{SnK} Bonds

By MoonlightSonada

44.4K 1.4K 926

Eren Yeager, Humanity's last hope. Is reverted to that of a 5 year old? Having lost his memory Eren clings to... More

Scary Heichou!
I'm Sowwy Levi
I baked cookies Heichou!
Horses are Scawy!
Look Heichou! Aren't I Pretty?
I love Levi!
S-Scawy W-Woman!
I-I'm C-Confused...
It's for Heichou!
I-I'm not a k-kid Levi!
I will be an adult! ....M-Mom?
They're flying! B-But I'm one of...T-Them
Will You Ever Listen to Me?
With My Love, We Are Bounded Together

I'm Five!

8.6K 169 455
By MoonlightSonada

Most would find it like any normal day, the sun high in the sky, a gentle wind blew by the isolated, run down castle next to a forest with large trees. The place of the Survey Corps, their base and their home. But being on the inside, it was far from being peaceful.

"Eh?! What did I do wrong?!"

"Everything you brat."

The so called brat glared at the one who which to accuse him, deep green blue eyes watched his corporal walk to various areas of the room.

"Dust under the bed, in the corners, and this floor is not properly cleaned I can see fucking streaks all over."

"I'm doing all I can here! It's insane how you can ask so much for cleaning!"

The corporal turned to the younger boy, he walked up staring with his hard, steel grey eyes. "Are you defying me Yeager?"

Stiffening the boy saluted, his right arm crossing over curling around his heart his left behind his back. "N-No sir!"

"Get back to cleaning, the next time I come back in here it better be done fucking correctly. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir!"

He turned walking out of the room the halls echoing with his footsteps.

Grabbing a mop the boy scowled. "What the hell why does Levi Heichou expect so much out of cleaning? It's insane!" He dump it in the bucket of soapy water cleaning the floor again. "I keep trying and trying and it doesn't seem to be working at all!"

A light blush graced the boy's cheeks. "Even when...sometimes I do it to just get him to see me...Gah!" He mopped quicker shaking his head. "No no no no! What am I talking about?! I can't possibly! Not with Levi!" He threw the mop on the ground gripping his short brown hair.

He paced the room arms crossed now. "I'm just over thinking things, there's no way I can have feelings for him. I must be tired, yeah that's it..." A sigh escaped his lips. "I need a break...the chemicals are getting to my head...Levi you baka...baka baka baaaaak-ah!"

Forgetting where he placed the bucket his foot stepped in causing him to slip; falling back his head hitting the ground hard.

Sighing the corporal known as Levi headed back to the room where he left the brat in. He opened the door walking in. "I forgot a file that is needed for our-" He kicked something on the ground. Looking down Levi saw the boy unconscious. "Oi Yeager you sleeping?" He kicked him again.

Nothing happened.

"Yeager...Eren!" Levi pushed his head with his foot before finally crouching next to him.

Eren's eyes opened staring up at the man.

"Fuck!" Levi stood backing away a bit. "What is your problem brat? Sleeping on the fucking job I warned you once."

The brunet sat up still looking at him.

"You deny my orders and complain over ever fucking thing I tell you to do. If you think that you will survive here by always-oi are your eyes watering?"

Eren cried tears falling down his cheeks, his hands on his eyes like a child's when often hurt or afraid.

Levi looked back at him confused from the sudden tears. "The fuck Yeager why are crying? What is wrong with you?" He reached out grabbing his head, this caused him to cry louder but he didn't care. Feeling around the corporal felt a bump on the back if his head. "Stop crying now." He demanded in a hard voice.

Upon hearing him Eren quieted down sniffing his eyes watering.

"Can you talk?"

He nodded his head.

"Then talk."

"Y-Yes.." Eren hiccuped lowering his hands to his lap.

Levi straightened up. "How old are you?"


A sigh escaped his lips. Well he could have amnesia...but then explaining why he acts like a five year old...ugh.

"Get up, you can walk at five."

Eren looked up at him. "A-Ah...umm...ah.."

"Levi. My name is Levi."

"Levi nii-chan?"

