pie guy | sweeney todd x read...

By smithsenthusiast

32.1K 1.1K 2.1K

"I'm sorry, why do you need to see the ju-" "No reason. Come on." Mr. Todd interrupted, and (y/n) didn't arg... More



3.6K 138 128
By smithsenthusiast


"You're actually going to steal her, thought that was a joke." (y/n) said, patting Anthony on the back.


The three were in Mr. Todd's new barber shop. Mr. Todd stood and looked out the window in a very awkward stance, while (y/n) was watching Mrs. Lovett slump in a chair.

"It's not much of a chair, I'll grant, but it'll serve. Was me poor Albert's chair. Sat in it all day long he did, after his leg gave out from the gout, poor dear." Mrs Lovett said while rubbing the arm of the chair.

(y/n) patted Mrs. Lovett's arm supportively, while Mr. Todd paced around the room like a caged tiger.

"Are you alright?" (y/n) asked the clearly stressed man.

"Why doesn't the Beadle come? 'Before the week is out,' that's what he said." Mr. Todd frustratedly stated.

"Well who says the week is out?" Mrs. Lovett asked, "It's only Tuesday." Mr. Todd just rolled his eyes.

"Hate to say it, but she's got a point." (y/n) said, and Mr. Todd glared daggers at her. She raised her hands in defense, and backed up slowly.

He chuckled slightly at the girl's humor, but he was still angry. He wanted his revenge on the judge, he couldn't focus on anything else.

He continued to pace around the room, and Mrs. Lovett went and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Easy now, hush love hush." she said, and he simply just kept walking. (y/n) watched awkwardly in the corner, not wanting to disturb the obviously emotional barber.

"I've been thinking of flowers: maybe daisies! To brighten up the room." Mrs. Lovett suggested. Mr. Todd completely ignored her and continued on pacing. At least he's getting his steps in.

"Don't you think some daisies might relieve the gloom?" she asked. Todd just walked over and sat down in the chair, grabbing his largest razor and examining it carefully.

"And the Judge? When will we get to him?" Todd asked the razor. Mrs. Lovett rolled her eyes, and (y/n) gave the two of them one very confused look.

"Shh not in front of the poor girl." Mrs. Lovett whispered to him, just quiet enough for (y/n) not to hear.

"Hey Mr. Todd," (y/n) started, "I'm like 27% sure on what's happening, but I'm sure it'll be okay." she said with a small smile.

Her words calmed him down significantly, and he let out a small breath. Mrs. Lovett moved her hand closer to his face, and he flinched slightly at the contact.

"Maybe gillyflowers instead of daisies." she suggested. Mr. Todd just nodded so she would get off his ass about flowers.

Just then, Todd jumped up out of the seat. The two girls followed him, and to their surprise, there stood Anthony at the door.

He opened it and the little bell rang as he walked inside.

"Anthony!" (y/n) exclaimed. She ran over to him to give him a small hug. He hugged back, rubbing her back in a friendly manner.

"Mr. Todd!" Anthony exclaimed, shaking his hand. He turned towards the curly haired women beside Todd.

"Mrs. Lovett, sir." she replied, shaking his hand as well.

"A pleasure, ma'am," Anthony started, "You see, there's a girl who needs my help. A beautiful one! She seems lonely-"

"Slow down, Anthony." Mr. Todd said.

"Right sorry. This girl has a guardian so tyrannical that he keeps her locked away. But then this morning she dropped this ..." He held up a key, and they all examined it carefully.

"It must be a sign that Johanna wants me to help her -that's her name, Johanna- and Turpin is her guardian, I found her where I found (y/n)!" Anthony continued.

"We've met him before, me and (y/n). He is unnatural." he said, "Once he goes to court, I'm going to slip into the house and release her, and beg her to come away with me. Tonight!" Anthony finished.

"Oh, this is all terribly romantic." Mrs. Lovett said.

"You're actually going to steal her, thought that was a joke." (y/n) said, patting Anthony on the back.

Anthony turned to Todd, "Well you see, I don't know anyone in London. If I could keep her here, just for an hour or two, I would forever be in your debt."

Mr. Todd just stared blankly, not knowing what to say.

"Bring her here, dear." Mrs. Lovett chimed in. Anthony smiled brightly.

"Thank you ma'am! Mr. Todd?" Anthony questioned.

"The girl may come." Todd replied smoothly. Anthony jumped in excitement, and took Mr. Todd's hand in his.

"Oh thank you!" he replied. He ran over and shook Mrs. Lovett's hand as well, and ran up to (y/n) and kissed her on the forehead.

He walked out of the building, and the three stood in silence.

"Seems like the fates are favoring you at last, Mr. T." Mrs. Lovett said. Mr. Todd grunted unhappily in reply.

"What is it, love? You'll have her back before the day is out." she said, and he rolled his eyes.

"For a few hours? Before he carries her off to the other end of England?" he said, clearly irritated.

"Oh, the boy." Mrs. Lovett said.

"Uh why do you want the girl-" a confused (y/n) asked

"It's a long story, love." Mrs. Lovett said, and she nodded.

"Well, we could always just ..." (y/n) made a throat slitting action. "KIDDING. I'M KIDDING. PLEASE DON'T KICK ME OUT-"

Mrs. Lovett giggled, but little did (y/n) know that that's what she was genuinely thinking.

Mrs. Lovett walked around the shop, tidying up a few things to make it look more "homey". "Poor little Johanna. All those years without a scrap of motherly affection. Well, we'll soon see to that ..."

"What's this?" Todd asked, alarmed. The two girls ran over to the window where he was standing. To their surprise, there stood Signor Pirelli and his slave.

"Look at that face, he's up to mischief." Mrs. Lovett said, glaring at the barber.

"Go, keep the boy below with you both." Todd said, and Mrs. Lovett left quickly.

"Are you going to be alright?" (y/n) asked the worried man. She was concerned for him.

"Yes Miss (l/n), I'll be alright. Now go help Mrs. Lovett with the boy, I'm not sure how good she is with children." he smiled at her, and she giggled.

"Okay okay. Good luck with Pirelli Spaghetti." she said as she waved. He laughed at the girl's analogy.

"Go." he demanded softly. She nodded and closed the door, the little bell ringing as she left.

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