The Night We Came to Be

By vesperaiben

207 28 1

Your mind can adapt to such bizarre circumstances. It is a tool capable of extraordinary things, and in turn... More

The Night We Sat Perfectly Still
The Night We Sat, but Closer
The Night of the Crickets
The Night of the Raging Whiskers
Poppy Night
Starry Night
That Night
The Night When Snakes Could Walk
The Night of the Idle Gnome
The Night of the Turtledoves
A White Knight
The Night When Pigs Could Fly
The Night That Never Was

A Night of Wishful Thinking

11 2 0
By vesperaiben

12/20, Late Night, Saturday

"Hold on, Mr. Hugo!"

My gallantly placed palm was more than enough to stop Mr. Hugo dead on his tracks.

"Kid, Jesus Christ, if you're gonna buy some goddamn donuts, make a list beforehand, alright?" Mr. Hugo groaned.

What should I get? Should I buy extra glazed just in case? Of course, we don't know for certain what she likes, but taking careful measures are an absolute must.

It's a must!

"Kid, it's late, I'm way past my closing time, and frankly, I can't hold it in much longer, so would you please make up your damn mind--"

"I'm buyin' all of 'em!"

"...Everything here?"

I turn to him with wide, cold eyes.


I can't quite decipher the truest expression in Mr. Hugo's tired, disgruntled face, it could be confusion, disgust, or joy, or anything, really.

Nevertheless, I walked out of the store with three packs of sweetie goodness, an empty pocket, and my head held high.

To be honest, I'd dropped a pack because I was practically sprinting like Usain Bolt, but it didn't matter, I think.

I'm a firm believer in the five-second rule.

Sorry, I just can't shake the thought of her.

I can't take my mind off of her. Instead of something more productive like playing my game or watching a series, I'm dead set on... her.

Her and only her, and I don't have an explanation for it. This feeling, this emotion, still, it's meaning is unknown.

"This girl will be the death of me," I mumbled to myself, skeptical of its sincerity.

As the door creaked the softest creak, a startling bellow had come from upstairs.

"D-Darryl? Darryl, is that you?"

My mouth zipped. My feet, tiptoeing. My entire existence, drenched in fear. But I was determined to come home unnoticed.

"Darryl, come up here, baby! Today was supposed to be great, I was so excited to get this massage for my day off, and it just so happens the coupon I had was expired! It was already months old! Can you believe that?"

God, her voice is like... God, her voice, so loud, make it stop.

"So now you'll have to substitute. Come on up here and give Ma a massage, boy!"

Nuh-uh, no thanks.

I crept out to the backyard, where she's probably waiting for me. I can't wait either.

I was right, she was waiting. And suddenly, I can't prevent my body from shivering with giddiness.

"Oh, heya, D!"

Being greeted by such a comforting smile, life's finally giving me a break. My big, personal, much-needed break.


I swiftly display the three packs of donuts in front of her. With a cheesy grin, I offer Maya a pack.

"Are these... donuts?"

I nod, the thought of rejection suddenly crossing my mind. I braced myself, ready to take the hit.

"That's a lot of donuts..."

Damn it, did I screw it up? I had one job! Now she's gonna think less of me and it's all my fault!

"I can't say I love them." I frown, my head sinking further into despair.

"...But I do love the gesture!" Maya giggles. What a doll.

Quickly, my pride has been regained.

She likes it, more or less. Success!

It didn't seem like it, but time flew right past us, the melody of our conversations chirping against this cozy, moonlit setting.

I felt like I belong. I felt at ease. It felt like I could do no wrong with her.

She had endless topics, and I jumped at every possible chance of sharing. The donuts filled her mouth, yet she still managed to hold her gaze.

She's... amazing.

For the first time in my life, my words held meaning. My stories held purpose.

Because with Maya, everything was interesting.

Everything was... great.

"No, no, you've got it all wrong! I meant to be the monkey, but Trevor wouldn't let that happen! So I was stuck with the pig, and, well, did I have a choice? I don't think so."

Maya quirks up from her relaxed position, to further prove her point. "Well, here's what I think. Screw him, and screw Trevor and screw the monkey role! Who'd want to have a monkey GF anyways? I know I wouldn't!"

I missed it, but something was apparently off about me that got Maya's attention.

It was probably a wince.

"Yo, what's up?" Maya asked.

"Uh, I don't know much about constellations, but I do know some stars! There's Sirius, and there's--"

"Oh, hush, smartypants!" She throws the empty donut pack at me, despite the fence between us.

But quickly, the fun evaporated. It evaporated into something serious.

"Really, what's wrong? Something ticked you off there, I know it," she explained, seeing right through me.

I simply sigh, not knowing what to say.

Maya tilts her head to the side. She's so cute when she does that...

"...Who played the monkey girlfriend?"

I had a bad feeling she already knew who it was, so...


"I thought so."

She sidles back down, closer to me. We were sitting back-to-back at this point.

"Why are you bummed out? Care to let me know?"

Hesitation welled inside me. I wasn't totally dejected, but there was sorrow in there somewhere.

"...You won't be mad if I, keep it to myself, for now, right?"

"Of course," Maya assured with finesse.

"But you know, my dad always told me, 'Maya, get the old truck movin' or I'll be feedin' ya to the dogs! If you think you'll get off the hook so easily this time, well, that's where you're wrong, missus!'. Good times," she narrated whilst mimicking a country accent.

There was nothing stopping my obnoxious guffaw. "What the heck was that? What has that got to do with anything?"

"Nothing! Sheesh!" Maya fought back, also snickering herself.

"...That's stupid. You're stupid, oh my God!"

"Hey, nothing could top the stupid in your constellations joke! Ugh, get it away!"

It felt like our laughter went on forever. I didn't care if we were causing a ruckus. I just don't want this to end.

"Alright, alright, you know what, you got me in the mood," I said with newfound motivation.

"Alright, D, shoot!"

I heave, then say, "I asked Helene if she wanted to go out with me on Christmas Eve, and she declined."

Maya flashes a sign of pity. "Did she do it politely?"

I politely shake my head.

A silence hangs in the air. It further magnified the situation we were in. A bunch of noisy teens at night, having fun.

I thought of breaking the silence, but not after Maya does it, and in a way, I did not expect her to.

"How about I be your date?"


I didn't realize cheeks could actually turn red.

Smiling, she stood up, having seen my obvious reaction. "I'll give you some time to think about it."

She winks straight through my soul.

Again with that wink.

"See ya, D!"

Soon after Maya left me, the door behind me opens to reveal Dad looking mildly tipsy.

"Hey, kiddo, give your mother a massage. She won't stop bugging me about it, saying I'm ignoring her! I wasn't, I literally just got here!"

I can't wipe the smug grin off my face.

"Son, you okay--?"


I skip back inside, ready to give Ma the best massage she'd ever have.

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