The House of Hades- Slow Upda...

By Summergirl_Wonder

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This is my version of the House of Hades, made to keep me from ripping my own hair out until October... Ugh... More

Chapter 2: Frank
Chapter 3: Annabeth
Chapter 4: Leo
Chapter 5: Jason
Author's Note
Chapter 6: Annabeth
Chapter 7: Piper
Chapter 9: Thalia
Chapter 10: Jason

Chapter 8: Percy

524 3 8
By Summergirl_Wonder

A/N hello!! I finally did a quick update J Warning: this is short and shitty! I'm sorry! Even though this is crappy, I had to do it because I felt horrible leaving you after the last Tartarus chapter.  Anyways, I’m leaving for a 10 day trip to California tomorrow! Yay me! But I won’t have access to the internet, meaning I will not be able to update but I will write at least two chapters on the plane! Okay so here is chappie number 8 people, enjoy!

Chapter 8:


            Percy’s chest was on fire.  Blood was staining his shirt red, and his ribs stabbed with pain every time he drew a breath.  He was badly injured, and he knew it.  None of that mattered though, because he had a beat-up Annabeth in his arms, and he had to get her to safety. She whimpered into his chest, and Percy’s heart broke a bit.  Those stinking monsters… Finally Percy couldn’t carry her anymore.  He set Annabeth down beside him, and stood guard while she slept.

About an hour had passed since they stopped, but Annabeth still hadn’t woken up. Percy was really worried about Annabeth.  She was wailing in her sleep, and every time that he tried to wake her up or comfort her she would just scream louder.  Finally, Percy had no choice but to sit back and watch her whimper in imaginary pain, although it was killing him faster than the gash in his chest. That was bad.  Percy hadn’t noticed it until now, but his breathing was not right.  It was fast and shallow, but he had thought he was just winded after carrying Annabeth so far.  Ambrosia he thought weakly.  Grabbing their backpack, Percy almost howled as a new round of agony tore out of his chest.  However, pain and breathing was forgotten when Annabeth opened her eyes.  She gasped. “Percy? You’re alive? But… b-b-but I saw you get stabbed… you were--” here she broke into sobs, horrible, heart wrenching sobs.  “You were dead.”

“Oh gods… it was a dream Annabeth. I’m not dead, I’m perfectly fine, shhh I’m right here.” Well, maybe not perfectly fine a voice at the back of his head said snidely as Annabeth hugged him tightly. Percy wrapped his arms around her, trying to calm her down.  Percy murmured more calming words into her hair as he tried to ignore the feeling that they were being watched. 

“You… you died in my arms. Oh Seaweed Brain…”

“Annabeth, look at me, I’m right here, I’m not dead. Gaea’s twisting you mind, giving you nightmares. Do not give into her. Okay? Promise me? I promise that we will get out of here.  It’s gonna be okay.” Percy held her tighter against his chest despite the fact that it only made his wound hurt more. 

“I love you Percy.” Oh gods, she loves me! Percy’s breath caught in his throat. 

He stammered out “I love you too Annabeth.” Annabeth sighed happily, and dropped off into a peaceful sleep.  Percy kissed the top of her head.  Silence surrounded them as he watched for monsters.  Gods, this is more boring than math class Percy thought.  Pretty soon exhaustion overtook him and he dropped off into dreamland.

“Ahh!” Percy squeaked when he woke up.  Something big and yellowish was going up his nose! Desperately he snorted and tried to get it out with his finger, pulling at the object that was invading his nostrils.  When Annabeth yelped, Percy realized that it was her hair.  That was embarrassing.  He just picked his nose with his girlfriend’s hair! And squeaked.  Really manly there Perce he thought to himself.  Annabeth looked at his accusingly, but smiled.

“You still drool when you sleep.” was all she said before bouncing to her feet with a smile, looking like her old self.

“Well it looks like somebody got much needed beauty rest.” Percy mumbled as he struggled up. 

“What! Take that back Seaweed Brain!” Annabeth looked much offended, and Percy laughed as his muscles complained about the movement.  Then his vision went blurry.  It felt like he had been hit in the chest with a battering ram.  Percy gasped for breath.  He could faintly hear Annabeth shouting in the distance, asking what the matter was, but he couldn’t get the air to reply to her.  A hellhound was sitting on him, or at least that was what it felt like.  Then his vision cleared and he could breathe again.

“What was that?” Annabeth sounded very worried.

“I don’t know… poison maybe? Or perhaps it is just worse than I thought.” Percy muttered the last two parts to himself, but of course Annabeth heard. 

“Don’t try and make it out to be that you are totally fine, Perseus Jackson.” Annabeth said sternly.

“You have ears like an owl.” They both laughed lightly. [A/N You see what I did there? It’s funny because, of the owls. Owls? Owls are the sign of Athena? Annabeth is a child of Athena? Yes, No? Okay anyways… awkward silence ensues].  They started walking.  As soon as they did, Percy collapsed again.  The last thing he remembered was Annabeth shouting for him to hold on.

A/N so another cliffy!! Don’t you hate me? ;) okay, so do you guys get it? Percy isn’t dead! (Not yet at least… Just kidding! I could never kill him off. Probably never at least >:D) it was all a dream and I was feeling particularly evil one day so I decided to give you all heart attacks.  Sorry!! But yeah so anyways he isn’t dead and everything is all good in Percabeth land so yippee!! Now remember, I will not be updating for 2 week maximum, so please don’t kill me! I’d rather now have to dodge pointy objects being thrown at me everywhere I go. And I am thinking of starting a new story, but this one will still have top priority. It would just be something to do in my spare time.  What do you think? Yay or Nay? Let me know!! and I seem to like beating up, maiming and injuring my favorite characters.... hmmm. i think i have issues ;) oh well!

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own these wonderful people, and I very much wish that Percabeth was MY idea, but alas, it isn’t, so I cannot take the credit L I do however, take credit for Izzy!

So, read one my lovely minions!

Stay Foolish! 

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