Plan Make-Her-Popular

By armilista108

73 4 5

Ashton Gunn is new to Elmore high. She's got a lightning fast brain, striking features, and a personality tha... More

Plan Make-Her-Popular

73 4 5
By armilista108


She had here hair in a high bun, like a knot on the very top of her head. Her black leather jacket hung on her shoulders, and her white graphic tee was slightly wrinkled. All in all, she was quite disheveled. Mostly because she had books spilling out of her hands every few seconds, and a pencil stuck out from her mouth.

"The new girl.", Annlee whispered.

"She's kinda cute! She could totes be one of us!", Farrah whispered hurriedly.

"Name?", Annalee asked. Her green eyes pierced ferociously at Farrah.

"Ashton. Ashton Gunn."

"Isn't that like a guys name?"

"Maybe? I think it's cool!"

"I've already got a nickname for her. Ash.", Annalee said. "I'm so clever."

"Oh my god YES! Sounds so hip and us!", Farrah agreed, bouncing up and down.

"Got any classes with her?", Annalee asked feverishly. She was determined to make this girl fall under her spell, just like Farrah.

"I think I've got 12th grade calculus with her. IDK. I'll look for her. ", Farrah nodded.

Ashton continued her way down the hallway, pushing through crowds of people. Annalee had a plan formulating in her head. She was already at the top, and she was ready to reach for more.

Chapter 1

I found that two specific girls were staring me not only in the corridors, but also in every class I had with them. Farrah and Annalee, I figured their names were. They would look at me, smile sheepily, and whisper as if they were in a hurry to each other. My first day here was not as good as I thought it would be. See, I just moved here from the United Kingdom, also known as the UK. This was my first time not only in American, but with confronting having to go to an average American high school.

Anyway, my first day. It started off when I drove here. I pulled in and almost hit a girl that was standing in a parking space, texting. I honked and she jumped. I made a "get the fuck out of the way" hand motion, and she trotted away. I parked my red scooter (birthday present!) and grabbed my bag. My hair was already falling in my face. I grabbed my coffee and slowly walked into school. That's where I first saw Farrah and Annalee. But this time, they weren't smiling at me falsely or whispering to each other. They were giggling with two boys. Farrah was pretty, but eventually I realized that she was another one of those wannabes.

Her hair was bleach blonde, and it was long in a side ponytail. She was wearing a flowered tank top and a cardigan with short shorts. And then I saw Annalee. I swear, she was one of the prettiest people I had ever sawn. Her brown glossy hair was in a braid, and her eyelashes were long and fluttery. She was wearing a blue blouse and shorts. She was absolutely flawless, and I observed how everyone nearby was practically hypnotized by her.

I walked calmly into calculus class for my last period of the day.

"Finally, it's almost over.", I whispered under my breath.

I took the seat farthest in the back. There was a chair in front of it, so I relaxed my legs on the chair. I watched the other people slowly walk in, dragging their bags behind them. Farrah came in, with no Annalee. She plopped herself right next to me, and faced me, a look of enthusiasm on her face.

"Hey hey! I'm Farrah!", she giving me a tiny wave of the hand.

"Ashton. Nice to meet you.", I smiled.

"Woah. You are like so freaking pretty.", Farrah said, her mouth agape.

"Thanks!", I said.

"Wanna hang out after class?", she questioned me feverishly.

Well, that escalated quickly. "Sounds great. I'll try to make it there.", I agreed.

"Your accent is adorable!", she squealed.

More compliments. When's this bloody girl gonna shut up?

"Thank you!", I smiled again.

"So your from England?", she said enthusiastically. Her eyes were wide with excitement as if she had just accomplished something wonderful.

"Yeah, the UK.", I said.

"Coolness!", she exclaimed.

"What?", I asked. I was befuddled. 'Coolness' was never a thing.

"You've never heard that before? It's like cool. But with a 'ness' at the end. Sounds so more....enthusiastic!", she explained. I noticed that she made wild hand gestures when she spoke.

