Spencer X Reader (part 2)

By emoowriter

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further into the future 🚨WARNING: this story contains mention of sexual assault, attempted murder, physical... More



1.7K 30 39
By emoowriter

You did not expect that.

You take that in, you can't even think of who would do that. What motive would anyone have to go after me or Spencer? Spencer looks emotionless, you feel so bad for him.

You don't know how to feel about this.

You're angry because someone hurt your husband. You're scared that someone will hurt the family. You're sad that Spencer has to go through this. You want to cry or hit something.


"I can't tell you."

"Yes, you fucking can," you start to get more angry. You need Spencer to tell you. You need to know who it is to protect your family.

"I didn't relapse on purpose. They knew that would hurt you, they made me shoot up again and I didn't know how to tell you. Why do you think I was in the living room?"

"They wanted me to find you," you come to the realization that it didn't make sense for Spencer to OD in the living room.

Why would he risk the kids finding out?

Maybe that's a reason, the cop need to make sure my story was plausible because there could've been evidence of foul play.

Holy fuck, this is a lot to take it at once.

"Yeah and they were right, it did hurt you."

"Why did you go along with it?"

"Because they blackmailed me and said they would kill Madi and Kate, you and me if I didn't and if I told you."

"Who are they?"

"I can't tell you?"

"I called them, but hung up."

"Jesus fucking christ, y/n. You just put the entire family in danger."

"We should go to Hotch."

"No, absolutely not."

You have absolutely no clue why he won't tell you who it is. There's nothing he can do to protect us unless we tell someone or he tells you who it is.

We're in more danger if he stays silent.

You stand up angrily, "I'm going to Hotch. We need to be protected."

Spencer stands up and gets in your face, he pushes you in the house. He closes the door and locks it, "you will not go to anyone about this unless you want every single one of us to die."

Spencer is scaring you so much tonight.

You've never seen him lose his temper this much with you. He's always so calm and gentle.

You're genuinely afraid of him.

His temper makes you even more angry, you look up at him and yell at him with an angry tone, "so, were supposed to sit around and wait for him to fucking kill us?"

Spencer goes silent.

You just decide to get the kids and take them to the BAU, tell Hotch. Maybe Hotch will be able to convince Spencer to tell him who it is or when we get there, he will tell you.

You goes upstairs and go to Madi's room, "I'm going to take you and Kate to the BAU."


"Just a visit, will you get ready and put your shoes on so we can go?"

Madi nods, you close her bedroom door and go into Kate's. She was taking a nap, you go sit beside her on her bed and tap her.

She opens her eyes and rubs them as she sits up to look at you, she smiles.

"Sweetheart, will you get ready and put your shoes on?"

"Why?" her tone is very tired and rapsy.

"We're going to mommy and daddy's work."

"Really?" she perks up, she's excited.

"Yup, so get ready. I'll be waiting downstairs," you walk out of the bedroom and close the door. You go down the stairs where Spencer is waiting with his arms crossed.

"This is a bad idea."

"It's a better idea than being sitting ducks."

Soon Kate and Madi walk down the stairs together. Kate is excited but you can tell Madi is concerned.

You all exit the door and pile into the car, you make sure the kid's are buckled up before you start driving.

You drive to the BAU and walk go into the elevator.

You press the elevator button and watch as the red light goes from number to number.

You step out of the elevator at your floor, Madi is holding your hand and Kate is holding Spencer's hand as you walk into the glass door.

You look towards Hotch's office.

He spots you and comes out of his office. You turn around and tell Spencer  to stay with the kids while you explain the situation to Hotch.

You go up to him, he's concerned because you're here when you're not supposed to be and you brought the kids, "we need help."

"What's wrong?"

"We're in trouble. Spencer didn't intentionally overdose, he was forced to."

"Do you know who it is?"

"He wouldn't tell me. But he said that they blackmailed him and told him that if he didn't go along with it that they would kill the entire family."

"I need to talk to him."

You and Hotch walk over to Spencer.

JJ walks up to all of you and you whisper to her and tell her to take the kids. She kneels down to them and says, "do you guys want to go get a snack and draw?" They agree and JJ takes them away.

Hotch asks Spencer if he knows who it is.

who do you think it is?

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