
By Stewyntig

306 9 4

I do not own Chihayafuru, the story is Yui Tokiumi's and others, and have read only up to episode 229, althou... More

Chihayafuru - Reholding the Taichi cup Part 2
Chihayafuru part 3

Chihayafuru Part 4

74 2 2
By Stewyntig

It was Ayata's and Taichi's last year of studying medicine. Ayata was specialising in eye conditions, treatment and surgery. Taichi was specialising in plastic surgery. All medical students had to travel to different hospitals around Japan to complete their training. Though, just because they graduated didn't mean they had finished, they still had years of internship ahead before they could operate in their own right, but first they had to graduate.

Taichi had been lucky in that he was still posted in Tokyo, Ayata was not. He was posted to the teaching hospital furthest from Tokyo.

Chihaya was not impressed by this at all as it meant that Ayata and her could not be together for the 2 months that the prac ran for. She had been a teacher at Mizusawa high now for 3 years, teaching and encouraging students but most of her passion was for the Kurata club and those students. Taichi and Ayata were often roped into helping the students become a great team. Because of her position she was unable to go with Ayata.

Chitose was informed by her director that she was required to act in the same area that Ayata had to go to. After discussing the situation between the couples, it was decided that Chitose and Ayata would share expenses and hire a 2-bedroom apartment for the time. They often ended up hanging out together either because of Kurata or being relatives.
Chihaya expressed her worry privately to Ayata that she didn't know how she was going to go without him as she liked her married life routine with him.

Ayata thought that they should be able to cope as they had for years prior to being married.

"I'm not so sure Ayata! I didn't know the pleasure that we share now, then. Nor did you!"

"I guess, we do tend to be passionate after our games" he said smiling.

"Passionate...very" said Chihaya smiled kissing him."I don't think that I will be able to play Kurata for a while or I will be so hungry for you it wouldn't be funny....
But that would not be fair to anyone else..."

The reason why Chihaya was worried was because every time that she or Ayata played Kurata both needed to make love after and so they did. This was something that they continued to do all through their lives.

However, Chihaya had to stay and Ayata had to go, needless to say both found it extremely difficult to be away from the other. Each night, the pair would call and talk.

About the month mark, both made a mistake, not a bad one in the bigger picture, but a mistake nonetheless. Ayata woke, half asleep, wondered out to the kitchen, to see what he thought was Chihaya in the kitchen facing the bench. He went over hugged Chitose and kissed her hungrily, "I missed you Chihaya " he murmured.

By then Chitose had reacted, because of her job she had initially went along with it, pushing Ayata away, "Get yourself together, Ayata, " she said sternly "I am not Chihaya. "

Ayata went white then blushed in embarrassment, took a rather large step backwards, bowed, and apologized for his behaviour and left for his room. He was so mortified that he buried his head in his pillow and groaned. After a while he thought he would ring Chihaya and tell her of his mistake only to have her call come through at the same time. He picked up the call "Chihaya?"

He heard crying on the other end.

"Chihaya, what's wrong?" He asked in concern.

"I-I'm sorry Ayata...I failed you." She wailed.

"How? I can't imagine you ever failing me. Not to mention I just failed you."

"I was playing Kurata with Taichi and I got so excited that I forgot that I was not playing you and I kissed him before I knew it. He was gentle about rejecting me but the fact is I kissed him.... I miss you so much"

"I understand Chihaya, I just kissed Chitose thinking that it was you, I'm not so worried about you kissing Taichi as he kisses you on his birthday. "

The pair stopped, thought about what had happened, and started to laugh.
"I think that we better arrange for a weekend together, halfway between us. " Ayata said.

"Good idea! Perhaps Taichi and Chitose would like to join in the plan? Surely, they are having a similar problem, obviously though they are better at control than us, since we are the ones who stuffed up."

"Yes, I will organise something for us today as I have the day off."

"'Kay, I love you, but I have to go to work. Talk later" and Chihaya hung up.

Ayata got up to see if Chitose was still home. She was, so he asked her about if she would like her and Taichi to meet up the following weekend. Chitose wasn't sure as she did not know if Taichi was free, but if he was yes, she would. Taichi was free, so they travelled together from opposite directions to meet at a hot spring inn halfway.

Ayata and Chitose arrived first and had sorted out the rooms. Ayata had come back from the room and was standing talking to the house attendant when Chihaya spotted him.

"Ayata " she cried and launched herself at him, kissing him and he her.

The house attendant bowed and left the two together. Chitose and Taichi greeted each other with affection and looked at the pair. "You know, Taichi, I am almost envious of my sister..."

"Why?" Taichi asked kissing his wife.

"You would not know it, by looking at Ayata and how calm he looks all the time. But that man is very passionate."

"Oh?!" Taichi asked

"Yes, when he mistook me for Chihaya, I almost got swept away in his desire for my sister."

Taichi laughed ironically "Me too, when Chihaya kissed me, missing him, I was tempted. It would not have done either of us good though. I somehow doubt that either of us would have fared well if we had given into their mistake. "

"True, let's go and leave those two entertain themselves. I am sure that we will catch up at dinner "

Chitose and Taichi had their reunion that suited them. They explored the area and enjoyed each other's company immensely.

For dinner that night, Chitose went and knocked on Ayata and Chihaya's door.
"Coming!" called Chihaya and let her in. "Hi Chitose! Is it dinner time already?"

"Yes," Chitose said, she was shocked as the room smelt like sex ," Have you guys been out at all?"

Chihaya replied "No, we have been playing Kurata most the day"

Chitose must have looked confused as Chihaya added "amongst other things"

"Chihaya, you're having a bath with me in the hot spring after dinner." Looking at Ayata "and you can go with Taichi "

"Yes ma'am!" Ayata agreed thinking that there was little point arguing.

After dinner, the ladies went to the bath. Chihaya winced as the hot water hit her private parts and then relaxed into the water.

Chitose observing her asked, "Chihaya, how much sex have you had since you have been together? I am asking as you look sore from too much sex."

"I don't know...I lost count of how many games we played."

"What has that got to do with it?" Chitose enquired.

"It's how we are, we play a game and make love, have a shower, go back and do it all again. "

"Oh, somehow I think that I have tmi"
Chihaya laughed

"Well you asked. How about you, did you spend time with Taichi?"

"Yes, and we did sightseeing too."

Meanwhile, in the men's bath.
"So Ayata, I heard that you kissed my wife."

Ayata looked at Taichi "yeah, sorry, but I know that you were kissed by Chihaya too."

"She told you?"

Ayata nodded. They sat in silence for a bit.
"How was it?" Taichi asked

"Like kissing Chihaya without the passion Chihaya brings" Ayata answered.

Taichi laughed "I can honestly say, that after being kissed by her passionately, I would agree. She really loves you though."

"Yeah, I know. I'm thankful for that. I couldn't imagine life without her."

"Same for me with Chitose...say how come we never saw you out sightseeing?"

Ayata went red "We were playing kurata amongst other things. "

"Amongst other things? Is that...?"

Taichi indicates having sex.
Ayata nods
"Holy crap." Taichi figured out just how much that was and was staggered. The conversation peated out and the men relaxed for a while before heading back to their rooms to see their wives.

The couples ended up doing the same things they did the first day the rest of the time. Ayata and Chihaya decided that they would just have to meet up again the next weekend off so that they could get through the separation. So, they did. Chitose and Taichi didn't have the need to catch up like Ayata and Chihaya did, but still stayed in contact via video chat, entertaining each other that way.

A/N Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter.

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