"I see.", I nodded. My voice trailed away when the classroom door opened and the teacher came in, her purse practically creating a trail of items that fell out of it. She set her purse down and ran back to collect her various cosmetics and lady products that were scattered around.

"Sorry I'm late class. I had a bit of an issue with the copy machine.", she explained.

"Welcome to 12th grade calculus! Ready to have some fun?", she cried with fake enthusiasm.

The entire class moaned. The woman shrugged and wrote her name on the white board.

"I'm Mrs. Weldon.", she stated promptly.

"So today I'm just going to be handing out materials. You know, workbooks, textbooks, papers.", she announced. "You can all speak quietly with your neighbors."

"So where should we go after class?", Farrah asked.

"I dunno, it's my first day.", I told her.

"How about the girls bathroom? There's always Marylyn, the keeper of all the school's juicy gossip and in charge of dishing it out.", Farrah smiled and bit her lip.

"I guess that sounds decent.", I shrugged.

"Okay, then it's settled.", Farrah said, whipping out her phone. I immediately turned around and scanned for Mrs. Weldon. She was right there, but didn't seem to notice.

"Meet Ash and I at Marylyn corner.", she whispered. Ash? Did I ever acknowledge a nickname?

"KK", said the text back. I realized the text was from Annalee.

" 'Kay babe, we're gonna meet my friend Annalee there. You should know her by now. BTW, we are like the most popular bitches in this school. So she's like, so in. As in popular.", she explained. I furrowed my eyebrows as I though of hanging out with the most popular "bitches" in the school.

"Don't worry babe, we aren't bitches. It's just cool to say that!", Farrah said. She had obviously seen my worried expression.

I didn't understand. How could a girl with such a thick head be in 12th grade calculus?! I don't know, maybe that's just how popular girls work.

Chapter 2

I made my way down the hall when the bell rang. I had just gotten Farrah's text, and I was so ready to up my status even more. I waved at everybody in the hall, and they practically grabbed at the air the I mixed around with my waving hand. Some even walked behind me and smelled my hair. I have to admit, I absolutely love being at the top. The fame, the friends, the lifestyle. Everyone wanted to be me! It's not my fault that the haters do what they do: hate. I've got the hair, the body, even the boyfriend! Truth be told, I wasn't always popular. I was a weirdo. But just in 6th grade. My hair fluttered as I turned the corner.

"Mason! Baby!", I yelled enthusiastically to my boyfriend in the near empty hall. I made sure to run my hand through my hair as I came to him.

"Hey baby! Where are you going?", Mason asked, grabbing me by the waist

"Marylyn-I mean the girl's bathroom!", I said. Marylyn's corner was a secret name only for girls.

"You look great.", he replied sincerely.

"Thanks babe!", I smiled. My smile widened when I realized there were people near and they always love Annalee's trademark smile. Just then, Mason kissed me hard on the lips. Well, on the teeth.

"DUDE! OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL?!", I screeched. They always love the Annalee tantrums. I yanked myself out of his grip.

"Calm down babe, I'm sorry!", Mason said, putting his hands up.

"Godamnit Mason! Our relationship isn't about me being some sort of pillow that you can make out with whenever you want!", I scolded him. "I gotta go."

"See you later? I guess?", Mason called.

"Text me!", I gave him a peace sign with my hand as I walked away, my back facing to him so he couldn't see my fake smile.

I opened the door to the bathroom. Farrah and Ashton Gunn were already standing there.

"Hey baby! Hey Ashton!", I smiled and waved, bringing out the best in the Annalee trademark smile.

"Do I know you?", Ashton asked, looking puzzled. I also realized she had a British accent. She obviously wasn't from around here.

"Naive little crumpet!", I squealed, adding a tiny reference to British culture. Or at least that's what British people say in the movies!

"Excuse me?", she said. I knew I had made the wrong move.

