Return Of A Soul.. Highschool...

By ZBX6779

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This was originally going to be a sequel to my first story called The fallen Dragon king but I decided that t... More

chapter 2. hit a nerve.
chapter 3. dreams and nightmares.
part 4. nostalgia.
part 5. family & a message.
part 6. frame by frame.
part 7: breaking point.
part 8. state of emergency
part 9: new apocalypse.
part 10: STOP.
part 11. farewell.
part 12: funeral
part 14. alliance vs new beast.
part 15: the talk.
part 16. freedom
part 17. epilogue

part 13: new beast.

1.8K 21 26
By ZBX6779

With Euclid in a hidden dimension.

Euclid: grrr.. he's stronger than I thought but it doesn't matter, once she says those key words, those whips will strike without anyone knowing, Samael's blood will course through his veins and even kill the dragon in his sacred gear. The alliance was forged because of his existence but it'll crumble upon his death. The clones did an adequate job and managed to weaken even the strongest warriors.

Euclid was exhausted and injured.

Euclid: time for the final phase, if only Loki teamed up with me, it would have been perfect.

Flash back.

Euclid snuck into Asgard and found Loki still in his prison cell.

Loki: what are you doing here?

Euclid: it is obvious Loki, aren't you going to bring Ragnarok upon them?


Euclid: WHAT?

Loki: Euclid enough! Ever sense I was bested by the red dragon emperor wielding Mjolnir and his team, I had time to think. I watched him in hopes to find a weakness to exploit like you but I..........won't do that. I went beyond my goals and though about his philosophies, his life. I have moved on from such destructive notions, I'm the god of mischief, not death and destruction.

Euclid: you disappoint me.

Loki: I can live with that.

Euclid: oh you can but can you say the same for everyone else?

He threatened Loki. He was not pleased.

Loki: threatening me isn't wise, I lost to those kids because I looked down on them, I underestimated them and right now the all faction alliance is underway, you're not even as strong as I am and if I were in your position then I should quit while I have the chance. You're the last of the chaos brigade. The others are either dead or joined the alliance. You're dead if you don't stop now.

Euclid: it'll be a cold day in hell when I stop.

Loki: you're even more arrogant than I was all those years ago. I gave you a warning, try not to die....or do. It'll be the best outcome for you if you continue on this path.

Euclid: go to hell.

He leaves Loki and disappeared.

Loki: hmph.

He smirked.

End flashback.

Euclid: good thing I came prepared.

Just then Euclid opens a small box he was hiding, in it were syringes containing several multicolored liquids.

Euclid: once all the weaklings gather for his so called funeral I'll strike. Hahaha... Hell I might even use his wife as my plaything again. It was really fun tormenting her.!! HAHAHAHAHHAAAHAAHA.

In the dimensional gap.

Great red still absolutely livid was silent. On his back were 9 lumps, one was bigger than the others.
Ophis had attached tendrils to each one of them.

Ophis: ......

Both were concentrating deeply. Time doesn't exist in the dimensional gap but it felt as if a week went by.

Ophis:'s done. They are ready.

Great red: yes...they are. I can sense it. They have gathered.

Ophis: should we go there?

Great red: yes. We were mistaken when we chose to stay here.

The 9 lumps burst out his skin and scales. Great red didn't care about the pain as he was already healing.

Ophis looked at the 9. They were silent and stared back, they didn't need to say anything for their eyes said it all, gratitude and rage. So. Much. Rage especially from one small figure and the largest one.

Great red: I'm sorry, I should have helped earlier. You all went through that and I could have helped prevent it. I asked Ophis to help create your new bodies made of my own flesh, consider it as my apology for not helping earlier especially you two. Ophis and I will continue to aid you. I understand if you hate me but let me help.

The 9 looked at their new bodies and felt it, the power overflowing in every cell of their new bodies.

Voice 4: thank you dragon of infinity and dragon of dreams. We are forever grateful.

Voice 8: please open a portal, we know that he is still out there and without us he will kill everyone.

Voice 9: we mustn't waste any time. I can already sense his's... Changing...'s almost like......oh no. Ophis!

She opened a portal to the underworld. And through it the 11 went.

Back in the underworld, everyone was roaring, ready to hunt Euclid down and make him pay but speak of the devil and he shall appear. He appeared right behind Kuroka and Evelyn.

Euclid: I welcome the "challenge".

Kuroka: YOU!!!

Evelyn charged at him before her mother could.


