Promise You'll Never Forget

נכתב על ידי lucy_230603

437 34 2

A Draco Malfoy FanFiction story. Nobody expected a mudblood to fall for Draco Malfoy, what's worse? Nobody ex... עוד

Please Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 4

10 1 0
נכתב על ידי lucy_230603

*Draco's POV*

Analia has never really been on my radar much, she was always just around, with her friends of course, I've only ever had the odd conversation through the years and nothing too pleasant or special but that has more to do with me and my lack of enthusiasm to get to know her.

However there was something that always stood out about her, she never eternally hated me from what I could tell, but she never fell over her feet trying to impress me either, from my many years at Hogwarts it's either one or the other with girls, and guys too.

They always either wanted to be my friend, or girlfriend, or they wanted me dead there was no in between at this school, but she was different. It didn't sit right with me that I could read her easily, I could never tell exactly what she thought of me. She never let slip if she liked me or if she didn't.

She's known as one of the kindest people in the school but never puts up with bullshit, if your in the wrong she'll tell you and she won't walk on egg shells when she does. I found myself admiring it, her courage to stand up for what's right rather than what's easy, never failing to add a bit of sarcasm on the end. She is nice but boy is she sarcastic, it'll do you well to stay on the right side of her.

I found myself hoping I was on the wrong side of her, it would make things a hell of a lot easier for me if I was, if she wasn't trying to be nice to me all the time, at least then I'd have an excuse to be rude to her because for some strange and unexplained reason it felt wrong to actively be mean to her.

She had this way about her that would inflict guilt if you hurt her, like you instantly regretted your insult.

Maybe it was something about her innocence, her childlike view on the world that anything is possible and kindness defeats evil, it's all bullshit of course but she looked upon the world with so much hope that everything could be peaceful and good that when you are mean to her, a flicker of darkness spreads across her eyes. She recognises evil and knows the world isn't sunshine and rainbows but it doesn't stop her from spreading as much positivity as she can.

All I knew is that I strangely liked her talking back. It made the conversations with her more interesting than most I had with others, she talked back but always in a playful manor that made you want to keep the conversation going, most other conversations I had were either pure hatred or out of fear but hers were fun. I almost looked forward to speaking with her next.

However, none of this distracted from her blood status, the fact she is a mudblood. I've been raised to hate muggle born witches and wizards since I could walk, I never questioned the teachings of my father and, like him, I grew a strong resentment for the creatures. She was part of the plague and I needed to hate her, otherwise it goes against everything I believe.

Of course I wasn't overly excited to be partnered up with her, for the main reason that I would actually have to do some work. If it were anyone else I'd either flirt with them a bit and have them do it for me or repulse them so much that they didn't want to work with me anyway, but alas I would need to figure something else out with Analia, I have better things to be doing than a stupid project for a class that I don't need to pass.

*Analia's POV*

The dimly lit library was almost silent, with students scattered around the desks studying. It wasn't too busy considering it was only the start of the year, only the real dedicated students, or the students forced to do detention which was occasionally held in the library were here. And of course some second year, inter house relationships were sneaking around  the back of the muggle history section to have some 'alone time', considering no one really goes into that section.

I was sat in the middle of what seemed like a 40 person dining table, similar to the ones in the great hall, although instead of benches there were chairs that moved themselves to where you're allowed to sit, whether you're in a group or by yourself, I guess for privacy measures.

I was completely in my own world, studying the effects of Felix Felicis potion on the body. Learning more about the bottle of luck made me wonder wether Harry had used his vile yet? And at that, what he would even use it for, I guess it could help him defeat Voldemort seeing as he's proven back now.

Since the news broke that 'He Who Must Not Be Named' had returned everyone has been freaking out, and rightly so, he has done truly unspeakable actions and caused so much pain and suffering but I can't help but wonder if it would've been easier to kill him with a human approach.

Personally if Harry had taken it upon himself to kill Voldemort with say a knife then he would have been long gone. I suppose the logistics of it all are quite horrible and difficult to figure out, how could you get close to him? How would harry have the heart to kill someone? But he has a cloak of invisibility and a solid motive to do so.