"Nothing! So what's the 411? Did you get your feed already?", I said, trying to change the subject and speak to Farrah.

"So I heard Nina Gutner's rumored to be cheating on her current boyfriend and hooking up with Rick Mellou. OH! And Tiana Vedell smoked a bunch of crack at the SGA meeting.", Farrah recited. SGA, the student government association, was for the preps and the nerds. Tiana couldn't have had crack.

I sauntered over to the line, and everyone let me go ahead of them. For the price of one of my strands of hair, of course. I can pay people in whatever I have to get them to do whatever I want. For girls, I would give them strands of hair or one glob of my lipgloss. Since I didn't have any gloss on me, hair was the only choice. For boys, I gave them kisses and hugs. Mason never enjoyed that one. I needed to let Ashton know how popular I was, because nobody has ever challenged my strength and created a rebelling force. I paused, staring at the ground. This girl could be a threat to my popularity. She's obviously got the brains, the looks, and the personality. It's gonna take a lot to make this chick part of my clique.

"Annalee, hun, you look absolutely stunning as always!", Marylyn greeted me as I came up to her.

"Thanks babe! Not my fault I'm flawless!", I said, tossing my hair behind my shoulder and feeling girls behind me groping at it. "So I need the juiciest gossip. I always need to be on top of things in my school, you know?"

Marylyn flipped out a neat piece of stationary paper. This was her special paper that she creates for me so I can get every single detail about all the peeps.

"Here yah go babe! Hot off the press!", she smiled, handing me the paper. It was headed "Private: Annalee's eyes only!". I checked the gossip on myself everyday.

"UGHH Mack D.'s got that rumor spreading that I'm dating him! It's the second time! Ew! Marissa Holferden says we're long-lost sisters seperated at birth? That desperate skeezy bitch!" , I cried.

I've got my own section in Marylyn's corner. She gives me the gossip about what people are saying about me.

"Megan Duance HATES ME?! That lying BITCH!", I screeched.

"You're kidding! Seriously?! C'mon she's still here we can confront her AND ruin her life!", Farrah gasped excitedly.

I yanked Farrah and gestured Ashton to come along, and we left the bathroom, slamming the door behinde me.

Chapter 3

I rushed along behind Annalee and Farrah. Annalee must be extremely popular. Her hair was enough to let people skip her in the weird gossip line. We walked into the admin office, where a girl with sandy brown hair was sorting papers. She was wearing a sparkly blue tank top and shorts, with GIANT hoop earrings.

"DUANCE!", Annalee screamed, even when she was in the admin office.

The girl flipped around, her freckled face looking frightened.

"Come to the DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM!", Annalee ordered like a general.

Annalee turned on her heel and led us to the downstairs bathroom, Megan following us at a distance. We entered the bathroom, and a little while after, Megan Duance came with two other girls that had about the same look she did.

Annalee pinned her to the wall just by looking at her, and sauntered up to her.

"I know your secret. Think you can just act like your with me, and then you just hate me? Bitch, you've got another thing coming.", Annalee said. She had this way of speaking, I don't know what it is. She can change her voice to perfectly fit the scenario. It was an evil, sinister whisper. It was a cool tone, as if she been through this before.

"I-I have-ha-have no idea what you're talking about! You're going crazy on me, Anna-babe!", she smiled nervously.

"Oh shut up! You have a perfect idea of what I'm talking about.", Annalee spat, frustrated.

"Annalee! C'mon babe! We're like, so close!", Megan said, a sort of pleading tone in her voice.

"Don't call me babe you dumb bitch! You aren't even in the clique anymore! We've got Ash Gunn here to replace you!", Annalee laughed, pointing at me.

"You fucking bitch. So YOU told her?", Megan said, glaring at me.

"No! I'm new here...this is my first day!", I protested.

"We'll, new meat has gotta be tenderized by somebody!", Megan said, stepping closer.

"Wanna fight, BITCH?! Ash can take you on any day!", Farrah piped in.

