By jiddle_

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liam o'donovan x fem!oc ╭──────────────────✎ ╰─▗ ▘➤𖥸 ᴢᴇɴɪᴀ ᴀᴅᴇʟɪɴ ✦ ╮ A girl abandoned by her alcoholic moth... More



7.7K 92 63
By jiddle_


Episode twelve - Day at the beach

IT HAD BEEN A COUPLE TIRING WEEKS SINCE IVE BEEN BACK AT THE DUMPING GROUND. I was fully healed and Mike and I had been working together to get Jack in prison for assault and Avery in prison for child endangerment. We won both cases. I've only told Liam and Sapphire what actually happened to me and Saff comforted me whilst Liam had to leave the house scared he might hurt someone or something because of how angry he was.

Today to celebrate our court winnings, Mike decides to take us all to the beach in the van. I'm sat directly next to Liam and by the window. Mike had the great idea to bring a video camera to record highlights of the trip but gave it to Liam which i thought wasn't the best idea because, well it's Liam. Excitement flooded through my body as we pulled out the driveway only to make it about 10 meters before Tee threw up.

"You missed a bit" Liam comments as he films Tracy cleaning up what Tee had just done.

"God it reeks" I say burying my nose into Liams side to mask the smell.

"Shut up" Tracy says and throws the cloth she had been using at me. i squealed at processed to throw the cloth forward. Not my problem now. Tracy's phone begins to ring.

"No way!" She smiles "An online book store just bought a load of my books!"

"Really?" Johnny asks.

"Ok don't sound so surprised"

"Can they read?" Liam jokes causing me to laugh.

"Looking good Saff" I say pushing the back of her chair so she smudges her lipstick. She turns around and glares at me.

"Yeah who's it for? Mr.Crab? or Mr.Fish" Liam laughs making a fish like face.

"Or Mr. Octopus?" Frank adds

"Grow up you three"

Gus starts to go through his checklist making sure he's got everything. "Whos next"

"Me!" Liam says with his face stuffed with his sandwiches.

"Right Liam, towel? Trunks?" Gus asks.

Liam starts shovelling through his bag only to discover he's forgotten his swimming trunks.

"Aw this is gold" I laugh clapping my hands. "You can always go in your underwear"

"Uh no thanks"

"Anyways try stay still" I say resting my head on his shoulder "I need a nap"


"right i've got a great idea" Tracy starts " let's tell a story we'll all go round and say a couple of sentences each. I'll start. it's called a day at the beach and it's about a group of kids who just set off in the minibus, minibus minibus with the correct tyre pressure Gus. Who next?"

"Oh i will" Lily carries on " there was a girl on it and she wanted to go to the beach and make sandcastles with shells on"

Liam buts in " there is a massive football game going on in the sea a lad runs down get a one off header everybody goes mental"

" then the lad realises that he's got no trunks on and a crab comes along looking for winkers nip nip nip" Saff add causing me to burst out laughing as Liam elbows me.

"Hey if you really need some trunks, there's a service station coming up" I whisper to him.

"How do you know that?"

"I'm a bloody genius." I roll my eyes "There was a sign you loser"

"Oh right, Mike! I really need the toilet" Liam complains.

"Well there's a service station coming up so we'll stop there" Mike replies.

When we arrive at the service, Liam and I go straight to the photo booth.

"You're taking up so much room" I complain

"Hey! There's no need to be pushing me" He complains back. We still got some good photos out of it though.

Liam comes up with an idea to make some money. We 'borrows' an mop and bucket and made a sign to create a car wash. Wow, you must be thinking, what an actually decent idea. But here's the scam part, when a car pulls in we throw dirty water on it so that it actually has to be washed. A car starts to approach and Liam wants to give a demonstration so her picks up the dirty water and throws it at the car, not realising the window was down.

"We better run" I tell Frank and that's exactly what i do. We run around the parking lot about 3x before we finally spot Mike and run up to him trying not to seem suspicious.

Gus. A young man with good intentions, let the front tire down checking the pressure meaning we had to wait for Mike to replace it.

Whilst we pile back into the mini bus, the worker comes up to Mike.

