What No One Sees

By WolfMoon5

238K 5.5K 7.9K

Leo smiles. He laughs. He jokes. But no one sees how much hurt he is going though. How much pain he has store... More

Day one
Day two AM
Day two PM
Day 4 AM
Day 10
Unknown day and time
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 16 continued
I'm sorry
This day will never end
It's me...
The reason why
I'm a little better
yall realize its still day 16?
In the 5th hour
The Ups and Downs of Friends
Day 17
The Afternoon of The Day of 17
The Heartbeat
Early Morning Day 18
Merry Christmas!
fckd up
I need to figure out what day it is
the part where Jason dies
the 'uh oh' part
Valentines day Special
naps and contemplation
things are getting bad again
click click clack
not really an update
Day 32
*vent* Should I feel?
A Morning of Contemplative Thoughts
Jason... what the fuck
The Choice
Is This The Process of Healing?
Let's Go Talk To Will
A Step In A Direction
And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
The Green Monster
Sister Nadia
break notice
Sunset Sunrise
Blind to All
Looking For Me?
Confidence To Open Up
The End
Epilogue (Part 1)

Therapy Session

1.9K 62 117
By WolfMoon5

A/N: uhhh im very sorry for disappearing. At this point, I've run out of excuses.. life was okay but then it sucked and like.. I dont even know at this point, but I'm sorry
Also a warning! Don't actually go to friends for therapy. It's one thing to talk to friends about something traumatic or personal, but just be careful. Therapists are trained to help whereas your friends.. aren't. Just, please, take care of yourselves everyone. I love you all

'Oh crap!'

'Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! CRAP!!!'


'Why did I agree to this?'

'Why am I doing this?!'

'I don't wanna! I don't wanna!!'

Leo paced back and forth outside the Poseidon cabin. His hands were flying as they twitched around small nuts, bolts, and oddly shaped metallic pieces putting pieces together, taking some off, and just all in all fidgeting. It was supposed to be Leo's first session with Percy. To say that he was nervous, was an understatement. He had no idea how this was gonna go. Hell, he didn't even know if Percy agreed or if he was just forced into this like the Latino had been. 

Jason watched the other pace from a distance. He had seemed upset about this situation, but had done his best to hide it. He actually did a pretty good job. Unfortunately, his best friend was all too good at reading people and had noticed the way his back had tightened slightly at the mere mention of this little 'therapy session.' Though they had agreed not to call it that.

Will was in the cabin currently, talking to Percy about the topics to cover and questions to ask. The son of Poseidon nodded and promised to look over the paper. Satisfied, the blonde left the cabin, informing the Latino that he could now go inside. Leo suddenly didn't want to do this anymore. He hadn't wanted to do it in the first place, but now he REALLY didn't want to! 

Jason noticed how the smaller male had suddenly stopped moving, his hands frozen midair as his eyes widened. It seemed that he had momentarily stopped breathing as well. Immediately, the blonde sprung into action, wrapping his arms around Leo and whispering soft reassurances.

"It's okay."

He felt a breath.

"It'll be okay."

Hesitant hands wrapped around his waist, pressing gently against his back.

"I'll be here the entire time. You just need to say my name and I'll be there."

Leo gave a small nod before pulling away. However, not before the other boy noticed the soft trembles that the smaller one had worked up. He couldn't do anything to help it though as the Latino took a deep breath and walked into the cabin.

Immediately, he pasted a smile on his face and added a small bounce to his step as he walked over to the black haired male. 

"'Sup, Perc!" he greeted, sitting across from the other on the bed. Percy had been looking at a small stack of papers with a quizzical look on his face, but once the smaller boy had walked in, he ignored the stack entirely. 

"Hey, man! What's up?"

The Latino hid a surprised expression that the son of Poseidon wasn't acting... well, serious. Maybe this really could be just some time spent hanging out and he wouldn't have to say anything.

"Nothing much, just here for some therapy," he joked.