She was right. I had taken karate and judo classes up until freshman year of high school. Nevertheless, I was scared.

"HELL YEAH!",Megan screamed. She motioned to me, and I immediately put my hands up.

She threw a punch at me. Wrong, I thought. She tucked in her thumb. She would've broken it if it had hit me. I wanted that to happen, so the second time, I let it hit me. I heard a chilling crack, and Megan winced. She grabbed her thumb. I stood back as she glared at me. At that moment, I grew very angry. I glared back, and she pushed her friends away and faced me. I laughed silently when she tried to crack her fingers, but shrieked in pain. She flung her hand at my face, and in shock, I lamely smacked it downward. Then, as if my body moved on it's own, I kicked her in the stomach. Hard. I automatically felt terrible as she gasped for breath. I knocked the wind out of her. Not only that, but I had black combat boots on to match my jacket, and they weren't called combat boots for nothing. They added a little extra ump.

"Jada. Take her.", Megan moaned. The one with the huge butt and chest stepped forward. Everyone in the room could already notice that she was not physically fit.

"You mess with my sister! I'll kill you!", she yelled defensively, hands on her hips.

She grabbed me by my waist and shoved me into the wall. I gasped as my back released a burning pain. I shoved Jada to the ground and pounced on her. I punched her everywhere. Her face, her arms. I had no idea what I was doing, but a misjudgment was not gonna be tolerated by me. I brought my fist down on her nose. I grabbed her hair and yanked it in all directions. I kneed her in the stomach. I watched her as she furiously slapped me and pulled at my hair, but I had the advantage because I was on top of her. I knew what was next. I slammed my fist multiple times at her mouth. She screamed all she could, but it was muffled. I scratched her collarbone and arms. Finally, I got up. Again, I felt terrible after seeing her face. It was bloody and scratched. Her nose was bleeding, and so were some of her teeth.

"Oh my lord...", the last girl said. She yelled something and ran at me.

At the very moment she was about to hit me, I stepped aside. She came crashing face-first into the wall. After that, she crumbled down the wall. I heard a woman's voice in the hallway.

"WHAT'S GOING ON IN THERE?!", a loud voice yelled.

"Shit!", Annalee whispered. "Farrah, you know what you have to do."

The woman burst in. She had a walkie talkie in her hand and long blond hair.

"Principal Carr! It was all me, I swear! I promise I won't do it again!", Farrah blurted out. I looked at her, astonished that she would cover up for Annalee.

Annalee smirked as Farrah was ushered out by the principal. Annalee had Farrah catering to her every need, and it didn't look like it was ever gonna stop.

Chapter 4

Saved again by Farrah, as usual. She's always there to pick up all the slack. She's got the worst record in the school, but it's really supposed to be mine. She's gotten three ISS's and four OSS's.

"Oh my......fucking fuck.", Megan gasped. "She really just took the heat for you!"

"I know. She always does!", I smirked. Yes, another oppurtunity to have Ashton think I'm queen.

Ashton had an expression of shock and exhaustion on her face. Suddenly it turned to panic.

"OH MY GOODNESS! I AM SO SORRY!", she blurted out to the other girls. They looked at her for a while, but then they smiled.

"Wow. You know what? I'm gonna forgive you. It's your first day, and I'm not gonna ruinn it for you by having three girls who are hoding a grudge.", Megan said, her head hung. She put out her hand. I was furious. This wasn't supposed to happen. They were supposed to hold a grudge! Now they were all goody-goody!

"Hey Ashton! How about we get outta here?", I smiled cheerfully. She nodded and followed me out the door.

I walked down the hall and turned out of the school to the parking lot.

"Mason!", I yelled, fake smiling so he wouldn't think I was mad. Besides, Ashton was right there, and she deserved to know how hot and popular my boyfriend is.

"Anna bear!", he smiled, extending his arms towards me. I made sure Ashton was watching as we embraced. She was smiling politely. I had to get firm with her. Just to let her know I'm not a force to be reckoned with. I searched my brain for an appetizing insult.