"Are you in charge of this lot? of these?" He says pointing at us.

"Yes, why? Is there a problem?"

"Well first, this young girl attacks my confectionery stand with an inflatable horse" He blames pointing to Carmen. "Some of them took whatever they felt like" He adds side eyeing Tracy in an accusing way.

"At least she didn't commit credit card fraud am i right" I laugh and Liam joins in high-fiving me.

"Finally, a customer was assaulted by three yabos armed with a mop and bucket"

Mike looks angry as the man insults basically his children. "There are no Yabos here. Did you see the culprits?"

The man wavers a bit "not personally no"

"exactly and no children in our care would ever dream of behaving in that fashion so i think we'll be on our way" Mike finishes as i smirk.

As we drive away from the station Mike looks in his back mirror. "Liam, Zen, Frank, you got anything to say"

"Not that i can think of, oh wait Liam did you actually get any trunks!" I reply

"Nope nothing" Liam agrees

Mike isn't buying it "Listen here, pull a stunt like that again and um and.."

"and you'll be going home!" Gina finishes for Mike.

"Sorry" we all mumble.

"Well it won't be me you'll be apologising to when have to turn back" Mike adds.

We ended up going back. But it wasn't our fault, someone had programmed the satnav to take us back home which i guess was good for Liam as he could actually get his trunks.

"I'm going to bury you with this" Liam says whilst showing me his shovel.

I scoff in a reply "I'd like to see you try"

"Then the tide comes in.." he carries on but Johnny takes his apple fruit shoot and pours it on Liam.

"You did that on purpose!"

We are all starving haven eaten our lunch earlier on the day so we stop at a service station, the same one as before. We walk into the building only to be stopped by the same man as before.

"You can't come in, we're closing plus it's not my fault if i want to save my shop from a bunch of hooligans and thugs"

"Come on their just some kids on a day out" Tracy defends

" yeah we just want a bite to eat and then we'll be on our way" Mike adds.

"Fine, but the first sign of trouble and you're out"

We all sat down at the tables and then Toby tells us that he's lost Mr hamster. God knows why even brought him in. Liam comments that we need to find him because nobody gets left behind.

"Alright everybody listen up!" I yell as i stand on the table and take the satnav out of Mikes hand. "Whoever finds the hamster wins a free satnav!"

Chaos breaks out, everyone either trying to escape the hamster or to catch it. I'm honestly surprised Mr. Hamster wasn't squashed. A big scary man manages to get him and i pass him the satnav "Well done sir" I congratulate him.

"Just go, and never come back here ever again" The owner tells us.

Finally we set off again quickly stopping off at the gas station.

"Almost there now Dono" I smile up at him.

Oh how i wish that was true. Mike filled the petrol only tank with diesel. Whilst we wait for someone to pick us up and take us home we decide to watch through the footage Tracy had been recording.

A montage played across the screen, people waving at the camera, Tee and Carmen in the blow up boat. Me jumping on Liams back for a piggy back ride, the man passing over Mr Hamster, me asleep on Liams shoulder, and Johnny.... changing the Satnav.

"Johnny? did you give me that diesel pump on purpose?" Mike asks. Johnny looks up and makes a dash for it as Liam chases him.

"What did you do it for Johnny? Frank was looking forward for his first time at the beach" I ask him.

"You have to tell us why" Sapphire demands

"No he doesn't" Tee answers "I had forgotten what happened because I was only little but I remember now, so if Johnny doesn't want to say why he doesn't like the sea in the sand he doesn't have to"

"Yes he does!" Saff persists

"I buried Tee in the sand for fun but the tide so coming in really fast and I couldn't get her out, you thought it was all a big game but mum had gone off with a stupid boyfriend. There was no one to help us I thought you were going to drown"

I look down as i related to the mum and boyfriend part.

"But we are safe now it would've been okay Johnny" Tee tells him.

"I'm sorry" Johnny sniffles

"Mr. Milligan?" The tow truck driver says "You still want me to tow you to Elm Tree House?"

"Yes, actually wait we want you to tow us to sandy front beach please" Mike requests.

