In Love With Them Both.

By chiskey56

401K 13.8K 1.5K

What does a serious nerd like Alex and Paul, a carefree jock, have in common? One Thing. Adrian. A hyper guy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
The End.

Chapter 19

11.2K 430 32
By chiskey56

Chapter 19

Adrian's POV

The sheet was draped across the tops of the two chairs on one side of the bed and pinned to the wall closets to the bed. The other two sheets were pinned to the first sheet and draped over the other two chairs that I had set up on the other side of the bed. I had successfully created a fort while my two boyfriends went downstairs to make me something yummy to eat for lunch. I had also written a note that said “No Boys Allowed!” which didn’t really make sense considering I was a guy. Oh well…

“What is this?” Alex asked in confusion.

“He’s built a fort in our bedroom.” Paul spoke slowly trying to understand me.

“Isn’t it cool?” I screamed from the inside of the fort. The sheets were stretched out over the bed so if you lay down or sat down on the floor you’d have a perfect amount of space to move around without knocking over everything. I moved the T.V. right in front of it so that we could watch something while we relaxed here for the day. The weather had taken a turn for the worse after last night.

It was storming outside. It wasn’t extremely bad but we didn’t want to go outside knowing how bad it was outside. So we planned to just stay inside under the covers and just relax together. Shaking his head Paul simply bent down so that he was practically bent in half as he walked slowly and carefully inside the fort. He sat the food on the bed then sat on the floor letting out a huge breath, bending his back sending a cracking sound echoing through the room.

“Wow…Are you really that old Paul?” I asked teasingly to which he just shot me a deathly look before snatching the food off the bed and holding it to his side away from me.

“Apologize or you get none.” He spoke sternly.

“Aww….but I want some. I’m so hungry!” I moaned as on cue my stomach grumbled letting out a vicious sounding gurgle. Alex laughed at my plight as he crouched down on the bed above us with the rest of the food in his hands. He passed it down to Paul before sliding down the front of the bed and down to the floor sitting in between me and the man keeping the food away from me.

“Please Paul?” I whined.

“Apologize first.”

“OKAY! I take it back you’re not old now give me food!” I shouted at him rubbing my stomach hungrily.

"That didn't sound very convincing..." Alex added from next to me as I tried to reach over him to get to the food.

"Shut up Alex!" I hissed glaring at him. Can't he tell how hungry I am? How dare he deny me food? Rising up on my knees I crawled closer to Paul in a seductive manner letting my hips swish from side to side behind me. Placing my hands on his knees I pulled myself closer to his face my eyes instantly locking in on his lips.

"I'm very sorry Paul." His eyes drifted down to my moving lips.

"" he whispered keeping his eyes on my lips.

"So can I please eat now?" I pleaded watching as Alex smirked at my interesting tactic. Paul lowered his hand towards me allowing me to get to the food. Snatching the plate out his hand I greedily dug into it trying hard to eat it all up before they realized that I was eating all the food.

"Wait! Stop eating everything you greedy little pig!" Alex yelled trying to grab the plate back.

"Why?" I asked not really caring about the answer as I bit into half a sandwich.

"Because that isn't just for you...some of that is for the rest of us." He explained narrowing his eyes at the plate and then me.

"Pft....there's enough food on that plate for the both of you." I explained licking my fingers.

"Adrian." Paul warned. Rolling my eyes I passed the plate back over to Paul who picked up the other half of the sandwich taking a huge bite out of it. One eye twitched seeing that the sandwich was practically gone.

"Paul's already done with his sandwich in one bite! And you called me a pig..." I murmured.

"Well you're quite tiny compared to the both of us but apparently you decided to eat most of the food." Alex glared at me as his stomach made a loud gurgling sound.

"Sorry..." I pouted trying to hide the smile that was about to appear on my face.

"I doubt you are." Paul pretty much growled at me. It was supposed to sound intimidating but it just sounded sexy as hell. I knew what I wanted to do today.

"No." Alex said rolling his eyes at me.

"No what?" I asked confused.

"We're not doing that today."

"Doing what?"

"Really?" He laughed. "That look on your face says it all Ade. We're going to just sit here and relax for once. We'll watch a movie or something so sit back and relax." He told me pushing my body back so that I was resting on the front of the bed.

"Fine. We can watch a movie I guess." I pouted.