"Hey Ash-wait-do you mind if I call you that? 'Cause it sounds way better than that shitty ass name you've got now.", I said, giving her sweetly fake smile. She looked taken aback.

"Sure?", she said, a quite confused look on her face. I smiled.

"Well then, Ash, this is my boyfriend Mason.", I gestured towards Mason. He gave her a tiny wave.

"Mason, babe, sorry but I've gotta go home and get ready for cheer practice.", I winked. He looked disappointed. "Bye!", I waved.

Ash and I walked away from them as we neared my car. She had parked her little red scooter in the slot in front of mine.

"Wow, nice ride.", she said, her mouth agape.

"I am so breaking up with him. Dean Pelt is all I can think about. He's 11th grade student body president, the most ADORABLE smile, and he's so popular.", I explained, day-dreaming about his perfect sandy blond hair and hazel eyes that make all the wannabees go "cuckoo bananas".

"He sounds like a nice guy.", Ashton said.

"Nice? NICE?! He's like...perfecto!", I said, exasperated at the thought of someone describing him as 'nice'.

"Fuck! I left my calculus book in the classroom!", Ashton said, slamming her hand on her forehead. "I gotta go get it. I'll catch you later."

" 'Kay. See you later babe!", I winked at her. I walked over to my car. She was a nice girl. Too nice. And for the first time, there was a possible threat to my throne.

Chapter 5

I briskly walked through the halls and up the stairs. Goddamnit, I just wanted to go home. Suddenly I slammed into a person.

"Gagh!", I stumbled on my feet. The boy dropped a large model of a house. "I'm sorry!", I blurted, kneeling down to help pick up the clay figures that were strewn across the hall.

"It's okay, I was just taking it home.", he muttered. "I'm Dean. Dean Pelt."

"I'm Ashton Gunn. I'm new here. It's my first day.", I said.

We continued to try to piece together the tiny people, but some of the heads were smashed in the fall. I knew it was him. Dean Pelt. And Annalee was right. He was so "perfecto". Very good looking.

"Aren't you the 11th grade president?", I asked. He nodded and flashed a bright grin. "That's probably really exciting!"

"Yeah, but sometimes it's nice to get out of this crazy limelight. It's like everyday that I'm given fist bumps and high fives.", he confessed. I smiled at his honesty.

When we finished picking up the figures, he stood up and offered his hand to help me up. I gratefully took it and pulled myself up.

"Well, it was nice meeting you. I really hope you enjoy Elmore. It's a great school, honestly.", he smiled, shaking my hand.

After I got my textbook, I thought about him the whole time on my scooter. Not that I like him, but something about how honest he was, how he spoke of limelight. It was all just so honest of him to tell me the way he really felt about being president. But then again, he wasn't that bad looking. I smiled as the wind whipped a cars blew by me. I was remembering what Annalee told me about him. Then I remembered that she liked him. I was furious! Finally, I feel a sense of happiness and excitement about going to school the next day, until I realize Queen Bee Annalee ruined it for me.

Chapter 5

The next day, Ashton was different. She had her hair in a side braid and a grey shirt with some sort o logo on it. When she lost all of that stress in her face, I realized all she wore for makeup was foundation and Chapstick. It made me feel bad in the bathroom applying golden liquid eyeliner and some purple to my eyelids. And what pissed me off was that she knew about Dean Pelt. He actually met him personally! He's my boo bear, and I was not intending on having her take him away. Ashton told me she bumped into him (literally) in the halls. My insides burned as she spoke of all the things they chatted about, popularity, presidency, an her being new here. Goddamnit, if she even thinks about going out with him, she'll be minced MEAT.

