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"Are you sure? You're acting kind of sus." she said, and he looked puzzled.



"Ladies, is Mr. Todd at home?" Pirelli asked while stepping through the door. His suit was still too tight, it made (y/n) very uncomfortable.

"Playing his trade upstairs," Mrs. Lovett said, "don't you know." She stood on the staircase, blocking the way for Pirelli while looking at the kid.

"Ma'am?" The boy asked. He looked scared, and (y/n) felt for him.

"You wouldn't mind if we gave him a pie, would you?" (y/n) asked. The kids face lit up and he turned towards Pirelli.

"Yes, yes, whatever you like." Pirelli said impatiently. (y/n) took the boys hand and led him to a table. Mrs. Lovett went to get a pie while Pirelli went upstairs.

"So, what's your name?" (y/n) asked sweetly. He smiled at her, feeling appreciated for once.

"Toby! And you ma'am?"

"I'm (y/n)." She smiled, and he shook her hand. Mrs. Lovett brought over a disgusting pie, but Toby didn't seem to mind.

Mrs. Lovett seemed very distracted by the loud footsteps happening in the barber shop, but (y/n) didn't seem to mind.

"You were hungry!" (y/n) exclaimed as Toby gobbled down the pie. She honestly didn't know how he did it. The pie looked like it was coughed up by a donkey, sent to hell, let satan spit on it and sent it back up.

"Like to see a man with a healthy appetite. Reminds me of my dear Albert, like to gorge himself to bloatation, he did. He didn't have your nice full head of hair though."

Toby pulled off his hat and along with it the curls. "To tell you the truth, it gets awful hot." he had short brown pointy hair. It wasn't as nice as the curls, but it suited him.

(y/n) laughed a bit at the boy, and he chuckled slightly. Mrs. Lovett gave a small smile, but was distracted by the footsteps happening on the floor above.

Meanwhile upstairs, Pirelli wandered into the shop. "Mr. Todd."

"Signor Pirelli."

"Call me Danny. Daniel Higgins' the name when it's not professional." he said, switching to his normal accent.

"I'd like me five quid back, if you don't mind." he said, and Sweeney looked at him confused.

"Why?" Todd asked.

"Because you entered into our little wager on false pretenses, my friend," he turned to look out the window, "And so you might remember to be more forthright in the future, you'll be handing over half your profits to me, share and share alike."

Sweeney shook his head and turned around, unamused, until Pirelli turned around again.

"Mr. Benjamin Barker." Todd froze, not knowing what to do.

Pirelli strolled around the shop, touching anything and everything. "Yes, this will do nicely," he said, "you don't remember me, do you?" he asked. "Well, why should you? I was just a down and out Irish pug you hired for a couple of weeks - to sweep up hair and like."

He moved to pick up one of Todd's razors. "But I remember these - And how could I ever forget you, Benjamin Barker?"

Todd glared at him, listening to the sound of the kettle get louder and louder.

"So, do we have a deal, or should I run down the street for me pal Beadle Bamford? What do you say to that now, Mr. Sween-"

Just then, the kettle grew the loudest. Todd grabbed it and bashed Pirelli's head with it. He struck him over and over again, not worrying about anybody downstairs.

Pirelli lay on the ground, blood draining from everywhere on his head. Todd looked down at his sleeve and realized it's covered in the salmon coloured blood.

He panicked, and shoved the body into a nearby chest.

The three others were still enjoying themselves downstairs, even though Mrs. Lovett seemed fairly distracted by whatever was happening upstairs.

Toby was talking about how he ended up with the Italian man, until he realized that he needed to go.

"-Oh God! He's got an appointment with his tailor! If he's late, he'll blame me!" Toby bolted up, clearly terrified of Pirelli.

"Toby wait!" (y/n) yelled. Toby ran up to the barber shop anyway, and (y/n) looked at Mrs. Lovett hopefully.

"Could you go get him darling?" she asked, and (y/n) nodded.

She ran up after the boy, and he was already talking to Todd.

"Where's Signor?" Toby asked the tall man.

"Signor Pirelli has been called away. You better run after him." Todd said, and ushered the boy out.

"Oh no sir, I better wait for him here, or it'll be a great lashing." Toby went to sit on the chest, where Pirelli's limp hand was dangling out of.

Toby and (y/n) both didn't notice, but Todd did. He smiled nervously.

"So, hmmm, Mrs. Lovett gave you a pie, did she?" Todd asked him.

"She's a real lady, along with (y/n). Actually, especially (y/n)." Toby said, and (y/n) smiled. Todd almost got lost in her smile for a second, but you know, priorities.

"Yes (y/n) is quite the lady." Todd said, smirking towards her. She blushed slightly. "But if I know a boy, there's room for another pie, eh?"

Toby shook his head. "It's an aching void, sir."

"Come on Toby, let's just go back downstairs. Mr. Todd's busy." (y/n) said innocently, but Toby didn't budge.

"I should really stay here-"

"Why don't you tell Mrs. Lovett I said to give you a nice tot of gin." Todd interrupted, and Toby's face lit up.

"Oh thank you, sir!" he exclaimed, and ran back downstairs. (y/n) giggled a bit at the boy's foolishness.

"Hey, Mr. Todd?" she asked. He moaned a little to acknowledge her request. "Are you alright? You seem awful tense."

He turned to face her. He walked over slowly, and stood inches away from her.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You're acting kind of sus." she said, and he looked puzzled.


"Uh, suspicious." she corrected, and he tensed up. He moved his hand so it cupped her face, and she felt her whole body warm up.

"I promise, I am alright. Now go check on the boy. He seems to really like you." he said while lightly moving his thumb up and down her cheek.

(y/n) nodded and left quickly. She couldn't contain the butterflies in her stomach and she couldn't tell why. She had only known him a few days.

"Damn it." Todd said to himself. He worried he scared her off. That was never his intention, she just made him feel all soft inside.

"I have to take care of a body now."


I FINALLY GOT OFF MY ASS AND WROTE A CHAPTER! im really sorry it took so long, schools been a bitch and ive been dreaming about being a pirate. anyways, you're all amazing and i love you all mwah.

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