The Night We Came to Be

By vesperaiben

207 28 1

Your mind can adapt to such bizarre circumstances. It is a tool capable of extraordinary things, and in turn... More

The Night We Sat Perfectly Still
The Night of the Crickets
A Night of Wishful Thinking
The Night of the Raging Whiskers
Poppy Night
Starry Night
That Night
The Night When Snakes Could Walk
The Night of the Idle Gnome
The Night of the Turtledoves
A White Knight
The Night When Pigs Could Fly
The Night That Never Was

The Night We Sat, but Closer

23 3 0
By vesperaiben

12/18, Late Afternoon, Thursday

I have a bad habit of... rating each passing day.

Like Monday. I'd given it a low four, not only because it was a Monday, but also due to the fact that all the money in my wallet had been stripped completely clean before I even had a chance to buy my lunch.

I'm pretty sure Rick the Douche's the culprit, so I didn't even bother at all. Naturally, I can always just fish for extra allowance anyways.

Tuesday, where I butchered the science project our group had prepared. It wasn't because I performed poorly. Rather, I just totally forgot to bring the necessary materials for the experiment.

Silly me. All my groupmates loathed me that day, especially Helene. Now I'm pretty sure it's set to stone, I have no chance with her now. Great.

So I'd given Tuesday a six.

Though Wednesday... Wednesday was different. Interesting, indeed.

It was supposed to be a pitiful two, but...

Recently, I'd decided to bump it up to a less pitiful, three.

And I can't think of any other reason besides, that girl.

Daydreaming aside, Thursday went pretty dang well! Nobody went out of their way to tease me this morning, I didn't make my service wait today, and I was just in time for my favorite late afternoon show.

"Darryl, can you please feed the dogs? I didn't get the chance earlier, so if you don't mind, kiddo!" Dad called out from his room, strapped with his usual lazy tone.

I do mind. Ugh, spoke too soon.

"C-Can it wait? I have to find out whether or not Terry gets back his precious yogurt!" I requested.

Took him a while, but he bluntly replied with, "No."

With a heavy sigh, I went out to feed the huskies, the features of Terry's contracting face being the last I'd caught from the TV screen.

Koko the Red was pretty tight, she's easy to deal with. Tara the White's got that snarky attitude, but you'll be fine once you know the movements that set her off.

But Gustavo the Black? He wouldn't let me off the hook without me stepping on his deliberately placed poo.

A cute canine, but a mischievous rascal at heart.

"Can I be honest, dudes?" I muttered to the wide-eyed woofers. "I'm tired of coming here, feeding you, same old routine every single day!"

Frankly, it was a harmless joke. But that serious tone had still escaped from my mouth.

"Why do I get to be stuck on dog duty? I'm tired, dudes. I want something brand new." Koko had let out the softest whimper.

This day was initially a solid seven, but if this keeps up, I won't be surprised if it goes way down.

While I was busy swimming in my thoughts, the house next door was busy swimming in their conflicts.

The noise was rowdy, which at first hearing seemed pretty innocent, but with enough focus, they were the exact opposite.

They were more than the exact opposite. They were terrifying to listen to.

Again, just like last night, a slam had come from the neighbors. Only difference was this was now way earlier, and way more... should I say, emphatic?

Curiousity striking me dearly, I had left the saddened dogs and went straight for the backyard. I didn't know what to expect, really. I didn't know exactly what it was I wanted. But I do know, that whatever it was, the answer lies out back.

And surely enough, I was immediately sated with the sight of her... once more.

Her pink dress swaying against the harsh wind made it seem like she was standing in front of a soothing beach scenery.

Though, the way she stood and the way her postured felt awkward ultimately contradicts that possibility.

She didn't look calm or at ease. She was anything but that.

Even though her face wasn't visible to me, I can feel... fatigue, emanating from her body.

So I closed the distance between us, hoping to get a clearer understanding of what's going on with her. Of course, I had only intended to comprehend! Any reason slightly unrelated to that was out of the picture!

At least, that's what I kept repeating in my head.

Because as soon as I sat near her position right across the metal fence that divided us, she finally noticed me.

She'd noticed me, and she... looked surprised. She hadn't said a word, but if she ever were, it would be along the lines of, "Oh, you again? You trying to make a move or something?"

Oh, if ever, that'll be embarassing. So, damn, embarassing, I'll probably melt.

"So we meet again, huh?" She sniffles meekly, wiping a visible tear from her cheek. "Wow, look at you, you're a bundle of nerves!" she said, as if regaining her lost composure instantly.

That's when I came to realize the immense count of sweat streaming down my face.

She said that so mercilessly. So flawless and straightforward, I literally felt myself melt like butter.

"I, uh... No, you've... g-got it all wrong! I'm fine, s-see?" I gestured my body so clumsily I felt her soul cringe so hard.

She chuckles, then says, "If you say so."

Then she sat, the same place she were last night.

No matter how she hid it, there's no doubt. That was the same spot where she cried ever so gently.

But with me here, her emotions feel... constricted, of sorts.

"Well, we've been here for long enough, right?" she said suddenly before turning to me. "Name's Maya!"

Her smile...

It may sound super cliché, but her smile, is so charming, and precious, and adorable, and everything in between.

Helene might have met her match.

"Aren't you gonna tell me yours? Should I just call you 'uhhh' from now on?"

I didn't realize I paused dead in my tracks for a long time.

"D-Darryl! Call me Darryl!" I practically obliterated her eardrums with that response.

Though in turn, she laughs. She laughed, and she was so amused, even I felt the spike in positivity.


"...Are you laughing?" She didn't stop.

No remorse. No nothing. She was having fun, and that's that.

"Come on! Don't just, l-laugh at me, I'm not good with introductions!" I pleaded her to stop.

Please stop, this embarassment is getting me all worked up! Stop!

She did stop. Then she smiles, yet again.

"I don't know about you, but I came out here for some fresh air." As such, she reluctantly glances back at her home, then back at me.

"I... got what I needed." She flashes me the prettiest face on the planet, before getting up and walking right back into her home.

As I watched her walk away with her bright pink dress, I can't help but feel troubled. Sunk back down, down, down, once more.

But having met... Maya, there might be hope just yet.

Thursday isn't so bad. Maybe I'll give it a seven and a half.

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