He shook his head. "Just Levi."

The brunet nodded; slowly he got up balancing himself. He was so high up off the ground! Never before had he been this high up! Eren walked toward Levi taking hold of his jacket sleeve not wanting to lose him in this new place.

Running a hand through his coal black hair, Levi headed to the meeting room with the confused boy in tow. Everything was going down hill by the look of things.


"Wait wait, so let me clarify. Eren here hit his head by slipping on the bucket, which caused him to lose his memory and regress to that of a five year old child?"

Levi sighed pinching his nose. "That's what I just said shitty glasses."

"Oh wow that's amazing! Do you think he can still turn into a Titan when he's thinking like a five year old?! I must run some tests! Please Levi you must let me have him!"

Eren hid behind Levi holding onto his uniform jacket more. "L-Levi the woman with glasses is scaring me..."

"No Eren I'm not scary! I just want to run some tests! Like using needles and other tools!"

His eyes watered up holding the shorter man more. "I-I hate n-needles..."

"Hanji stop that!" A woman with blond hair scolded the other woman with dark red hair. She came up to Eren smiling softly. "Don't worry Eren she means no harm. I'm Petra Ral."

The brunet sniffed looking at her more. "H-Hi...Petra nee-chan..."

She giggled at the little extra name. "Hi Eren, that there is Hanji, over there is Auruo, Edl, Mike. Lastly..."

Another man with short blond hair came up to him causing Eren to look up seeing that he was taller. "Hello Eren. I am Ewrin Smith, I currently run the Survey Corps division. Nice to meet you again."

"A-Again?" The brunet stared at him pulling Levi closer.

"Oi when are you gonna let me go brat?" Levi scowled looking up at him.

Eren tore his gaze from Erwin to stare back down at the corporal. "B-But L-Levi..."

A light chuckle came from the blond's lips. "He seemed to have taken a great liking to you Levi." Erwin placed his hand on Levi's shoulder. "But it would be better if he was put into someone else's care since you are Humanity's-"

Watching his hand on Levi's shoulder, Eren bit Erwin's fingers.

Levi saw what he did turned and pulled at his ear. "What the fuck are you doing Yeager? Didn't your parents teach you to not fucking bite people?"

Eren whined letting Erwin's hand go waving his own arms around. "I-I don't want to leave Levi! I won't go to anyone else! I'll bite all their hands!"

"Oh?" Eye twitching Levi pulled at both ears bringing him down to his level. "With that attitude I'll have to punish you myself."

The others around them laughed and/or sighed at the little show put before them.

Erwin shook his wrist to relieve some of the pain that the bite brought. "Well seems like he won't be leaving your side then Levi."

"You're shitting me right?" Levi looked at him letting Eren's ears go. " I'm not gonna take care of a shitty brat when he's like this." He hit the back of his hand on Eren's chest pointing to his developing sixteen year old body.

Rubbing his ears, Eren took hold of his uniform jacket sleeve sniffing his eyes watering up again. "I-I want t-to s-stay with L-Levi...d-don't s-send me a-away...I-I'll be g-good..."

A deep sigh escaped the corporal's lips, he turned to face the young boy. He reached up pinching his nose. "Stop crying then brat, you're not a fucking baby are you?"

Eren shook his head rubbing his eyes.

Levi let his nose go. "Good...I'll take care of him until his memories return."

"Then he will be left in your hands Levi." Erwin nodded at him. "The Military Police can't find out about what happen to him. They would find some way to use this to take him. Don't let him out until he can act somewhat normal."

"I got it."

"S-So I'm not leaving L-Levi?" Eren looked back down at the shorter man.

Glancing back up, the raven haired man shook his head. "You'll be stuck with me now."

A big smile came on the brunet's face as he held Levi's sleeve more.

"Well now that is all settled how about we get you some dinner? You hungry Eren?" Petra clasped her hands together smiling at him.

Eren nodded his head. "Yes! I'm hungry! Can we eat Levi?"

"You don't have to ask me for permission. If you're hungry just go."

"I-I want to eat together with Levi!"