Finally after all that struggling we arrived at the beach, me and Liam were the only ones brave enough to actually get changed into our swimming costume. After i was changed i ran past Liam tagging him. "Race you!" I shout as i keep on running. I forget how fast Liam is sometimes, he catches up fast and throws me over his shoulder. I yelp in surprise and hit my fists against his back.

"Liam! put me down!" I yell. I can hear everyone else laughing at the scene in the distance.

"Ok if you insist" Liam replies and throws me in the freezing cold water. I gasp for air as i resurface and give him and evil glare.

"I'm going to kill you" I say as i jump onto him dragging him down into the sea. We both come of from the water laughing as I'm clinging onto Liams body with my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his hips.

I stare straight into his eyes and feel as though time stops as i study his features. That's when i realise, I might have a crush on Liam O'Donovan.


We were all hanging around in the lounge area just as Tracy walks in. "Listen up" she starts "I've been offered a job in London as a junior reporter for a newspaper"

"Wow well done Tracy" I congratulate.

"So i'm leaving"

Everyone's smile falls from their face.

"Look i've dreamt of this job ever since i've lived here, i'm sorry i can't turn it down, it means too much"

"Oh and we don't" Sapphire mocks "Well, that's put us in our place" She drops her pool cue on the table.

"No i- I didn't mean it like that"

"Don't beat yourself up Beaker, you're just one in a long line of care workers easy come easy go" And with that Saff leaves the room.

"I think this is great, you can write about us and make us all famous" Carmen smiles.

"Well i don't know about famous but i would like to write about you" Tracy smiles half heartedly back. "I want you to tell me what it's like to be in care"

"You already know what it's like to be in a care home" Lily quickly retorts.

"The editor wants it to be from your point of view, it's kind of a test"

"hold on hold on" Liam begins "You wanna leave us, but you want our help? Sorry Tracy but that sucks" He starts to walk out.

"Liam please-"

"You want out? fine go but you ain't getting my help. Come on Zen" Liam says looking at me.

Tracy turns look at me with tears brimming her eyes.


"Sorry Tracy but it's all the same, people come but when they find something better to do, they leave. We are just part of a way for them to get money. hey never really care" I say walking over to Liam and with me leaving, so does everyone else.


After breakfast we were all hank good around in the kitchen.

"Look, i know you're all totally hacked off with me and i'm sorry for upsetting you, buys us care kids don't get given breaks so when an opportunity comes along, i've got to take it. That's what i'm doing, so don't hate me for it"

"That's not why I hate you" Saff starts "I hate you for conning us, giving us all that 'I'm there for you, we're all care kids together'. You are just using us so you can move onto something better."

"Is that what you all think" Tracy asks.

"You promised me you'd help me get back with Poppy and Rosie" Lily says.

"Lily i'm sorry.." Tracy looks around at everyone and leaves the room.

"Guys" I say "We're all in this together, no one helps"

I'm walking around aimlessly though the corridors on the ways to Liam's room when i hear Gus talking "So almost 40%of the residents might do Tracy's article. That's Johnny, Carmen, Tee and Harry with another 10% persuadable, that's Frank"

"So that's half the residence, that's good?" Mike asks

"Bad" Gus continues "The remaining just over 40% are Sapphire, Zenia, Liam, Toby and Lily who have 90% of the power"

I smirk, we do have quite a lot of power combined.

I bump into Tracy. "Oh Zen can i have a word?"

"Yeah" I smile "How about goodbye?" I finish as i drop the smile.

"Look my laptops going missing so-"

"You accusing me for nicking it?" I ask as Liam joins us.

"No! I was just wondering if you knew where it was"

"Ha well she doesn't" Liam replies for me putting his hand on my shoulder diverting me away to his bedroom.

Tracy follows "Look Liam, Zen are you sure you haven't seen it? I don't want to get Mike and Gina involved"

"HA don't threaten me, we haven't seen your skanky laptop alight!" Liam spits the words in her face.

"I never said that you had!" Tracy yells back.

"Just because you met us down the nick doesn't mean we're thieves" I yell at her.

"I know! Will you please just calm down"

"Look i'll show you" Liam continues to yell as the throw as his stuff around his room, yanking out his draws. "I'll show you, see you laptop anywhere do you?!"

