Lucid Dreaming/ RavnWoong

By J-kNightshade

11.8K 781 105

(In Editing/ Fixed Chapters will say edited) Being a prince, king, or guards can be one thing but when you ad... More

Prologue (Added)
Chapter One (Edited)
Chapter Two (Edited)
Chapter Three (Edited)
Chapter Four (Edited)
Chapter Five (Edited)
Chapter Six (Edited)
Chapter Seven (Edited)
Chapter Eight (Edited)
Chapter Nine (Edited)
Chapter Ten (Edited)
Chapter Eleven (Edited)
Chapter Twelve (Edited)
Chapter Thirteen (Edited)
Chapter Fourteen (Edited)
Chapter Fifteen (Edited)
Chapter Sixteen (Edited)
Chapter Seventeen (Edited)
Chapter Eighteen (Edited)
Chapter Nineteen (Edited)
Chapter Twenty One (Edited)
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Part Two: Chapter Thirty
Part Two: Chapter Thirty One
Part Two: Chapter Thirty Two
Part Two: Chapter Thirty Three
Part Two: Chapter Thirty Four
Part Two: Chapter Thirty Five
Part Two: Chapter Thirty Six
Part Two: Chapter Thirty Seven
Part Two: Chapter Thirty Eight
Part Two: Chapter Thirty Nine
Part Two: Chapter Forty
Part Two: Chapter Forty One
Part Two: Chapter Forty Two
Part Two: Chapter Forty Three
Part Two: Chapter Forty Four
Part Two: Chapter Forty Five
Part Two: Forty Six
Oneus Atlanta Concert 2023

Chapter Twenty (Edited)

244 14 2
By J-kNightshade

A little over an hour and a half later the two had dressed before making their way down to meet with the witch. Hwanwoong's hand was wrapped in Ravn's arm, the Demon King leading the younger, but the simple act was much more than what it was. The demon didn't want to lose the feeling of the younger's touch, he had gone too long without it.

"You said my mother wants to do testing?" Ravn growled lowly then sighed heavily. "Can't she wait and let us relax for the time being. You just woke up; we don't need to go through anything else."

"I know but I'd feel better knowing why it happened and that it's out of the way so we can focus on the more important things."

"I still don't like it."

"Neither do I but from what she told Leedo; me glowing wasn't supposed to happen." The younger king spoke. "We need to make sure nothing went wrong and that I'm actually immortal."

"You're immortal, I can feel it." Ravn told him.

"I believe you but still, there's more questions than answers at this point and I'd like if we found out as much as we can. Theoretically I shouldn't be alive." Another growl came from the other king and Hwanwoong immediately shushed his protecting husband by speaking again. "I know I was so confident but and I don't know why I think I shouldn't be alive, but I just have a feeling that this wasn't what the gods had planned for me. But I am alive, and I'd like to know why."

They finally made it downstairs walking into the throne room where they met Sybil who was sitting at the war table with Sol.

"Hwanwoong, dear, thank the gods above everything worked out well." The woman was up from her chair walking over to tightly hug the young man.

"Thank you for everything, this wouldn't have been possible without you." The man said with a wide smile hugging her back. "But I think we both know there's more that needs to be discussed on why I'm still alive."

Her smile faded. "So, you've figured our you're not supposed to be alive."

"I was right to assume so, I see." Hwanwoong whispered, getting a nod in return.

"What kind of tests will you being running on him." Ravn demanded, crossing his arms as they all moved back toward the war table.

"Straight to the point."

"Well, when I hear both my husband and mother say he shouldn't be alive, it bothers me. Granted I'm happy he's alive and that's all I really care about but I'm more worried on the phycological damage this might do to him. Hearing he wasn't supposed to be alive can be a lot and I need to make sure he's perfectly fine after all this." Ravn growled lowly. "My concern now is you; you look as if you haven't slept yet and you were up for days. Are you truly okay to be running tests on him when you haven't even rested properly yet?"

"It's true I haven't slept."

"Exactly why I think this should wait." The demon told her. "You need sleep before we go any further."

