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Someone's POV
It's been a while since I woke up on this strange island. The kids nice, and he offered to let me stay at his house until I could find my crew. I was shocked however, to find out I was in the east blue and even more stunned to be alive.... how did I escape?
I laughed as I remember when I had first arrived
Flash back
As I sat in the grass I looked out as the tree leaves did the jive as one entity in a sway and as the birds sung in the rhythm of bink sake. The child stared at me in wonder before promptly sitting down next to me and I acknowledged him with a glace. The boy then, asked a strange question.
"Why are you a pirate?" He said staring at the sky.
I hesitated and sighed.
"Well kid," I started "many great places are in reach for pirates. You can pursue the world. And your free!" I smiled, as I remember his bright unreserved smile.
I glanced at the kid whose face was in a world of its own, pure excitement told stories all over his face and I could see his glee.
"You know" the kid leaned forward
"My dads a pirate too. He left me here to pursue his dreams of adventure and I think that's awsome!" I could see his eyes cloud but firm admiration shone through.
"Your dads a pirate?" I said
"Yeah! You may have year of him he's called yasopp!"
I raised my eyebrows
His father was the chaser of the new world? The sniper of the red force?
And then I realised I never got his name
"Hey kid" I called
The boy looked over
"What's your name? I realised I never got it"
The kid smiled and said
"I am captain Usopp! Brave warrior of the sea!"

Flashback over
Suddenly the door opened and Usopp walked in, covered in mud and dirty and he trailed something across the floor, although I couldn't see what it was, it was far too dark.
Usopp sat at the table next to me and through his heavy and laboured breathing got out a first aid box and opened it, wrapping it around himself. He covered his arms legs and nose.
It was at this point as well that I started to worry as to why he was wrapping himself.
"Usopp what are you doing?"
I asked in a light tone, as if Usopp was playing a prank.
Through his hisses of....pain? And his breathing, Usopped managed to whisper
"Isn't it ovbious, I'm cleaning and treating my wounds"
I shot up at this and gave him a look.
I then looked around the room and opened the door, to a horrible sight lit across my eyes.
Usopp s home town was engulfed in flames. Yells of woman and men alike filled my ears, and I finally realised that Usopp was crying, in utter defeat and pain of what had happened.
I whizzed back to looked at Usopp, who now illuminated by the brilliance of the flames, could be seen, covered in bruises and blood, as blood trailed across the ground. But before I could approach Usopp he ran across the room and into the flames of his village. I rushed after him in a panic my mind a a blurry of thoughts. It's fire, so how is he bleeding? Did something collapse on him? No... that's impossible. My mind got more worried the as the seconds went by and I couldn't find Usopp, and I could feel something prickling in the back of my mind but I couldn't care less at the moment. I need to find Usopp. Then, a horrible disgusting voice which burned me with range at the memories rang out amongst the pain and anguish.
The voice laughed at the misery of the village, and at the lives that were being taken. He then spoke of his profession. I burned with even more rage.
I knew it'd been him! Of course it was! Though his betray pained my heart, I continued on too look for Usopp, until the was, the voice rang out again, and I froze in place.
"GAHAHAHHA, No harsh feeling, village, I'm doing business, and killing 2 birds with one stone. Marco.... I know your on this island... their pain is your fault...."
A hour before someone PoV woke up and met Usopp
"I'll kill him"
Said whitebeard, looking enraged at what he heard.
Sudden footsteps rapped along the corridor and Whitebeards door was thrown open
"Pops!" The exasperated crewman yelled
"Speak my son." Said whitebeard, unable to keep his cool.
"It's Marco! He's gone!"
Eyebrows raised. What had happened to Marco...?
Marcos POV
Teaches voice rung across the village as I chased after Usopp, and the I doubled back and decided to advance to Teach. That scumbag! How could he do something so horrendous....! 
Children crying, adults hands aflame protecting their kids.
Suddenly Teach came into clear focus and he advanced onto me.
I jumped in time and swiftly dodge.
Then whilst mid dodge, Teach kicked me hard in my ribs and I was sent flying.
Teach reached his hand in a swift motion, as if meaning to end the fight, and brought it down. That was, until a small child jumped onto  Teach.
"I am here to save you Marco!"
Usopp yelled.
"I can't be a brave warrior of the sea if I can't even defend my home and it's people!"
He grabbed Teaches ears sharply, causing Teach to yell and grab him violently, chucking him to the side as if he were but a mere cotton bud.
"You are the kid from before" he said, twitching in annoyance "the brat from the shore."
Usopp, heaved up, evident fear covered his face.
"I should've ended u then." Teach spat.
"I'll end it now."

No ones PoV cuz it's third person
Usopp squinted his eyes as he waited for the final blow to land.
It never did, however.
Usopp opened his eyes slowly and gasped.
A brilliance of blue flames danced around his eyes illuminating the area,
Teachs yells shrilled as he was sent plummeting from the sky.
Dark flames twisted off Teaches  hand and he landed on the ground smoothly.
Marcos voice writhed in anger.
"Where did you get those flames from?"

Sorry it took sooooo long to update
I put a lot in this chapter, but I hope u all enjoyed it and understood it
Next chapter gonna be a sad one, get ready!
Word count:1101!

A new beginning starting an old endHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin