Spy School: Family

By Quidditch16

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*SEQUEL TO SPY SCHOOL: LIFE AFTER GRADUATION* Ben and Erica are both grown adults, of course still working fo... More

Chapter 1: Off
Chapter 2: Walmart
Chapter 3: How?
Chapter 4: If?
Chapter 5: Already?
Chapter 6: Plane Time!
Chapter 7: Love at First Sight
Chapter 9: Target
Chapter 10: Twinsies
Chapter 11: Jeffrey
Chapter 12: I'm Sorry, What?

Chapter 8: Zoe's Psychic and Mike's Immature

2.4K 34 433
By Quidditch16

Okay, it's actually gonna go to Sofia's POV for part of this one, then it'll switch a couple times.

Williamson Mansion
Thompson, Manitoba, Canada
9:15 PM

February 4th

Sofia's POV:
I love my sister, but I was kinda getting sick and tired of hearing about Solomon.

It had been a couple hours since she bumped into him, and that's all she would talk about.

"Hey Sof?"


"I think he's-"

"The one? I know Char. You've said that 8 times in the past 20 minutes alone."

"But did you see his smile? And his hair? And he was so sweet!"

"I was there." I laughed. "He was pretty cute."

"Wait. Do you like him too?" She asked sadly.

"He's cute but I don't like him like him. I mean I don't think so at least."

"It was like-"

"Love at first sight? You mentioned that too."

"He put his jacket on my shoulders!"

"Oh my!" I said sarcastically, with my hands on my face and mouth open wide.

"I know right?"

"Are you sure it's not just one sided?"

"No! It's true love Sofia!"


Her phone dinged and her eyes widened when she looked at it.


"He just snapped me!" She threw the phone down and ran to change and fix her makeup. Again.

"Oh for gods sake you're obsessing."

"When you meet your soulmate, you'll obsess too." She said defensively.

"He snapped you so you're redoing your makeup and changing your outfit."


"Oookay then."

Her phone started ringing so I picked it up.

"Sol wants to FaceTime you."

She ran in and dove onto the bed.

"Hey." She smiled. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?"

She grinned and nodded.

"Pick you up at 8 tomorrow?"

"Mhm." She nodded again.

"Cool. See you then." He said casually with a hint of a smile.

"Uh huh." She giggled as he hung up.

"YES!" She squealed. "I TOLD YOU I TOLD YOU I TOLD YOU!"

"He literally asked you out and said see you tomorrow."

"I KNOWWW!" She giggled.

"Whatever." I laughed.

Zoe's POV:
"I almost feel bad about this. She seemed so excited." Mike said.

"She's a possible enemy agent in disguise." Cyrus noted as he walked into the other room.

"I said almost." Mike pointed out. "Like I don't like her like that but she seems to really like me."

"I don't." I stated plainly. "Feel bad I mean. I know this probably sounds rude and selfish but I'd choose the safety of the world and getting to keep my boyfriend because some rich chick got her heart broken by a guy she fell in love with that she just met, rather than lose my boyfriend, have anyone I care about die because of lack of intel, and the world end just so she can spend the rest of her life with a guy she bumped into and fell for. I understand loving Mike, I do, because I love him. But I love him and she can't have him."

"I mean, fair point." He said as he hugged me. "But I promise you, I have no intent on leaving you."

"What does that mean?" I asked with a smile.

"That I'm sticking with you." He kissed me. "And that I love you."

"I love you too." I blushed.

He looked behind us and shook his head at the ground.

"They're all behind us now aren't they?"

"Uh huh." He nodded.

I turned and saw Catherine, Cyrus, and Erica all watching amusedly, and Ben kneeling and making a heart with his hands teasingly at us.

Mike walked over to Ben and lightly punched his shoulder as he muttered something.

"We'll be right back." Ben nodded in response.

"Where are you going?"

"Guy talk. So you two can-"

"Erica GIRL TALK NOW." I grinned.

"Oh boy. Thanks a lot guys. Have fun. I know I won't." She rolled her eyes.

They went for a walk outside so I grabbed her arm and dragged her away from Cyrus and Catherine, the latter of the two then followed us.

"How are things with Ben?" I teased.

"Complicated." She muttered quietly.

"How so?" Catherine asked.

"Huh?" She realized what she said and her eyes went wide as she tried too cover up her previous response. "Oh uh... nothing. I meant... great. Things are really... great." She said unenthusiastically.

"Is everything alright?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah. It's... great." Erica answered hesitantly.

"If it's 'great,' as you say, why do you sound so somber and mysterious dear?"

"What happened Erica?" 

"UHHH... nothing happened. Why would you think something happened? Nothing at all happened can we please change the subject thanks." She said quickly, blushing profusely.

"Fine." Catherine said reluctantly. "We may change the subject. For now. But when Ben comes back you two are coming with me and telling me what's going on." Catherine responded.

Erica looked like she wanted to argue, but decided that could come the next time that question was asked, and held her tongue.

"So how are things with Michael?"

"Really great actually. But I feel like he's hiding something and I can't figure out what."

Erica and Catherine shared a look and decided to change the topic again.

"How's dad?"

"He's doing very well. We both are."

"That's great." Erica smiled.

"What do you two know?" I asked accusingly.

"Nothing dear."

"She's right. Nothing." Erica agreed. "Welp. As fun as this wasn't, I'm out. I'm gonna go work on something or find Ben."


"No buts Zoe, I'm afraid I must turn in too. We have a lot to prepare for if we're to get them to believe there's a long lost twin and that it's Benjamin. And that I'm an actual DNA tester or whatever the bloody hell they're called."

"Okay." I said quietly.

I got changed into my pajamas in the bathroom and laid down in the bed we were sharing, waiting for him to come back.

Erica's POV:
I left and went to go find Ben.

