A new beginning starting an o...

By BeccaXmochi

43.9K 1.1K 129

After an incident that happened to luffy whilst he was three, he falls into the hands of a group of pirates... More

Six years later
A new ally?
Luffys DF
Makino in trouble
Marco... gone?
Omg... who is that?!
Not a chapter
The unheard cries
Time for action.
A small(ish) reunion

Its you!

2.9K 72 7
By BeccaXmochi

Luffy felt his hands itch and burn, as he woke up on the dirty pavements of windmill village, the remnants of the one beautiful town aflame; and shrill screams wracked the area. Was all the past years just a simple dream? Luffy thought- did Ace really exist? Was everything true? Was mr bluebird, thatchy and Whitebeard-known as the strongest man- did they ever live?  Luffy felt tears well up in his eyes and he stood up and broke into a run. He needed to find Makino- he had to save her. He couldn't loose her a second time. He bust down the door of the party bar- eyes wide, he saw him. Sitting there, as if expecting him.
"Now, Luffy,"he said lifting himself up. "Don't you think it unwise? I'm the slave dealer- you are forgetting I have to deal you off... no?"
A man, in the form of true fear itself blocked Luffys vision- and a woman lay stiff on the floor, gasping for breath.
"Luffy...." she managed to rasp.
Luffy was left paralysed, as he succumbed to the fear he felt, and the large face of Marshall D Teach drew closer to him.

Luffy woke in a cold sweat safely on the boat of Whitebeard. It was just a dream. A dream. Luffy clenched his sheets. He remember! That man that took his happiness away... he was here on this ship... living happily with the other crew. We're they aware of his nature..? We're they all in on this? We're they actually taking him to be dealt off?! Luffy felt a small pitt in his stomach... does that mean they knew about Makino? Does this mean....he was all by himself again.
Luffy felt his chest tighten and he decided to stay in his room for the day.

This worried Ace and Tatch, and so they went to check on him.
Mother Hen would've too... but he had so much paperwork he didn't leave all day.
Ace rapped gently on Luffys door.
This made Luffy jump a little and a little squeak was heard from outside the door.
What...? Ace thought.
He gently opened the door and went in, Tatch closely on his heel and he tumble into the room with a great thump! There was Luffy, on the bed quivering in.... fear? What had happened? Why was suck a brace boy trembling in fear... cowering under his sheets?
Ace sat down on the bed with a soft thump. And Tatch recollected himself and leaned against the wall. Luffy sat there quietly, looking at the floor, with ovbious intent to avoid their eyes. "You've all tricked me, havent you?" The words seemed to seep from Luffys mouth with hint of dismay anger, and betrayel. Tatch and Ace looked at him with much confusion, wondering as to how the boy ended up in this state, as to where his conclusion had come from. They boys weeps could be heard as he cocooned himself in, and shut the world off.

Ace and Tatch just stared for a while in the uncomfortable silence, wondering what to say.
This remained for a while, until Luffy broke it.
"You plan on selling me off too. You are in on his plan. All of you. You never wanted to be my friends, you- YOU JUST WANNA SELL ME OFF!"
This took them aback quite a bit with shock. His word wizzes around their heads, and Ace muttered something.
"What do you mean Luffy? Did you remember something?"
Luffy looked down, and nodded solemnly
"I'm won't tell you" he said
"Why" Ace pushed. "We are here to help, not to hurt you?"
Luffy shook his head, tears flowing heavily everywhere. "No" he said. "He is among you- and you laugh, talk and live with him happily. You are with him in his actions- and you'll never help me. I know it"
Ace was taken aback. They were among his dear crew? That's not possible! They were all so kind people- none of them would commit such atrocities.
Tatch sat there. He, had in mind who it might be. Six years ago, that person got very buddy buddy with pops.  Then, he dissapeared for a long time- almost two months! And when he finally returned, he acted rather foul and bad tempered. Thatch has ever heard him mutter strangely...
"Marshall D Teach..." Tatch said, quievering with overflowing anger.
"It's him, isn't it, Luffy?!?"
Luffy jumped a little, shocked by the sudden and extreme conclusion, but nodded slowly.
"Now that I know your plans, are you going to lock me up till you deal me off?"
A soft but firm lump swelled on Luffys head. "You burk!"
Ace yelled. "We'd never deal you off! We didn't even know what was going on! 
Tatch laughed.
"Luffy my dear brother- you may be versed well with haki- but you still can't feel emotions through them. Not everything about haki is strength, or power alone. You must learn to feel ones pain in it too- we will bring you and Makino to justice!" He huffed his chest triumphantly.
Luffy sniffled and wiped his tears away.
"So...you're not gonna sell me off?" He asked hesitantly.
Ace sighed and patted Luffys head.
"Of course not you Baka."
Luffys eyes widened- he did have friends, he wasn't alone!
"I'll never doubt you guys again!" He said, through tears.
"You better not" Ace said.
And then the day was over.
Or so they thought. Not only had teach been listening in on their conversation, but he was to anger whitebeard in a way he hadn't even know-
As mother Hen hadn't been doing paperwork in his room all day.
In the room, a near desk stood, and a untidy bed. Sprawled across the floor were large amounts of paper work- and blood? What?
There on the floor was a man who held great rank in the whitebeard pirates. He was loved by many as fearless. And yet he lay there beat.
Was he just unconscious or......


Hiiiii yalll
This is my longest chapter so far! I really tried very hard with this one and I'm very proud of it!
Big stuff happened!
Next chapter will be even more fun packed! Be prepared and buckle up!
Hope yall enjoyed- I enjoyed writing this for yall :D
Word count: 1065
So many words wow! 😮

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