Percy rolled with it. "Well you came to the right place. 'Prince Percy's Precision Therapy' has just opened for business."

Leo laughed and Percy soon joined in with him. The two of them enjoying the brief moment of peace, their nerves settling down as if laughing was dispeling all the excess and providing a nice calm. They readjusted on the bed, facing each other and sitting in relaxed positions as they settled down from their laughing. Now would normally be the time to launch into a serious tone..

A satisfied sigh ensued from Percy as he smiled, "So, besides from the obvious things that have just happened, how are you doing?"

Again, Leo was surprised at how the other was acting. The tone and question were so laid back, it wasn't anything like how others would act. Normally they just wanted to get to the bottom of Leo's problems so that they could 'fix' him and be done with it. But Percy wasn't trying to pry into his deep, dark past. It was obvious that the older boy just genuinely cared and wanted to know how he was doing.

The Latino's hands started moving, mindlessly working on the object they had been on earlier. "I've been the same as ever. It's hard to find a moment of peace now, with constantly being babysat." 

"Yeah.. that might have been partly my fault, telling Jason to sleep with you and all." 

"No, no, that's been fine!" Leo insisted, much to Percy's enjoyment as the Latino now blushed and tried to explain what he meant. The son of Poseidon honestly didn't care what the other had meant. He knew these two were totally smitten with each other, but couldn't see past their own noses. Somehow Percy would get them together. He may not be a son of the love Goddess. But Aphrodite was born from the sea, so that had to count for something.

"Sure, sure! I totally know what you mean," he teased before standing up. "C'mon, I think it's time for a snack."

Though Leo still wanted to explain, he stood as well, happy that this topic of conversation came to an end. They ran into Jason outside the cabin and explained what they were doing. He looked hesitant to let Leo go, but didn't put up a fight, telling them that he would wait at the cabin.

Together, the two boys walked to the kitchen, grabbing some snacks and drinks and wandering around the camp. Their conversation stayed on the lighter side. Both of them preferring to make jokes than be serious, yet somehow Percy had managed to crack a bit into the Latino's past. The question was on scars when the son of Poseidon had sneakily asked how many of Leo's were self inflicted. This stopped the smaller boy dead in his tracks.

"I don't know.." he whispered and trailed off.

Percy literally feel the boy's mood drop and patted his back, speaking normally, "I can't count mine either, but I think it's okay. The amount doesn't really matter.." he paused as his mind flashed back to his own past and the nights he used to spend marring his own skin.. Saying the amount didn't matter while remembering that it used to be the only thing that mattered before as he counted every cut. No more than 20, he wouldn't allow more than 20 a day. That was his golden rule. 20 cuts could fit nicely in one area..-

He shook his head and smiled. "What matters is getting better and, while it's not going to be a straight line, that's why you have friends here to help you." 

Leo wondered about that pause that Percy had done. What is could mean? He didn't know, but he promised he wouldn't pry.. still, it would be nice to maybe have something to relate to.

Before the two of them knew it, their time was up and they walked back to the cabin. Apparently, Percy needed to write notes on how the session went, but he assured the other that now matter how the session goes, he would never leave a bad review. This made Leo feel better and he knew he chose the right person to talk to. With that all settled, Jason walked Leo back to the cabin they shared. He didn't ask how it went, but the Latino could tell that he was anxious to hear about it. It was cute.

"That went really well," he informed the anxious boy as the sat down. Leo was practically in Jason's lap with how heavily he was leaning against him. It surprised him how much he had missed the others touch.

"I'm happy to hear that," Jason spoke with a relieved sigh, turned slightly so that Leo was laying on his chest and he could freely play with the soft and curly hair of the smaller boy. It was crazy how tight the curls were and yet how soft the texture was. Meanwhile, Jason's hair seemed like hay compared to this. (Though Leo would beg to differ ;) )

The two of them enjoyed each others presence, making conversation occasionally. It felt nice to be like this. 

'Y'know, if home were a person... I think it would be Jason.'

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