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Thanks to Ayata reminding her of when she was strongest, which was as Mizusawa Highs captain, Chihaya played and won her third match, it was only by a little but she marvelled at the fact that she won. She didn't think she would have if it hadn't been Ayata reminding her of when she played best. Her best was with her team.

Chihaya thought of how Ayata saw her in a mess outside and just picked her up and bought her inside. It made her feel funny and warm inside like she could really trust his word that he loved her from when he confessed he loved her last time. She blushed as she picked herself off the mat and left for the break room as Ayata was still playing against Suo. He didn't seem to be doing well, however she trusted him to win 3 matches.

In the waiting room she was congratulated by her team...Taichi was not there so her heart wrung out a little. She started to pace a little which was unusual for her as she normally crashed after a match, she was too filled with nervous energy to settle down yet. She wanted to thank Ayata for his help with her playing.

Ayata opened the door after the game and Chihaya spun around and launched herself at him. "Chihaya?!" He managed to get out before finding himself being kissed on the mouth by her. She held him tight and rested her head on his shoulders

"Thank you Ayata, I could never have gotten this far without you and Taichi."

Chihaya then promptly fell asleep on him. Ayata kneeled down holding her so that she didn't injure herself. He was confused about what had happened but didn't want to let her go as she was holding him and he wanted to stay that way as long as possible. He wasn't even aware of those around him. He needed to rest himself so he placed his head in her hair and slept holding her in that kneeling position. It was not comfortable but he was happy. The others watching wondered among themselves if something had happened between Chihaya and Ayata and had Chihaya finally admitted her feelings for him to him.

Just before the time was to go back. Chihaya began to stir. She woke to find herself securely hugged by Ayata. She struggled a little only to have Ayata hug her a little more tightly and he murmured "Chihaya..." in such a loving manner she decided to stay as she was and think. She blushed deep red as she remembered that she had launched herself at him and kissed him. She buried her head in shame further into Ayata's shoulders...what was she thinking kissing him? It was a nice memory but what did it mean?
Ayata woke then and froze. Chihaya felt the change and sat up and looked at Ayata in the face.

"Chihaya?" Ayata started, he looked clearly confused with the situation

" didn't let me go?" She asked

"I couldn't " he said blushing "You know how I feel, but I don't know what you feel. You kissing me has confused me. I don't know that I can wait for you to have feelings for me. You tipped me too far by that hug and kiss. Please marry me and play with me forever. "

"Ayata, I still don't know how I feel but because of my shameful behaviour, if you can stand me for now just being your girlfriend, that is all I can give. I am greedy... I want all my dreams to happen and marriage is too big a step for me."

"I'll take it " said Ayata with the goofiest pleased look at her.

He reached up touched her face and kissed her. She froze for a moment and let herself enjoy the kiss as wasn't she his girlfriend now?

They both stopped and looked at her friend who had let out a pleased squeal. "Congratulations Chihaya for making a decision, however the next game is about to start and you both need to go"

Chihaya gasped "that is right" and ran out the door pulling a bemused, pleased and spacy Ayata with her.

The next round was over in the shortest time ever. Chihaya won with such passion against Shinobu and Ayata totally lost against Suo, as he was so off his game from thinking about what just happened to him. Everyone was shocked and wondered if something was wrong for Ayata to play so badly.

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