Eyes of the Decay

By WhitmoreYoung

558 4 0

A story of MetaGen, a normal man with special powers using his eyes. He learns how to have Godly powers and e... More

Chapter 1: MetaGen is born
Chapter 2: Jack o' Lantern Case No.1-33
Chapter 3: 2 Decades later: Whitmore Young
Chapter 4: A War not to fight for...
Chapter 5: 3/6 of The 6 Forces of Nature....
Chapter 7: Operation Castro
Chapter 8: War of Techno-Gs and Humans collide
Chapter 9: What is The Alpha?
Chapter 10: 1st mode
Chapter 11: War continues
Chapter 12: His Last Breath
Chapter 13: K-LOvsWhitmore
Chapter 14: MetaReunion
Chapter 15: Childhood
Chapter 16: Experiments
Chapter 18: Survivor #5: Aria (Her POV)
Chapter 19: The NeverLands

Chapter 6: What is MetaBeast?

127 0 0
By WhitmoreYoung

MetaBeast snaps out of any level of sanity and we all try to take him down. T.A.F warp behind us, push us all with this energy beam or force shield, he walks to him, and they both disappear.

"Well.......aren't you a piece of work? We have been looking for you, K-LO, this MetaBeast isn't you, that is a stamp on what you really are. You, K-LO, God of Pain, God of No Misery, God of violent cause, are you understanding me?" T.A.F throws all this at MetaBeast while his body is still shifting in front of him. "You can't deny what you are, MetaKing has hidden that from you since he found you dead by other Gods you tried to fight off but failed miserably......MetaKing took you to the MetaCastle, gave you an identity that is completely untamable to your own hand or mind to change, haven't you noticed your Godly abilities.....? It is like finding a cheetah and have it not know it has super speed to its own potential. I can't believe you....you as a God and could takeover this world with a snap of your fingers and you decide to help the humans and the other Metas.....they don't want you....." T.A.F twists MetaBeast's mind to listen and absorb the unknown information about himself. MetaBeast's forehead starts to draw a symbol of a "t"and an "S" sideways across the "t", MetaBeast's eyes start to grow a thin pupil and around it turns from white to a medium blue. "For this war, you will fight on the side that will win, not the human's side.....I.....We have an army and you are our secret weapon...." T.A.F jumps on MetaBeast's back, takes out a blade with a piece of paper attached to it that reads, "Capture" in bold red letters, and sticks in the back of MetaBeast's head. MetaBeast screams as the blade enters his head and syncs into his brain, the blade quickly melts and the tag of it dissolves and forms a smile of a Demon crawls on his spinal cord. MetaBeast is now K-LO, K-LO gets up and grabs T.A.F, shoves him to a wall. "Where am I? Who are you?" K-LO looks straight into T.A.F's eyes, "This is our war time, my God of Evil, this is your battleground.....Planet earth.....I have an army for your bidding, and my team of guys that can even the playing field...." T.A.F slides away from his hands and walk back to keep distance. "Bye...." T.A.F teleports away....leaving K-LO alone in the cave with no exits.

"This is bad....very, very bad...." MetaGen walks around pacing from the wall to us. "What's going on? Why did T.A.F kill MetaKing and take MetaBeast with him?" I ask MetaGen, "I am worried about him because T.A.F knows about how MetaBeast is or was at the time a God when we found him....he was weakened by the humans, taking him down for experimental purposes....I found him, took him and took care of him.....he has a lot of his memory wiped clean. We accepted him as a Meta and he was glad to be with us. MetaKing was like a father to him, teaches him everything he knows, but now that he's dead....MetaKing can't control him anymore.....T.A.F can though....it is a small chip that he made to keep MetaBeast in control no matter what happens or who messes with it, T.A.F had to break it and bring out the God MetaBeast really was. Before he was MetaBeast, he was the God of Vengeance and Aggression, K-LO, forever warped in his own twisted style of attacks, K-LO was a ruthless killer, worse than the Devil.....we couldn't believe it when we discovered it.....we couldn't beat him if he knew that he was that creature in the past so we had to keep it a secret.....it was a dishonest several years and now he only knows the truth, in the worst way possible...." MetaGen sits down and takes a deep breath. I couldn't believe all what I just heard, "MetaBeast....a GOD?!" Lauren was into this stuff like her favorite class of science in college.

Just outside of Earth's atmosphere in the deep, dark space

"Castro.....Earth is at our sights....start landing sequence...." All the aliens press multiple buttons to show out the landing gears of the huge Alien Mother Ship. A huge alien sits on a throne with a C craved into the back of it, "We shall takeover Planet Earth and then....the rest of the universe.....two men you must search and bring to me: Whitmore Young and MetaGen.....both of those men are threats to both us and our operation, Ar-B.....call....T.A.F...." Castro orders Ar-B to use the intercom and dialed up T.A.F. A huge transparent holographic beam shoots down to the floor and it shows T.A.F standing alone, "Castro, sir, it has been awhile....how are you?" He asks him, "Enough with the soft talk, T.A.F, we have some things to talk/discuss...." Castro taps your staff to the ground twice. "You.....this war is coming here now, you better be ready for this battle between us and the humans.....we should win this fight.....T.A.F.....I'll send down to a little welcoming present to know I'm here....." Castro holds a ball and tosses it to the ground. Gas stirs up and forms a creature in the smoke, it smiles a crooked smile and nods to Castro's facial expression, "Go to Earth...." Castro points to the portal leading to Earth and it warps into the portal a second before it closes.

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