I told all this to Cho one time and she laughed so hard that her head almost exploded, she told me it was beyond stupid and couldn't even admit there was the slightest possibility that it could work successfully.

My mind wandered a bit more thinking about it until I felt a presence sit in a chair that had moved itself beside me;

"Hey loser, you're staring into space." Draco's snarky voice disrupted the silence in room enough for people the look up from their books and turn to see what the noise was about.

"What Malfoy?" I look back down at my books hoping he'll take it as a social cue to leave.

"Look I can't do tonight so I guess you'll just have to do the project." He said as if I'd be ok with doing the assignment myself, I looked at him in disbelief.

"I'm not doing our project myself Malfoy." I shook my head, closing my books knowing he's not going to leave.

"C'mon it's like your guys thing" He said as if he knew me at all.

"As a Ravenclaw?" I said crossing my arms in astounded. His insinuations were ignorant and highly offensive.

"Yeah." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well that's rude and very closed minded." I said rolling my eyes and scrunching my face in a disapproving manor. "It's not my fault you can't do tonight."

"Just help a guy out here." He said pleadingly.

"No, besides it would probably be good for you to learn about our creature considering your track record with them." I tilted my head to one side waiting for his response

"Watch what you're saying." He warned me, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh, did I hit a nerve? Is the hippogriff a sensitive topic for you?" I said teasingly, daring him to fire back with his oh so beloved insult.

"Shut up you mudblood." He snapped at me loudly, other students were beginning to stare and the librarian was two seconds away from kicking us out.

"No need to get pissy Malfoy." I said with a cheeky smirk knowing he was getting annoyed. He narrowed his eyes and curled his top lip in disgust realising he's not going to get his way. "If you can't do tonight then we'll do it tomorrow."

"Fine tomorrow, same time, don't be late."

"Wouldn't dream of it." I said sarcastically as he stormed out of the library. I chuckled to myself at the fact I could make him so mad.

*The Next Morning*

I woke with boredom sketched into me from the very first light, how could it only be the third day of term and I'm already a walking zombie, usually this doesn't happen until the fourth week, maybe fifth if I'm lucky.

I slapped on some makeup and drew my hair back into a ponytail and began my short journey to Potions class.

Just as I was about to walk into the classroom, Pansey Parkerson waltz's over to me looking overly cocky and brave. Although we had never been close, she was always rather friendly to me and she never gave me a real reason to dislike her, we just existed alongside each other. However the way she eyed me up and down indicated she was in no mood to be nice.

"So, Draco? What's that about?" She questioned me, blocking the entrance to the class so I couldn't leave without barging past her.

"What are you talking about Pansey?" Having no clue what she was referring to, I was sure she had the wrong person.

"You and Draco, spending time together" She looked at me as if I had something to hide.

"You are talking out of your rear end." I rolled my eyes at her, holding in a laugh at how absurd she was being.

"He's mine, little mudblood." She huffed, pointing a ragged nail at me and waving it right in my face.

"By all means, have him. He is of no further interest than my class partner." I reassured her.

She had always had this... obsession over Draco, ever since she laid eyes on him in first year she was glued to his side, I remember one time in second year some fifth years found her diary and inside were quite impressive drawings of Draco and her on their wedding day, dressed in full suit and puffy dress, she had the whole thing planned, including the plate settings and table arrangements. Draco was mortified and for the rest of the year everyone called them husband and wife, not that Pansey was complaining. She was quite comfortable getting used to being called Mrs Malfoy.

"Good, he wouldn't go for someone like... you anyway." She very snobbishly looked me up and down, almost spitting the words out.

"Well.. it's been a pleasure as always, but I better head off." I say overly sarcastic, tipping an imaginary hat towards her for some extra flare. I hopped into class surprisingly more up beat than when I woke up, for some reason the chat with Pansey cheered me up, it was quite amusing how she was threatened by me. She is definitely hooked for him, I dread the day anyone becomes his girlfriend.

The hours passed on by, and classes began becoming less and less interesting, my mood was getting drained with every new teacher I saw today. I couldn't wait to just relax tonight, the thought of having fun with my friends was ruined however with a reminder that I had to give that up to study with Draco, way to wreck my night.

Word count - 1886

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