Petra giggled. "Might as well come Levi, or he'll keep bugging."

With a groan he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine...whatever."

Eren jumped before hugging him. "Yay!"

"But Eren I was gonna run some tests with you! They'll be fun I promise!" Hanji looked at the boy nodding her head.

Clinging to Levi the brunet shook his head. "No! I'm staying with Levi!"

"Oi I thought I told you to stop touching!"

Laughter erupted in the room once more as those there watched a struggling Levi push the boy away from him.


"I don't like carrots or peppers..." Eren stared down at the soup that was placed in front of him to eat.

Levi sat across from him sipping his tea, his jacket, now off, was placed on the back of his chair his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. "You're not getting anything else, you eat it or no dinner."

A pout came on his lips, he picked up the spoon stirring the contents of it.

"Eating that will help you grow big and strong. It is also better that you learn to eat everything."

"Then shouldn't you eat this Levi? It would help you grow taller right?"

Eye twitching he glared at him with his grey eyes. "Eat. Now."

Frightened, Eren ate his food not meeting his gaze. Everything was still all new to him, this place, these people nothing was slightly familiar. But he still had the feeling that he could trust them, that he was safe here.

Levi watched the boy eat sipping the tea. He doesn't act all that different from before, besides fucking clinging to me. This better not last long, how am I suppose to deal with a five year old in a sixteen year old's body?

"I'm done Levi..."

Snapping out of his thoughts, the corporal looked up seeing the whole soup gone along with the drink. He saw Eren looking down still shifting nervously in his seat, reaching out Levi ruffled his hair. "Good boy, now time for bed."

Eren lightly blushed gazing back up at him. "But I'm not tired yet..."

"Too fucking bad, you are."

"Levi what are those words you keep saying? Fu...fu...c.."

He pulled Eren's ear again. "You don't say those words, only I can. I better not hear you repeat them. Ever."

"Wah! Okay! I won't!" Eren flailed his arms childishly.

Letting his ear go he took his arm. "Good, now bed." The corporal dragged the boy back to his room pushing him in. "Change, then go to bed."

"I-I don't know how...I-I need help..."

Groaning Levi went in lighting a lamp to provide them with some light. "Sit on the bed."

Eren sat down his hands placed in his lap.

"Arms up, and pay attention. I won't be doing this often."

Nodding the brunet lifted his arms.

Levi unhook his belts pulling those off first, he then pulled his shirt up off of him throwing it to the side. Unhooking the belt that held up his pants he pulled them off after pulling off the boy's boots. While doing all of this his face remained expressionless. "There that's how you take everything off."

Blushing a bit more, Eren was completely naked save the boxers he wore; nodding to him he kept his gaze down at the ground.

Grabbing some pajamas the shorter man first put on his pants then pulling over his head another t-shirt. "And that's how you put it on. Sleep." Sighing Levi grabbed his clothes ready to walk out.

"L-Levi!" Eren reached out grabbing his shirt.

"What now?"

He gulped glancing away but still holding on. "C-Can...c-can you stay with m-me? I-I don't l-like being alone i-in the d-dark..."

Mouth twitching Levi looked back at his frightened face. "...If you go to sleep..."

"Y-Yes!" Eren smiled getting under the covers.

For the millionth time that day a sigh came. Levi pulled up a chair next to the bed sitting down dropping the clothes to the floor again.

"G-Good n-night...Levi..."

"Sleep Yeager."

Nodding the boy closed his eyes shifting to find a comfortable spot to sleep in.

Rubbing his forehead, the raven haired man leaned back in his chair. That afternoon became the longest since their expedition outside the walls. He was worn out from trying to keep up with the boy. Eyes drifting close it wouldn't kill him to sleep for a bit.

That night was considered peaceful when Levi found himself succumbing to sleep. But life loved to throw shit at him ever second.

"L-Levi I need to go potty..."


"I have to pee...and I need help..."

"...Fuck my life I'm going."

"W-Wait Levi!"

"Find someone else to take you! I'm going to bed!"

"Levi wait! Levi!"

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