"Don't sound so disappointed babe. You should be happy just because we're spending time with you." Paul reprimanded me and he was right I should be glad that we were all together especially after what happened. Resting my head on his shoulder I let out a deep sigh as Alex got up shoved a DVD into the DVD player before sitting back down.

He looked like a third wheel just sitting there staring at the TV. Reaching up I grabbed a tuft of his hair pulling him down with it. He began to protest and complain that it was hurting but it was all for a good cause so it's ok. When his head was in my lap I let go, patting the spot that I had been pulling mere seconds before.

"If you wanted me to lie down in your lap all you had to do was ask."

"Meh. I liked my way better."

We sat there and watched several movies before it stopped raining outside. Even after the rain cleared we stayed inside hiding away from the world outside. My sister called about three times wondering where I was but I refused to say anything about anything because I was afraid that somehow she would let it slip and then everyone would be up here with us. Truth be told I didn't really want to leave. This was like our own little private paradise and it was perfect for us.

"I'm going to go make something for us to eat you guys stay here and enjoy some TV time." Paul told us getting up from the floor.

"Alright." I called after him as he left the room heading downstairs.

" do you like the trip so far?" Alex asked me when Paul was gone.

"I love it. I was just thinking about how I never want to leave because everything here is just so peaceful."

"You know we definitely have to leave babe. We can't just stay here forever." He laughed.

"Why not?" I whined.

"Because we aren't made of money and we all have jobs including you. If you didn't have such an extreme work schedule then we would probably be able to work around it but no...You had to be contrary."

"Hey! It's not my fault that I'm an amazing worker and they want me around all the time." I defended my job although I wish I had a more normal schedule as well.

"It doesn't matter because whenever we can take you out we will." He reassured me.

"Thanks." I told him leaning down and placing a small kiss on his cheek. He instantly blushed which made me smile knowing that I had that effect on him. Even in the darker lighting I could see him smiling happily as we watched nothingness on the TV.

My fingers were running slowly through his hair as we lazily watched the TV. Whatever Paul was cooking had finally drifted to our little fort. It smelt delicious and I was hungry already. I got up, easing Alex's head off my lap, about to head down to the kitchen when I heard my phone ring. Initially I was going to ignore it but something told me to check it.

Looking at it I realized that it was my sister calling me. Sliding the ignore button across the screen I set it back down on the nightstand turning around heading towards the door again when it rang again. Picking it back up I saw that it was her again.

"Hello?" I answered cautiously.

"Oh my gosh Ade! Are you alright?" She asked her voice sounding extra nervous and worried.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked confused.

"Ade someone broke in and trashed your house. I came here just because I could and the door was kicked. It was barely hanging on its hinges and when I stepped inside everything had been tossed all over the place and there were things knocked over and broken. I was scared that something happened to you guys."

"Honestly Elle we're good." I reassured her.

"Alright good. I have yet to call the cops because I wanted to make sure you were safe first."

"I can't believe someone would do that. I mean honestly what have I done to get my home trashed?" I asked her truly confused as to why someone would go through so much trouble to hurt me.

"I think I know who did it." She told me sounding a little more worried.


"You're not going to like it..." She told me at the same time avoiding giving me an answer.

"I think it was Michael." she spoke slowly and nervously as if I was going to freak out. Well she was right. I did flip out. In seconds I was running around the room in circles chanting 'Oh my God' as Alex leaned up to watch me with a confused look on his face. When he mouthed what's wrong to me I knew that I had to make a break for it.

Sprinting out the room I found a spare room down the hall that had a large enough closet for me to hide in. Quickly I crawled in there closing the door as I took several deep breaths trying to regain my thoughts.

"Ade? You there? ADE!" I could hear her voice screaming over the phone as I stared at nothing in the dark.

"I'm here." I practically whispered.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"No I'm not okay. You just told me that the man, who put me in the hospital found my home, trashed it and is probably over here to kill me now."

"I never said that last part!" She screeched obviously not pleased at my negative thoughts.

"You didn't have to because it was implied!" I whisper-shouted right back.

"Honestly Ade you're so dramatic." she sighed.

"Elle if someone was after you you'd be hiding in closet right now as well."

"Wait? What?" Damn. "You're hiding in a closet? Do Alex and Paul know what happened?" She asked knowing very well what the answer was.

"No. I ran out before I could tell Alex and Paul is cooking us food..." as soon as the words left my mouth there was heavy banging on the door that hid me from everyone. "Well I think I've been found." I sighed as I folded myself further in half pushing myself closer to the fall so that the darkness of the closet would shield me from having to tell my boyfriends that they still have something to worry about.