Sybil shook her head. "No, I have a theory that needs to be tested. I've been up all night going through my grimoire and won't be able to sleep until I know for sure."

With a heavy sigh, Ravn nodded. "Fine but why is it that you've been going through your grimoire? I thought it only held your spells."

She smiled softly at them as she took a seat at the table, the mentioned grimoire sitting in front of her. "Because you took the job of being Hwan' guard, I never got to tell you of the grimoire or pass it down to you. And then you left too fast with the twins for me to even give it to you that I've kept it until now. Technically this grimoire should be yours by now but that's beside the point.

"My point is that what I never got to tell you about it was that it holds more than just spells. It holds so much of our history and the life and notes of each witch or wizard that held it before us. It holds the creation of the Shade. Of the very first witch and he own creations. And it holds my own notes for how I turned you immortal for the first time and how I helped Hwan to get pregnant. It even shows how I reincarnated the twins at birth and tied their souls to Hwan.

"It holds everything, and when I finally pass this grimoire to you and then you to Xion, then it will hold whatever you see fit." She explained with such enthusiasm.

"What does this have to do with me glowing or being alive for that matter?" Hwanwoong asked softly.

"It helped me with what test I should run on you." She answered back.

"And what exactly is it you'll be testing for?" The younger asked.

"The exact reason you're glowing." She answered, making her son's frown deepen.

"Stop being vague, mother, what are you testing for." He growled lowly, crossing his arms over his chest and sending her a glare.

"Let's just run the test for now and if I'm right then I'll let you know, alright?"

"Fine, let's just get this over with." Ravn said. "Now what do you need to do to start?"

Sybil gestured to the table. "Hwanwoong why don't you come meditate with me."

"You're meditating?" Ravn asked in pure astonishment.

"No, he'll be meditating." She answered with a small smile as she waved her hand over the table and a black stone bowl filled with water appeared. "I'll be scrying in my bowl."

Ravn nodded but Hwanwoong, still not used to witchcraft, cocked his head in confusion before asking. "What is scrying?"

"It's something like looking into the future or your inner self. It'll give me a general idea of what I'm already suspecting. And then from there I'll meditate with you into communicating with your inner thoughts to confirm what the scrying is telling me." She answered, trying her best to explain everything to the best of her abilities. "Now, close your eyes, dear."

He did as told, closing his eyes as Sybil faced her bowl, looking into the water. Silence settled over the three of them, Ravn watching his mother as her eyes became vacant. The silence was killing him, but he needed to know exactly what was going on with his husband. As if the thought of the younger was directing his eyes, he found himself watching Hwanwoong who took soft breaths. He looked as if he were at peace, a complete opposite of the look of pure ecstasy the king saw the younger wear the night before.

Sybil speaking is what drew his attention, his eyes shooting back over to her as she leaned forward taking Hwanwoong's face in her hands. "Speak to me..."

As if on cue, Hwanwoong's eyes flashed open, and his voice didn't waver as he spoke. "Who dares wake me?" The young king's eyes were a solid white and his voice took on a more feminine tone.

"My name is Sybil." The witch answered, her eyes opening as she removed her hands and sat back into her seat. "Can I know your name?"

"I have no name." The voice spoke through Hwanwoong. "Yet I have many, which do your desire?"

"The one in which you are referred to by many." Sybil spoke.

"The mother of witches." The voice answered.

"The first witch." Ravn breathed out. "But how?"

Hwanwoong...The First Witch looked to Ravn, her eyes gauging his movement and deeming them non-threatening. And then registration crossed her eyes.

With a soft smile she smiled. "I was tired of my life as the first witch. I had seen all and created so many of our kind. I wanted something new and exciting, but I didn't want to simply exist anymore. So, I found a fallen warrior on a closing battlefield. I believe you know him as Hwan.

"I performed a simple spell that transferred my all into him. I tied our souls together and we essentially became one. It was too late to save him; I had found him too late. But I knew he would reincarnate, meaning I would live out his next life. I would simply act as his conscience when necessary and watch as his life played out."