Euclid just blasted her away. Being part dragon made her strong enough to take the hit without getting hurt. Luckily Kiba caught her using his speed.


She charged next, she was inches from clawing his face off but Euclid grabbed her arm then put her in a head lock.

Euclid: na a a.

He held up those syringes to her neck. She froze, seeing needles scared her because she felt so many of them pierce her, including the time Euclid extracted the eggs from her womb again and again. He clearly used them to create the 5 children he killed before her very eyes. The memories still fresh in her mind.

Kuroka: get...get..those away from me.

She was shaking. Every one was thinking about how to set her free, Euclid without a doubt has a plan and they don't know what is in those syringes, everyone still recovering their strength after the clone attack.

Euclid: I'm glad you're all here. This makes it easier.

He injects the liquids from the syringes into his arm, Kuroka saw the chance and slipped from his grip then flip kicked him in his face. Seeing him fly was satisfying mainly for Kuroka.

Kuroka: I wanted to do that since day 1 you bitch.

He got up, his body was changing, growing stronger.

Euclid: a little fight in you, I like that.


A figure releasing a red and black aura impacted right on top of him right after breaking the sound barrier. Sounds of both the sound barrier breaking and the impact sounds were less than 1/100th of a second apart. Euclid opened his eyes and saw a figure he never thought he would never see again.


He got up.

Euclid: HYOUDO!!!!

Once he screamed that name, everyone was frozen at the mere mention. He grabbed Euclid by the neck and started to punch his face which was healing and morphing into something else, he then picked up Euclid, stabbed him through the chest with his claws then tossed him away into the rubble in the distance.

The red and black figure stopped releasing his aura and they saw his face.

Rias: we thought we saw you die...

Evelyn: PAPA!!

Kuroka: Issei?

Issei: hey everyone, we're here to help.

Kuroka: wait...we?


He charged at him right out of the rubble and his chest sound healing rapidly but Issei only smiled. Euclid was then hit by a large fist that sent him through several buildings. The large fist was attached to a red dragon with 4 wings. Everyone was gasping and looking at him in awe.

Irina: is that great red?

Gasper: if that's great red then who is that?

He pointed towards the sky, they all looked up and saw a crack in the air. Through it great red emerged followed by 8 other figures. One of which is Ophis.

Tiamat: great red and Ophis?

Tannin: not only that but I sense both of their powers coming from those 9.

Yu-long: that Ddraig?

Sun wukong: it seems so. It seems the red dragon emperor has defied not death but oblivion itself. HAHAHHAAHHAAHAHAHA.

The first gen sun wukong spoke the truth.

Just then Crom the cresant moon dragon said to be stronger than the heavenly dragons appears.

Crom: hahahahahhaaahaaha welcome back Ddraig, I was actually saddened to hear that you were dead.

Ddraig: hello to you too Crom. We can fight after we annihilate Euclid.

Crom was now super serious.

Crom: I want a piece of that action. No one hurts a dragon's soul mate and their children. There are standards.

Ddraig: you and everyone else. Get in line.

Vali flew over.

Kuroka, Evelyn, Rias and everyone close to Issei tackled him to the ground.

The other dragons tackled Ddraig.


Issei: I'll explain everything but first things first. Kill Euclid.

Everyone else cheered when they saw Issei stand before them. Ddraig was no longer in the boosted gear.

Rias:'re here..

Irina: yeah...what she said.

Asia: Issei....* Sniff*.

Issei sighed. Clearly they won't wait for an explanation. They needed one now. He called out to the remaining figures.

Issei: hey guys, mind holding Euclid back in case he attacks again? It seems like our reunion can't wait.

Figure 2: sure Issei.

The figures were ready to fight, Ophis and great red landed next to Issei and everyone.

Albion: what are you two doing here? Both of you made it quite clear that you didn't want any part of the supernatural.

Great red: things change Albion. Now get ready, that devil did something to himself and his power is growing into something monstrous. It reminds me of "it".

Ophis: I agree. Get all non fighters to safety immediately. Anyone equal to high class and above should stay and fight. Even with great red and myself we will need everyone to fight. He and I used up a great deal of our power to save Ddraig and his past hosts.

In the distance a dark presence was felt by everyone.

Issei: I'll make it quick. Great red and Ophis used their power to save Ddraig, a few other past hosts and myself from oblivion. They summoned our souls into the dimensional gap and made new bodies for us using their own, they are hell-bent on getting revenge on Euclid for what he did.. Now guys please let go.


Issei: let me go so can hug you back love.