"Can you sign my pass, Mr. Finch?", I asked, handing him the slip of paper we used for hall passes. He scribbled on it with red ink, and before I walked out the door, I snatched my makeup bag. At 4:00 everyday, Farrah and I meet up in the bathroom down the hall. We apply makeup and gossip for a while. It's the last period of the day, so why not? I skipped through the halls, my hair flipping behind me. I cheerfully pulled open the door. Farrah was already there, and so was the usual crew. Dana Fitzinburg and her boyfriend Allan makeout in here all the time. Sometimes I yell at them because their kissing noises distract me from making a straight line with my eyeliner. Also, Faith Moore would always be in here with her backpack, having skipped the whole period. She would be texting non-stop with her face only centimeters from the screen.

"Farrah!", I waved, holding up my makeup bag.

"Ooh! Brought the eyeliner?", she asked. I nodded and held up the glossy tube of sparkling gold liquid. "Gimme gimme! Stop torturing me! I've got a party tonight and I've got no time to buy one for myself!"

"Remember, I'll be there too!", I winked, handing her the eyeliner. Farrah's face dimmed and sunk.

"What's wrong?", I asked her. She bit her lip.

"Ash Gunn. What about her? She's our latest contraption, and people would love her, she's so sweet and thoughtful and...oh I just love her!", Farrah exclaimed, wistfully speaking of Ashton's highlights. "We should invite her!"

"I don't know. Here's a question I've been meaning to ask. Ashton Gunn. Do you think she could steal know...thunder?", I said, embarrassed at just the thought.

"I never thought of it that way. She is actually a possible threat. Smarter, taller, nicer-"

"FARRAH! HOW DARE YOU?!", I yelled. Allan and Dana stopped kissing, and Faith Moore looked up from her screen, yet she was still texting.

"Listen to me, Annalee. It's true. She doesn't even wear makeup, and she's still getting eyes from people. She's 5'10". And she wouldn't YELL at me when I try to state MY opinion!", Farrah said, her voice growing from a soft one to a strong one. There was a pause after that. I clenched the makeup brush so hard I thought it would pop the brush part of it clean off.

"So what you're saying, is that she's better than...than me?", I stuttered. I just dropped the brush. Farrah opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it.

"She can't come.", I said firmly. Farrah looked disappointed. She took her makeup bag and rushed out of the door. She'll be back. These fights never last long, especially with me.

Chapter 6

Farrah stopped me in the middle of the parking lot while I was on my way to my scooter.

"Can we talk for a sec?", she whispered to me, looking around to check if anyone was watching. I nodded and she walked me over to a tree. We stood under it.

"Listen. Todays Friday. Parties. So here's the deal. There's a party and Dean Pelt's house and-don't tell anyone-Annalee doesn't want you to come. She's scared of you, she doesn't want you to steal her thunder. Best part is that it's a masquerade ball! So if you come, she won't know you're there!", Farrah explained in an excited fashion. A masquerade ball at Dean Pelt's house.

It seemed risky, since Annalee didn't know. But it sounded fun, and it gave me a thrill thinking about it, so why not? Farrah left her car at the school and she rode on the scooter with me. We went to my house, and we bolted upstairs. Farrah opened my closet.

"Oh my god! Ashton Gunn! Look at this closet! Okay, lemme check for cute dresses.", Farrah exclaimed, sifting through hanging clothes and opening drawers. She pulled out one of my dresses. It was long and a little longer than usual cut at the front. It was red with a section of gold.

"This thing is amazing! You have to wear this!", Farrah said, holding it up. I smiled.

"It's my mom's old one. I really love it.", I gleefully accepted her suggestion and tried it on. I remembered it would sag, being to big on me, but now it was just right. I spun around while looking at myself in the full length mirror in my mother's room. Then it hit me: the masks.

"Farrah! I have a kit from when I was younger! Make your own masquerade-style masks!", I cheered, waving around the craft box. She ran over and we tore open the box. We sat on the ground and created are masks, laughing and smiling like we were old friends. It was the first time I felt at home with Farrah and my new life. My mask was red with yellow spirals and lines, and Farrah's was hot pink with black paint splatters. She also had black feathers. We were satisfied with them, they were so neat they looked store bought. We put on all of our clothes and danced around in the mirror for a while. Then Farrah took me to the bathroom and sat me on a stool in front of the mirror.