I found them in the lobby.

"Upstairs now."

They both listened and I led them to the stairs.

"Stairs?" Mike complained.

"Yes. We need to talk, and that gives us more time to avoid the inevitable." I said. "What do you think would happen if they found out we were all connected? Ben and I are okay since we're going to be dating, but you two have totally different roles. I forgot that so I let you go but we have a couple issues." I whispered.

"Shoot you're right." Mike agreed.

"Wait what issues?" Ben asked.

"Zoe thinks Mike is hiding something. Like I don't know, a proposal? She hasn't figured that part out yet, but she's getting suspicious so you should probably hurry."

"Well I was going to tonight, but all of you came in and started watching and I got nervous."

"Fair, but anyways, tell her asap."

"That's one..." Ben realized. "What's number two?"

"Zoe and Catherine asked how things between us are."


"And I totally failed at dodging it so now my mother said we're going to go talk to her when we get back up there. And we'll have to explain-" I remembered Mike was there and stopped. "You know what. And then you know what's gonna happen. She won't let it go and will probably pull me off the mission."

"She can't because Ben's leading this one and you're an adult." Mike pointed out. "Wait, have to explain what?"

While that relieved me some, it was still gonna be super uncomfortable and awkward.

"No. No no no no no. Really?"

"Have to explain what?"

I nodded a little. Ben somehow started pacing while climbing the stairs.

"Cyrus is gonna kill me. Oh boy. Okay. Not good. Not good not good not good."

"Hey, it's okay. We'll tell him together." I tried to calm him down.

"Okay both of you, explain now. What did you two do?" Mike asked.

We both froze and stopped talking.

"Hello? Ben? Erica? Somebody? Explain please?"

"Mike..." Ben said slowly. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone."

"Okay? Now what happened?"

Ben looked at me and I nodded.

"So... Erica's... pregnant."

Mike's eyes widened and he looked back and forth between us before smirking more than I'd ever seen before.

"You're serious?"


"I mean you've been married 5 years. You do whatever you want. And congrats." He laughed.

Ben sighed in relief.

"On the baby, not the s-"

"SELF explanatory, Mike." Ben interrupted.

"Though congrats on that too." He teased.

"Hilarious Mike. You're so funny." I said sarcastically.

He fake bowed as we walked.

"So how dead do you think I am?" Ben asked.

"Oh super dead. Say your prayers Ben. You're absolutely right. Cyrus is gonna kill you. Or he's gonna try. Grandma Cat might have something to say about Ben's execution, so maybe there's hope for you yet. Though you will still probably die of embarrassment talking to her. Either way, you're pretty much screwed." He snickered. "Literally."

"Oh gods seriously Mike? You just had to make that joke?" I turned red and covered my face with my hands. "You are probably the most immature person I've ever met in my entire life."

"You're hilarious man. On my dying day you're gonna make jokes about the fact that... stuff happened? Hurtful man." Ben laughed.

"Oh you think I'm bad? Wait till Jawa and Chip hear. You're never gonna live that one down."

"Maybe because you all have the maturity level of a teaspoon." I quipped. "Probably lower."

Now Ben snickered and high-fived me.

"Okay that's just hurtful." He laughed. "Just trying to make your last seconds amusing."

"Don't remind me. And Erica, honey, we're gonna work on your topic dodging skills, because at least in this case, they kinda sucked babe." Ben said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Just like she d-"

"Mike, I swear to gods, if you finish that sentence it's not just gonna be Ben's last day on Earth." I growled. "Twice was bad enough, we're not going there. No-"

"Like you two di- oof-"

He was cut off by me punching him in the stomach and grabbing his collar.

"I meant into details."

"Sorry, force of habit." He wheezed.

I started to hit him again when Ben put his arms around mine so I couldn't.

"I think he got it." He teased.


"Okay, this is our floor. Get prepared for this all over again, times 10." Ben sighed.


"Try to make an excuse first and I'll go with it, but if she persists, we're screwed." He added.


"Should I punch you again?"

Mike fell silent.

We walked to our room and Cyrus let us in.

Mike went to get ready for bed and to go talk to Zoe.

Ben and I flopped on the bed after getting ready for bed ourselves. He put on some shorts and a tight muscle tank and I just wore some short shorts and one of his shirts. We lay there in the dark preparing for the worst. He rolled over so he was on his back and I curled up next to him.

"Zoe's asleep so I'll just ask her later. Goodnight, and good luck." Mike popped his head in through the middle door to tell us quick a sec.

We hoped us laying in bed in the dark would indicate we were trying to sleep, but doubted she'd pay attention to that.

Sure enough, soon after Mike left and went to bed in the other room, my mother came over and sat on the end of our bed.

"So, what's the problem between you two lovebirds?"

"Nothing mom. Please, we're tired, just let us sleep."


"It's really nothing Mrs. Hale."

"That's what she said, but about 15 times, at a hunred kilometres per hour, so pardon me, but I don't believe you."

"Mrs. Hale, please just let us sleep, there's literally nothing wrong." He tried again.

"What's really going on children? It's better to work things out than to ignore them completely."

"We're not children mother. He's 23 and like a half and I'm 26."

"Whatever. Now seriously, what's wrong?"

"Actually nothing, but I'd like to cuddle with my wife and go to sleep please. We'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Alright." She went and changed into flannel pants and a t-shirt. 

I can't believe that worked!

"Don't be too loud." She teased with a smirk..

And... moment ruined.

Ben winced. "Catherine, you're an amazing spy, and mother in law. But for the sake of all that is holy, please don't say that ever again."

"Mother!" I exclaimed, turning red. "Stop saying things like that purely just for your amusement!"

"Goodnight my dears." She smirked.


Okay, so that had 3 different people's POV, and I hope you enjoyed.

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