Ddraig: still a flirt with her even after all these years.

They let go reluctantly, Issei spreads his four red and black dragon wings. He held his wife and daughter in his arms and used his wings to hug everyone else. Just seconds after that a massive creature emerged from the rubble, it was bigger than great red by 3 times.

Euclid had turned himself into this ten tailed beast. IT'S power was a mix of yokai, dragon, blood from the mother of all devils Lilith even and who knows what else.


He ordered everyone and they obeyed without hesitation. Serafall, Ajuka, Sirzechs, Grayfia and a few others opened very large portals and teleported everyone to safety.

Dulio: that thing reminds me of 666.

Kuroka: now we know what he injected himself with.

Ravel: how do we beat that?

Xenovia: like we always did. Together.

Kiba: just like the old days.

Issei: I miss those days.

Rias: then let's bring them back.

She pulls out 8 pawn pieces.

Rias: when I gave the eulogy I meant what I said, you were my one and only pawn.

Issei: I'm honestly touched Rias but I'm already ultimate class.

Grayfia: not anymore. You were dead not too long ago. You have to climb your way to the top again little brother. You were reincarnated yet again in a way.

Issei: you know what? I have an idea. Do it Rias.

Rias merges the 8 pawn pieces with Issei and 2 devil wings spread across his back.

Issei: oh the nostalgia. Well master, what are your orders?

Rias: illegal move, promotion to king.

Everyone: WHAT?

Issei smirked.

Issei: very well then, SAJI I'LL NEED YOUR HELP!!

Saji: anything bro.

Issei: create lines and link them to everyone here.

Saji: what are you planning?

Issei: trust me, we can do this together.

Saji: alright. Let's go it Viritra.

He created many lines and linked everyone. Serafall, Ajuka, Azazel, Grayfia, Sirzechs, Baraqiel, Thor, Odin, Shiva, Indra, Micheal, Gabriel, Irina, Dulio, Gasper, Xenovia, Rias, Kiba, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Rossweisse, Vali, Cao Cao, Arthur, la Fey, Kuroka, Milicus, Riser and his peerage, Sona and her peerage, Sairorg and his peerage, Ravel, Yasaka, Kouno, Ddraig, Crom, Tiamat, tannin, sun wukong, yu-long, Ophis, great red, the past hosts everyone who was willing to fight was linked to Issei via Saji's absorption line.

Issei: get ready everyone. BALANCE BREAK, PROMOTE TO KING. TRANSFER!!

Issei was now in enveloped by this armour

And so was Ddraig. Everyone else was now wearing regular red dragon balance breaker armour. Sairorg was stronger even without the armour so he merged regulas with it, he was now wearing red and golden armour, Saji combined his balance breaker as well, it was red and purple, Vali's armour was now red and white. Thor's armour was made stronger by adapting to the power and durability of Mjolnir, Indra and Shiva were both power houses and even made great red look at them with concern. The Phoenix members have flame erupting from their armour, Sirzechs was oozing with amplified power of destruction and so was Rias, the air was getting cold with Grayfia's power boosted with the balance breaker. Milicus was feeling the power but we was focused. Gasper was looking as buff as Sairorg. Not to mention the devils kings were stronger too but the dragons were overflowing with power, the very ground cracked beneath their feet from the aura they were trying to hold back. Even Evelyn was wearing a small balance breaker. Kuroka looked at her armor.

Kuroka: so this is what it feels like.

Issei: I'm not done yet. Do it Ddraig!!

From everyone's armour one sound resonates in unison.



Now everyone was ready to take it down, Euclid heard Ddraig's voice loud and clearly, he freed himself from the rubble and looked at everyone wearing red armour. The very sight of that colour enraged him, whatever sanity he had no longer lingered. He met out a deafening roar.

Issei: Evelyn, you know that I don't want you to fight.

Evelyn: I'm not leaving and that's final, everyone is together again and I can't bare to see everyone fighting while I stay safe. screw that and let's just kill that 10 tailed beast.

Issei: you really are my little girl.

He then looks at Kuroka.

Issei: you ready my empress.?

Kuroka: always by red dragon emperor.

Gasper: fight today, flirt later.

Issei: that reminds me, Kuroka will you marry me again? Death did do us part.

Kuroka: ask me again tomorrow love.

Issei: you know I will.

Half the women squeal internally at the romantic moment.

One of the figures dropped from above. It was Elsha.

Elsha: guys! incoming.

Euclid charged at everyone. This was going to be a fight that no one will forget.

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