"Or maybe you want to go raid my room, see what you can find!" I shout

"Um what's going on?" Saff asks from the door.

"Have you asked Saff about your precious laptop, have you?" I yell.


"No because we're you prime suspects" I say pointing to me and Liam.

"She's the one who handles stolen goods" Liam accuses pointing at Saff.

"Thata bag out of order Liam" Saff tells him

"Not from where we're standing it not!" Liam laughs as he yells "Go on Tracy, have a go at her"

"What are you having a go at me for, i'm not the enemy!" Saff starts to yell as majority of the dumping ground kids watch from the doorway.

"Go on, get out my room all of you!" Liam yells, i start to walk away but he grabs my hand and pulls me back "Not you Zen"

"Wait!" Tracy shouts "Look i'm not stupid. I can see the damage i've done by saying i wanna leave. Ok so you won't help me with my article, maybe it was unreasonable to ask. I'm obviously not going to get the job but it's clear none of you want me here, so i might as well just leave anyway" and with that she pushes her way out of Liams room as Liam throws his pack of card as the wall and sits on his bed. Everyone else leaves and i lie down near him reaching my hand up to draw small circles on his back to try and calm him down.

Later on in the afternoon i'm still in Liams room and Gina comes to talk to us.

"So why do we have to help her?" I ask

" because if you to do it all the others will follow, listen Mike has known Tracy for a long long time and I don't think he wants her leaving here with any bad feeling and neither do I so please just think about it" Gina leaves the room.

" why are you too so angry at her anyway?" Frank asks

I sign and lay back down as Liam does the talking "We thought we finally found the care worker who understands us Who was on our side, we should've known better"


Liam and i had talked for a long time, Tracy had always been there for us.

We walked into the room in which we new Tracy would be just as Carmen walked out. Tracy was sat in the sofa with her laptop.

"Found it then?" Liam asks.

" i'm really really sorry for accusing you"

"I thought you said you hadn't" I replied.

"Yeah well" Tracy started to pick up her laptop "Whatever, you both know i was wrong"

"Where are you going?" Liam asks Tracy as she reaches the door.

"Well I didn't think you'd want to be in here with me"

"How else are we supposed to answer you questions" I reply as i smile at Tracy. She smiles back.

After the interview it was dinner time so we were all in the kitchen. "I'm trying to write this add for Tracy's replacement, what qualities are you looking for in a care worker?" Gina asks.

"Someone who sticks up for you when noone else will" Johnny starts

"Someone who doesn't get cross when you do something wrong" Tee says

"Kind" Says Frank

"Someone you can have a right laugh with" I add

"Someone who you can got to when you need special help" Carmen says

"Someone who doesn't think you're lame if you get scared" Toby comments

"Someone who you can see more as a friend then someone who's being paid to look after you" Liam finishes

"Don't you see?" Gus questions "You're describing Tracy Beaker. That's what you should put in the add, we want another Tracy Beaker".

We finish wasting dinner when Tracy and Lily walk in. "Guys i want to come clean about something" Tracy's starts leaning on the counter "before it gets to weird, i just want to thank the person who let me interview them for the article."

"Tracy!" We all shout with betrayal

"Wait everyone did it?" I question as everyone begins mumbling with each other.

"I just want to thank you all"

We all move from the kitchen to the sofa by the stairs to take a photo for Tracy's arrival. Liam and I sit at the back on top of the sofa. "Ready? Steady? Now!" I pull a big smile at the camera as i feel something delicate press a giant my cheek, i turned my head to see that Liams pose for the camera was kissing me in the cheek. I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Such a flirt Mr. O'Donovan" I laugh as we prepare for a second photo with Tracy in it.


It's the next day and we're all preparing breakfast waiting for Tracy's arrival to see if she got the job.

"Tracy!" Harry shouts as she walks in.

"Well did you get it?" I ask and she begins to nod her head. We all clap and Tee congratulates her.

"But, i didn't take it" Tracy adds "I though i'd miss you guys too much"

"So you're staying?" Liam asks

"If Mike will take me back?"

"Yes!" Mike shouts and we all embrace in a group

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