"You essentially became his guardian angel." Sybil asked.

"Yes." The First Witch answered looking back at the other. "And when he chose to become immortal, I was skeptical of staying with him. But I saw how determined he was to stay with him family so when he died again, I gave him a bit of a push."

"He died again..." Ravn trailed off; his heart felt as if it were breaking in half.

She looked back at him. "You both knew the risk he was taking but yes, he did. The only reason he is alive, and immortal now is because I like having him as my host. I have grown attached to him and your family."

"So, you brought him back and let my spell work." Sybil questioned.

The First Witch shook her head. "No, your spell didn't take effect after I brought him back. I had to spend the next week and a half preforming my own spell to give him my immortality."

Sybil nodded.

"Thank you." It was the demon king who spoke, his voice wavering slightly. "Because of you I haven't lost the love of my life."

She smiled at him. "How could I let one of my most powerful warlocks lose his meaning in life. Besides, like I have said, I have grown fond of Hwanwoong and your family."

Ravn nodded with a soft smile. "Now that we know about you, will you become more active."

She shook her head. "No, I'm letting him lead our life."

"And what ever happened to your familiar, Ember?" Sybil questioned.

"She roams Daemonium land." The First Witch answered. "She knows of what I did, and she has roamed this land looking for me. She can feel me, but I told her to find a new master before I merged with Hwan."

"You gave up your familiar?"

"How is she not dead?" Ravn questioned. "Familiars often die without their master."

"I severed our bond in hopes she'd find a new master. She will be able to bond with them freely and without consequence. Though I am surprised she has yet to find Hwanwoong and ask him to be her master."

"But he isn't a warlock, he possesses no magical alignment."

"Witchcraft isn't simply being born into the practice and possessing power. How do you think I created our kind; I found your elders and trained them? They picked up the practice as second nature and developed their own power. If Hwanwoong were to choose this path, he could develop his own power and become a warlock."

"I've heard about that." Sybil mumbled. "But wouldn't he be weaker than a born warlock?"

"As my host if he chooses to awaken himself to our way of life, then he would be just as powerful. My power, though it may be dormant, is coursing through his veins."

"So, what you're saying is that he's a dormant warlock and if a familiar chose him as its master than he'd be able to bond with them."

"Precisely." She answered. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've taken enough of his time away from him. I'd like to go back to being dormant."

"By all means. do as you please." Ravn answered. "Thank you for taking care of him, I promise to keep you both safe and protected."

"Thank you, child." She smiled, before closing her eyes.

A few moments later Hwanwoong blinked his eyes open, hand reaching up to rub his temple. "What just happened?"

Ravn stared at the younger with a soft smile on his face. "We know why you're alive..."

Hwanwoong cocked his head to the side. "And why is that?"

"You and the First Witch are the same person. Well, she tied your souls to become one." Sybil answered for the demon king who stood speechless, watching the younger.

"How could she have done that? I don't remember ever meeting her."

"She found Hwan' body and merged the two souls there on the battlefield." Sybil explained. "She's grown attached to you and your life so when you didn't make it through the immortality process, she gave up hers and gave it to you."

"She saved But how?" Hwanwoong whispered.

"Yes." The witch answered. "She took over your body for a while to explain all this to us."

"What happens now then?" He looked around at the two before him, his eyes settling on his silent husband. "Ravn?"

Ravn shook his head before grinning at the younger. "Hi, love."

Hwanwoong smiled back. "Hi."

"What happens now is you live your life." Sybil told him. "Now if you excuse me, I would like to go rest now."

"Thank you, it means a lot to me that you've put your all into this." Hwanwoong smiled at her pulling away.

She patted his cheek with a soft smile. "For you, anything my child. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

He hugged her again before letting her go, the witch's voice carrying out to him as she stepped away fully and began to walk away. "Well, this old bat needs more sleep; you boys have fun and wake me up if I'm needed for anything."

And just like that she whisked herself out of the room, leaving the laughing bunch at the table. Ravn leading himself and his husband over toward the table. 

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