"Listen. I know you don't wear makeup often, but this will look AMAZING on you.", she said, taking out a tube of something gold and glittery. "Took it from Annalee!"

She applied the gold stuff, which apparently was called liquid eyeliner. I'm practically new to makeup, I don't have anytime in the morning to do makeup and I'm too much of a sleeper to wake up early and do it. Then, Farrah took out a makeup brush and brushed it on some grey eye shadow. She told me it was a base coat. Then she applied some black eyeshadow, and when I looked in the mirror, it was like being Avril Lavigne in just a matter of seconds. My eyes were surrounded by dramatic black eyeshadow, and I loved it. I batted my eyelashes in the mirror as Farrah stood back to admire her work of art.

"These are TOTALLY going to stand out from my mask!", I giggled, admiring myself in the mirror. Farrah smiled. I thought during these few hours of her at my house, we had become better friends, and grown closer to each other. Farrah finally put on her dress to really show me. I was stunned. It was black frills at the top, and it bunched right under her breasts. After the tie that bunched it together were black paint splatters, and then just hot pink dress. She was amazing.

"So I guess we're going then...", Farrah said. I nodded and I kissed my mother goodbye as we left on my scooter. Dean Pelt, here we come!

Chapter 7

I made sure at every party ANYONE threw (if I was going) that no one can out dress Annalee Sandler. My dress for the party was turquoise, and it had gold fluff adorning it everywhere. I was a queen. I pulled out of my driveway and drove to Dean's house. When I arrived, the party was still small, so I had a chance to get near Dean. I scurried over to him.

"Heyyyy! I see the party's going well so far!", I winked, giving him the genuine Annalee smile.

"Oh hi Annalee! How are you?", he smiled. We were gonna be the MAJOR power couple once he was with me.

"Never better!", I smiled. He wasn't that interested. I tried engaging him with some small gossipy bits, but he seemed more upset by it then set off. I asked him about presidency, and he said "good". I decided to take it up a notch. As I followed him to the pool edge, I pretended to fall in, 'accidentally' pulling him in with me. Guys like it when they're in water with hot girls, am I right? Dean didn't seem too amused.

"Oh my god...", he muttered. I tried to call his attention by splashing in the water, careful to show not too much cleavage. By the looks of the passerby, I looked like a retarded seal. Dean climbed out of the pool. His friend Calvin tossed him a towel. I got close to him.

"Mind if I...share that with you?", I flirtatiously twirled my soaked hair. He just ordered Calvin to get him another towel. I pouted while I dried myself off with the warm towel. By now Farrah should be here by my side, but she was late. I became worried as I shoved people through the crowds. They cringed as my wet body wiggled between them. I thought about Ashton. I have to admit it, I can't fight it anymore. I'm deathly afraid of her. She's really quick and clever and could snatch my popularity out of me. She's like a less hotter version of me, but smarter. I sat down on a couch, my dress looking frumpy. My hair was wet and the jewelry was glistening. Beads of water still clung to my shoulders. This party was a mistake. I looked terrible, and now practically everyone had out dressed me, due to the condition of my dress.

I reached into my bra and grabbed an Altoid I had packed with me for emergencies. I popped one in my mouth and felt the cool, tingling sensation on my tongue. I scanned the area for any sight of Farrah, but it was all blocked by dancing people. Goddamnit, she better get here soon.

Chapter 8

I strolled casually by Farrah like we said we would. Our masks concealed our faces, so we were even more disguised. I tapped Farrah ferociously as I saw Annalee. She looked...wet? Annalee was practically drenched and holding a white towel. Her mask was strewn aside. Her hair was in nots and damp as well. Farrah looked over and cringed.

