are you?”

“I’m really good, how are you?” I asked as she sat across from Zoe.

“It’s been a few good weeks. I’m glad you could join us.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for anything.”

“Alright guys, the pasta’s done!” Aaron said before walking over and putting spoonful’s on all our plates.

We had polite conversation asking about school and dancing and I told them how Brad and I were asked to perform at the next assembly.

Aaron walked me to the door after I tucked Zoe into bed.

“Thanks.” He said opening the door for me. “Zoe really likes you.”

“I don’t mind at all. I really like Zoe.” I said smiling at him.

“I really like you.” He said with a small smile smeared across his face.

“Well I love you.” I said before kissing him.

“I love you more.” He said kissing me again.

“Not possible.” I said shaking my head.

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