"ADRIAN!" Paul's voice bellowed through the door. Shit! I'm in trouble now.

"No one here by that name." I called back.

"Really? Did he think that would work?" I heard Alex asking Paul.

"Adrian come out here right now and tell us what's wrong." Paul demanded and I knew that if I didn't do it he would definitely keep at it and eventually get me out of here so I might as well just go now before he broke down the door or something.

"I'm coming..." I sighed.

Crawling over to the door I pushed it open with the free hand that was holding the phone. When the door swung open there were Paul and Alex standing there looking pissed as hell staring down at me. Bringing the phone up to my ear I began to whisper.

"I'll call you back later...if I survive." I told Elle before hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked calmly.

"What makes you think anything is wrong?" I asked acting as if everything was all peachy.

"Adrian you're currently hiding in a closet." Paul deadpanned not really sounding mad anymore just bored with the conversation.

"Maybe I like being in this closet! Huh? Did you ever think of that?" I asked him defensively. Rolling his eyes he focused his attention on me not saying anything for a minute or two before he just leant down picking me up bridal style, carrying me out of the room. He carried me back to the room with Alex following and me trying to figure out how to get out of explaining all of this.

Dropping me on the bed I watched as one of the sheets for the fort fell causing one whole side to collapse. Pointing at it I gasped as if it was the most important thing in the world but both of them ignored it and my dramatic reaction to it.

"Now tell us what happened Adrian." Alex demanded sounding more in charge than ever. Sexy.

"Well you threw me on a bed and made my expertly crafted fort to collapse. You monsters!" I cried dramatically.

"Seriously Adrian. Tell us what happened or no more home cooked food and no more sex." Alex threatened.

"WHAT?" I screeched. The food I could live without but the sex? Are they crazy? "Fine. Elle just called to tell me that someone broke into our house, destroyed most of our things, and just trashed the place and she thinks that it was probably Michael, the crazy bastard." I explained all in one breath hoping that they caught it so that i wouldn't have to explain it all again.

"Adrian. Tell me you're kidding right now." Paul spoke calmly but I knew that there was a storm brewing in that body of his.

"No I'm not babe." I told him quietly.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" He roared throwing his hands up in the air and pacing around the room. "I get that he was obsessed with you but this is going WAY too far. I mean really? Our home?"

"Paul please calm down." I pleaded with him.

"I am calm. Don't worry babe." He spoke already sounding calmer than before. Walking over to where he was still pacing and wrapped my arms around him. Soon there was another pair of arms wrapped around the both of us. Twisting my neck back I smiled softly at him as he buried his face in my hair.

"We'll figure this all out. We'll be fine so no worries." He reassured the both of us.

"Yeah, we just need to stick together." I agreed. After that everything seemed to calm down a bit but you could tell that in the back of each of our minds we were bursting at the seams with unanswered questions about what was going on. It was decided that we'd cut the break short and go back to take care of everything. We left to get away from all of that and it just seemed to pull us right back in.

"Alright you guys have everything packed?" Alex shouted to us. We had been packing and getting everything straightened out here so that we could leave for over two hours now. I, for one, was taking my sweet time because I really didn’t want to leave.

"I don't want to leave!" I shouted from the room as I slowly packed another shirt into my suitcase.

"Adrian. Get that cute little ass of yours into the car before you get dragged out the house." Paul called back inside the house as he packed the rest of their things in the trunk.

"Fine." I pouted as I zipped up the bag that I had packed everything in. I really didn't want to leave this place it was amazing and we had the best time ever here. Unfortunately some people don't understand the word no. As in 'No, you crazy psycho I don't want to be your boyfriend.'

Making my way down out to the car I left my bag by the trunk as slid into the backseat pouting. Neither one of them saw my pouting but they knew that I was incredibly unhappy with the fact that we had to leave just like I knew that they would probably kill that nutty nut bar if they ran into him again because of all this.

The trunk being slammed closed brought me from my thoughts as both of my boyfriends slid into the front of the car. Looking back over this weekend I realized that if there was a way to end this all right now, keep everyone safe and still keep my wonderful boyfriend’s then I would take that chance. As the car lurched forward I knew that it would probably come to that. This needed to end and it needed to end soon.


Tell me what you think....or else...


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