~Light In The Dark~

By SweetJazzCandy

102 4 1


~Valentine's Day Special~


15 0 0
By SweetJazzCandy

It was a gorgeous sunny afternoon. The neighborhood kids could be heard playing from outside Sal's window. Meanwhile giggling and chuckles can be heard from inside his own room where Ruby and he were playing a game of their own. After the projects were graded Sal asked if she wanted to hang out with him sometime and possibly his friends. By his surprise, she agreed, giving a small wave as she walked to her art class downstairs. The duo has been meeting in secret. They weren't dating or anything serious, but they were seeing where this friendship of theirs would lead. 

Ruby had her hand on her stomach while the other playfully pushed Sal away. They were playing "Howl's Taboo" which was a make the other person laugh within 1 minute. Sal and I agreed to add our own little twist "whoever loses each round has to be shot in the face with this water bottle" he smirked confidence radiating off his posture. Rose agreed, wanting to be proven that she can handle whatever he dishes out. Boy was she wrong. She quickly learned that Sal is a very funny guy. Suddenly she the water hit the middle of her forehead as she squealed surprised by the temperature of the water. bone-chilling. Sal couldn't help but chuckle at the cute noise she made as he takes the sleeves of his black sweater wiping her forehead. 

A blush crept onto her cheeks as she stared back up at him in awe. Soon his laugh died down and his baby blue orbs met her gaze. There was a huge height difference between the two usually but while they were sitting comfortably on his forest green carpet it seems so minuscule. Ruby's red lips part slightly absolutely trapped by how gorgeous his eyes were. They held so much emotion in them. There was a weird aura drawing the mates together before they realized they were both leaning towards one another. The sound of Sal's front door shutting woke them up out of their trance. Ruby blushed and threw her face into her hands as she murmured sweet hushed apologies for invading his personal space. 

Sal sat there like a blushing idiot shaking his head "N-no it's okay really..." he mumbled back feeling butterflies flutter wildly in the pit of his stomach. We almost kissed! I almost kissed her and she looked interested in me! he cried in embarrassment in his mind. The two quickly separated at the perfect time because Larry burst through his best friend's room with amusement. Larry smirked, "What's going on Sal, Ruby?" teasing the two clearly seeing he interrupted god who knows what 

"N-nothing!" the couple said in unison causing Larry to burst into a fit of laughter causing the blush on their faces to deepen. "I-i think I should go" Ruby stood up beyond passed the death of embarrassment. Sal's best friend nearly caught them in a colorful moment. Trying to push past Larry but he grabbed her arm forcefully but gently "Hey don't sweat it, dude. I was just teasing. I think it's great you're not like everyone else at school." he smiled softly letting go of her arm taking a look at the electric blue lover boy. 

Sally smiled playfully at Larry "He's a dumbass don't pay attention to Larryface" 

Ruby looked back at the two boys a delicate smile played on her lips with a tint of blush remaining on her cheeks. "Rose" she acquainted herself as she stuck her hand out to shake Larry's hand but he closes her hand into a fist and met his fist with hers "Larry" smirking back at the girl who clearly stole his main squeeze's heart. Rose nodded "Unfortunately, I have to go. I'll see you around Sal." she gave a shy wave 

Sal got up and followed "I'll walk you out." he offered stealing a nervous glimpse towards Larry who already has his thumbs up wishing his friend good luck. The duo walked outside of Sal's apartment door as they looked at each other. "Thanks for allowing me to hang out with you Sal, I had fun." she beamed looking up at him 

"Y-yeah I had fun too. We should do it again sometime..." he started rubbing the back of his neck feeling anxiety wash over him. Okay it's now or never... no more second-guessing he pep talked himself as he sighed deeply "U-uh Ruby, I... I Um, Listen..." he started finding it hard to say the right words

Ruby stared up at the tall bluenette with matching bright blue eyes. Slowly nodding wanting him to continue she began to hold onto a pocket-sized amount of hope kneading itself into a warm winter garment. "Y-yes Sal?" she asked in a sweet whisper hoping he would find the courage the complete his sentence. He took another deep breath looking away from her gorgeous face that began to bloom "Y-you don't have to if you don't want to but I was hoping you would M-maybe want to... I mean I know I-i'm considered a freak but..." he paused losing all confidence in asking the scarlet red goddess on a date. He just knew she was completely out of his league and feared rejection. 

Rose noticed his change in attitude and smiled disheartened. She lifted up off her tiptoes grabbed his shoulders suddenly and leaned onto him. All of a sudden, Sal felt pressure on his body and on his prosthetic. Before he could understand what just happened she let go of him and turned his face towards her. Sally shaking under her gentle hold stared into her chocolate brown eyes as she smiled at him sweetly. "I would love to go out with you Sallyface~" she cooed flirtatiously as his eyes widen in shock. D-did I hear her correctly? Is my fucked up mind playing tricks on me? She actually wants to go out ...with me...? he asked himself before she gently let go of his chin "Call me, okay?" she whispered as she made her way down the hall out of his view

~Larry's POV~

Lover boy's been out there forever he thought must be making his move or something he joked quietly under his breath as he went through Sal's big box of movies. Soon enough Sally walked through his bedroom door taking off his mask with a love-struck gaze plastered on his face. He looked like his face was on fire that's how hard he was blushing. Larry stifled a laugh from escaping his lips. His mauled profile was as red as a juicy cherry tomato. "You alright dude?" 

This girl truly must be some type of goddess. I've never seen Sal so dazed in my life. An airhead sure, dude always spaces out when he's thinking about something but, it's just foul he thought shrugging his shoulders browsing the bluenettes collection of horror films. After about 5 minutes Sal sighed finally coming into reality "are you done drooling over there lover boy? great because I found Bleak Massecure" he said lifting up the movie to his friends face 

~Sal's POV~

"Larry, you're not going to believe this but she kissed my cheek." he paused holding a hand up to his cheek as if her lips touched his bare flesh "she even said she would love to go out with me. Me Larry! he chuckled to himself not realizing he was yelling at the top of his lungs. His tall lanky friend was happy for him. Larry's never heard Sal so loud before. A low deep snicker stretched across Larry's lips "Way to go, Sal! I told you man!" he cheered fist-pumping the air 

I can't believe how incredible this girl made me feel. "I feel like I could punch Travis across his face, give him a wedgie, and throw him in a trash can right now." sal confessed out loud to Larry as both boys burst into a fit of chuckles that cramped up their stomachs. "You're wild Sallyface." his best friend cheered "You know what, this cause for a celebration. Let's hit up the store buy some junk food, and watch shitty horror flicks," he said running out the door with the blunette captured in his grasp. 

After the boys munched on their snacks, watched crappy horror films, and headbanged to some Sanity Falls they were passed out in Sally's room. Today was one of the most memorable days of his life. He even had sweet dreams of a certain petite timid girl which caused him to oversleep. Sal woke up feeling groggy and extremely well rested from yesterday's events. It's been a long time I slept that good he thought realizing Larry and him were late to school. 

"Shit.." he cursed under his breath waking up his friend throwing a pillow full force to the floor where he lied. "Get up we're late!" he shouted causing Larry to groan and stretch his arms. The boys quickly got ready and Jet towards the school praying they don't get detention. 

Meanwhile, at Ruby's house, she was sneezing and coughing abruptly as it echoed the entire house. I knew I shouldn't have kissed him she thought to herself as she snuggled deeper into the covers trying to keep warm. Although she was sick, all she could think about was those gorgeous sapphire eyes that grew butterlfies in her tummy.

"oh Sally..." she whispered losing cautiousness in her own bed 

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