"She was planning to kiss Dean in the water when she 'accidentally' fell in. I'm guessing it didn't work.", Farrah whispered to me. I chuckled and kept walking. Suddenly, Annalee noticed Farrah. She immediately started waving frantically. She was trying to stand up.

"Act natural, as if you can't see her and we don't know each other.", Farrah muttered out of the side of her mouth. We immediately stood with our back facing towards her, shifting our weight from side to side like a dance.

I watched Annalee out of the corner of my eye. She was peering directly at me, and I flipped. She squinted even more, then she abruptly stood up. Immediately people started parting like the Red Sea so she could pass. She came right up to our crowd and she passed by Farrah and I. I was stunned as I saw a girl wearing the same dress as her. Annalee was appalled. The girl looked SO much better than her.

"How fucking DARE you?!", Annalee screeched. The girl looked scared as Annalee fumed.

"Really, I didn't mean it. I didn't know. I'm so sorry!", the girl moaned. Annalee looked like she was going to puke.

"YOU RUINED MY NIGHT!! HOW COULD YOU?! OH MY GOD I'M GONNA FLIP SHIT!!", she screamed, as if she was a 13 year old girl. The girl looked confused. At that very moment, Annalee grabbed her by the hair and yanked it. She screamed some words we couldn't understand, and she shoved the girl into the pool with great force. Dean came running to the girl's aid, slowly lowering himself into the pool to comfort her. Annalee practically burst. She screamed SO loud it pierced my eardrums.


"Get out of my house.", he growled. "Now." Annalee's eyes began to water, but she shook them away.

"Fine. Kick the hottest girl in school out of your party. Ugh, lame. You know what? Fuck you guys, I'll have more fun at the five other parties I was invited to tonight.", she said, raising her nose in the air like a prissy mouse girl. She scurried to the other side of the pool, picked up her things, and went on her way. Annalee would be the infamous criminal of next week's gossip. Then, before she left, Annalee ripped off my mask.

"I knew it was you, Ashy Bear! Come with me.", she said, her voice turning from mocking, to serious.

Chapter 9

This bitch was gonna get it. The talk. No, not the sex talk, the Annalee-Is-Better-Than-You talk. I dragged her into Dean's guest room. I had to make sure she didn't pull out any super ninja skills, so I decided to try to leave out physical contact.

"Before you start bitching, it really wasn't my idea.", Ashton said, sitting on the bed. I paced back and forth in front of her. I have to admit, she looked absolutely amazing. Especially her eye makeup and dress.

"Why are you here? It's not like you even have a chance at getting a date.", I said, my hands on my hips.

"I wasn't really intending on getting a date.", Ashton said.

"I see. You know my name, right?", I asked her. She looked confused.

"Um, duh! Annalee, or am I wrong?", she said, her brows furrowed.

"Yep! 'Cause everyone knows me! So of course you know. But you seem a little...rough around a the edges when it comes to hanging with me.", I said, popping in another mint. She looked disgusted when I pulled it out. "Don't judge, bro.", I added, a little unladylike.

"I don't really see what you mean by 'rough around the edges'.", Ashton muttered.

"Oh come ON Ashton Gunn! You definitely know what I mean. You don't like my company, and your stealing away mine: Farrah! I mean, like seriously, she was totes mine first! We were BFFLS since like, 6th grade!", I blurted, adding staccato to words here and there. Ashton made a face that I could never have done: the perfect bitchface. The face like 'Is anyone else hearing this?' even though there's no one else in the room.

"Listen Annalee, I'm a lover, not a figh-", she said. I cut her off.

"Not a fighter?! I watched you with my own two eyes kick major ASS in the girl's bathroom!", I yelled, thrusting my arms around as I spoke. She twitched, in annoyance, and she dead stared at me in the eyes.

"Again, I need you to listen to me. And this time, no interruptions. I don't wanna be on you bad side, and I don't wanna get in a fight with you. I don't understand why you're acting so irrationally, but I'm not gonna go deeper into the subject."

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